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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 46 KB, 498x750, tumblr_mp1e8kvhX31qgiyt6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6407832 No.6407832 [Reply] [Original]

mfw I will never be male model because of pleb genes ;-;
c'mon /fa/ get it out, what don't you like about your body? Wish you can change ?

>> No.6407842

My nose is too big. If it weren't for that I'd go be a model.

>> No.6407847

why do people want to be models so bad

>> No.6407854

Acne, moles, and just an allround ugly face.

>> No.6407861

>mfw ive been offered to model 3 times
>mfw i could find an agency and model any day
>mfw i don't really want to

>> No.6407859
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bc they think its the answer to all their problems.

funny thing is some models are insecure as ppl on here. models, esp male models get paid like shit.

>> No.6407892 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 1236x1600, PolaroidsApril162012NastyaKusakinaWomenManagementNYC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eye shape
natural blonde

wrinkles under eyes
weird nose
hair texture

i'm currently losing weight and i'd like to get some sort of cosmetic surgery done in the future

i sometimes like to sometimes think of myself as the hyper-ugly version of nastya kusakina
>pic related

>> No.6407905

>awkward build

>> No.6407915

would not want to model, dont have time for it an would honestly rather be behind the runway

>> No.6407919

how shit do they get payed

>> No.6407938

uneven jaw line
20 lbs underweight
das it mane

>> No.6407953

Not sure how shit they get paid in whatever country you're in, but here in Denmark, the shitty models get paid what they would earn in a month doing casual labour, for doing like 2 hour shoots.

>> No.6407962

bout 3.50

>> No.6407963

Awful roach mustache because I just turned 18. I just shave it off, but it grows back after a week.

>Yes, a clean man shaves everyday, it's just like brushing your teeth, wahwahwah. I'm too lazy.

>> No.6407974

sounds like good money to me

ugh...i hate being poor.

>> No.6407972

4 inch penis...

>tfw you'll never be an underwear model

>> No.6407980

>nose tip (flat like my mother's but bigger like my dad's normal nose)

Maybe an eye or hair color change to appear unique.

>> No.6407987
File: 989 KB, 500x359, Taking_The_Bus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I feel like the reason the 1% holds back the 99% is because if the 99 had any familiarity with the trappings of wealth and luxury they'd realize that outside of basic freedom from want (i.e. medical, dental, education, basic housing, food), a lifestyle does not in any way provide answers to the human dilemma - try all you want, but neither work nor lifestyle will fill the hole inside of you.
Without people chasing after lifestyle through totemic products, cars, the home market etc, society would collapse, or at least change until it becomes something unrecognizable to those presently in power.

The threat is not the 99 actually having luxury and lifestyle, it is the horrific notion of what would happen to the economy if people stopped *chasing* it. It is your constant tread towards the promise of better that keeps the mill ever spinning. Carrot.
Knowing this, you are fed on a steady diet of happy moments & ideal times, all of them perfectly real & plausible but existing in their own separate & perfect dimension. Fortunately, we can always touch these gossamer dreams via products, films and minor promotional tie-ins. Zara will sell you the look, replete with stark, high contrast minimalism and the suggestion of a way of life conveyed via ten foot black & white pictures.
The people in these pictures are free from pesky existential dilemmas, paranoia and doubt. If they do suffer, they do it tastefully, and they look good doing it. Tears slither down perfectly formed faces leaving perfectly formed black arcs of raw emotion and the vague suggestion of sex.
One thing never changes: Out beyond the sky, there are always new deserts in which to die of thirst.

>> No.6407998

go fake poet

>> No.6408013

It is your constant tread towards the promise of better that keeps the mill ever spinning. Carrot.

>that keeps the mill ever spinning. Carrot.



but srsly

money does bring happiness

>> No.6408022

I want to be part of the exploitative system, I want to be at the top.

>> No.6408039
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carrot on a sting my nigga

>> No.6408038

im enjoying this milkshake while reading poets post this is vury nice

>> No.6408043

Putting a carrot in front of a horse is a pretty common symbol

>> No.6408062

i just wish i was taller...

>> No.6408089

height, acne, and hairline

otherwise I'd be totes mgotes male model

>> No.6408098


I-I-I'll hold you manlet bros

5'7 here ;_;

>> No.6408104

>knees point inwards
>profile view of my face is awkward, i think.
>not tall enough (imo)

>> No.6408108

i wish i was a little bit taller
i wish i was a baller
i wish i had a girl who looked good i would call her
i wish i had a rabbit and a bat with a hat and 6-4 impala

>> No.6408131
File: 1.15 MB, 1088x1600, Earlier_Radar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make this post often, and I want you to know that right now, you're wrong. But even if you weren't, as long as the message was positive and delivered in certain manner it wouldn't matter who I was, would it?
Money brings happiness the way Alcohol bestows courage.
Only place to be.
Thank you for that image.

>> No.6408142

>Money brings happiness the way Alcohol bestows courage.
So it works as long as you have it?
Fine by me.

>> No.6408162

What's your philosophy or favorite philosopher?
It'd be great to see you make some fashion related posts once in a while too.

>> No.6408171

It's a false happiness, the way being drunk is a false courage. Great men are courageous in spite of their fear, not because they've been beating their prefrontal cortex into a stupor with a chemical and are incapable of feeling it.

>> No.6408178

he makes loads of fashion related posts.

>> No.6408199

i never see any when im on
do you have any screenshots?

>> No.6408202

>no rj king chin
>tfw only small alternative shit wants me
Other than that, I think I'd be able to do it. I have p nice proportions and shit.

I want to be a model because it would be a direct interaction/connection with high fashion, and does not require me to be rich.

>> No.6408208

>It'd be great to see you make some fashion related posts once in a while too
I've done image-maxed threads on 20th century couture, gas mask aesthetics, Costumes for showgirls & Carnivale dancers as well as several threads on a theoretical new style influenced by space & aeronautics. I routinely answer fashion related questions in the #newfaf threads and I routinely post about fashion and contribute heavily to fashion-related threads.

My favorite philosopher is probably Bill Watterson.

>> No.6408211

Go to chan archive, you can see some of the threads right there on the front page.

>> No.6408217

then work retail at an expensive boutique, become a buyer and get invited to fashion week

>> No.6408218
File: 135 KB, 1544x726, 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have an entire folder.

not all of it is about fashion.

>> No.6408220

can you upload it to dropbox or something similar? i'd download it for sure

>> No.6408222

ok i never used dropbox before but i guess ill sign up

>> No.6408224

oh wow, i can only tell it's you posting when your giving out life advice

why don't you adopt a tripcode?

>> No.6408226

dude, i'm all good with false happiness.

>> No.6408227
File: 682 KB, 1979x1476, 137128352_991135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not having clothes that fit

>> No.6408230

look at the email field

>> No.6408234


>tfw 6'2


>> No.6408238

i'm 6'0 and i think this is really dumb

>> No.6408239

But I already have a god paying stable job that I like ;/////

>> No.6408271

thanks, i put my email, can you e-mail me your dropbox later?

yeah i get it now

>> No.6408288

sending you an email now

>> No.6408306
File: 785 KB, 1920x1080, Tron_MCP_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use the email field like I would use a hooded garment - partial anonymity, easier to blend with a crowd.
People often ask me about this but I feel like having a code also implies a certain sense of self importance that I just don't feel. I know there are people out there imitating me but as long as they aren't being mean and their words work towards a positive end, who really gives a shit? When all is said and done I'm just some nerd on a website. All that we say here quickly becomes irrelevant.
My writing should serve the function of a tripcode, but even I realize that something as personal as my style is easily copied at the end of the day - assuming one is willing to invest the time and effort.
And that's the thing - if someone wants to put in the time and/or effort required to go around making lengthy posts and being kind to people, but they want to do it under my name? No problem brother, here's a list of charities.

I've considered using the name field, at least - when autumn rolls in.

>> No.6408315

Then go for it - but don't come crying to me when your arms get wet.

>> No.6408321

thanks for taking the time to reply

went through the /fa/ archive and saw the post about you trying to up the quality of posts on /fa/, that's great