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/fa/ - Fashion

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6418737 No.6418737 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you guys wear the clothes you wear? What is fashion exactly? I know i have a natural disposition and preference to certain types of clothes. I can't really tell what the natural disposition is.

>> No.6418761

So that the plebs and others look up to me.

>> No.6418767
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>Why do you guys wear the clothes you wear?

1. Because they're comfortable
2. Because they're nice and make me feel nice
3. Because they reflect what I want to say to the world about myself

>What is fashion exactly?

The means of transmitting how you want the world to receive you.

>> No.6418772

I wear the clothes I wear because I like the way they look, but most importantly, I like the way they feel. Also, I like having my ego stroked by being looked at approvingly by women when I make the attempt.

>> No.6418778

I hate frills. The majority or people in my city wear stonewashed jeans with white printed branding all over them, cuffed chinos, techno looking hightops and printed tees

I like my outfits to be simple as possible, with the look coming from the lines the clothes draw. I mostly dress in black, white and grey, but also some earthy colours. I dunno, the goal is to look good when I look back in the future at pictures of myself now

I guess its a kind of rebellion against the norm here, which is faggy, but I'm just trying to keep it simple rly

>> No.6418781
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Thanks for the answers, but one thing I'm trying to find out is why some people like "gothninja" while some people will prefer to wear business-clothes/suits .

>> No.6418789

Different people like different aesthetics. Just like different people are attracted to different qualities in a mate. ie. My buddy cannot fathom how I prefer small boobs to big ole titties. Some people like to look like an edgy anime character, some people like to look like a dork, some people like to look like a bank robber, some people like to look just like everyone else.

>> No.6418797

but what makes you like small boobs to big boobs? i can say i like a marble print shirt but i can't say what makes me like the shirt. is there an answer to why people like different aesthetics?

>> No.6418807
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Because different people want to transmit different things.

For example, it's pretty typical that most people on /fa/ and most men in general want to transmit that they are attractive, cool, and sexy. This is where a huge schism arises, most guys that like gothninja don't care about impressing girls. This is usually where it gets the most derision "I would never get laid in that, therefore it's stupid". The first step to understanding why people like different styles is understanding what people desire. Another good example would be that many people have a desire to fit in. This is why there are so many sub cultures and they all have an associated fashion. For the people who are a part of those subcultures, wearing the associated clothing is a means of fitting in and gaining the approval and acceptance of other people.

Again this is where gothninja loses a lot of people, it's not worn for approval or to fit in. Again people think "I would stick out like a sore thumb in that, therefore it's stupid". However interesting enough in this current age a lot of people derive their quota of acceptance and approval through the internet, this is where you end up with a lot of people who look like they were "dressed by the internet" they're attempting to gain approval through digital means. The waters are murky from here on out because of course you begin to realize not all people are attracted to the same things and maybe people who wear gothninja actually are doing it for the chicks, they're just targeting a very specific kind of girl etc.

I guess the key element here is desire, if you can understand what someone desires you can probably discern a lot about why they wear the clothes they do. People who want to move up in the corporate world tend to dress the part of someone who should be promoted. Maybe someone who dresses like shit desires nothing but to be comfy or something.

>> No.6418816

I like small boobs because they don't flop out to the side when I'm fucking a girl. The image of big boobs flopping around reminds me that they're just meaty sacks of fat and tissue. Then I get a bit grossed out and don't want to continue having sex. I like my girls not jiggly.

As for you second question, I think the answer has to do with the way each brain registers and recognizes patterns and colors differently. This coupled with different chemicals that are released create a pleasing effect or a displeasing effect. But, I'm no scientist. I'm not even particularly fashionable.

>> No.6418820 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the quality answer. I'm really satisfied with it and I did learn a lot.

>> No.6418826

Thanks for the quality answers. I think you two made good points.

>> No.6418838
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everyone desires to be 'comfortable' i think
different perceptions of what comfortable is
different means of attaining comfort

comfort is supreme
>thank you rick owens

>> No.6419420

I think most people around me dress fugly.
Certain clothes i appreciate more than others for some reason I can't quite fathom. We have these things manufactured by Fairydown and Kathmandu called "Puffer Jackets", and most people have one and wear it regularly. If you don't wanna look them up they kinda look like the Michiellin Man's torso, but Kathmandu puts hoods on theirs I think.
Anyway, I just think they're "fugly" for whatever reason. But Peacoats (inb4 >peacoats) i can appreciate much more. Same goes with the shitty shirts and cardigans a lot of people in my area wear. I'll see someone, however, dressed in a way I appreciate and i'll be like "aw yiss". So draw from that what you will.

I prefer the way that collard shirts, traditional jackets, traditional shoes, etc. all look (on me, at least.) for what reasons I do not know.

And then there's the practical side: I never wear shorts cause they make me feel exposed, stuff like that.

>> No.6419424

rick finally made it able for me to wear l/s, sweats and chunky sneakers without looking like i don't care