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/fa/ - Fashion

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6424380 No.6424380[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Tfw look in the mirror. See I have amazing proportions. A good hairline. Relatively good looks. Good skin. A sick looking adonis belt, naturally wide shoulders
>Realize I haven't really put any of those to use, had 1 gf, been to a few parties
>Keep telling myself my "fun" life will start when i get to the next step (School, going to a better school, graduating)
>Realize the bulk of those years are already passing me by

I'm a 19 year old engineering major (Turning 20 this year). I feel like I'm getting old. I feel like I've missed out on all the fun party life others had the chance to have.

How old am I really guys ;_;. I won't be graduating til I'm 23, and even then I'll be going straight for my phD.

I just wanna be in my aesthetic prime and have my fashion, looks, social/party life all top notch.

so /fa/...w-when is the aesthetic prime of your life? When you look your best, get mad pussy, fuck girls at that age that look better than any other age, have the freedom/money to fucking love every day

cuz right now i wake up in da morning n hate living, throw my cps and ilu sweats on and go to my engineering class that smells like piss, then try to work through seas of neckbeards discussing their LoL match over the weekend.

>> No.6424396

those are all YOUR life choice that have led you to this point
that includes the field of study you chose to pursue
you have knight in shining armor syndrome
you want a prince to come save you

in this case your prince is the future
what you want your perfect self to be
you can always use it as a glimmer of hope

you have to work for it, stop living in comfort and RISK

>> No.6424402

You just gotta do it. Grab some friends and go out to a party. That's it.

>> No.6424403

i share a lot of these feels

>> No.6424414
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You're still a kid, you fucking dweeb. You're literally a teenager and you're complaining about getting old?

>> No.6424423

definitely party in college. 22 year old graduated from top east coast b-school now live in sf and work at a startup. work is much more intense than school was in terms of free time. especially in your early 20s. i am trying to make $.

>> No.6424426
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I feel the same way somewhat....

I mean I have been waking up happy since the new year now that I have found something I'm passionate about. The only thing that brings me down is hanging out with friends. I know that if I stay out to late with them it puts a hold on my "progress", then I tend to go to bed upset.

Easy Fix: Have no friends
>Be a Wednesday
>Get invited to party while hanging out with a friend
>Sure we can go for a little while
>Show up
>Tell friend that I don't want to stay the night there I want to go home
>Party is entertaining
>Remind friend I don't want to stay the night
>It's getting a little late
>He and a girl be making out
>Texts me "Stay for me"
>I had told him 5 times before this that I didn't want to stay
>I end up staying for him
>They run off and make out
>Tell everyone at the party that I don't care about them (I work with most of the people there)
>Girl doesn't put out for friend
>Friend says we can leave
>Blow up on him in the car

I wanted to be an asshole so they'd leave me alone, they were drunk and don't even remember me being an ass.

>> No.6424444

Holy fuck what the fuck
Fuck that guy

>> No.6424464


ken oath kent

>> No.6424483

Party poopers, stop going to parties if you're not going to have fun. Way to ruin everyones fun.

>I had told him 5 times before this that I didn't want to stay
>Tell everyone at the party that I don't care about them (I work with most of the people there)

hahaha wow
cant you just leave by yourself?

loser culture

>> No.6424495

Risk it how though? I'm not just some kid lugging through engineering for a good job or some shit. I have an ultimate passion/goal I want to achieve, it's just so fucking enfuriating that it's such a big dream that partying it up like psychology majors and compromising my grades takes away from where I want to be.

I just want to enjoy my life and have it moving toward the point I want to be, but as of right now my life for the next 3 years looks really fucking tight/routine (full or extra course load during fall/spring terms, with co ops or jobs to pay off my student loans in between those).

This wouldn't be a problem if I were ugly/scrawny/had no desire to dress well or fuck a lot of women. I'd be happy as fuck. But I feel like these urges, and these traits ive been given need to be fuckin used before I start going bald and women my age look like shit

>> No.6424508

Sorry Scot.
Go to bed

>> No.6424509
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>Party was entertaining
I didn't say it wasn't fun

>Tell everyone at the party that I don't care about them (I work with most of the people there)
>They were drunk and don't even remember me being an ass

They thought I was joking because I'm not a serious person so they just laughed.

I just went so my friend wanted to drink and I said I would give him a ride home since I wasn't going to.

>> No.6424510

you might not believe it but some people actually do make informal oral contracts that are expected to be upheld

>cant you just leave by yourself?
learn 2 read lol

>> No.6424512

Yo guys I'm the asshole from the story above.

spoiler: I banged the chick a few days later.

>> No.6424513

As someone who let this sort of shit go on until he was 23, and is just now patching it up: just do more. Push yourself. You'll be surprised what you can pull off in a single day if you keep driven through the whole thing, use up "spare" moments.

I mean, look at James Franco. Somehow the guy's gotten that down so well he's in multiple prestigious graduate programs in different cities while acting in movies and writing short stories on the side. People working with him on sets say that as soon as the director yells "cut" he's sitting down someone with some research materials. That's the goal mode.

Risks you could take: studying a little less, seeing how it affects your academics, both in actual terms and in terms of numbers that could affect grad school.

Working less and taking on more debt. Obviously debt's a bad idea and generally just serves to make people more boring, but you can work around that. At the most awesome, you're effectively beyond the reach of the debt if you expatriate yourself (assuming you're American). Less neat and clean, if you can convert your student loan debt to normal personal debt, you can clear it in a bankruptcy.

Take a semester off or semi-off.


>> No.6424515

Some of us just aren't meant to live that lifestyle, OP.

>> No.6424518

*down somewhere

Also note I'm on 4chan right now; fml.

>> No.6424525

Every party is the same, days hung over are days wasted, making out with some random gets boring, and if you have sex you'll probably get an std or baby.

Stay in, read a book, or play some vidya.

>> No.6424534

James franco is also a multi millionaire who can pay to have classes set up to his advantage, pay people to take notes for them, get professors who fail him fired and overall cannot be compared to a normal student with no money.

By the way, those were all arts. Meaning he never even needed to learn anything, but rather pour out his own heart and bullshit in whatever way seems artistic. He only got enough to pass his classes so the school wouldn't get a bad rep/in trouble for failing him/the fact that hes fucking james franco

>> No.6424539

>you're effectively beyond the reach of the debt if you expatriate yourself
This for true?

>> No.6424554
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>By the way, those were all arts. Meaning he never even needed to learn anything, but rather pour out his own heart and bullshit in whatever way seems artistic.

big ups to the stem students out there who don't have massive chips on their shoulders :^)

>> No.6424570

stem r best

dont you start school in like a month or s/t?

>> No.6424573
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Maybe socialising isn't your calling, OP

>> No.6424574

>tfw don't really care for partying
>tfw biggest dream is to meet cool people I can hang around tthe city while wearing my nice shit
I'm moving to a new city for college next year and praying to god that I meet some decent people.

>> No.6424577
File: 166 KB, 500x627, tumblr_mp2f3fAllA1s89bf4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my exam scores were so good that they just gave me a degree, i am now a neurosurgeon

>> No.6424580


>tfw this is how I feel about uni this year

it's a pretty un/fa/ uni too

>> No.6424591
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seems legit

>> No.6424612
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Oh, wow.


Yep. Credit ratings don't transfer. They can't garnish your wages, because US government orders aren't valid overseas. It's not worth the cost to litigate and the government has an official policy not to. A private lender could, but they'd lose money doing it.

Generation Y needs to leave America to avoid debt like the Boomers left to avoid the draft.

>> No.6424659

Take a hobbie where you get opportunities for party or fun stuff.
I took up dancing. Now i can go to jams, parties what is really fun sometimes and later on if i get good i could travel the world for bigger competitions.
Just make your time worth. Stop playing vdia or watch TV when nothing worthy is playing.

>> No.6424693

I only just noticed that she has a fairly noticeable underbite.


>> No.6424698

This is good info to have, makes me much more interested in going back to school.

Now just to choose a career path that would work well out of the country.

>> No.6424726

at least consider what you're going to remember when you grow up

of course, you can't even fathom what you're going to feel like when you're older, but will you remember what goals you achieve, or some random ho skanks you fucked.

it's hard to plan for the future, do what feels right to you right now, and remember that it's good to take risks. bigger risks require ALOT of resilience to follow them through, otherwise you'll fuck up your life.

>> No.6424752

I'm not worried about remember random ho skanks i fucked, but rather missing a whole fun component of my life that just passed me right by. You can't deny that irresponsible parties, teenage angst and finding out "if a girl likes you back" wasn't fun/exciting/stimulating as fuck.

>> No.6424763

cry more faggot

these threads should be insta-ban

>> No.6424765

do you break
where are you from

>> No.6424871

yeah. Lithuania.

>> No.6424879 [DELETED] 

What's my biggest goal in life? To lose the weight I need to and tone up, to have nice hair, to get my healthcare loan and get braces so that I have straight teeth, to have perfect skin. It sounds stupid and vain, right? I should be focusing on a career and money, right? No. I want to eliminate every physical flaw that I have before I worry about any of that. I want to have nothing wrong with me so that nobody can use my weaknesses against me to bring me down. I don't want to be called fat or ugly or made fun of for my teeth. I want people to look at me and think "woah, she's something." I want to make up for all the times I was made to feel like shit as a kid because of my appearance. Not because I'm vain, or superficial, or stupid. Because I know I can be better. So much better than what those people made me feel like. Once I am perfect on the outside, I can work on using what I have on the inside. Don't give up just because people are hurtful and insult you. Use it to motivate you.

>> No.6424914

I wish it was this way

I'm 20 and my parents just joked and asked why I have never brought any girls home. I could hear the disappointment behind their humour. It sucks having everybody you know (friends/family) know what a kissless virgin loser you are. It just makes it that much harder to bother trying at all. Somebody just kill me please.

>> No.6424928

I'm serious somebody come and murder me

>> No.6424953


can i cook you too?

>> No.6424958

what about if you went outside and met some grills instead of bitching on 4chan? :)

>> No.6425033

Is talking to random strangers an American thing? I've always needed an excuse to talk to someone, the other way around too. I feel it's very weird if someone just starts talking to me.

>> No.6425037

so make an excuse if youre too much of a pussy to just do it

or idk go to some parties or some shit

>> No.6425050

>so make an excuse
not him but what are sum """"effay"""" conversation starters

>> No.6425054

>ay gurl u want sum fuck
>b-back that ass up
>r u a beaver cuz daaaaaam

>> No.6425057

I see you are wearing clothes. I, myself, am an expert at wearing clothes.

>> No.6425074

I know these feels all too well.

>tfw I went to middle class school
>tfw too poor to hang out with cool bourgeois kids
>tfw not nerdy enough to hang out with fedora-wearing autists
>tfw no friends

h-hold me bros

>> No.6425080
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Quit being such a fucking geed and be social for once in your life

>> No.6425114

ATO Ole Miss fag here

If you dressed like that down here you would get fucking jumped

>> No.6425116


>> No.6425129

Because you look like a try hard faggot. And most guys down here don't wear puke pink shorts.

Im guessing you're up north?

>> No.6425131

Also boat shoes are pretty shit tier.

Cole Haan Air Grants and Gunnisons are what most people wear.

>> No.6425143

Between 19 and 21 (now), my hair started thinning and receding and I've started to get lines under my eyes.

You're only in your prime for a year or two. Then you hit 'second puberty' and start your slow descent into middle age. So there's what you have to look forward to, OP.

>> No.6425151

>Im guessing you're up north?

Not him, but yanks are way worse than that even.

>> No.6425161

Actually I'm in southern Texas. You can wear what you want and no one wants to kick your ass because you look different.

>> No.6425169

I do both, but I was just interested in how that advice is given out so easily while in some cultures it's going to be pretty weird to do something like that (just going up to girls or people in general for that matter and talking to them).

>> No.6425191
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>handsome heroin chic NEET
>every time i walk back into my room from taking a piss/having a smoke see myself in the mirror and say something about how good i look
>never had a gf

>> No.6425192

holy fuck. unless you're on a yacht or somewhere in Monaco, don't wear that.

>South texas
>I bet you're a stuckup newrich mexican.

>> No.6425202

>tfw spent my teenage years working 14-16 hours a day seven days a week
>lost most of my friends because i never saw them
>never went to any parties, just clubs and shit with my workmates who are 10 years older than me

i'm a good chef today, but still sometimes i lay awake at nights, thinking what would it be like, to have a normal life
no regrets though, i love my job.

>> No.6425562

there is no normal life
Hell, no one should live "normal" life. If you are happy you are happy.

>> No.6425576

I know these goddamn feels right here anon. the pain is 10x more when you know you're wasting the beautiful face and potential.

>> No.6425691

I went the opposite way and fucked around and dated and partied and now I'm 27, just broke up with my GF after almost 5 years, and find myself out of work, moving back in with my parents, and looking forward to having to fight my way through college while trying to support myself at the same time.

I wish I'd just stayed in school when I was 19. I'm over partying and debauchery, but I'll never stop wanting the financial freedom that a good job brings you, not to mention the social and personal connections and relationships you get by being in the professional world.

>> No.6425759

just use regular ones fag. practice with strangers or something.

the main point is to go somewhere that isnt on the internet in your room and do something that isnt 4chan. once you get used to that, then everything else will come in time

>> No.6425779

its true but what can ya do, too late for me. at least im a good looking loser

>> No.6425781

"normal" would be hunting and gathering food
we live in a weird age so i think it doesnt matter what you do its fucked up anyway

>> No.6425791

No such thing as too late. Return out of your despair.

>> No.6425826

aaaahhhahha what a bunch of napoleon dynamites you guys are

>> No.6425834
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I'd fuck

>> No.6425839
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>> No.6425840

>became a robot ever since i moved back into my parents house.
2 year dry spell, no gf, no qt3.14s in my classes, gained weight.

i know, i know.. its my fault

>> No.6425848

i think for men, its about 23-35. depends on your genetics i suppose.

there are some dudes that look awesome at 21.

i know i didnt. i am 30 right now and i just suddenly started having success with the ladies from about 29. its a bit of confidence i think, but i do catch more than a few girls 'mirin when i go out on the weekends.

>> No.6425901

we get the point twerk