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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 64 KB, 500x667, shirt jeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6424740 No.6424740 [Reply] [Original]


What's up with yuropoors stealing traditional American clothing?

I was in Germany the other day, and I saw people walking around with blue jeans and a t-shirt, others with baseball caps, too.

Are yuropoors ashamed of their own culture? What's their deal with wanting to be Americans?

>> No.6424742

>traditional American clothing

This is brilliant 10/10

>> No.6424753

but it is. the jeans/t-shirt combo is American

>> No.6424761


>> No.6424773
File: 819 KB, 873x1752, Freeballer_board_shorts_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuropoors also steal boardshoarts from us as well

>> No.6424776

Now that's not something to be proud of

Also denim/jeans were invented in france you dumbfuck

>> No.6424783

except modern jeans came from America, dipshit

>> No.6424794

nobody generally associates modern jeans with america

>> No.6424800

if by nobody you mean everybody, sure

when you ask somebody where blue levi jeans come from, they'll say America, obviously

>> No.6424811

Nowadays they're just a corpse though

>> No.6424827

wtf lol

>> No.6424831

levi strauss did not invent denim, he just put rivets in it

>> No.6424837

>all products that we use today did not come from a gradual process of past things - they all magically came out of nowhere

>> No.6424839

>america invented the gradual process

>> No.6424842

>all modern products don't count because they were all influenced by something before them

>> No.6424849

My jeans are japanese, my t-shirt is swedish

>> No.6424852

rock bands come from all over the world, but rock music is still an American thing

Americans invented shit loads of slang that we all use today, but the language is still English

>> No.6424854

what if japanese jeans were influenced by murriclap ones :)

>> No.6424858

they'd still be jeans, which is an american invention

>b-b-but muh denim material

>> No.6424861

lel, Americans are so far behind when it comes to clothing. You're all on /fa/ asking about sweats, when all they're used to in Europe is to go to the gym or sit around at home in

>> No.6424867

the thing is that we are already out of the age where people dress like their cultural background

>> No.6424872

i dont even wear jeans, way to be stuck in the 1870s pleb

>> No.6424895

>saying this
>when most fashion trends come from America

try again

also, Europe doesn't know shit about fashion for the most part

Sweden and France =/= all of europe

>> No.6424898
File: 41 KB, 640x480, 1361362058209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and in the age where you all dress and talk like Americans

go on, say it...

>> No.6424900

>most fashion trends come from America

real labels cant even succeed in america cause everyone is too pleb

if u call obesity and school shootings trends then maybe lmao

>> No.6424908

lol'd. >when most fashion trends come from America
not even close.

>> No.6424912


it's true though

the hipster trend comes from America

also, nearly every teenager in America dresses like an american. They even do that fake tan bullshit

stay inferior

>> No.6424915

>I don't know what globalization is but I'm sure it empowers america

>> No.6424916



american culture is globalized

>> No.6424918

>"all americans are jersey shore looking fucks"
>tells us to stay inferior


>> No.6424922

In fashion, if you define trends as quirky things that happen, then sure USA NUMBER 1. But if you define it as ideas and techniques that get adopted into the wider canon of fashion (that includes its eventual adoption into TJMaxx) then your not even close.

>> No.6424926

>implying I wear jeans
>implying suits came from Jesusclap
>implying OP isn't a fat fuck who takes personal responsibly for everything the USA has ever done
Hurr we wented to da moon planet we numba wun we makee McDonald's we no descended from Europeans or British people we always been in da bestedt cuntree on planet world

>> No.6424935

>>implying suits came from Jesusclap

the modern day Tuxedo was invented in America in the 1920s or 30s

>> No.6424936
File: 86 KB, 908x601, 1362085276313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha it would be funny if different parts of world dressed completely differently

when you go travelling, you'd either have to accept the fact that people will know where you're from, or try to blend in. of course, this already happens now to some degree

>> No.6424941


>> No.6424942
File: 35 KB, 420x294, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I say tuxedo? This thread reminds me why everyone hates americans. You're all arrogant and loud.

>> No.6424944
File: 161 KB, 894x671, 65-6530-JWH4100Z[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and "traditional american clothing" would look something like this

>> No.6424943

forgot to turn IME back on AMERICAN

*who the fuck wears tuxedos anyway

>> No.6424946

lol i knew some clapistanians who wore canada flags on their backpacks when they went travelling so that people would be nice to them

>> No.6424948

sick fits tbh

2nd from right turned his yeezy man skirt swag on

>> No.6424950

so next time i go to prom in beaten up old skate shoes and an oversized shitty looking suit, ill know who to thank

god bless america :')

>> No.6424952
File: 314 KB, 853x1280, 1354158824039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6424956

>everyone hates americans

meanwhile, in reality:

>The world still thinks Americans are "coolest": poll

>Social networking site Badoo.com (www.badoo.com) asked 30,000 people across 15 countries to name the coolest nationality The world still thinks Americans are "coolest": poll


>The social network and dating website Badoo.com asked 30,000 people across 15 countries to name both the "funniest," or best at making people laugh," and "the least funny" nationality.

>Americans rated most hilarious in global poll

>> No.6424959

No, that would be traditional Native American clothing

>> No.6424975

>implying chinky Ching chongs and pakis who are obsessed with dumbfuckistan didn't answer
Also, American comedians are shit. They think if they scream and about loudly that it'll be funny. It isn't.
>being an assburger and researching shit like that.
Go back to your train set, you autist.

>> No.6424997

>asked 30000 people