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/fa/ - Fashion

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6397769 No.6397769 [Reply] [Original]

Toronto/ Mississauga people

Discuss how our city dresses

Discuss best stores in the city (besides Nomad, Haven, Contraband Stussy ect)

>> No.6397789

read the sticky nigger it has all the tdot stores

also this city sucks a million dicks

the only reason to live is to not live in america but still live in an american-ish place

>> No.6397856


Lots of tryhard faggots. I agree the city sucks a substantial amount of dicks. If you prefer to shop locally and not online here's a map of some stores.


You go to uoft?

>> No.6397883


other than the academic shit it dum too

"vibrant student life" my ass

>> No.6397917

dw bros, only a little over a month till frosh week starts and we can take advantage of sheltered, all-girl highschool newcomers ::::)))

>> No.6397918

Naw I live in mississauga, you?

>> No.6397950
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>tfw Scarborough

I just try to spend all my time downtown.
Shit city
Semi-shit people
Too many shit-tier immigrants like tamils, nigs, south americans and faggy medditeranians
Lots of azn qts doe

>> No.6398040
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im tamil
pls no

>> No.6398211

racism isn't /fa/
work on that
before u respond getting mad do two things for me
>find an /fa/ racist
>post a fit (without a big pointy hood)

>> No.6398233

indians look funny because they faces be hairy all over and their hair is poofy as fuck and they all skinnyfat

political views have nothing to do with being fashionable, you keep that shit to yourself

dont tell people how to feel

>> No.6398245

Kensington ish here. UofT. Only Asians have a little bit of style. And that's just cause there's so many.

>> No.6398252

>John Galliano

>> No.6398255

i like pointy hoods too pls

>hair is poofy as fuck
my heart
it goes away if i nopoo but nopoo is nasty

>> No.6398301

lol you got that paki elvis hairdo too? Indians used to get mad as fuck when I called them paki elvises in secondary school

>> No.6398298

Yo guys
how about a shopping meetup?

>> No.6398312

i just have super thick hair
i made it work though it looks fine now

>> No.6398316

better thick than thin

>> No.6398335

you're all just dumb kids that have to commute to get to the core anyway

what do you know about anything when it comes to how great of a place toronto can be

name another mayor that hit the bubble bro

shits gangsta as fuck

we out hea

>> No.6398368
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I really like Lost & Found on dundas just west of ossington, pretty sure I added it to the sticky

wish I wasn't broke every time I went in there

>> No.6398397


everything they stock can be found cheaper online

that's why they bleed during sales

glorified blue notes tbh just like every other boutique on queen and dundas

dont even get me started on ossington

>> No.6398438

it's not always cheaper online when you consider shipping. it's cheaper to buy oak street bootmakers there than online, and then there's the fact that they get some styles unique to their store, like the oxblood trail oxfords.

and it's nice to try things on in person to know whether they fit.

...besides, their prices are pretty standard. you could shop around for a good sale somewhere else but it's not like their prices are inflated

>> No.6398627

That UFO is so creepy

>> No.6398641

dats duh skydome

>> No.6400747

Uptown really sucks

What are some good places to grab a bite

>> No.6400886

Where can you get HUF in the city?

>> No.6400921
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I live in Brampton, going to ryerson
Muslim ninja is pretty popular here, I'm not brown though so I can't pull it off.

>> No.6400938

lived there until a few months ago. Got a love hate thing for brampton.

>> No.6400946

brampladash fag reporting in

>> No.6400955

Fellow "Little India" resident here. Anywhere worth shopping in this shithole?

>> No.6400958

fuck off

>> No.6400965

no, i don't even shop in toronto either

too many sales associates hassle you like fuck at higher end stores like nomad, holt whatever

online all the way

>> No.6400975

what do they do
very curious
gonna check out serpentine next time im downtown

>> No.6400988

I legitimately hate it here. Too boring and every public area smells funny.
Not that I know of, I either shop online or buy stuff downtown Toronto if I know what I'm looking for and where to get it.

>> No.6401009

toilet store

>> No.6401083

niagara region checking in.

i dunno. if i need to shop i usually go over the border or to toronto. over the border is preferable because DEALS. they're building a new outlet mall nearby though. supposed to be the biggest in canada. i'm praying for a burberry outlet...we'll see!

>> No.6401124

both nomad and serpentine snobby as hell
but maybe that's just cuz i'm pleb

>> No.6401243

what can i expect im going to uoft this fall. all i heard is a bunch of asians

>> No.6401239

I'm too scared to walk into a place like Nomad or Haven since I'm a basic bitch.
But I don't want to order stuff without seeing if it fits alright first.

>> No.6401246

mississauga is shit
Just go to square one

>> No.6401251

are there a lot of qts downtown? or just ugly people

>> No.6401255

99% ugly people who look like they are abusing meth (probably are) and 1% people you can stand to look at for more than a second.

>> No.6401266

>mississauga 5 and 6's
>downtown 8 and 9's

>> No.6401267

the people at nomad are a bunch of assholes

overstaffed, yet all they do is fucking stand around

i see one of them post on sufu all the time

>> No.6401277

I find the guys at Nomad pretty chill. Uncle Otis has, by far, some of the nicest people I've found at smaller retail in Toronto. So did Oliver Spencer (one of the guys at UO used to work there, so I guess it makes sense). Jonathan + Olivia is pretty good too.

Maybe it's just my attitude, but I rarely find snobby salespeople. And the few I do I generally ignore, troll, or tell off. I remember reading on here that several people had shit experiences going into Hermes, and I've had the polar opposite.

>> No.6401273

Where to go for down to earth staff?
I went to The Future of Frances Watson once and the lady was a bitchy dyke.

>> No.6401284

the people at j+o are really nice, though their selection is sometimes hit or miss. nomad stocks such good brands it's hard not to go there, but i wish there was somewhere else to spend my money.

>> No.6401279

Are you retarded or something? Square one is pleb fucking central

>> No.6401288

Is there anything decent at uoft? Or am i going to have to go looking elsewhere

>> No.6401291

Adrift/Livestock. Both are just north of King on Spadina. They still make shit shoes/clothes, though.

>> No.6401294

You retarded?
Don't you know square one is in mississauga?
What did i say about mississauga? it's shit
>hurrr it's cool to say shit to approve things I like

>> No.6401295

adrift/livestock lol pleb skaters and fucking hypbeasts

>> No.6401299

dutil. on queen has sweet denim. i copped a pair of rogue territory 15oz skinnys there a bit ago. best jeans i've ever owned.

>> No.6401305

>down to earth staff
>high fashion stores

>> No.6401300

>going to uoft
> implying you won't fail first year
You be resting for a year or going to another school
Just fuckin watch
>inb4 I failed
no i'm at waterloo

>> No.6401309

You agree that it is shit yet you dont encourage the more reasonable advice that people should just make the trip to downtown cause you arent going to find shit at square one. Then you accuse me of being retarded. Any time you spend at square one will be fucking waste. Waste people, waste clothes, waste man city. Hhahah fucking guy

>> No.6401310


>> No.6401311

And? The kid just asked where to find a brand and I know that Livestock still carries it, and Adrift at least used to.

>> No.6401314

biochem co-op
Shit's hard

>> No.6401318

lol you are funny, you dont realize the sheer genius that you have even had the chance to interact with. The fact that you even suggested that i will fail hahahahah

Now answer the question are there any qts?

>> No.6401319

>that shit english
>fuckin fob
Hate mississauga

>> No.6401321

>be arabic
>live in scarborough
>think I'm relatively /fa/
>see all this brown hate
>forever demotivated

fuck you guys

>> No.6401325

just behave like a canadian instead of a subhuman and everything will be ok.

>> No.6401326

And what why you getting so defensive? All im doing is telling the truth. Dont get so butt hurt

>> No.6401331
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guess I'll stick to online then, my fragile ego can't stand to be judged by some sped working retail.

>> No.6401329

Whatever pleb
Equal balance of asians, whites, indians, arab
and i think most are /fa/ because you guys are located downtown
>tfw you realize the most qt are the smartest while going to uni
I dont even know how that's possible

>> No.6401333

damn son, good luck

>> No.6401334

post a fit terroristbro

>> No.6401349

stay pleb faggot you dont have anything to say cause you know you shop at h&m fuccboi

>> No.6401365


Weird, I thought Canadians were open-minded and kind

Welp that stereotype is gone

>> No.6401363

damn bro you've made me happy i thought i would have to spend 4 years of my life with some ugly ass asians. I just hope you dont have horrible taste.

>> No.6401374

dude canadians are open minded and kind this guys probably just ugly

>> No.6401379

yeah we lose that trait after being absolutely flooded by immigrants.
step out of white suburbia sometime, pal.

>> No.6401380

If you wanted to be with ugly asians you should have went to waterloo

>> No.6401390

fuck off wheres your patriotism hahahah

>> No.6401395

don't live in Canada but im p.sure shuit (from sz and sufu) write a p.big thing on his tumblr about how the guys at serpentine are reallllyyy rude

i don't remember the tumblr but if someone could plug it the post is pretty informative.

>> No.6401396

where do you shop? tread carefully

>> No.6401404

i called to ask about something and the guy was a huge moron on the phone

>> No.6401406

You kidding me?
Some indian dude look nice as fuck
You guys have god tier bodies even the girls
Long arms, thin and tall
If you don't act fob ppl will like you
I really how some kids act all fob and only hang with their race like canada is mini india or only here for vacation for them or something

>> No.6401410

I hate how*

>> No.6401417

chinese do that too.
I honestly have no problem if they make the effort to adapt to canadian culture, not adapt canadian culture to them.

>> No.6401419

fuckin this.

Also, where do you guys shop for mid-level fashion? $50-250 range preferably

>> No.6401424

honestly I've been there, done that and not even into that kind of shit anymore, I just want to find a nice, fun, qt grill to get serious with

anyone know where to find qt srs girls at uoft?

>> No.6401428

Fuckin koreans, arabs...etc
Shit needs to stop
At least TRY to be canadian, you don't have to go all out..just fuckin try

>> No.6401433

like you? you think they give a fuck about being liked by your people. The only reason they choose to stay with their kind is because they dont have any fucking clue on how to behave with any one else.

>> No.6401438

it's because they're fresh off the boat, you want to find the minorities that attend international schools and speak perfect english without an accent.

>> No.6401442

Have you ever talked to a fob?
They talk so much shit about whites and they only talk about their culture
And they talk shit if someone is lets say korean and speak english
They are hateful as fuck toward canada

>> No.6401445

Not to mention there are many well adjusted immigrants living in Canada but most of the time they are 2nd or 3rd gen. Like that other fucker said you cant expect fobs to mix in with your people.

>> No.6401446

to elaborate, I had a chink friend who was cool with racist jokes, hell he was 10x more racist than me towards his own kind and everybody else, was funny af

He explained that chinks from china are generally fuckwits and you want to hang with the chinks from hk because they actually know fucking english

>> No.6401451

expect boring and shitty people, boring and shitty classes. you're probably boring and shitty too so you'll fit right in fuccboi

>> No.6401456

No they need to open their minds
They need to realize this isn't india, china or korea

>> No.6401468
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For the most part they are, I just didn't expect fa to be this racist.

>> No.6401472

actually meet me i dare you. You called me a fuccboi if you even glimpsed at me once youd fucking realize how far away you are from a god like me

>> No.6401480
File: 16 KB, 256x353, laughingelfman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet you're also a navy seal with 600 confirmed kills
lmao stay pleb fuccboi and keep living your internet delusions

>> No.6401488

>white suburbia

You're our hat you dumb fuck


/fa/ hates everything including itself

>> No.6401483

no canadians are racist, they're just quiet about it. They won't fucking blab racist comments in the open, but behind closed doors, jesus christ.

>> No.6401489

fashion, for the most part, is pretty shallow

hahaha post a fit, my money's on polo and designer sunglasses

>> No.6401493

All canadians are racist. Including non-whites.
Guess what else?
Most people in other countries are racist too, they just keep it inside.

>> No.6401500
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wear expensive clothes and look like a serious buyer

boom, everyone is nice

>> No.6401515

This guy gets it. Nearly every mother fucker in this country is racist. Theres like maybe 5% of the population which is actually not retarded and well adjusted so they are able to function within groups that are foreign to them. Dont ask me where i pulled the bullshit statistic from

>> No.6401523
File: 36 KB, 244x662, 1371589017326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>post a fit (without a big pointy hood)
>/fa/ klanwear

>> No.6401526

Thread fell apart pls stick 2 subject fuccbois

>> No.6401530

multiculturalism breaks down when you have groups who are not willing to conform or adapt to the culture of their adopted country. social studies kept talking about all this cultural melting pot bullshit, when it's really just a free for all of imported values

why the fuck would you move to a country you have no interest in participating in?

>> No.6401544

You guys all think Toronto is bad? Try living in a shitty city a couple of hours from Toronto where the price of living is inflated because of inner-city politics yet there's nothing exciting here at all. I want to go live in Toronto.

>> No.6401551

>wear expensive clothes and look like a serious buyer
we've got a bit of a chicken and egg problem here.

>> No.6401558

Where, halton area? Oakville?

>> No.6401567

I honestly want to know this, many asians and middle-easterners come here but act like they'd rather be anywhere else. What the fuck.

>> No.6401571
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>> No.6401576


North Bay. Very peaceful here, but nothing fucking goes on ever.

>> No.6401618

they want everywhere else to come here. It's multiculturalism destroying the societal values that created multiculturalism. When tolerance and open-mindedness is used to help create growing subcultures of racism, sexism, religious intolerance, and in general the worst of societal backward-ness (I'm looking at you, european muslims), something is fucked up.

captcha: Hamilton Convopt

relevant captchas are kind of scary. captchas are morphing into ads; seriously, someday it will not only be relevant to the thread but showing you a product. "Enter the text you see in this image: SSENSE SALE 70% OFF"

>> No.6401644

makes sense.
time to find a place to move to.
drawing a blank.

>> No.6401657

Except that's bullshit. 1) In no liberal democratic countries are Islamists anywhere near an electoral majority, certainly not enough of one to overturn basic liberal protections. 2) In none does "hurr birthrate" come into play anywhere in the near future. 3) I can't pull it up just now, but there's been studies and the descendents of Muslim immigrants to EU states assimilate essentially fully at the third generation. The main obstacles to assimilation, at the present, are economic problems and xenophobia, especially general maltreatment at the hands of the state.

Islamists *do* pose a huge threat to civil society in many parts of the world, but zilch in mature liberal democracies in the developed world.

You're going to bring up a few small incidents; the only one with any relevance is Rushdie, which a quarter century ago and which pretty much everyone agrees was stupid and fucked up now.

>> No.6401658

ugh don't remind me. So many wonderful things at wonderful prices.
All sold out in all but XXL

>> No.6401883

say that to my face, ugly

>> No.6401900
File: 43 KB, 326x293, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they already have that

on tinypic tho

>> No.6401941

go away all the faggots in this thread went to sleep cause they cant stay away past their bedtimes

>> No.6401950

figured that after i posted

100$ serious