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/fa/ - Fashion

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6415076 No.6415076 [Reply] [Original]

Chest hair.
Do you keep yours, shave it all off, or "manscape" it. Also girls of /fa/, what do you think of it?

>> No.6415103

Don't have any

>> No.6415118

if you wax or shave it, you probably suck the dick.

>> No.6415120

i have had chest hair, it sucks and looks nasty.
or if well groomed it can look manly.
but i recently shaved it, was itchy the next day for a lil bit, but then its no biggy

>> No.6415122

A little chest hair is nice, anything even remotely similar to OP needs to go.

>> No.6415123

too lazy to shave
i have hairy shoulders as well.
shit sucks

>> No.6415128

>shave chest hair
>red bumps everywhere the next day

>> No.6415134

i have no chest hair, but my legs are too hairy.

should i like, trim my leg hair? it's getting gross looking.

>> No.6415145

I don't really like chest hair but I can tolerate a bit of it, but I hate back hair. Altough lately I have been noticing a lot of women that absoulutely love chest hair and hairy men in general.

>> No.6415208

I just shave the hair around my nipples sometimes, because it looks stupid. Didn't get any complaints about about the little chest hair I have yet anyway. European femnazis that want their boyfriend to shave his armpits and pubes completely, because "I have to do it,too!" can choke on a dick.

>> No.6415250

I have a lot and people tell me they wish they had some, I don't care for it tho.

>> No.6415268
File: 90 KB, 768x1024, disgusting body hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no treasure trail, but more of a treasure 6 lane highway, but shaving it into trail form looks retarded

>> No.6415281

Obviously dudes should keep or banish their body hair as they see fit, but in my experience I'd say that if one is *going* to get rid of hte chest hair, waxing is better than shaving, because stubble is terrible. My boyfriend shaved his chest hair one day, and the next day *my* chest was all raw from rubbing against the stubble. Blech.

Go ahead and do it for your own benefit, if you want, but most women won't care one way or the other.

>> No.6415294

use clippers with a #2 guard

>> No.6415317

I wax my very minimal chest hair when I get around to it.
Also shave legs/armpits, but I take the dick so whatever.

>> No.6415417

personally, I dislike it a lot

>> No.6415427

Shave all unsightly body hair; chest and pubes. Shit looks awful.

>> No.6415435

I just trim it whenever I think it's necessary. No thank you to shaving my chest...

>> No.6415459

i trim the pubes and pits, but shaving those is a mistake

nipple hair gets way longer than the rest of my chest hair so i shave that occasionally

>> No.6415558

Any man who shaves pubic hair or chest hair is doing it very wrong. Enjoy that discomfort.

TRIM ONLY. Get some clippers and trim. Never shave.

>> No.6415578

what discomfort?

>> No.6415576

I shave and the only discomfort I feel are the first 2 hours, and it's not that bad. Need to shower after that and apply moisturizer though. Then again my facial and body hair isn't specially thick.

>> No.6415606

i find no discomfort in my body shaving, trimmed pubes, shaved the bottom on my shaft and balls, chest stomach face neck always hairless. Am proud

>> No.6415637

I feel you

Imagine the burn and itch you'd have on your face after a shave in areas that rub against each other all day or that your shirt rubs on.

I just slightly trim mine because some of my chest hair is 3 or 4 cm long.
Pits are always trimmed, pubes depend on gf.

>> No.6415691

It depends on your hair thickness. Some people don't get that itch you're talking about.

>> No.6416165

Overly hairy guys look like werewolves right before fullmoon, a waxed guy looks like a self-conscious werewolf that rather opts to look like a 12 year old.
If you got heavy hair growth, you failed the genetics lottery. Sorry guys.

Also, shaven pubes look like a ronery sausage.

>> No.6416311

>hairy chest
>some small hairs on shoulders
>some small hairs on upper back
>tfw can't shave because gf won't let me
>tfw gf has daddy issues.
>tfw dadcore faggot

>> No.6416508
File: 23 KB, 205x400, 1244_nairformen_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make friends with this.


>> No.6416667

Shave anyway. Don't let other people decide what you do with your body.

>> No.6417272

I'd bet that I'm the hairiest mother fucker in this thread. I don't even know what to do with my ass because it's like a sweaty fucking jungle their in the summer.

>> No.6417951


pretty fucking hair here. I'm self conscious about it too. Fuck, I went travelling to Africa, little kids would rub my arms saying "what's wrong?" Back hair is coming in. I'm going to start trimming. Don't care to shave. I just don't want to look unkempt. I think when I can afford it I will get laser hair removal.

>> No.6417961

hairy and i like it, never even thought of shaving/trimming chest

>> No.6417986
File: 67 KB, 600x600, hairyfeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no chesthair but really hairy eyebrows and legs

>> No.6417992

I know them eyebrows feels.

>> No.6418003

1.Get a comb.
2. Run comb through eyebrow hair.
3.Trim hair that pops through comb

It doesn't look shaped like when girls tweeze their eyebrows but it is trimmed

>> No.6418011

I've always considered doing this but have been worried I'd fuck it up or end up with girly looking brows. Eh might as well give it a go.

>> No.6418026
File: 31 KB, 413x504, sean-connery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Under no circumstances should you ever do this. Pic related a much less retarded alternative to trimming.

>> No.6418033

tfw hairy ass
>sweat af in summer
>cant wipe properly unless using baby wipes
>scared of what a qt thinks when she sees it

>> No.6418048
File: 49 KB, 1000x1000, ass-cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6418063

Chest groomed at a 2, then a 1 on the abs and all the way down.

>> No.6418105


Doesn't know how to actually shave ^
Must not have a father or have a bad relationship with him.

>> No.6418131

>tfw my relationship w my dad wasn't good enough for him to help me shave my chest

>> No.6418179

Shave if you want to shave

If a guy kept his girlfriend from doing something with her body it would seem repressive and stuff so don't let double standards control you. Do your thang brotha

>> No.6418312

Is nair really that good? Has anyone tried it? (For men)
>Tfw hairy legs
>Tfw hairy ass
>Tfw hairy thighs
>Tfw razor rash after shaving pubes

>> No.6418356

None the less...

Don't shave your chest hair you fags.

>> No.6418368

Yes because the skin on your chest is radically different from the skin on your face. Oh wait it's hardier and easier to shave.

>> No.6418384
File: 15 KB, 260x392, 1459184_f260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My leather Daddy makes me stay shaved and smooth from the neck down. I hate it, mostly because it takes forever and I can't avoid getting bumps and ingrown hairs no matter how careful I am. Tried Nair, smelled like shit, left my skin all red and painful like a sunburn, still got ingrown hairs, and did not last much longer than shaving.

Thinking of saving for laser hair removal or electrology. Electrology is supposed to be more permanent, but is more expensive and time consuming.

Anyone have any experience with either of those?

>> No.6418389


>> No.6418391

the only reasons i could think of to shave your chest hair is a) you have muscles and want to show them off b) you have a chest tattoo you want to show off c) you're a faggot

>> No.6418395


HAHA it's funny I was thinking that today. When I was shaving my face getting pissed at razor burn. I was thinking, "Who the fuck taught me to shave!!?" Then realized no one. My mom even bought me my first razor, my Dad probably would have let me get a scum stash all the way through High School. It's not his fault it's his Dads fault. His Dad never showed him anything, so he just didn't know I guess. I think that is one of the main things a father does right? Teach a boy to shave? My dad never told me about sex either, didn't even mention girls. My mom told me about it. She didn't talk about girls though.

>> No.6418615

Tell your leather Daddy to go fuck himself

>> No.6418627

chest hair's about as attractive as back hair (it's not)

>> No.6418631

this made me laugh a lot

>> No.6418660

idk i want to be hairy as shit but i cant even grow a beard. i do have hairy ass tho wtf why cant my asshair just grow on my face

wait what

>> No.6418669


>> No.6418758

Shaved my ass. Best decision in my whole life. It's not hard, you should try, anon.

>> No.6418786

I like chest hair its masculine..i like masculinity..also shaving increases chance of ingrown hairs so whiteheads/bumps and shit in combo w/spikey feel is not desirable by any means...
howevs too much hair could be off putting too bc wouldn't wanna get hair in mouth while kissing chest and I wouldnt wanna suck on super hairy nipples either that's for sure...

also is this casemods bc I made a comment
about his shaven chest