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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 216 KB, 915x678, manlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6415781 No.6415781 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 21 and 5'7. How fucked am I? Any chance of a late growth spurt?

>> No.6415788

im in the same boat you are but im 20. fingers crossed for 3 in by 22.

>> No.6415808

stop being so goddamn insecure

>> No.6415813
File: 756 KB, 1576x2616, 1288936429042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how fucked


If you're out of puberty you're pretty much done for.

>> No.6415815

>I'm 21 and 5'7
me too!
I've accepted that i'm fucked though, you should give up

>> No.6415872

I love the fact that some people give up on getting bitches because a chart tells them that they're two inches too short. It's not like it's gonna change the more you despair over it, just try to make the fucking best out of what you're stuck with.

>> No.6415881


>being over 6'2
>getting good fits

Lel nope

>> No.6415888

>implying working out doesn't exist.

>> No.6415898

If that dude on the left worked out and got a haircut, he would be very good looking.

>> No.6415899


>too tall to get sick jawns stacks
>shit shoe sizes

nope, dad core usually what super fall fags be dressed in

>> No.6416071

Height really isn't as big a deal in reality as it is on 4chan.

>> No.6416122

okay manlet

>> No.6416127

I'm 6'1" and couldn't give a shit.

>> No.6416132

I'm a manlet (5'7") but the truth is that women DO find tall guys more attractive and is usually the first physical trait girls want. It is usually a "make or break" trait depending on if you're taller than her or not. Most girls don't want to be taller than the guy, but there are always exceptions.

But at the end of the day, I'm not crying myself to sleep because I'm a manlet, you just have to roll with what you got. I look at it that I'm still living a pretty good life.

>> No.6416141

nah you aren't have fun manlet

>> No.6416161

Yes I am, prove me wrong.

>> No.6416163

dat denial

>> No.6416168
File: 184 KB, 729x1920, tumblr_mp1runhJnn1s7y6ddo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6416169

nah, have fun manlet

>> No.6416170

>implying I am heterossexual

The best fucking thing in the world is to be a short, thin, cute androgynous gay. Even straight men have fallen for me.

>> No.6416174
File: 532 KB, 2000x971, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop feeding your insecurities and clouding up the air on /fa/.

>> No.6416177

shitty proportions would not be friends with

>> No.6416181

Meant to sage.

>> No.6416187

are you sure you know what proportions are?

>> No.6416188

i almost 24 and i am still 5'7
someday you will get used to the neglection pain and after a while you wont even think about women

>> No.6416200

yes and he's so fucking stretched out it doesn't look good

>> No.6416202

Nice backing out.

>> No.6416210

>nearly 8 heads tall
>long legs
>narrow waist & hips
those seem like strong proportions to me

>> No.6416224

no he looks like slenderman

>> No.6416228

>being this fat

>> No.6416229

why hasnt he been hired by hedi yet


>> No.6416231
File: 402 KB, 729x1920, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6416237


>> No.6416238

his face
all his fits suck too

>> No.6416246

Didn't consider that; my bad.

>> No.6416250

would you mind posting one of your own outfits? i think tinfoil dresses really well lately

>> No.6416254

post fit

>> No.6416285

when will you learn

>> No.6416336

Hey guys, Ben stiller won top male model of the year, 3 years in a row, at 5'8.

>> No.6416345


>> No.6416384

where do you find nice shirts like this?

>> No.6416400


somebody post those ridiculous shoes RDJ always wears

>> No.6416466

best post in thread.
legitimately laughed for a solid five. Thanks.

>> No.6416526

lol i didnt know he modelled

>> No.6416530

go ask him

>> No.6416607

I'm 5'7" and no one ever brings up my height, even in WAYWT pictures.

>> No.6416688

sure thing lofty

>> No.6416692

I just turned 18 and I'm 6'0... How are things looking /fa/? Will I grow any?

>> No.6416729

>implying I didn't yesterday
Step it up

>> No.6416847

6'0 is fine man, don't listen to all /fa/s bullshit

>> No.6416859

wtf, im 6' 5" 154lbs and still skinny fat

if you were 6' 5" 230lbs youd be obese

>> No.6416882

You're fine. As long as you're past the 6 ft. mark, you're good. Once you get to that point, it's not that big of a deal.

For instance, I'm 6'2-6'3 (I say that because it's been quite a while since I've measured my height and I know that I'm at least 6'2) and the height difference between some of my friends who are at 6' are pretty indistinguishable.

>> No.6416889

>tfw 5'10" and 5'11" in shoes
>i'm not gonna make it

>> No.6416915

>tfw been 6'2'' since 15

>> No.6416919

there's this thing called working out where you gain stuff called "muscle"

>> No.6416920

You'll be fine too. The entire emphasis on height placed by /fa/ (or /soc/) is rather annoying.

People notice those who are taller just because, so I would be lying if I said that it doesn't help to be above 6'. I mean, standing above everyone else is bound to receive attention.

But I would be going too far if I said that NO ONE under 6' is attractive. I just think that's horribly ignorant of the several other factors that go into determining who is or isn't attractive.

If you aren't regarded as "tall" just improve yourself in other areas, whatever they may be.

You're gonna make it. You'll be fine.

>> No.6416931

And I do feel bad for phrasing my previous comment "as long as you're past 6 ft.", I didn't mean that if you aren't that height or more, you're fucked. It's just, a good thing, to be regarded as tall and whatnot.

>> No.6416940

no excuse
tinny is the same stats as you and hes lean as shit

>> No.6416959


p.sure he's skinnyfat

have you seen the closeup of his face? dat chub

>> No.6416980 [DELETED] 

im 17 and 182
just 1cm more so i can be 6'

am i gonna make it?!

>> No.6417021


How does the whole head measurement thing work?

>> No.6417065

ye brah.

>> No.6417068


>> No.6419282
File: 470 KB, 1200x1920, tumblr_moc8yqXgbN1s7y6ddo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah m8
he used to always whine about his fat face but hes skinny as

>> No.6419285

he flexxin

>> No.6419292


>> No.6419291

kill yourself

>> No.6419314

>family reunion
>everyone talks about how tall i've become
>be taller than all the people that looked like giants when i was a child
>i'm only 5'11
you guys need to stop this shit most people aren't even 5'10

>> No.6419315

that's because you're mexican

>> No.6419355

>Most people aren't even 5'10
>Confirmed for Asian

>> No.6419354

>mfw I'm not 5'6" like Elijah Wood
>I will never be Elijah Wood
>Being 5'8" manlet is no good.
>Wish I was shorter

>> No.6419356

Everyone on the internet loves to blow shit way out of proportion trying to find any excuse to overcome their low self-esteem. We live in a world where victimization and lack of self-worth are popular. At 5'7", you are still about 4 inches taller than most women (over 70%), and average height for a man globally. If you expand your horizons and go do something with your life other than bullshit on 4chan about how tiny your ego isn't, you'll wind up in places where, at 5'7", you are taller than average.

>letting what women think control your self-worth
>still thinking you're a real man
>being this beta
Not even once.

>> No.6419357

i'm french

>> No.6419367

je suis francais aussi
I'm 5'9 and tall as or taller than 80% of people I meet, and the other 20% are usually an inch or two taller.

>> No.6419374

exactly this

>> No.6419375

w2c those jeans

>> No.6419379


he lok great in the bottom photo.

>> No.6419460


>> No.6419472


>> No.6419569

My friend who is 5'7" is probably the biggest Casanova I know. He seems to have a new woman every time I see him :P

>> No.6419652

damn he looks pretty good

>> No.6419711

I'm 5'3"

>> No.6419747


manlet propaganda detected

>> No.6419776

Short men are paid less, get less women, are less respected, and it's completely acceptable to openly discriminate against them. Short men cannot be as attractive or fashionable as tall men.

>> No.6420117

So he's dating whatever scrap he can find. Yeah, manlet indeed.

>> No.6420148

Projecting much?

>> No.6420180

This is absolutely possible

If all ugly people couldn't mate, why aren't we swimming in a sea of 6'4 men right now?

>> No.6420184

*short, not ugly

although /fa/ usually feels those two are mutual