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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 22 KB, 295x767, musicfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6431259 No.6431259[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6431261

listening to music you like and not giving a fuck

Shit Tier
hey guys I liek grimestep with breakbeat elements am I cool yet
Skrillex is so bad guise listen to some real music for adults such as me Miles Davis xDD

>> No.6431262

id say fuck off /mu/ but your taste looks way too awful for you to be a /mu/tant

>> No.6431271


I'm agreeing with this.

Don't give a fuck about whatever you're listening, I listen to metal, jazz, blues, dnb and other genres. I listen to my music and don't give a fuck about the others.

I even like a song of Taylor Swift which is massive commercial and some people call tool music. But I like it and don't give a fuck about the what the others think about my taste of music.

>> No.6431270
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>he mad

>> No.6431278

I have music ranging from Wu Tang to Death Grips to Miley Cyrus to Kreayshawn
if you like it listen to it only use /mu/ as a recommendation board don't only listen to what they say you should

>> No.6431283

Prog-metal is fedora-core. Just technical wankery.

>> No.6431292

wrong board

ps. this is wrong and dumb

>> No.6431294

>God tier
>dub techno


>I love dub techno, Andy Stott, the list could go on

>> No.6431305

Sandwell District
Silent Servant
Barker & Baumecker

the list could go on...

>> No.6431308


But none of those are dub techno, you fucking retard. That's Berghain techno garbage with some dub elements

>> No.6431315

>berghain techno garbage

didn't get in did ya fuccboi

>> No.6431316
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>not dub techno
>that's techno with some dub elements

>> No.6431331


>durrr if it has elements of [X] it means it's X

By that logic, dub techno should be called "dub reggae" since it has A LOT of elements from it.

>> No.6431338
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>dub techno should be called "dub reggae" since it has A LOT of elements from it.
Prove it then.

>> No.6431339


>> No.6431345

>no Future Garage
>no Ambient
>no Shoegaze
>no Chanson
>no Jazz
>no Classical Music
>no Muzak
Just give up now and go back to >>>/mu/

>> No.6431351
File: 39 KB, 250x250, 1211234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


go to discogs and look at the discogs of the garbage you posted

find me a single one of their albums/EP's classified under "dub techno"

you'll might find a couple but by and large, none of those are considered dub techno. It's plainly techno, "da berghain sound" or industrial techno

but keep listening to overhyped trash and thinking you're superior because it sounds like it fits on MUH DICK OVENS aesthetics

ps: the fact you don't know the connection between dub techno and reggae only proves how much of a nigger pleb you are

>> No.6431355

Future garage is shit.
Ambient is Mallcore, except Glitch Ambient which can be put in "MEH TIER"
Shoegaze is "SHIT TIER"
Chanson is "SHIT TIER"
Jazz is "UNTERMENSCH TIER" (nigger music) except for Free Jazz

>> No.6431361

>I have music ranging from Wu Tang to Death Grips to Miley Cyrus to Kreayshawn
I can't tell if you're being ironic or not

>> No.6431362

how do you guys feel about retrowave btw

>> No.6431368


>> No.6431369
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>using discogs to prove his arguments

>> No.6431375
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>trusting the judgement of a pleb that is asking me to prove the connection between dub techno and reggae

I'll stick to the aspie German mods at discogs, thank you very much

>> No.6431381

sometimes i wonder if you people actually exist or if you're just some kind of 4chan script

>> No.6431418

Discussing music is for plebs. You listen to it, you enjoy it or you don't, but you don't argue about it. That's just silly.

>> No.6431422

>Discussing fashion is for plebs. You wear it, you enjoy it or you don't, but you don't argue about it. That's just silly.

>> No.6431453

you try to say that ironically, but yeah, that's my opinion, too. fashionable people don't discuss fashion. they don't even talk fashion. There's nothing more embarrassing than someone stepping up "heeey cool is that yohji you're wearing?".

I mean of course that's an illusion - fashionable people have to get their info and inspo from somewhere - but that's where anonymous online boards come into play. I never even talk fashion IRL - that's a sign of overthinking, and nothing kills style more than even the slightest hint of the wearer overthinking.

>> No.6431454

what the

fuck off you spastic and stop making up words

>> No.6431458

>goes on a fashion discussion forum
>hates discussing fashion

>> No.6431462

me too

>> No.6431467



where does it say this is a discussion forum

it could be anything

>> No.6431468

There is no such thing as /fa/ music you hipster. Music can't be fashionable. Get back to /mu/ bitch

>> No.6431481

i would really appreciate if you just took a single second to try and find out what I'm saying in my posts.

I never said I hate to discuss fashion. I even pointed out why fashion boards are an important factor in the education of fashion.
Why don't you turn off your trip until you either have acquired either the skill of reading comprehension or the ability to make an effort to understand what people are trying to say, because obviously you don't have much to say yourself.

>> No.6431486

yeah no, you do really just come on here to be sarcastic BP, you do suck as a person

>> No.6431493

why are you mentioning discussing fashion irl when its not relevant at all. the guy i quoted was obviously talking about this thread (on the internet), when i quoted him i was obviously talking about threads like these (on the internet). not my fault you brought irl autism into the discussion.

>> No.6431511

the guy you originally quoted was me. I was not talking about internet discussion, but IRL discussion. While we're on 4chan, we are all plebs anyway, so that would be a futile point to make.
It doesn't matter either way, because we're anonymous here anyway, and that's the reason why we can behave as silly as we want. At least I hope it's that way and people on here aren't like that IRL, running around at parties, starting silly arguments, calling people fuccbois and using the word "backpeddling" every other second when someone is making an argument.

>> No.6431515

so you said that discussing music was for plebs, in a thread on the internet about discussing music, and expected us to infer that you meant real life discussion, not the thread that you were posting in


>> No.6431523

fuck off and die

or go do something just stop being a tosser

>> No.6431540

>caring about what others think of you

Top insecurity. Also,

>Metal above hip hop in terms of maturity

Shiggy doo

>> No.6431551
File: 39 KB, 482x402, cocktailparty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes I did. I mean, isn't it obvious that discussing anything at all on 4chan is what real people would consider "pleb"?

pic related, what you don't say when going out with friends if you're in your right mind.

>> No.6431577

That's the worst list I've ever seen

>> No.6431586

>Like my bloody valentine
>Can't talk about them offline without people thinking they are that emo band from 2005

>> No.6431590

why are they called my bloody valentine then

>> No.6431595

oh my god. I just realized that. I would've fallen for that, too.

Bullet for my Valentine is that emo band, right? sheesh

>> No.6431599

after the film

>> No.6431607


fuck that messed me up for so long

also i thought it was jeff magnum for months

>> No.6431606

what film

>> No.6431611

you cant just do that

thats like calling a band star wars

the names already taken

>> No.6431612

My Bloody Valentine

>> No.6431615

is it good

>> No.6431618


>> No.6431630

i might watch it now

gotta b alrite if its got a whole band pretedning to be it

>> No.6431645

>black metal


Yep, Hip-Hop confirmed for sub-human tier.

>> No.6431649

There's a remake as well.

>> No.6431651

>sed "Super Troopers" movie.
>Based "Super Troopers" movie

super troopers is based as fuck

>> No.6431658

>what is observational selection?
One of the least thought out posts I've ever seen, and this is 4chan.

>> No.6431666

>the best black metal you could pick out was trendy p4k shit


>> No.6431674

>It was reviewed by P4K so it's HIPSTER SHIT LELEL LELELELEL xD, GOB2 STARBUCKS HISPTER :D ^________^

>> No.6431678

seriously tho youre supposed to be a black metal defener and the best you can think of is a mediorcre album that came out a couple weeks ago? weak

>> No.6431684

>a mediorcre album


>> No.6431686

I know this feel son
>dat qt as fuckkk blonde

>> No.6431695

hey guys, since this is the music related thread on this board, i was wondering if anyone would mind checking out our latest track. We're gaining ground in the Australian deathcore scene, but faggots on mu prefer to listen to shitty feminine indie rock. Don't forget to rate and subscribe.

>> No.6431690

why are u so elitist

ur an awful prick


>> No.6431698

Its like I'm really on /v/

>> No.6431708

did this just really happen

>> No.6431711


elitist, privileged, supremacist garbage

>> No.6431714

i thought u were gonna link me to the p4k review for a sec lel

>> No.6431723

Yeah, we're too hardcore for most people, but we're trying to bring some masculinity back into metal. We mainly play around Adelaide if anyone wants to check us out

>> No.6431724

and youre still doing it

>> No.6431729

Yeah, we're still making music. Its more than just a game now, we got our fans to consider.

>> No.6431736

what the fuck is happening

>> No.6431744



>> No.6431750

Yeah, we're pretty hardcore. That's the same reaction we tend to get from our fans at our gigs. They get so used to acoustic indie garbage that when they hear our music, it becomes a life changing experience. I'm glad we could help you get there. Don't forget to subscribe for more tracks.

>> No.6431751

what do you think is happening here

are you a spambot

>> No.6431758

Nah, we don't use any "bots". We actually make our own music, there's none of that computer generated shit.

>> No.6431777

>dub techno
>worth listening to outside the acclaimed entry level
you are everything wrong with the genre

>> No.6431796
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>> No.6431822
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walk / runway

anything by Le1f including but not limited to:
obviously azealia banks

pop / shameless

I send my prayers to any anons who listen to half of these songs.

>> No.6431864
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>Black metal better than prog metal


>> No.6431868

>prog metal better than anything


>> No.6431893

This is an ironic/joke post right?

>> No.6431886

>treating music like a fashion accessory
thats the opposite attitude you need if you want to accomplish the goal of treating music like a fashion accessory

>> No.6431888


You're really trying to tell me Dream Theater isn't any good?

>> No.6431897



>> No.6431908

and don't forget your fedora

>> No.6431957



>> No.6431994

Prog metal is the most annoying thing I've ever heard. It's metal with all the fun sucked out of it, and replaced by diffident posturing.

>> No.6432034


If you've never heard Octavarium before, give it a try. (but it's a long song, so I wouldn't blame you for not sticking it out.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LH_9lJxeiXg If you've listened to this and honestly still can't say you find it to your tastes I understand, but it baffles me that anyone could listen to this song and try to say it's garbage.

>in b4 people do that anyway

>> No.6432043

I'm sad to say I have a soft spot for DT because they were my favourite band when I was like 12 :(

>> No.6432069

God damn it, don't use them as an example. Yes, they aren't that good.

>> No.6432076


I half considered mentioning Queensryche instead but I think that would of been more of a questionable example.

>> No.6432100
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>brostep higher than hip hop

>> No.6432105

ya'll cowards don't even smoke crack

>> No.6432109

crack is whack

>> No.6432174


Look you sub-human fuccboi

Classical music is so evidently superior to all other kinds of music, yet we keep lowering the standards when we talk about other types of music, to avoid the uncomfortable situation where the butthurt rock dude or the druggy EDM boy gets anal pained when they are told the great masters are better than their shitty hedonistic hero.

The compositional talent and imagination displayed, which is all that counts in the end when we have to say what is worth being saved and what not, is infinitely superior in classical music than in any other form of music.

>> No.6432180

Western Imperialist Scum

>> No.6432183
File: 9 KB, 324x586, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /fa/ like serious music?

>> No.6432186

>Classical music is so evidently superior to all other kinds of music
That's your opinion

>> No.6432194

I'm pretty sure Americans listen to American music

>> No.6432199

Who, Morton Feldman, John Cage, Steve Reich and the likes?

>> No.6432196

People will pay more attention to classical when its advocates stop making claims that are blatantly untrue and maybe actually listen to something else once in a while.

>> No.6432201

Why not? Classical music is so evidently superior to all other kinds of music, yet we keep lowering the standards when we talk about other types of music, to avoid the uncomfortable situation where the butt rock dude or the druggy EDM boy gets anal pained when they are told the great masters are better than their shitty hedonistic hero.

Instead of white guilt, in the music world there is "classical" guilt. We keep lowering the standards for other kinds of music to compensate and preserve our dream of marxist culturalism. Of perfect musical relativism. Guess what? It isn't true and the compositional talent and imagination displayed, which is all that counts in the end when we have to say what is worth being saved and what not, is infinitely superior in classical music than in any other form of music.

If your shitty pop muzak is an 8 what the fuck are Beethoven's late string quartets? a 400? most music is barely a 1 to 3, the Beatles fall in here and so do most other popular music with very few exceptions that reach a 4, even a 5. Bartok string quartets would be a 6, 2 degrees of magnitude higher you have works by Brahms and other great masters. Then 9 and 10 are reserved for the highest achievements of human race like Beethoven's late string quartets or his Missa Solemnis or Mass in B minor by Bach or his Brandenburg Concertos.

To keep elaborating on the differences that make serious music simply better and of a higher intellectual stature, consider the mediums in which serious music is disseminated. Staff paper, notations. Purposely so, it validates and reassures a lot of what patrician music stands for. Accesibility for anyone to perform and record. Benefits deep intellectual analysis of every bar of music, no bullshit allowed, all is there in the staff paper. The emphasis is on the actual music, not in how it's recorded or performed.

>> No.6432207

Don't drop that fedora etc.

>> No.6432210

>Why not?

>Instead of white guilt, in the music world there is "classical" guilt
That's your opinion

>> No.6432213

Foreign music/film is considered weird

>> No.6432219

You sound like the kind of art critics who were completely unable to handle surrealism and expressionism and just wanted everyone to go back to painting portraits and landscapes.

>> No.6432227

Those sorts of art critics would not appreciate Bartók, or even Beethoven's late string quartets given how contemporary they sound. I appreciate contemporary art music.

>> No.6432237

I agree. Nice to see there are still some people who appreciate classical music.

>> No.6432238

nah you're a namedropping try-hard

>> No.6432255

It is true. Old school and Martial industrial guys look cool as fuck.

>> No.6432260

Oh man.


>> No.6432270

I know that it is a pasta but I am a classical listener and I must say that there is a lot of truth to it.

>> No.6432266

>Implying Vaporwave isn't just Chillwave with japanese writing on the album art.

>> No.6432274

There's a lot terrible classical music (most of Mozart's stuff) and quite some great non-classical music too (Jethro Tull at their peak, for example), though.

>> No.6432276

>I am a classical listener
You're saying that as if that's a good thing.

>> No.6432280

Why wouldn't it be?

>> No.6432281
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>I am a classical listener

>> No.6432288

>(most of Mozart's stuff

It is obvious you've never studied classical music if you seriously think this.

Stop trying to appear knowledgeable.

>> No.6432293


Adolf please.

Bartok shits all over Beethoven

>> No.6432294

They're not music enthusiasts since they focus on only one sphere of music, hence tend to be narrow-minded like the pastas above demonstrate. The opinion of anyone who transcribes specific types of music to themselves don't matter much when debating the topic of general music.

>> No.6432297

>The compositional talent and imagination displayed, which is all that counts in the end
>all that counts

hahahaha fuck dude

>> No.6432304

I did. I have 10 years of classical piano and 2 years of composition.

Most of Mozart's music is just a scale here, some chord patterns there, a little modulation, rinse and repeat. It sounds nice because it's so bland it cannot sound bad, just like muzak.

I also composed a Mozart-style sonata in half an hour, played it to my professor, and she was fooled by it, and started searching her memory which Mozart's sonata this was.

>> No.6432301

>Future garage is shit.

Future Garage is like a genre designed to listen to while high.

>> No.6432314

> hip hop
> not GOAT


>> No.6432326

Sounds like a case of Seinfeld not being funny.

>> No.6432327

>not Experimental Psychedelic metal as god tier

Come the fuck on

>> No.6432333

Most of hip hop is shit

Most of hip hop is composed of simple, archaic, and trivial common rhythms. Same sounds, same beat patterns, most lyrics are formed based on bad/cheesy/ rhyming.

It is terribly unmusical. The complete aspects of harmony, consonance, melody, development, and thematic meaning is largely lacking.

>> No.6432329

no its not, its the watered down yoga mom version of an interesting sound which you can neatly flick through on youtube channels that feel they have market it with American Apparel Tier erotica

>> No.6432336

>robb bank$ not god tier

>> No.6432345

>ever fashionable

>> No.6432339

>Implying Grunge isn't God Tier.

>> No.6432340

Precisely. Will people remember NIN, Neutral Assmilk Hotel, Nigger Minaj, Grimes, etc, etc, et cetera in more than 70-years time? I don't think so and there's a jolly good reason for that - it's all utterly shit and the closest we can get to the tones and melodies of Shumann, Shubert, Satie or Mendelssohn is probably through really damn good house music and you'd have to listen to it whilst high on drugs as well.

Face it: as juvenile of me as it sounds, I can happily say that modern music is around 90% utter drivel because it has transcended from the aural to the material aesthetic imo.

>> No.6432341

>completely ignoring indian classical, african traditional music, asian traditional music
Yeah I'm going with what anon said over here.

>> No.6432344



>> No.6432348

People were saying that about jazz and musicians like Coltrane etc. and would you look how that turned out.

>> No.6432356

> treating music like science

>> No.6432355
File: 150 KB, 461x615, tumblr_mmc43h85Xw1rtz7tqo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like some of the best lyrics come from hip-hop. Hip-hop is a genre that revolves around the use of language only using the actual music as accents. Being a genre heavily influenced by postmodernism it hits on some great subjects like social justice, will to power and dionysian vs apollonian aesthetics. Take a rappers like Gucci Mane and Jay-Z who often use their own brand of self-assured lyricism to reaffirm their idea of being the best,
often using subtle details in their music to stress the importance of the individual to set them apart from the rest of the pack in the never ending struggle to be the best. Media often touches on how rappers glorify violence; however, i think rappers more stress to question the cause of crime to justify it in their own mindset. Other rappers have a different approach to social justice and the idea of the state; to quote Gucci mane "I got court in early morning, but I don't really want to go". This line is an obvious allusion to the death of Socrates. While Gucci didn't want to go to court, he still went anyways because it was his duty to the state in the same Socrates stayed when he had a chance to escape. Rappers often get criticized for rapping about more hedonistic pleasures like "money, hoes and clothes", but I think rappers are more embracing the dionysian aesthetic with a new sort of sincerity that has been repressed in american culture for heavy religious indoctrination. While the media stresses the importance of staying healthy and conservative, rappers like Gucci Mane embrace their decadent desires with lines like "belly get so big I can hardly see my toes, I got a car in my garage that I have never ever drove" flaunting his wealth by buying cars he doesn't even need and filling his gut with food. Note: eating is street slang for getting money, so the "my belly get so big I can hardly see my toes" part is a double entendre for accommodating wealth. I could list more, but I'm out of space...

>> No.6432362

90% of everything is shit.

>> No.6432365

We're discussing foreign music now. Who's your favorite Brazilian rap singer?

>> No.6432378


Blue Scholars - Commencement Day



Alps Cru - Loudmouths


Face Candy - pill.

superduperdeathmega jazzy and FANTASTIC freestyles from eyedea, kristoff krane, etc.



Sole and the skyrider band - Ghost, assassinating other ghosts.


Fierce - Crab


Blue sky black death - chloroform

my all time favorite beat

a couple of nice tunes for the peeps into hiphop C:

>> No.6432400


Most people don't listen to more than one or two genres (not including sub-genres) so I find calling classical listeners close minded to be incredibly hypocritical.

>> No.6432406

>Most people don't listen to more than one or two genres
Most people tend to be plebs. Yes?

>> No.6432417



You can't claim to know what you're talking about music-wise if you write off entire genres of music.

>> No.6432455

Move Psychedelic-Drone and Vaporwave to above god tier,

>> No.6432463

that's because hip hop is not melody or beat focused, but lyrics focused

if you don't want to consider it music, then you should consider it poetry

>> No.6432469
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And there is no excuse for it seeing how all the good classical music is available to them thanks to the internet and even the radio.