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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 57 KB, 332x500, Hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6403804 No.6403804 [Reply] [Original]

Are nazi uniforms /fa/?

>> No.6403805

Ego Boss designed them.

>> No.6403807
File: 43 KB, 700x562, Photo 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah this is an original thread that we've never had before
ps 19th century uniforms > 20th century uniforms

>> No.6403810

Hugo Boss is the name you're trying to put out there and no he didn't design them.

Karl Diebitsch and Walter Heck did.

>> No.6404452
File: 58 KB, 318x500, Preußen Helm und Paradekürass für Offiziere im Regiment Garde du Corps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6404505
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>tfw you will never be Sebastian Sauve

>> No.6404511

but 3*3*3 is 27 :(

>> No.6404640

My model-idols don't need to be smart, ok?

>> No.6404677

>Sebastian Sauve
nigger lips

>> No.6404678
File: 172 KB, 1493x2081, 30-451-09b-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6404688

nah they were just ugly jews and french fags

>> No.6404683

nazi-hunters in the 60s were considerably more cool

>> No.6404684
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>> No.6404696
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North Korea is most /fa/.

>> No.6404702
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>> No.6404715

they were intelligent, moral, respectable, plus dressed as well if not better than most of the nazi regime.

besides, travelling to south america to hunt down and prosecute ratlined nazis is way cooler than hitting defenseless minorities and burning them in an oven

>> No.6404723

nah you're just gay son, that sounds like a total homo tour

fuck your jew shit

>> No.6404735

le /b/ humour face

>> No.6404739

le /jidf/ hooknose

>> No.6404742
File: 30 KB, 134x193, gjgj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6404756


oy vey the goyim aren't falling for it

>> No.6404755
File: 27 KB, 396x594, 480065_316901468414663_809127945_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, those are some quality DSL.

>> No.6404758

Nazi Hunters are way worse than nazis. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-22949611
Instead of letting the old guy leave his last years in peace for something he most likely regrets now (and even if he doesn't), they send him to jail for hurr durr revengeance for killing 60 billion jews 70 years ago. Not saying killing jews is ok, but, it's been 70 years, the nazis lost, why do they keep trying to prosecute old people. Even in the 60s, the remaining ex-nazis probably weren't any danger to anyone, why hunt them?

>> No.6404767

because MUH HOLOHOAX and little jew peni

>> No.6404771


because the goyim must know, about the great shoah.


the kikes in israel defend kike communist goyim killers

>> No.6404789
File: 162 KB, 800x630, waffen-ss-trio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6404807

first of all, read things when you're trying to use them as an argument
>He was tracked down in Budapest by reporters from the UK's Sun newspaper in July 2012
>In 1948, a Czechoslovakian court condemned Mr Csatary to death, in absentia, for torturing Jews.
>Mr Csatary fled to Canada after the war

>arresting a nazi
>worse than slaughtering minorities in death camps and destroying much of central Europe

>why hunt them?
because they are criminals. and they weren't ex-nazis, have you heard of ODESSA? a lot of it's operations took place in South America. and they weren't 'old people' this was 10-20 years after the war ended.

great, now my finger is bleeding because of all the edge in your posts

>> No.6404851

fuck off

>> No.6404863

>/pol/ comes to /fa/ and tells the regular people to fuck off


>> No.6404873

I don't go on that shithole nor stormfront nor any other shitty political board.

I only know you have to fuck right off.

>> No.6404894


Time to stop posting.

>> No.6404900
File: 11 KB, 239x300, reinhard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not wanted here, Herschel.

>> No.6404901

>first of all, read things when you're trying to use them as an argument
>>He was tracked down in Budapest by reporters from the UK's Sun newspaper in July 2012
>>In 1948, a Czechoslovakian court condemned Mr Csatary to death, in absentia, for torturing Jews.
>>Mr Csatary fled to Canada after the war
my point still stands, ok, he was condemned in 48, fled, but now its 2013, he most likely doesnt have much time left to live, why don't leave him be. The faggot reporters from the Sun can still be classified as nazi hunters for this.
>arresting a nazi
>worse than slaughtering minorities in death camps and destroying much of central Europe
Didn't say it's worse, what i said is that why the fuck do they feel the need for revenge after so long? Do they have that "kid that was bullied alot"mentality, that, after become a bit more powerful feels the need to take revenge on the bully every chance they get? Ffs, Israel is doing to the palestinians what the nazis were doing to them at the begining of WWII, putting them in ghettos and stuff.
Just in case you didn't understand, it's not about considering nazis innocent, it's about the jews' need for revenge at every chance they get.

>> No.6404906

hello schlomo



>> No.6404940

yeah yeah, hunting down a old men is bad

>some reporters and the government of modern israel make some poor choices

>this somehow makes the Nazis the greatest pure beings on Earth, the Holocaust a big hoax, jews are evil scum of the earth, and everyone else who disagrees is secretly a bunch of jews plotting to take over the world


>> No.6404952
File: 66 KB, 1000x1000, Heydrich-1940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls go

>> No.6404953

>this somehow makes the Nazis the greatest pure beings on Earth, the Holocaust a big hoax, jews are evil scum of the earth, and everyone else who disagrees is secretly a bunch of jews plotting to take over the world

All true.

>> No.6404962

you should be the ones leaving, edgy kids
back to stormfront with you

>> No.6404979
File: 147 KB, 537x768, german-wwii-waffen-ss-poster-nordmenn-from-uk-32d13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's that word again. Someone started a thread about Nazi uniforms, and you had to come shit it up with your jewry. So I feel you are the one who is obligated to piss off.

>> No.6405001

I use that word a lot in this thread because it describes you almost perfectly. And no, I didn't shit it up, you shit it up. I said someone else was more fashionable.

Just like this guy did:
and you didn't flip out and call him a jew, did you? you Nazi-admirer types don't belong here, this was a thread about fashion and you ruined it with your
>hurr durr everyone is evil jews
>hitler did nothing wrong

>> No.6405108

>you have to be a neo nazi to appreciate well designed uniforms.

>> No.6405116

>not reading the thread