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File: 101 KB, 612x612, seriouslywhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6423290 No.6423290 [Reply] [Original]

>"why are you such a hipster?"

>> No.6423308

why are you so fat?

>> No.6423313

Why are you gutter trash

>> No.6423315

Fuck you.

>> No.6423318

If girls actually say shit like this to you I can't even begin to explain how beta you are

>> No.6423405

Comin' from the white bread honkey bitch in that shitty hippy headband? Who the fuck are ya trying to impress? Step back girl you look wack as fuck.

Now please walk away, hop into that prius and blast Mumford & Sons on your way to Starbucks and enjoy that venti caramel frappuccino, you fat cow.

blonde girl can stay tho ;))))) #hmuonaim

>> No.6423444

how does that automatically make you a beta though?

>> No.6423472

Because i'm hip and not old

>> No.6423485

so... if someone says something to do, it makes you a "beta"? That doesn't make any sense.

One defines a person is how one reacts to such a comment, as you have no control of what other people say.

You're dumb.

>> No.6423494
File: 103 KB, 279x218, cameleyelashes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

">tell me more about how awesome I am"

>> No.6423521


yeah but they're probably not saying for no reason

>> No.6423526

they're saying it because they're classless whores who don't know what style or taste is

>> No.6423536

Well yeah, I'm not implying they're not saying it purposefully, however I'm also aware that a lot of people are incredibly stupid.

For example, to come up to me purposefully and ask a question like, "Why are you so hipster?", something so vague with an intent to... I would assume insult?, is indicative of stupidity.

For me, not budging for dumb people is the correct choice.

>> No.6423559

no one has called me a hipster since high school.

>> No.6423562

whys your nose so big?

>> No.6423571

I-I dunno. C-can I have your number? Uh, N-nevermind. Bye.

>> No.6423576

that couldn't have been that long ago

>> No.6423586

>"please explain to me what a hipster is"
>"please explain what part of me is hipster"

watch them stutter in vapid whoreness

>> No.6423590

got more pics of the left?

she might be a qt

>> No.6423600
File: 16 KB, 204x220, 1350073520119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing those retarded headbands

>> No.6423601

where do u live where people still say hipster

>> No.6423603

6 yrs ago. i still shopped at UO then

>> No.6423649

Second yuke; you can't control what people say, only how you react to it. Pull inner game from the internal, not the external.

CFTR is a pleb btw.

>> No.6423846

maybe it's to help reduce 5head

>> No.6423881

is the chick on the left Emma from Degrassi

>> No.6424013


>> No.6424096

Laugh at their faces and never talk to them again.

Fucking plebs.

>> No.6424129


>> No.6424138

chill out CUNT

>> No.6424142


sure thing guido

>> No.6424164

I don't try to be different from others, my sense of style simply makes me different and people call me a hipster for it.

>> No.6424428
File: 98 KB, 720x960, -).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"we look so happy"

>> No.6424445

Young Skyler on left