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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 35 KB, 670x424, Rick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6416067 No.6416067 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you guys get the money to support your expensive taste?

>> No.6416076

I try to keep my wardrobe small by selling a piece of clothing before getting something new.

>> No.6416080

i have a job

>> No.6416086

My job

>> No.6416092

I don't buy shit tons of clothes

>> No.6416095

>nail tech
>yardsale my crap away
>bf buys stuff

>> No.6416101

>go to interview
>get job
>get paid

its pre simple

>> No.6416110

where do you guys work?

>> No.6416314


>> No.6416350

I masturbate boy so they'll be ready for the aging perverts with mommy issues

>> No.6416351

Millionaire trust fund kiddie.

>> No.6416356

I sell art

>> No.6416372

suck cock

>> No.6416365

the money store

>> No.6416381

> inb4 sell fake sketches to Chinas nouveaux riche

>> No.6416393

does that mean you literally will never work in your life?

>> No.6416635

I'm a college student, and I did an internship last summer. You know, I still have to develop the skills to run my father's company when he passes away.

>> No.6416658

im 18 and my only expenses are transportation / exercise / occasional food

i work 2 jobs and an internship
i save up most of my money for school and save some for clothes on the side
you just have to be patient really i don't own anything expensive either

>> No.6416671

>Keep eyes out for sales
>don't buy a lot of clothing

>> No.6417063

> my father

>> No.6417124

>having a job

>> No.6417146

>being a teenager

>> No.6417151

>Move to San Francisco
>Start a startup
>Collect VC Money
>Increase my own salary
>Become /fa/

>> No.6417165
File: 31 KB, 300x360, feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw employed student living in a former communist country in Eastern Europe making €180/month

>> No.6417171

decent paying part-time job, save money. life's hard.

your own? or others'?


>> No.6417172

>yfw most teens do have jobs
>mfw 28 and unemployed

>> No.6417178
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>tfw I'm about to accept a new job and will double my income next year
raf, here I come

>> No.6417190

I blow dudes for cash, and the sik jaw gains.

>> No.6417206
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smart man

>> No.6417207

nurse in long term care..

>> No.6417212
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>tfw will make 15k from internship this summer
gonna cop some real dick ovens

>> No.6417210
File: 177 KB, 1024x653, Chelsea_Tudor_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real Estate.

>> No.6417632

How much is your paycheck

What is usual paycheck in States?

>> No.6417643
File: 17 KB, 645x851, 1343160118882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really glad for u anon
Be sure to post your fits and cops !

>> No.6417665

>20 years old
>landed a job in marketing with no degree or experience
>40,000 AU a year
>So much clothes

>> No.6417688

>$15K for 3 months

try again though

>> No.6417699

$330 every 2 weeks, give or take

>> No.6417710

So its 660$ per month, right?
And is your job something highly qualified?

>> No.6417724

>thinks 60k annualized pay is out of line for interns
what are you like a sociology major?

>> No.6417755

Pretty jealous. How did you land that? Did you have hook-ups or did you randomly apply and have a great interview/CV?

>> No.6417759
File: 204 KB, 800x670, 1369980119394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I'm making the equivalent of 80k a year and get free breakfast, dinner, and lunch all summer long at my internship

thanx computer science

>> No.6417779

I spent two years looking for a job when I'd come out of school (job market in australia is fucking rediculous) also was a bit of a junkie most of the time, Im really well self taught in html, got the first interview did really well, went home did research on what I'd actually be doing, second interview they were impressed that I did homework. Gave me the job now I do display and email internet advertising.

I had probably applied for about 250ish jobs though over the whole time I was looking for a job, only 3 went to an interview, I heard back from 5.

Plus I come from the ghetto areas of sydney

>> No.6417788

Holy shit sounds like you did well for yourself. Well done, man.

>> No.6417797
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>email internet advertising
so you're a spammer?

>> No.6417803

Thanks man, its still so hard to believe that its happened even to myself

>> No.6417806



>> No.6417807

Nah, we use non incentivised data, people sun up at their own will and we only use our own data. Spammers are the dicks that send you viagra emails and used blacklisted links

>> No.6417811

Its sunday morning, I dont give a fuck

>> No.6417814

sign up*

>> No.6417834

Pick one

>> No.6417847

You've clearly never been to fairfield, ghettos don't have to be black, all the arab cunts and fob cunts shoot and stab each other all the time

>> No.6418028

the equivalent of 80k isn't 80k..so it doesn't feel that good nigga

>> No.6418047

i'm tryna get an adderall script. hopefully it's pretty easy to sell round here.
any tips on what to say to the doc?

>> No.6418088

>when he passes away.

Glad you're planning ahead sociopath

>> No.6418134


>not being a sociopath
>genuinely caring about other peoples problems
>not suggestively convincing them to make poor decisions so you can subtly ruin their life, or make it better

>> No.6418137

Apply yourself:
>check what adderall is traditional used to treat
>look up symptoms
>think of careful wording to describe symptoms subtly
>describe symptoms to doctor after careful rehearsal
>hope you get the script

>> No.6418141

you've got the right mindset. success requires a certain amount of mental illness.

>> No.6418544

>I had probably applied for about 250ish jobs though over the whole time I was looking for a job, only 3 went to an interview, I heard back from 5.
It's the same up in Brisbane man. I finally got a job working in a lighting factory thanks to my uncle but shit, I would probably still be unemployed if I didn't have that lucky connection.

>> No.6418558

ive a job

its a shit job but i've enough to buy a couple of nice pieces a month spare

>> No.6418556

>being unemployed
>not applying at a temp agency and doing factory work for decent pay with weekends free
>not putting your resume on Monster and getting an office job somewhere making 50-60k

you guys, getting a job isn't hard. you literally just have to want to do the work and apply in the correct manner.

>> No.6418568

like, I smoke a lot of weed also, but lets day I wanted something that cost 200 euros, I just consciously take the 50 quid I was about to spend on a bag and put it aside

a couple weeks later I have the money

or I but the thing anyway, then think 'you must smoke 200 euros less weed'

>> No.6418604

I know how you feel, choosing between drugs and clothing is the hardest choice.

>> No.6418608

>not growing your own weed

>> No.6418610

>being dependant enough on weed that it inhibits your ability to buy things you want or save for the future

you guys are silly.

>> No.6418614


>> No.6418624

it doesnt inhibit me from buying the thing i want, i want weed generally

things are fleeting, dont get too attached to them, like all things, they are impermanent

may as well submit to my more base desires

>> No.6418625

I know its going to sound stupid but being high and well dressed the best thing ever

>> No.6418635

>tell pot smokers they're addicted to the green
>guaranteed replies

i can see why someone might feel that way, but im absolutely neurotic about my appearance. i like being so stuffed with uppers my pupils look like needle holes in my gray summer suit going out on the town with some random girl. I would never want my senses dulled or my mannerisms slowed.

>> No.6418646
File: 55 KB, 200x380, mirin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is v real having bitches mirin your fucking shoes when you're ripped out of your mind off that loud is lordly vapor god status

>> No.6418650

i thought you meant it was awesome being dressed well while fucked off solvents

i like solvents though no lie, just dont do them because i dont want to die

>> No.6418652

It doesn't necessarily slow you down. For me it brings my confidence down from hotshot to just cool calm and collect, Im high I can handle anything as well spoken and relaxed as I can.
Going clubbing is a different story though, I get on mdma and go mental like everyone else, I dont come from a wealthy family but I have wealthy friends we get into clubs where you need a $2000 outfit and there is circus de soleil dancers hanging off the ceilings and fire breathers and high profile djs.

Drugs just go hand in hand with being /fa/ for me

>> No.6418663

>twerk du soleil

That shit costs $5 in california homie. Also it's the least /fa/ party you could possibly attend.

>> No.6418666

>Drugs just go hand in hand with being /fa/ for me

me too, just not weed. The body high is just too fucking much to deal with. Anything that gives a head high is better than that.

>> No.6418681

I ain't trying to brag man Im just setting the scene so people understand how I enjoy being drugged and well dressed.

I've been to dive parties better than that, plus I live in shit tier city, sydney is so small

>> No.6418686

I get that, I end up dressing like a complete fuckwit when I do acid

>> No.6418690


I fuck with Sydney tho man, Sydney is gorgeous. Especially the old houses around Paddington and the beaches.

>> No.6418749

I agree about the beaches, I never go on beach holidays outside of Australia, we've got some of the best beaches in the world, if your from California you must have liked Bondi?

>> No.6418774


Bondi was pissing rain when I was there but I still did the walk from Coogee to Bondi. It was gorgeous and reminded me quite a bit of walks in Santa Cruz and San Francisco, shrouded in fog. The rock formations were really beautiful though.

I would say that culturally, Sydney is a bit behind in some areas, I went to a bar that was a pitch-perfect imitation of an old school California bar, walls covered head to toe with Americana, serving whiskey old fashioned etc., except the drinks all cost $15+. I suppose the cost of living is a factor of the remoteness and high average wage though.

>> No.6418803

>gets told
>reinvents his major with a constructed lie.

>> No.6418814

I thieve.

>> No.6418819
File: 6 KB, 251x251, 1360291165911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw work at slave-mart

>> No.6418833

>tfw 100 dollars a week

I can't even fashion, I just like looking at it.

>> No.6418906

Norway here, equivalent of about 85000$ a year reporting in.

>> No.6418912

I hear you, anon.

>> No.6418915

people ask me to do things

i do those things

then they pay me

then i buy clothes

>> No.6418924

ill duff u adlay

>> No.6418932

i want to sell my body also


>> No.6418938


find an ambitious pimp willing to take a chance on you

>> No.6418950
File: 19 KB, 424x394, 1370609962026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw youve been out of school for 5 years and your friends little sisters just graduating high school are getting higher paying jobs than you

constant mix of depression & hatred

>> No.6421763

I love my family, but who the hell is going to run the business when he dies? Idiot.

>> No.6421877
File: 181 KB, 1280x1670, 99005_death grips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am currently working in a pharmacy.

>> No.6421915


>MC is left handed
>right forearm is blacked out
>wait a minute, junkies get that tattoo'd to hide track marks
>MFW MC ride was/is a junkie and i can tell from his tattoos

>> No.6421929

You owe us oil!

>> No.6421936
File: 102 KB, 640x427, 1367288098376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those years of schooling just to work in a CVS pharmacy

>> No.6421945


pharm tech only takes 6 months if i recall correctly

20-25+ USD an hour starting? that's not bad.

>> No.6421947

my dad sends me money every month so i can live, party, buy expensive clothes, etc.

>> No.6421961
File: 54 KB, 610x404, death-grips-announce-two-new-records-for-2012.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its actually not too bad, colleagues I have are probably the first people I like working with sincerely.

The pay is adequate, keeps me entertained and I am luckily saving enough each month to do something big with hopefully.

Best of all was that I met my current girlfriend there, so having getting to work with her even though she is in a different department is pretty wonderful.

I was unemployed for pretty much all of 2012 and it was an extremely dreary and close to suicidal levels almost, so to have that completely changed within a year is pretty amazing.

>> No.6421986

>tfw personally broke as shit while going through law school

>> No.6422000

I've never heard of junkies tattooing over track marks, but that makes a lot of sense. I always figured Stefan was a junkie at some point. I hope he doesn't relapse, but I bet a Death Grips heroine album could be really dark and awesome.

>> No.6422004
File: 19 KB, 396x385, 1367104283581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been making approximately 15k the past two summers from my internships, so i'll spend up to 1.5k a year on clothes.

rent, food, tuition and everything else is paid for ever since i moved back into my parents basement in peaceful upper-middle class canadian suburbia


>> No.6422019

yeah I think so
cvs can train you as you work too + pay the class

>> No.6422032
File: 64 KB, 600x415, death-grips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much spot on.

>> No.6422038

>born in a rich family (father is self-made millionaire)
>refuse to leech on my parents' money, just be glad that they pay my school
>they give me $1,000 to start off my life
>instantly get $40,000
>slow down my speculation
>grab around $10,000 a month thanks to speculation
>graduate in college
>get internship in prestigious company
>get admitted into one of the world's best business school
>parents happy as hell, give $5,000

Tomorrow is shopping day.

>> No.6422051

yo what shoes is zach hill wearing here?

someone mentioned yohji (y-3?) awhile ago but I don't think so.

>> No.6422071

must be jewish

>> No.6422076

Lucky fuck. You better look snappy with all that dough, m8.

>> No.6422096

Ain't Jewish, bro. My family name is clearly a reference to Catholicism. But everybody calls me "Jew".
>Hey Jew
>You must be Jew
>What? You're not Jew?

>> No.6422099

I've never been able to find out, would love to cop them but never got a likely result from anyone here.

The closest thing I got too them were some green doc martens.

>> No.6422101

You must look like a Jew

>> No.6422127
File: 2.83 MB, 320x180, mc_ride_lunch_break.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im happy 4 u anon

>> No.6422144
File: 47 KB, 443x531, 1337202528441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks friend.

>> No.6422171


They're the Jade Green Lebron X

>> No.6422190

>Jade Green Lebron
They look mildly similar, not entirely, but this is probably the closest I have seen to them thus far.

>> No.6422211

damn 10,000 a month?

>> No.6422227

I work two jobs, one as a store assistant and the other as a web developer. Probs work ~45 hour weeks. I'm a student and live at home for the summer so no accommodation bills.

>> No.6422379

I always thought of Ride as a PCP guy

>> No.6422392


it's the internet. if he's calling it "speculation", it may as well be $10,000/day.

>> No.6422429
File: 44 KB, 150x215, Screen Shot 2013-05-29 at 01.21.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do history degree because fa as fuck
>no job
>do msc computer science because broke as fuck
>don't apply for jobs because lazy
>get a call for a recruiter
>go for interview
>get the first job i ever apply for
>software engineer
>15% minimum bonus
>discounted gym membership
>30 days holiday/year
>mfw i can fail my msc and will still have this job

>> No.6422453

>software engineer with a masters making £36k/year
wow, the UK really is a shithole.
i'm making $80k/year 2nd year out of college doing software development at a bank and i only have a bachelors from mid-tier school.

>> No.6422457

IT mayn

>be 18
>in college studying fine art
>don't want to work yet so go to uni to study it
>course is shit but getting mad bitches and everyone's chill
>only job I can get is at nandos
>meet up with bro from home
>he hates his job, want's to go into web design
>spend a few months learning web design
>go into business with programmer bro
>6 months in we're making 5k/month each
>is this real life?

>> No.6422465

>discounted gym
Fuck I have to pay like 400 USD a year if I want gym, so I settle for jogging and hiking with my dogs. Would still like to get some gym time during bad weather.

>> No.6422479

>fine arts
That's a complementary degree. You should try applying them web design skills to your degree in fine arts. I was getting a fine arts degree until teachers told me I should get something to benefit from it, so they suggested to get something in English or liberal arts aswell.

>> No.6422509


>at a bank

enjoy getting raped by shitty working environments

>> No.6422524


including the discount it's still £50/month...

>oly lifting area
>resident DJ

I think gyms in the US are just way cheaper as there is a ton more space for everything. Here in london you will do well to find a gym that's the equivalent of $400/year

>> No.6422538

i know, we get threatened with outsourcing and cuts every other quarter (even though the bank posts like 1bill+ profit). i'm outta here in 2-3 years tops to a tech company that actually cares about their employees.

we're second class employees compared to the financial/business departments.


>> No.6422558

hey man that's pretty cool

what do you mean by speculate? On the stock market?

>> No.6422573

different anon here.

yeah, it's speculation on the market. never do it unless you have money to waste or you're just fucking stupid

>> No.6422638

well I have 1.5k that I have no specific use for, sick of buying clothes, and I was wondering what kind of knowledge you need to have to possibly achieve what >>6422038 got.

I mean if there's a potential return on investment is so great why not give it a try? I know it's pretty rare to profit that much on speculation but I'm still ready to try.

>> No.6422687

i cover myself in fake blood and wear cardboard masks when i trip

>> No.6423142

well do some research, read some books, read the wall street journal (or some similar financial newspaper), create a google finance portfolio and play around with it.

good luck

>> No.6423186

Fairfield is fucking soft come to Busby cunt