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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 98 KB, 800x600, Chav_tracksuite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6397359 No.6397359 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any brits here wary of wearing chinos due to them being adopted by these chaps?

>> No.6397368

just don't pair them with an amserdam tee and vans and u'll b alright

>> No.6397383
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startn m8

>> No.6397406

Oh my god, those Amsterdam jumpers from River Island... Everywhere.

If anyone from /fa/ owns one I might just leave this board

>> No.6397468


What's this Amsterdam shit?

>> No.6397476

disgusting. absolutely disgusting

and the rhianna ones and shit too

>> No.6397481
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>> No.6397496

Just catching up with the Australian plebs, I see.

>> No.6397499

Fucking hate those. It's either them or ones with some coon like rihuggly on them

>> No.6397504
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>> No.6397512
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English girls...

What's up with this 'hoodie strings tied' trend?

>> No.6397516

I'm moving to Canada in August. I'm hoping girls there aren't ugly and chavvy.

>> No.6397539

part of the whole chino babby epidemic, looks even worse when the #Lads do it

>> No.6397543

this isn't a new thing m9 ur 2 seasons behind in stralia remember that thief

>> No.6397549

why do i find cavs so hot?? :(

>> No.6397553

depends on where you are in Canada.
The best looking/nicest girls are the ones that live in the ass end of nowhere.
City girls are pretty stuck up for the most part.

>> No.6397558

Vancouver. I think there's a lot of gooks there right? Better be sum whyte wimminz.

>> No.6397581

That's the first time I've seen a girl do it. Only guys do it that I've seen.

>> No.6397613


Because of your low self esteem.

>> No.6397693

Its an Oz thing I think? But basically there was an oz guy on big brother a couple of years ago who did it and now TOPLADS do it all the fucking time

>> No.6397724

British pleb hate thread?

1. Those fucking hoodies with the white drawstring tied together
2. Fucking shirts or polo shirts buttoned right up to the top
3. Vans, vans everywhere. Even worse when they're the exact same colour as the T-shirt the person is wearing
4. Jack Wills/Hollister bodywarmers

>some coon

I lol'd

>> No.6397730

Agree with everything bar number 2, whats so bad about doing your buttons up all the way to the top?
Are you have a fucking wobble mate :s

>> No.6397744


Corr blimey mate one more word like that from your mouth and I'll hook you in the gabber. I don't know, it just seems awfully try hard and unnecessary. Save it for your dress shirts on formal occasions brah.

>> No.6397773

If you can actually dress yourself and aren't wearing babyshit brown chinos and a tshirt with the skyline of a city you;ve never been to in it, then you'll be okay tbh

>> No.6397778
File: 22 KB, 500x332, ash-stymest-black-black-and-white-cute-fashion-fred-perry-Favim.com-41124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want a dry slap? Nout wrong with a FP buttoned all the way up gaffer

>> No.6397786
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actually it's probably best to avoid burgundy chinos too

and a joey essex haircut

and nike blazers
and huaraches
and air max

and contrast pocket tees

and probably bucket hats soon

and american sports team garish snapback

>> No.6397792

and if you're a girl:
"vintage sportswear"
denim jackets
and those black and white striped trousers
air max and blazers

>> No.6397801 [DELETED] 

Every chav I know where's Chino's and anyone wearing them in the UK are instantly put into "don't know how to dress" tier.
Seriously it's a fucking embarassment.

>> No.6397804


Those fucking haircuts...

>> No.6397810

fashion is so fucked up in england

>> No.6397823

The welsh are worse. Bunch of sheep-shagging short fat scroungers.

>> No.6397822

is full kit wanker still a thing in england?

>> No.6397826

Haha oh yes. Mainly in Liverpool.

>> No.6397827


What's worse is the fact that chinos are a timeless
wardrobe essential on the same level as jeans.

I can't wait for this to blow over.

>> No.6397830

Its not, its just literally outside of any city the only clothes stores you'll find are topman and riverisland, there is fuck all diversity outside of any major area

>> No.6397835
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not so bad

>> No.6397839

>tfw glorious tunbridge wells is over run with these shops catering for chino wanker chavs

>> No.6397843

dem jimmy choo's

>> No.6397849
File: 81 KB, 396x594, Robbie+Williams+Launches+Fashion+Label+Farrell+TUsvQhyN-Iul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the lord knows how much I want to mutilate this fucking face.

>> No.6397873

God I hate the uk. Everyone is fucking stupid and obsessed with what some chav cunt on big brother said and what some mong in ok magazine did. Don't even get me started on Katie price and that fat Iceland whore Kerry katona.

>> No.6397881


H-Hold me closer, m8.

>> No.6397913

hahahahahaha fuck

>> No.6397925


rb is great

i luv him

>> No.6397931
File: 663 KB, 909x1015, 32143124124123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go into town
>every 13 year old is wearing burgundy chinos
>realise that there are people on /fa/ that own this garment of clothing
fucking disgusting

>> No.6397962
File: 215 KB, 808x728, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U wot m8. Never seen anyone on /fa/ with them.

>> No.6398041

I stopped wearing them last year because of chavs, I also bought into the skinny fit chinos before the overhype

>> No.6398069 [DELETED] 


>> No.6398072

I wear my Fred Perrys buttoned to the top and have plebs abuse me for it, you must be a pleb!
Also, no I don't wear a Fred Perry with chinos or trackies... My polo shirt side of my wardrobe was inspired by films like Quadrophenia and This is England

>> No.6398079

tfw i used to be a skinny chinos + oxford shirts fag and now i'm disgusted by it

>> No.6398095

That pic had me and my gf in stitches; check out the Celebrity Juice episode with Joey Essex being compared to Kim Jong-Un for this hair haha

>> No.6398126

Same haha, it's moving on to the American side of /fa/ though. If I check waywts at like 5am people post fits wearing this chavy shit

>> No.6398163

This thread is the truth.

Ireland is molested with these wankers, except we're more behind. You see lads from where I grew up posting up pictures of their chino collections and shit, like rainbow colours. Two years ago these lads were wearing timberland tracksuits and stabbing each other.

Like, that was one thing I liked about the tracksuit. At least knackers had the good grace to wear something that told you 'hey, I'm a knacker. I'm going to be loud and vulgar and I might stab you'. Now they assimilating. People getting stabbed in nightclubs because the bouncers can't tell any more. You walk over to a group of lads looking for a lighter and end up head to head with some hidden chav.

>> No.6398196

this is really endearing though

>> No.6398224

i'd fuck a girl chav soooo hard bruh real talk

>> No.6398303

>1. Those fucking hoodies with the white drawstring tied together
>2. Fucking shirts or polo shirts buttoned right up to the top
What's pleb about these?

>> No.6398307

if you have to ask

>> No.6398629

I don't care. Irish people are fucking horrible and rude.

>> No.6398715

I never see normal people wearing their clothes like that

>> No.6398738

Seriously? Where do you live?
Not the person your replying to but I see both those things plenty here in the North-East.

>> No.6399526


Maidstone scum here, we have it worse

>> No.6399566

I hate Maidstone. Too many chavs and shit-tier Eastern Europeans.

>> No.6399622
File: 32 KB, 302x200, 1369642907714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The best looking/nicest girls are the ones that live in the ass end of nowhere.


Nope. The ones that are worth it are rich country girls that move their asses to the city once they're 18. The ones that stay behind are welfare baby mommas.

Montreal has the most beautiful girls. And they're not stuck up bitches like Torontonians

>> No.6399646


welcome to suck town, I hope you enjoy your stay. we're currently being swarmed by an influx of black people that I have no fucking clue on where they came from.

>> No.6399678

brits in london are hella /fa/ especially in east central

>> No.6399730

I gave my ted baker chinos to oxfam once the whole chino wanker thing started. It hurt but it had to be done.

>> No.6402367
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Nearly all of the rest of England is horribly deprived and full of shitty shops like Burton and shoezone.

>> No.6402425


saw a dude doing it here in Syd on the weekend

dude was a total fuckwit, somehow managed to have a fat shit girlfriend he treated like shit and still not be entertaining

>> No.6402431

hey I think I worked out the root of the problem

They all worked out how to use ASOS.com.

Literally everything that's being slammed here is available, or has been, on that site. T

>> No.6402439

No, it's Topman/River Island and Burton.

Three shitty shops that somehow all sell subtly different versions of the same shit clothes.

>> No.6402443

Topman has some good stuff from time to time.

>> No.6402446



You may be right about Topman + Burton, but R.I is definitely an ASOS buddy brand,

>> No.6402449

Well duh, they're all part of the Arcadia group

>> No.6402453

Also, everything from NEXT fits ilike a box. Especially their godawful suits.

I can't remember the last time I bought a piece of clothing from the highstreet. I think it was some shoetrees from Jones bootmaker.

Also, who the fuck shops at peacocks and shoezone anyway?

>> No.6402463

Indians and Pakistanis shop at shoe zone. Teenage mothers buying for their jsa bf buy from peacocks

>> No.6402466

>Indians and Pakistanis
Also the H&M on oxford street in London is the worst place ever.

>> No.6402491

Uniqlo seriously needs to move out of London. And COS.

>> No.6402543

>Not having stores in Bristol and Manchester.

What's the point of going to big shopping malls when you're just going to get a bigger NEXT? Seriously pointless.

>> No.6402709

They're the only good high street stores tho (at least in the UK)

>> No.6402791

I think buttoning it up makes it seem less dad-core. Less 'i've got my favourite shirt on out at a meal with my old man'. I don't know anyone who doesn't button up the top buttons.

>> No.6402804


It looks stupid.

>> No.6402821
File: 97 KB, 700x933, 1365983212593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't really have many mates do you pal

>> No.6402840
File: 1.34 MB, 1332x2560, 5171714a36737l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, it's impossible to have non-plebby friends.

I'll admit that it looks cute on girls but guys look like pricks.

>> No.6402866

I feel sorry for his legs.

>> No.6402869


>> No.6402900

I bought those sandy coloured chinos from river island, then days later I saw a chino wanker thread on here with that picture of those guys in an English town centre all wearing pretty much the same outfit.

Now I don't wear those chinos anymore, even though the fit is alright ;_;

>> No.6402912

>not doing your polo shirt all the way up

Fucking plebs. Enjoy your bread and water. The only time I agree with you is when it doesn't fit properly and the wearer is fat.

>> No.6402916

If the rest of your fit works with them then there is no problem. Everybody in England wheres chinos these days anyway, not just the scum.