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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 15 KB, 214x221, 1371597556265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6400896 No.6400896 [Reply] [Original]

what does /fa/ do for cashmoney

>> No.6400899

I frycook

>> No.6400907

how many of these threads do we need to have before mark ass hoze stop making them

either a) you work or b) somebody has a money making scheme that theyre not going to share with you because they dont want to blow the spot and have some herby cacs encroaching on your territory

>> No.6400914

Busking and tutoring

>> No.6400915

the stock market

>> No.6400908

lemonade stand

>> No.6400909

yikes bro

fast food kills a nigga

i might become a fuckin gay ass barista

>> No.6400910

male prostitute

>> No.6400917

until someone spills the beans on how to become effortlessly rich

captcha: Finance rsaonsu

>> No.6400925

mediocre tattooing
hoping to earn enough to buy a proper set up instead of home made machines.

>> No.6400922

Micky Dee's.

Don't tease me about it. Thinking about rent boy though.

>> No.6400926

I work retail.

Not as bad as it seems because the job is fun.

>> No.6400933


I've done that before, but because it requires SOME work people have ignored it. And I'm not going to post it again because I've done that 3 times and each of those times I end up killing the thread.


>> No.6400934

mcdonalds is hell bro

>> No.6400936

gimmie da deets

>> No.6400941


Roofing, but working under the hot sun isn't /fa/

>> No.6400952

I know. And we just got new management, and they suck dick at managing. Makes my life even shittier.

>> No.6400953

i sell fast fashion and contribute to bangladesh garment factory attrocoties and the destruction of the enviroment via uncontrollable amounts of waste

>> No.6400947

> believing effortlessly rich schemes
> being a retard
pick one

>> No.6400948

insurance adjusting.
captcha: areampos employed

>> No.6400954

the first one

>> No.6400962

i used to do lobby there and it was fucking horrible. not worth the wages at all.

>> No.6400963
File: 153 KB, 630x355, Subway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at Subway.

How do I make an apron /fa/?
I ripped it up a bit and I tie it pretty loose around my waist.

It's real tough being next level with a McJob.

>> No.6400956

Suck dick.

>> No.6400970


>believing effortlessly rich schemes

I said it requires work, but beats working for someone else, making a shit wage or making a good wage but wasting your free time on work.

>> No.6400968

how is retail fun?

>> No.6400973

I work at a marina, semi-/fa/

>> No.6400983
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I'm a stock trader.

I like it a lot.

I'm drunk most of the time.

Bitches seem to like it.

Probably heart attack by 40, but long hair don't care

>> No.6400978


Funner than roofing I'm sure.

>> No.6400979


Nice coworkers, kind managers, happy customers who enjoy your help.

>> No.6400980
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>I have a get-rich-quick scheme that REALLY works!
>you guys probably wouldn't wanna hear it, though...

>> No.6400977

spill it already

>> No.6400990

I suck middle-aged dick

>> No.6400987

i have time and no money fucking say something

>> No.6400992

i work at corner bakery and sell adderall on the slide.

in the process of sending out my polariods so hopefully that comes through.

>> No.6400995
File: 43 KB, 600x479, flair-guy-office-space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add some flair you sillybilly

>> No.6400993


You lack reading comprehension, you probably wouldn't make it so I'd be wasting my time in doing so.

>> No.6401005

just finished junior year in college and am now working a paid internship at one of the big 3 consulting firms. can someone say first class flights and $90 food allowance/day?

>> No.6401003

I do lobby, window, extended service and I'm being cross-trained into back-end, then they want me to take management courses because all our managers suck. I'm literally one of 5 out of 60 people who actually are good at the job. Because of this I'm constantly called in and doing stuff above my actual position. All the while going to school full-time. You're right though, not worth the money.

>> No.6401012

"Big 3 consulting" isn't a thing. Consulting in what? That's the broadest fucking word ever.

>> No.6401021


like daria's dad kind of "consulting" i'm imagining

>> No.6401023
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Sounds pretty /fa/
pic related

>> No.6401030
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I'll probably actually do this. It's the kind of shit that will get you written up/fired, but I won't be working there in about a week, already have something else lined up. So tired of dealing with people.

>> No.6401031

I'm a Junior Associate at an Architecture firm, just started 2 months ago.

>> No.6401032

small time drug dealing and laundering the money through my job delivering pizzas.

It's not amazing and i know can't do it forever but i like driving my car around and having my weekends free.

>> No.6401034
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>> No.6401035

*strategy consulting

>> No.6401039

Red polo, but yeah, that's pretty much exactly what it's like.

>> No.6401045

>laundering money through delivering pizzas
bored, tell me how this works?

>> No.6401042

What do you deal

I work at a Greek inspired cafe B)

>> No.6401046


i really miss that show. i wouldnt have made it through highschool without it.

>> No.6401049


>> No.6401047

if i sell drugs and have a bunch of nice things but don't have a job is the government going to show up at my door and ask me how im paying for shit

>> No.6401051
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>laundering drug money
>delivering pizzas

>> No.6401056


>> No.6401052

if you're on scarface's level sure.

captcha incomw division

>> No.6401065

Strategy in what? You fucking punk.


Go fuck a venn diagram

>> No.6401058

I work customer service at Samsung.

it's really hilarious; some of the problems people come up with for their cellphones.

>> No.6401060

Depends on how conspicuous you make it. Don't be a flashy show off and you'll be fine.

>> No.6401067
File: 85 KB, 500x375, Jakey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I still watch it occasionally. Holds up well. Not gut-busting funny or anything, but as a slice of life coming of age story it certainly works.
Jakey is GOAT distant father.

>> No.6401081

Also I was a PA on the set of Workaholics.

getting an egg mcmuffin from mickeyd's for Kyle Newacheck was literally the only thing they seemed to need me for.

>> No.6401094


there were certain moments that made me chuckle pretty hard, but overall yeah had similar comedy to king of the hill and good messages in every episode.

i rewatched all 5 seasons and the movies recently, just as good as i remember.

>> No.6401104


adjust your times so you're faster than everyone else and report some of your take every week so it looks like you're just good at your job. Only really works in high volume stores.

mol and acid. portable and it doesn't smell. Imo dope boys are morons asking to get caught, weed is a suckers game.

>tfw you can get in most anywhere but you can't fuck any of the girls because they're diseased whores that only want me for the drugs

selling acid to first timers is always hilarious though

>> No.6401117

I work at in a produce department. I wear some tan chinos or cords with a red shirt, rolled up sleeves and a brown apron. I'm feelin pretty effay at work.

>> No.6401120

I used to sell lots of weed and coke.

Firstly, the fact that you refer to weed as dope tells me that you're a chump. Along with every other word you've typed.

There's no need to launder money until you're spending at least $50k a year in undocumented money.

I flipped 10 pounds of weed a week for 3 years and never laundered shit. I just paid undergrad and law school tuition with it.

>> No.6401125

with murder you end one life. By drug dealing you are potentially ending thousands. Please don't.

>> No.6401132


teach me then, cuz i'll freely admit i don't know what im doing. Took me forever to find one fucking dude who had real shit. I live in a flyover state man, everyone here is a junkie pushing analogs to feed their own habit. Im the only "buisnessman" there is around here, if you could call it that.

>> No.6401151

I would not, no.

You want my honest advice?
I was really lucky to not get caught doing it. I'd be in prison if I had gotten caught.

I had police come to my house, but they didn't have a warrant. I pushed everything off and stopped within 3 days. I was 20 and had enough to pay for undergrad and law school by then.

I got a DWI one night while I had 6 pounds of weed in my trunk. That was funny. Cost me a couple grand and like 50 hours of my time.

Just don't risk it. This is your fucking life. YOUR LIFE, DUDE.

>> No.6401156

i work at a mid level, locally owned shoe store. we sell stuff from steve madden all the way up to stuart weitzman/cole haan. it's a pretty sweet job.

>> No.6401164
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Investment banker

>> No.6401163


whatever dude, i don't want to learn from you anyway. If you're fucking stupid enough to drive around with a felony amount of smelly ass weed in your trunk while you're drunk i don't want to know you.

>> No.6401168

>teach me then
>tells you to quit
>i don't want to learn anway
typical teen drug pushers

>> No.6401169

Fine, that's cool.
1. It was always vacuum sealed.
2. DWI is for drugs. I was smoking a bong and driving at 3am.
3. You sound like a dumb, arrogant fuck. Hope you get caught.
4. I got away with it and it paid for law school. We'll probably meet when you pay me everything you own to represent your stupid ass in court.

Because you know what? That itty bitty bit of acid you sell for $10?... you risk the same amount of time I risked flipping $2,000 lbs.

>> No.6401170


i don't want to learn FROM you, because you're an addict with no self control and you'll sell me out when you get caught.

>> No.6401172

>cant even reply to the right person
youre fucking stupid

>> No.6401178

>oh no they saw through me
>if I keep it up, maybe they'll think I'm different
nah b

>> No.6401184


i sell acid by the sheet at fests.

i may be bad at this but im not stupid enough to sell by the piece. Once i find someone who makes it and can sell it to me wholesale i'll be able to make a lot more.

>> No.6401182

>>No reading comprehension
>>Assumptions out the ass
>>Clearly not that smart

Dude, I was such a fucking idiot at your age and I am not offended or anything. I am honestly telling you to save yourself a lifetime of potential regret and quit.

Do a cost/benefit analysis:

Potential benefit: You make, what $10k maybe by the time you're 20 at your pace and buy a used bimmer. cool

Potential negative:
You spend 10 years in prison and never work a real job. not cool

Don't be an idiot. I was an idiot. I was lucky I never got caught. I did so much shit that should have gotten me killed and arrested as a kid.

>> No.6401193

Fine, man. Go for it. As a die-hard libertarian free market Capitalist, I hope that you succeed. Just know that you might now. And if you get caught, don't be a bitch. And get a GOOD lawyer. As good a lwayer as you can find. It makes all the difference.

>> No.6401201


i dunno man, maybe you're right, but its so fucking easy. it's SO fucking easy. and everyone likes me. For the wrong reasons, i know, but i like it. i dunno.

>> No.6401213

how does one get into the stock market?

>> No.6401216


>> No.6401229

I have a job at H&M but I don't get to much from that, I sell weed for my main income. H&M is just a job to explain to friends and family why I can afford nice things

>> No.6401231

>tfw all the successful people are on HN or reddit
Y'allz is a bunch of losers who pretend to have e-peen

>> No.6401256

>pays over minimum wage
>20% discount
not all that bad

>> No.6401272

huh? there's a lawyer, an investment banker, a stock broker etc. in this thread

>> No.6401280

Ask mommy & daddy for my weekly allowance

>> No.6401290

wtf is an HN

>> No.6401303

hi case

>> No.6401317


You shouldn't give a shit why anybody likes you. Anyway, I said what I had to say. Good luck, man.

>> No.6401324
File: 1.82 MB, 1836x3264, 2012-11-17_15-57-55_741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


eat shit

>> No.6401335

Hacker News

No one tech-successful, which is what I care about. Pretty sparse in /g/ too.

>> No.6401338

Could you at least point those of us that aren't cunts to the archived thread?

>> No.6401341

I'm wearing my audemars piguet royal oak


>> No.6401348


>that's a really ugly watch. i don't care how much you paid for it.

>your arms are entirely too hairy.

>> No.6401361
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>> No.6401375

it's a beautiful watch, you're just strictly wrong here

>> No.6401393

>tfw no beautifully crafted marble dildo centerpiece

>> No.6401607

That's only cool if you haven't experienced both of those all your life

>Trust fund babby reporting in

>> No.6402575

What do you play

>> No.6402635

live with parents and deliver pizza
no bills to pay
and buying clearance and cheap chinese/korean fashion

>> No.6402657

Why do people cheapen out on tattoos? why?!

>> No.6402674


don't you mean pick both?

>> No.6402700

You mean the real estate thingy?

If only I lived in America :(

>> No.6402894

I always sift through the thrift stores to find decent clothing--like jeans, jackets, etc.--and then I sell them on ebay at an inflated price. It's a fun little hobby that lines your pockets (your Paypal, actually). Don't expect a lot of money, though. The income flow is very irregular. One month, you'll just peddle around jeans. The next month, you could be peddling jeans, name brand coats, etc.

I also work two campus jobs during the summer. These are bullshit easy jobs. They don't pay much, but they give me something to do.

>> No.6402982

Tell that to tobacco companies

>> No.6402995

hussle hard

>> No.6403050

silk road businessmen

>> No.6403065

I answer calls for the online section of a department store. It's okay, but it's just part time while I'm studying. Nt enough for nice clothes though. :(

>> No.6403500

Was that a Generation X reference?

If so:
>confirmed for /fa/

>> No.6403522

hustle bones comin out my mouth

>> No.6403558
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>> No.6403592

fucking ugly and people pay thousands for this shit. I'd rather buy A&F than this shit. Looks like a fake armani watch from the 80s, disgusting piece of shit
>glow in the dark watch hands
dear god..

>> No.6403641
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I sell shit at the swap meet on weekends.

>> No.6403647

Some like the prison aesthetic, others act on impulse, and I want to profit from both/

>> No.6403655


HN is just a bunch of BS startup posts

>> No.6403669

I sell art

>> No.6403697

I know, right? I like Daniel Wellington watches over Patek Phillipe. They seem to be higher quality and more bang for the buck. With PP, you are just paying for the brand name. DW, by far, is more worthwhile and much cheaper.

>> No.6404017

I'm a shopfitter and laborer. I'm a lazy dropout fuckup but I'm still pullin more cash than my m9s who went to uni (I make £400-£500 most weeks) and I'm not a financial slave to my bank AND queen/government. It's not easy and you have to work with dumb racist fuckers who read the Sun but it keeps me humble ehehe.

>> No.6404036

I will be a banker with 75k starting next year

>> No.6404064

Did you meet anyone else?

>> No.6404132

it was the real-estate thing wasn't it? that was pretty sick advice, might check the archive for it later actually

>> No.6404887
File: 68 KB, 716x960, 534383_10151428240923031_702989587_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fashion/costume designer freelance.... but it doesn't pay the bills, so I usually have a shitty restaurant job. And currently unemployed because I took the unintentionally took the full blame for something that happened at work and couldn't defend myself to prove my lack of involvement in what actually happened. Yayyyy.

>pic related

>> No.6404909

I work at EVGA.

>> No.6405005

are you a gay

>> No.6405042 [DELETED] 

lol, allowing my creativity and talent to transfer to someone through sex.

Fuck naw, I'm abstinent and asexual, bruh. (In reality I just have terrible social anxiety and don't get along with anyone, and lose a lot of jobs and never make friends because of it)

>> No.6405049


i bet it's very un/fa/

>> No.6405052

Maybe. r u hot, bruh?

>> No.6405087
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your typical hitler youth sneaker wearing man

im only into traps and qts nty.

>> No.6405083

You really expect designing lolita costumes to pay the bills?

>> No.6405134

I haven't actually done any lolita...?

And currently, no, I don't expect it to pay the bills right now. Eventually, yes, it is my hopes that I do have a stable career in fashion design in some way. I've only been sewing for about 2.5 years, and I still have a lot to learn.

>> No.6405991

are you a forum mod

>> No.6406003


Yeah the student real estate doesn't quite work here, unlucky for me i'm not in States.

>> No.6406013

Holy shit, that's shit.

>> No.6406032

filthy fucking bartender

>> No.6406040

That's fucking terrible man. Maybe you should consider another line of work.

>> No.6406044

At least good tips?

>> No.6406057

Great tips, especially for a bar in a small town. I've been walking away with at least 400 a weekend recently. It really depends on the night though.

>> No.6406487

I sell e-cigarettes.

>tfw not sure if helping people gradually get over their nicotine addiction
>or just keeping the poor saps hooked, but on our product instead of cigarettes

Anyway, the job seems shit enough so far, but I live in the most recession-ravaged region of a recession-ravaged country, so I'm just glad to finally have something.

>> No.6406492

>tfw guy and will never get hired

maybe I should try a gay bar

>> No.6406504

Work at a schmick bar. Great times. Not enough hours though

>> No.6406549


Spain? Greece?

>> No.6406546

market research. i can buy one fashion per day.

>> No.6406725
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Nah, I'll be fine. You're talking shit about an iPhone pic behind the scenes of something that was costumey and commissioned by a client. My construction is very nice, and I do actually get a lot of work in fashion design despite my lack of experience. Why would I stop what I'm passionate about because two anons who probably fap nightly to Dick Ovens, a designer who repeatedly recycles the same overpriced massmarket-esque gothninja trash? Yeh, okay mates.

>> No.6406737


Yeah, I mean, what's wrong with all these people who keep praising this designer who happens to receive constant critical praise and whose clothes are in several museums and whose collections sell in extremely prestigious stores. It's not like success is a measure of success or anything.

I think that that anon is being a little bit of a dick (thought I agree that these costume-y pieces are a little schlocky for my taste), but it's silly to lash out at an established designer in some attempt to prove how "beyond influence" you are.

>> No.6406822
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>Used to work at a monument shop
>gravestone delivery and installation
>best fucking job ever
people always thought of it as morbid, but we would fuck around all day
>work summer ops at a ski mountain
>park attractions, etc.
spend the day on a 4 story platform convincing people to jump off onto a "soft" airbag. Several broken ankles later, the old nam' vet that worked with me had seen enough.
>Still convincing people to jump.
>not sure if bad person....
>but i know damn well that i'm quite convincing and easy to trust
mfw people jump

>> No.6406840


Movie Theater Lad is high on life.

>> No.6406841

I think my unnecessary remark was on par with the remark that I should "consider another line of work".

>> No.6406844

i hope this is pasta

>> No.6406852

between daddy's credit card and my occasional gig selling fake sketches to china's nouveau riche, I make enough to afford rick :)

>> No.6406859

no its not

>> No.6406863

How is Architecture? Was it hard to get a job? Also, what was school like?

>> No.6406890

sinecure at a family member's law office right now. Was cool initially but I kind of want to teach English in Korea or China or something for a year or two, maybe try and join the foreign service. I dunno. Long term goal is that real estate thing, being a landlord. Never want to have a real job if possible. Will most likely work out too.

>> No.6407059

I am a contractor/beaner employer for good pay. Work a lot with interior designers and aspire to eventually become one. I usually take jobs in middle class South CA, but sometimes get nice and big homes in Whittier and Beverly Hills. Just got done refinishing the wooden panels in a home in Beverly Hills where some shady Persian restaurant owner lives. He told me he bought the home for 5 Mil and it is worth three times that today. To be honest it was luxurious, but for 15 I would expect more than 3 bedrooms and a swimming pool. Goes to show that it was just a town house or some shit for ballers and Beverly Hills is so fucking over rated, I have seen much better homes in Whittier and the Valley (808) valued between 300k-1m.

>> No.6407071

I work in a suit store. It's fashionable but fuck working in retail m8

>> No.6407225
File: 843 KB, 1000x1000, 1366253728480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself
mediocre tattooists are scum
if you're not good, you're scarring people for life
(keep practicing)

>> No.6407245

>real estate
>real estate
>real estate

details please
i have time and money

>> No.6407355


>> No.6407906

Generation X the band, or Coupland's novel? I'm a fan of both, particularly Coupland's work. Def. my favorite fiction writer.

>> No.6408802
File: 1.49 MB, 1936x2592, freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope you make it, I really do. I can't so be glad at how lucky you are to be in a position to be able to do this.

>> No.6408817

get a job on wall street or set up a brokerage account. I use TD Ameritrade.

>> No.6408849

buy house, rent out house, rent pays off mortgage and becomes profit, buy more houses, rent out houses, buy building, etc. etc. quit day job, collect rent checks, fap all day, tfwnoqt3.14

>> No.6408916


But how do you deal with folks wrecking the house, or the house falling apart over time?

>> No.6408947

also who pays the electricity and hydro bills?

>> No.6408950

make them pay for it, renovations, regular maintenance and paint jobs etc

>> No.6409296
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Maybe not quite that bad, but not far off.