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/fa/ - Fashion

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6425375 No.6425375 [Reply] [Original]

few raw denim questions

does anyone have any pictures of jeans with the first wash being after 6 months? i have had mine (naked and famous) for about 6 months now and am tempted to wash them.

how much would they shrink if i put them in hot water? they have stretched enough to fall down slowly if i don't wear a belt so want them to shrink a bit.

i like the final color in the picture i posted would that be without any products in the wash?

>> No.6425380

they won't look as good as 1-2 years without wash

>> No.6425386

naked and famous is sanforized, so theyll barely shrink and youll stretch them out to snug

i would use warm water since hot water is too harsh on worn denim

>> No.6425393

i know but its getting annoying having to pull them up constantly, even with a belt actually because i am a skeleton with no ass i want to shrink them a bit. no pics? tried a bit of googling but obviously was not searching the right things

excellent thanks, that sorts the shrinking issue, what would hot water do?

>> No.6425425

Those phone fades are so ugly

>> No.6425438

actually that was just a personal preference blurb (a beer at 4am). plenty of people use hot water but i dont since it gears it to a more softer feel if you consider the effects of putting jeans in the dryer.

>> No.6425507

okay thanks man

>> No.6425512

>hot water do?
Bleed more indigo and shrink it more. The jeans are saniforized but they will still shrink a bit

>> No.6425518

how much would you say? at the moment they fit snug with my hand, flat in the waistband of my pants, warm water recommended?

>> No.6425522

Just a tad, nothing too dramatic. And they'll stretch back out if they're too tight.
Warm water is probably a good idea

>> No.6425525

okay thank you. now i just need to see some pictures of wash after 6 months, must look more

>> No.6425531

Raw denim is fucking stupid.

>> No.6425540
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>> No.6425802

How do you clean raw denim when it gets dirty?

>> No.6425821
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>/fa/ gets me into raw jeans
>kinda poor at the moment so have one pair I basically live in
>starting to get mad stacks, and feathering, 4 months in beginning to fade in places
>got the feathering on the back of the knees, looks amazing
>see guy in expensive fashion jeans walking down street
>jeans are pre washed and weathered, have artificial feathering
>feathering on back of knees is six inches lower than where his actual knees are

Thanks /fa/. I remember years ago someone told me about raw denim and my response was 'lol that's stupid I'll stick to Gap'. Wish I could apologise to that person now, wearing raws has made me realise how godawful most mainstream jeans are.

>> No.6425856

I personally soak mine, usually cold water with barely any soap and only when they actually get dirty. I never wear my raws when I know I'll be working or getting sweaty all day.

>> No.6425857

What brand jeans did you buy?

>> No.6425861

i use soda because the carbonation helps lift the dirt off as well as blueberries to preserve more of the indigo

>> No.6425891

nigga wat

>> No.6425898
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Edwin. Tried Naked and Famous and APC, but being a former rugby player/boxer/powerlifter, I couldn't get either of them past my calves, let alone thighs.

>mfw Asian girl complemented me on my 'skinny jeans'
>mfw they're relaxed fit

>> No.6426357

Does Levi have raw denim? I can't find any on their site.

>> No.6426397


>> No.6426536
File: 59 KB, 800x600, jawnz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selling Rogue Territory SKs size 32 in stealth black and indigo

Unworn, VERY good quality. Were strictly an impulse buy.

150$ for the black ones
130$ for the indigo ones
buyer pays for shipping
Email if interested

>> No.6426544

Wont they smell though if you dont wash them? Or am i missing something?

>> No.6426555

You have to air them

>> No.6426554

Only if you are a smelly fucker.

>> No.6426664

You leave them out on the clothing line? Im not really sure what you're saying?

>> No.6426674

I dived into a pool with my first pair of raws at 1 month of wear. How fucked am I?

>> No.6426689
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can someone please explain to me the fascination with raw jeans?
what makes them worth it and so appealing to you all?

>also pictures of raw jeans on fits would be appreciated

>> No.6426711
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>> No.6426703
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Just get a pair.

>> No.6426712

whats the difference between brands...?
so far i'm aware of naked & famous / acne / apc

>> No.6426733
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Different brands will come with different fit despite being called the same thing I.E Skinny fit on APC differs from a skinny fit on NF. Best thing to distinguish within brand is quality and price. Next is how they fade, because brands use distinguishable indigo and denim they will fade differently, which is also determined by the weight of your pants.

>> No.6426742
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>> No.6426747

wow i love raws but these just look like shit

>> No.6426753

just hang them up somewhere when you arent wearing so they dont get all stuffy

>> No.6426795

fucciboi tier question but whats the price range of raws
also post fits with slim fit
these loose "relaxed" fitted ones are pleb tier

>> No.6426811

is this good or bad?

I got some new raws the other month, had them tailored to fit skinny as fuck around the leg, and they stack like this, in straight lines rather then the honey comb pattern im used to

What you guys think?

>> No.6426822


>> No.6426828

sure fine if you like that whatever but you better be skinny as fuck

not raws those are just julius jeans

>> No.6426831

>price range of raws
silly question really, you can get $50 pair, or a $900 pair

>> No.6426856
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what are the "classics" of raw denim?
like is there a particular pair of jeans from N&F that everyone gets, from APC, etc. etc.?

>> No.6426867

that doesn't even hurt

>> No.6426871

petit standard for APC

>> No.6426877

N&F, don't buy slim guys. Either weird guys or skinny guys.
APC, petit standard

>> No.6426873

N&F - people usually get skinny guy fit, but apparently there's some new super skinny guy cut.

APC, use this: http://www.contextclothing.com/eye_to_eye.php

>> No.6426888

wtf is goin on here

>> No.6426889

how is the fit on super skinny guys? thinking of copping a pair.

>> No.6426895


>> No.6426896

got hit by some bullet ricochet or something.

taken from le rebbit

>> No.6426906

as in N&F super skinny guys.

>> No.6426921

haha this chichi man didnt read properly

>> No.6426940
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>> No.6426957
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oh my god

>> No.6427956

>the pants on all of them

>> No.6427966
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>> No.6427973

The 2000's were hell.

>> No.6428046

i like how it looks and i usually don't like raws

>> No.6428765

how can i wash food marks/dirt/etc off without washing? just a warm wet cloth on the dirty bits?

>> No.6428859

-reading comprehension level critical-

>> No.6428885

>that short guy

>> No.6428903

how long does it take for the new raw denim smell to go away? it doesnt smell bad just weird

>> No.6428917

Can anyone recommend raws for a skinny guy? I'm a 28 waist.

>> No.6428939

APC or April 77. They have sizes donw to 24 waist.

>> No.6428943

>24 waist

>> No.6428945

>still wearing jeans
>getting into the raw denim fad 5 years too late
Fakku bois

>> No.6428956
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>tfw wearing raws in the summer

>> No.6428982


>live in Arizona
>be around 110 usually
>taking summer Ochem lab II
>have to wear pants 4 days out of the week
>my balls get sweaty at the end of the day

>> No.6429026

just in case you're 4'5"

>> No.6429032

is there anything i can do to stop my jeans stacking heavily at the bottom? looks pretty bad id rather them stack more evenly up the leg

>> No.6429081

get em cuffed and fitted

>> No.6429099

you people are fucking ridiculous. WASH YOUR JEANS and they will last much much longer.

keeping them unwashed actually causes more stress on the fibers and you'll get shit like crotch blowout way sooner.

>> No.6429153

>wearing jeans in the summer

>> No.6429161
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dont you want sick raw fades bro?
u sure ur in the right board m8?

>> No.6429179
File: 2.57 MB, 274x247, whatthefuck2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont get it.

>> No.6429228

>not living in a place where it is winter 350 days per year

>> No.6429240

i can't wait till winter.

i hate summer, good thing it's only hot here 1 or 2 months out of the year.

>> No.6429252


yeah yeah i get it. the fadezies the staxckz, but really you're paying a lot of money for what could turn out to be a much shorter term investment than you thought.

>> No.6429258

summer is seriously shit for fashion i hate it

>> No.6429470

this is a fashion board not a frugal board, if you want the best bang for your buck go to goodwill and cop walmart jeans for 99 cents a pair, i bet they will last you a few years if you dont beat the shit out of them

>> No.6429633

If your a cheap bastard like me just get Levi's 501s and size down. The label tells you to size up but it's full of shit.

>> No.6429792

The STFs are un sanforized and will shrink multiple sizes whenever you wash them. Ideally you'd get 501 STF sized up accordingly, soak them, and go from there.

>> No.6430293

Shit, I got my 501s as a gift and I had no idea about raw denim and stuff until a few months back. I don't know if my jeans are raw, is there a way to find out? I've machine washed them quite a few times since I didn't know.
Also, can someone give me a link to 511 and 501 raws?
And of someone could give me a good guide on how to care for raws, that would be awesome.

>> No.6430394


>> No.6430600

Could this work with any type of jean fabric or just raw? Sorry pleb here.

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