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/fa/ - Fashion

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6434901 No.6434901[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Getting ready for a dinner date, what does /fa/ think? Should I change the pocket square?

>> No.6434915


>> No.6434911

lose some weight, fatty

>> No.6434909

No, but you should shave that ugly mustache.

>> No.6434919

you should lose some fucking weight faggot

>> No.6434924

I bet this guy works at Mcdonalds.

>> No.6434938

change to Pyrex shorts

>> No.6434942

Is this dinner date at the Waldorf Astoria?

>> No.6434946

Why do you post mfa pics as your own? Do you think you're funny?

>> No.6434958
File: 17 KB, 300x225, Newman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this Newman

>> No.6435038


came here to post this. you better get on the hype train before it's too late.

>> No.6435070

le classy faec

>> No.6435299
File: 16 KB, 460x288, Dmitry-Medvedev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup dmitry

>> No.6435904

guys don't fuck with the mafia.

>> No.6436332

>bf wears suits all day for work
>never goes on a date in a suit

if you wear a suit on a date, you look like you're trying too hard
if it's frst date and your date asks your vocation
you'll let her down if you're not a doc/lawyer/speaker

>> No.6436354

Lose the suit, the moustache and some weight.

>> No.6436385
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>> No.6436395

no one on /fa/ looks remotely like that, nor will they ever.

>> No.6436397

Fuck my job in investments. Guess making close to 50 million a year doesn't entitle me to wearing a suit.

>> No.6436408
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>> No.6436411

That's a nice looking suit, fits you well OP. Still, lose weight and shave that caterpillar under your nose.

>> No.6436439


went to the ann store yesterday, the nicest people work there, and the shop is fucking beautiful

was tripping out on how good a rack of ann d looks in person

>> No.6436465
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spring 2014 was so awful tho, and the last season i saw in person, spring 2012, was abyssal in terms of quality. cheap fabrics and poor construction.

>> No.6436468

there's an ann d store in cali?

>> No.6436473


he's in Belgium right now iirc



>> No.6436479
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unfathomably terrible :^)

>> No.6436486


abysmal is ur word silly

>> No.6436494


hmm maybe something has changed from spring 2012

the fabrics were excellent, insanely high quality, particularly the silks. and the construction was essentially the same as it always has been for ann, the way that many of her mainstays have been construction doesnt seem to vary a huge amount over the years.

its in the south part of antwerp, and outside there are huge trees everywhere, the new collection will arrive in august, so everything is on sale now.

>> No.6436490


o shit for Antwerp? good luck man :~)

>> No.6436502
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the abyssal depths to which construction has fallen

when i tried on a size too small jacket it felt like i was gonna hulk out of it. it didn't resist my movement so much as it felt like the sleeves were about to disintegrate.

>> No.6436504
File: 1.99 MB, 1224x1753, tumblr_mp99766PeS1s8wg0go8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks man, i completed the examination yesterday. i was stressed as fuck because there were almost 300 applicants this time and about 20 spots. basically got lucky. the people that are applying here are fucking scary good.

>> No.6436510


What is the exam like? When do you find out?

>> No.6436507

shave off your shoddy fucking mustache and get a respectable haircut. furthermore, kill yourself

>> No.6436521


hmm, i dont know what model/fabric the jacket you tried on was, but my experience with ann's clothing has been the opposite. all of the outerwear is finished with fairly heavy topstitching, many pieces used size 69 nylon thread which was weird to me because its kind of an industrial thread.

>> No.6436537
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it was a lightweight cotton blazer of some sort. cool design, slightly asymmetrical and could be buttoned shut or fastened with a strap

>> No.6436545

take off the tie at least, get that oily stuff out of your hair and shave that pubescent moustache
and maybe put on some black trousers

>> No.6436550
File: 1.77 MB, 1238x1753, tumblr_mp99766PeS1s8wg0go4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the exam was two days of drawing. the first day we were instructed to do a drawing in black and white mediums and show technical ability.

After that, we had to create as many pieces in color or using different techniques and media as possible and re interpret the still life in a variety of ways.

we had from 9am to 6pm the first day, and i never stopped drawing for the 9 hours.

the second day we had from 9am to 12am to finish our color drawings, during this time they pulled us from the classrooms for private interviews, where we showed the instructors our work and our essays/resumes.

At noon, we left, and they instructed us to come back at 6PM to hear the students that were accepted.

We came back to the school at 6, and there was a huge crowd of applicants waiting on the bottom floor. The headmistress and the other instructors came down the stairs and said "we will only announce the names of the students who succeeded on the exam, there are too many students so we can not announce all of the failures unfortunately" and then she said the names of all the students accepted. I was lucky enough to be one of them.

>> No.6436552


yaaaaaaay congrats man

when do you move

>> No.6436553

congratulations dude, that's fantastic!

>> No.6436569

You were accepted in antwerp? Wow, congratulations! When will you move there? Will you continue making clothes there, I mean the ones you've made for us before.

>> No.6436572

Holy shit man!! I'm happy for you.

dont forget us when you're a famous designer 8)

>> No.6436575
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i have to get a rental agreement as soon as possible in order to receive a belgian residence card, which is a requirement in order to attend school. I also have to undergo dutch language study as a foreign student, so i will move quite soon in order to attend classes for dutch.


thanks! i just feel very lucky! the hard part is to finish school here, very few people complete the program due to pressure

>> No.6436590


yeah, this summer I will create an actual website for an archive of projects, but i expect to continue making custom clothing for people. i enjoy it regardless...


thanks dude, will probably post here much more rarely but i tend to lurk now and then even when im busy


interesting, more than anything, i liked the knits and silk shirts at the store, the outerwear was a little too dramatic/romantic looking to me. however her tailoring is great, just not my taste as much

>> No.6436593
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ann usually loses me with the tailoring, both the men's and women's have these goliath, somewhat dated shoulder padding
knits r gr8 tho, shame they seem to be disappearing from the runway presentations

>> No.6436612


yeah all the knits at the store were made in belgium, i would love to see where they are produced. fucking expensive though, oversized cardigan in silk/alpaca was 500 euro and it was 50% off.

>> No.6436604
File: 15 KB, 500x625, annddressss97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grtz btw

>> No.6436615
File: 482 KB, 1280x856, Frozen_Seas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations, brother! You deserve it.
9 Hours of drawing! Jesus, man!

4Chan, home to the top and bottom 2%.

>> No.6436620

I've heard you have to learn only really basic Dutch, but then don't they give classes in English too?

actually i might be remembering what you told me when i hit you up on sufu like, last fall hahah.

>> No.6436625

Now let's reread the OP guys.

>> No.6436622
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production is going all over the place it seems, swear ive seen some tailoring from tunisia and that makes me sad
all my old stuff was from belgium and france and it is so gr8

>> No.6436634


lel no

>> No.6436649
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thanks dude. the instructor made it very clear that we were expected to produce a large body of work within the timeframe, lots of people left to go eat, but i was so worried never left the room to stop drawing.


yeah, 99% of foreign applicants pass the language course, it is very basic, not a big concern. the examination is the challenge.


yeah i saw tunisia jackets and romanian ones as well. eastern bloc countries have extremely skilled sewers and lower wages than italian sewers so im not really surprised. certain raf tailoring is made in hungary, perfect contruction.


sorry for the derail man

>> No.6436687

H-hey, the derail was a joke, you are supposed t-to laugh on it. OP is a troll post anyway, no one cares so congratulations!

>> No.6436805

congrats man!
Best of luck studying at antwerp!

>> No.6436848
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>> No.6436886

congrats man. make sure you take the time to travel the rest of europe some time, theres so much to see here.

>> No.6436902


yeah for sure, gonna see family in rotterdam later this week, also many of my family is swiss, gonna visit them outside of geneva.

also rammstein is playing in a small town in france, would like to see them again.

anything cool that you would recommend right now? i am kinda busy cuz i have to deal with finding a rental+admissions processing but i am going to explore for another 9 days before i go.

>> No.6436929

generally, these are cities you pretty much have to go to: venice,rome,paris,london,stockholm,berlin,amsterdam

>> No.6436948


what city do you live?

i personally do not enjoy really tourism kind of trips, when i visit places, i like to find really dope design, clothes, walk around the dirtier parts of the city and drink good beer/booze and see music. so mainly i think berlin would be cool for that, and i have never been to london so those are my top places, however I want to visit milan (because clothes) very much. i suspect i will only have time for berlin and maybe milan before i go but i will see.

>> No.6436952

I feel like this guy should be trying to sell me a used BMW at a car dealership or something...

>> No.6436962


more like an early 90s volvo in a bad brownish color

>> No.6436973


If you make it to Amsterdam, check out Utrecht as well, it's a lot less touristy and equally beautiful. And the hookers are on boats.

>> No.6436982

vienna at the moment, but for the most part of my life i lived in stockholm and berlin. theyre all great cities to live in

>> No.6436994


excellent, i think it will be good to be busy going from one area to the next, thanks for the input

>> No.6437268

maybe a lighter color, or white?
looks good, i like the mustache

>> No.6437301


jealous man

best of luck dude

you are a really good guy, you deserve it

>> No.6437307


lol twerk it is really jelly as fuck, i can imagine him with his screwed up face crying because he will nver be as talented as User, just a psuedo-fashionista who has absolutely NO talent