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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 329 KB, 1170x918, feelbird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6392638 No.6392638[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>fashion/ /fa/ confessions thread

>I don't think you can be fashionable without a good taste in music

>> No.6392652

Rick Owens is an ugly shithead who makes ugly ass clothes and people here just bandwagon on his shit because they need to fill that void in their life that makes them "unique"

gotninja/techninja/goof/any other stupid ass trend on here is retarded and I laugh my ass off at most of you

WAYWT threads on this board is just ridiculous

>> No.6392655

post taste in music fuccboi

>> No.6392659

post fit

>> No.6392664

I like sigur ros, lots of hip hop too, I don't need to prove myself to someone i'll never know on a chinese cartoon image board :)

>> No.6392670

>starts a confessions thread
>doesn't back up his nonsense claims

lol nice job m8

sugar rios sucks btw and I bet you like death grips and biggie smalls. great job wow u have some great music taste!!!

>> No.6392671

>hip hop

>> No.6392673


>> No.6392691

I worry I'll never be fit enough to be /fa/.

>> No.6392694
File: 258 KB, 960x744, Magma 1975-05-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most people on /fa/ have really terrible taste in music and are just barely above /mu/
theres a couple notable exceptions

>> No.6392696

>not liking hip hop

Top pleb m8, bet you like metal

>> No.6392703

more of a music confession, but
>I have never had any real passionate interest in music, and have never bought or downloaded any, but I live in Berlin and go clubbing with my friends all the time

>> No.6392707

Being a hungry skeleton only looks good when you're a model on the runway.

You just look like some anorexic/bulimic faggot at all other times.

>> No.6392717

confesion threads are like a safe haven for people, not a proving ground
and yeah, DG is great, not huge on bigge tho, more like Danny Brown.
you probably think Yezzus was bad

>> No.6392720

top lyl guess you'll never be fashionable

>> No.6392731
File: 106 KB, 1024x714, rin_and_len_kagamine_append_by_amuletdreams6525-d39d8xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i havent been in the mood 4 #patriciancore lately, ive mostly been listening to vocaloid

>> No.6392735

I'm auschwitz mode with acne. I don't actually dress /fa/ because it would only make me look worse. Hoodie and jeans is all I deserve.

>> No.6392743

i'd like to hear what good music is in your guy's opinons then

>> No.6392756

Mono, Solmania, Kengo Iuchi, Natural Snow Buildings, lovesliescrushing, Crywank

>> No.6392781
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>not listening to kvlt shit

>> No.6392794

Can't be fashionable unless you strictly listen to purist Berghain techno

>> No.6392804

Auschwitz mode isn't a bad thing, most of us try really hard to achieve it.

Buy nice hoodies and jeans then. Get them fitting good and layer em nicely. Being basic is no excuse for looking bad.

>> No.6392892


I think it's hilarious when fat/ugly people try to be fashionable and these people shouldn't post. You just can't polish a turd.

>> No.6392900

the only way forward

>> No.6392965

I think fake geos are fine because real ones seem overpriced.

>> No.6393006

>I like leather jackets
>They look good on me
>/fa/ hates leather jackets

>> No.6393010

>Auschwitz mode isn't a bad thing
haha what. just think about where the term comes from

>> No.6393024

>just think about where the term comes from
butthurt /fit/ projections?

>> No.6393042

lol autism

>> No.6393049

how do you wear it
there's a 99.9% it doesnt look good

>> No.6393059


Nah dude, it's just one or two guys who hate on them all the time. As long as you bought a nice jacket and you incorporate it well I think they look pretty fly

>> No.6393074
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>there's a 99.9% it doesnt look good
What do you mean? Is there an elite group of people that should wear leather jackets? Should I own a motorcycle or something?

I like leather jackets that aren't over designed and fitted. I usually wear one with a basic outfit. I don't put on bowties,fedoras, or video game t-shirts.

I also try not to look like pic related:

>> No.6393075

>only dream about owning nice clothes
>save lots of inspo knowing ill never use it
>not that skinny
>think Yeezy is a redtarded dumbass
>basic clothes almost every day
>haven't found 'my' style yet
>wear fake asos vans

>> No.6393085

>inb4 shitstorm

>> No.6393086

vans didn't invent plimsols

>> No.6393091

you shouldnt wear leather jacket if your ugly
ugly people shouldnt try to look good
it doesnt matter how nice your leather jacket is
it means nothing if youre ugly

>> No.6393101

If you've never been into the Berghain, you have absoletely no /fa/ cred.

>> No.6393120

Throbbing Gristle, Marcel Dettmann, Rrose, The Haxan Cloak, Oneohtrix Point Never

>> No.6393144

>Not jazz.

>> No.6393154

>le classy gentlgemgnman
>drink scotch
>wear fedora
>wear moconle
>wear trenchcoat
>hate feminsims
>wathc flim nior
>becam deitictiev

>> No.6393159

>tfw not quite /fa/ just yet, but friends always complimenting the siqk fitzz.
>tfw excellent taste in music, niqqas always axin me to sync their iPods.

You just gotta find the right shit. Most plebs just listen to the radio.

>> No.6393168

I'm going there in a couple of weeks. wish me luck /fa/.

>> No.6393172

It's only a handful of aspies who wage religious wars on leather jackets

>> No.6393178

>90% of the trips on the board don't know what they're talking about and their only contributions are shitposting
>geos/dreambaskets don't look good
>rick owens is overhyped
>goof/sand/techninja is a joke
>sweatpants aren't /fa/, drop crotch or not
>there is a point when you stop paying for quality and get robbed by a designer

>> No.6393182

>wathc flim nior
>becam deitictiev

Did you have a mental breakdown while writing this?

>> No.6393193

Easy dude, I love me some scotch, jazz, and film noir. None of those things make someone a fedora-wearing women hating autist.

This guy knows what's up. I'm kind of liking sand ninja though, it's deffs better than goober ninja

>> No.6393195

You have 90% of chance to enter if you :
-are a male (you know its reputation)
-are blond (they prefer the natives)
-have a beard (they hate people who looks young)
-aren't drunk
-have an original but simple style
-and if you enter with maximum 2 friends

Good luck.

>> No.6393210

>i dont have the money to be /fa/ and my "next best" is kinda shitty and i feel uncomfortable in public with a lot of the clothes i have to make due with.

>> No.6393221
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my friend said speaking german helps too
>tfw beardless rick disciple
>i will never enter the fabled halls of berghain

>> No.6393224
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>implying black metal isn't /fa/ as fuck

>> No.6393243

I don't like goth ninja

>> No.6393253

mah nigga

>> No.6393254
File: 61 KB, 500x497, Aphex Twin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i listen to rap & black metal bc im not a pretentious cunt

>> No.6393255

Learn how to say "one" or "two" (if you alone or with a friend) in german. That's all.
But the two times I went to the Berghain, I never spoke, I only showed my fingers to the bouncers and they said "ok".

They also hate people who speak very loud, laugh etc. during the line. So show a "normal" face without smiling and don't dare the bouncers by eye contact.

>> No.6393271

I wanna make a porno like the amanda show skit with the judge except I say "bring out the cumming lobsters" and then a bunch of lobster suit guys come out and blow their loads on the bitch

>> No.6393275
File: 91 KB, 675x960, LobsterMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps we can reach an arrangement?

>> No.6393277


>> No.6393298

Seriously, don´t go. Was there one time and it isn´t half as good as people say. T´was an extremely boring night.

>> No.6393331
File: 124 KB, 634x724, kim-kardashian-mirrors-kanye-west-s-casual-outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would love to dress in all goth ninja, but I don't have the body (large thighs) for it.

>> No.6393346
File: 288 KB, 398x360, 1367802607394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't like dub techno / drone / experimental

You are probably the kind of people who go to the Berghain but don't like "real" techno music. Fuck off.

>> No.6393351
File: 16 KB, 640x360, img-bossche-consumption-10_133722844158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur supposed 2 dance 2 the music

>> No.6393355

Why is that stopping you

>> No.6393373


>> No.6393379

starve urself or wear skirts, tapered sweats, or podshorts, all of those hide ur thighs

>> No.6393380

-High rise jeans are too hard to find.
-Can't find the right skirts and dresses for a goth ninja look.
-Fear of draping. I think it will make me look heavier.

Also where, is the women's goth ninja inspiration?

>> No.6393398


All "dark" designers have women's collections. They don't get posted here because /fa/ is a sausagefest.

>> No.6393401
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>> No.6393409
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>> No.6393420

fashion-flux is beautiful

>> No.6393447

Oh my god, I could kiss you on the mouth.

This seems doable for inspiration. I just need a nice leather jacket, some asymmetric pieces, some flowy pieces, and all black wedges (maybe heeled ankle boots?) and maybe I could look the part.

>> No.6396452

I think male fashion has been failing for over a decade now.

>> No.6396454
File: 48 KB, 320x480, 00010m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, it's only existed since the 80s, and the good stuff has always been niche imo.

>> No.6396464

>always loved fashion
>fat as fuck
>doesn't bother since i look horrible no matter what i wear

At least I'm a good source for advice, I guess.

>> No.6396541

>Posts the feel image my roommate created
>Makes a statement he says thrice a week
Well fuck.

>> No.6396580

Black on black is shit-tier if you're not playing around with textures, shades, drapes, silhouette...shit like that.
>doing basic bitch with it is disgusting. At least play around with colour schemes then.

>> No.6396596

>everyone talking about Berghain

Never heard of it before tonight. Just googled it and it sounds pretentious as fuck. Why would you go anywhere that has a strict door policy, and they have rules like no cameras and there are no mirrors? Something deliberately minimalist.

Sounds like a massive circlejerk

>> No.6396604

>hip hop
>bunch of retards
select two options

>> No.6396607

>tfw teenagers who have no comprehension of tailoring, clothing construction, fashion history, and have never handled anything from rick or yohji in person feel empowered to express their opinion while others who actually know their shit tend not to bother

>> No.6396612
File: 118 KB, 463x600, Freedom from Want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fox & grapes, sour grapes, etc

>> No.6396618

If you spend more than 1 hour a week on /fa/ or just generally sitting in front of your computer doing nothing


Even the plebs playing DnD together are better than you.

>> No.6396634
File: 750 KB, 299x230, brvvvvvtaaalllll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hip hop, kvlt metal usually what I'm listening to

>> No.6396639
File: 24 KB, 384x300, Howlin+Wolf+HowlinWolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it ultimately doesn't matter at all. I think most of us will look stupid in the outfits we covet, and that we only like most fits because the person is tall with a handsome face and a good physique.

>> No.6396640
File: 13 KB, 208x156, 1330050752275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of /fa/ are 16-18 who will look back at this time of their life and be embarrassed about their shit fits and awful taste

>> No.6396646

Is Visual Rock effay? Or is that only if you're a teen girl?

>> No.6396665

I come to Berlin for a week, end of this summer
what clubs do you recommend?

>> No.6396677


speak of yourself ya bloody nignog

>> No.6396683


buck tick

>> No.6396711


>> No.6396719

>enjoying getting pissed on by men in "that" room

>> No.6396724

It's not a secret, just a complaint.
Men's Fashion is severely underdeveloped. While in Women's fashion there's a huge amount of variations on basic things, men are stuck with just the basics with the odd variation appearing for a month or so

>> No.6396771

why do manlets even try? why won't they kill themselves already

>> No.6396777

I'm jealous of all the different types of even fucking tshirts girls get, they get all these different neck types, lengths and sleeve types it's unbelievable.

>tfw not a woman
>tfw you took too long to start hormones
>tfw you will always look like a man even if you wear skirts and leggings

>> No.6396809

Is Red Army Choir a good taste in music?

>> No.6396812

Seriously...I can walk into some fuckin shitty F21 and find a women's tee with interesting drapes and cutswhile men get the same stupid shit!


>> No.6396815

>Why the fuck are there so many Australians on here?

>> No.6396833

Sorry bruvs but geos look like oversized clown shoes and ruin the fit of many good goofninjas I've seen.

>> No.6396837

Either Yeezy is wearing some dank ass lifts or Kim is a borderline midget.

>> No.6396841

I get angry when I see someone more /fa/ than me.

>> No.6396846

>good taste in music
>entry level post-rock & hip-hop

>> No.6397007

If you dont listen to underground hiphop or deephouse you might aswell kill yourself

>> No.6397034

I am less attracted to my boyfriend because he doesn't dress fashionably

He's really tall, very skinny and has nice chiseled features and would look amazing in anything but he doesn't give a shit and telling him he dresses like shit doesn't help

>tfw i will never a /fa/ bf

>> No.6397061

buy him clothes you poor slut

>> No.6397066

>deep house
4x4 is stale as fuck

>> No.6397091

i spend literally the entire day in front of my laptop

how /fa/ is my lifestyle?

>> No.6397096

You've been corrupted by the manlet propaganda. That is how a man should apear next to a woman.

> inb4 "but kanye is a manlet"
That's beside the point.

>> No.6397095

Designer labels are for plebs

>> No.6397370

enjoy your linkin park

>> No.6397405

>only alternative to shit house is linkin park
this is why "music discussion" threads are stupid, and this is also why /mu/ is stupid

>> No.6397420

Goth ninja is fucking stupid and ugly

>> No.6397444

oh god these feels

>> No.6397450



Are you retarded? 140 is stale if anything


>deep house

Let me guess, you're one of those morons that calls any non-bigroom house, "deep".

Like I said before, purist techno (Ben Klock, Dettmann, Sandwell District, etc), is by far he most /fa/ and elitist music

>> No.6397467

I think leather jackets are fine. I personally haven't found any that actually look good on me, or that I think look good in general. As long as yours looks good and you wear it well, then have at it.

>> No.6397474

no one on /fa/ is fashionable.

at best some of you look mediocre as fuck.

>> No.6397489

>I don't listen to half the things /fa/ suggests
>seems like everyone dresses the same these days (not just on /fa/, but in everyday life
>if I like something I like it, if I don't I don't
>I dress like shit to work

>> No.6397500
File: 174 KB, 528x796, guapo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rick Owens is ugly and his clothes don't look that great
>sweats are never fashionable
>streetwear is plebeian as hell
>goofninja usually looks ridiculous but can look nice if it's toned down
>the le manlet xD shitposters need to go back to /fit/
>runway fashion is lame
>bomber jackets are ugly

>> No.6397645

so you want to dress in
thats cool no streetwear no goober no sweats just jeremy clarkson jeans and t's maybe some brogues for being le classy
> marblekek

>> No.6397659

wow you really dont know what youre talking about. why do you even come here if you dont care about fashion?

>> No.6397674

I like certain air jordan silhouettes.

>> No.6397678

>le douglas pierce face may may

geller used dij on the runway

>> No.6397783
File: 162 KB, 800x630, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were trying to look like a dad, I'd wear running shoes, light-wash relaxed jeans, and grow a goatee.

Why do you think the only alternative to the styles I mentioned is dressing like a dad?
Runwaycore =/=all fashion

This used to be a pretty good board until last summer hit, but I still come here for the neckbeard/fedora threads.

>> No.6397997

It's terrible
Women have different subsections for different body types, while men have to get by with, essentially, one size fits all. I guess it's just that, on a whole, women are more interested in fashion than men

>> No.6398019

I'm a man who wears tall riding boots because they look so damn nice even though they're a chick thing now.

>> No.6398262

>not streetwear
>not gothninja
>therefore not streetgoth
>not techninja
>no sweats
so your wearing jeans, chinos shorts ect. and prolly badly
q.e.d hi dad
>what is ur style then?

>> No.6398318


I agree wholeheartedly OP

>> No.6398465



>> No.6398474
File: 1.60 MB, 837x1000, 1364176870371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only styles that exist are the ones I hear about on /fa/!
You're either a retard or le epic ruseman.
>implying there's anything wrong with well-executed menswear
That there is a sure sign that you dress like a petulant teenager, as if your grammar didn't give it away.

>> No.6398544

I'm too poor to be /fa/.
I'm not talking "I can't afford geobaskets"-poor, I'm talking "anything over 75$ must be shoes or a jacket"-poor

>> No.6398616
File: 34 KB, 250x250, 1353056123719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think you understand feel

>> No.6398741

>GZA and the rest of Wu Tang

>> No.6398777

Kater Holzig
Club der Visionaere
://about blank

If you don't want a trashy nightclub:

>> No.6398792

70% of my waredrobe is thrift shop clothing

>tfw hipster chicks dig me
>tfw I look like straight out of trainspotting

>> No.6398971

When feeling insecure, I put down people based on what they are wearing. Helps me gain confidence in almost every social situation.

>Oh Anon, why are u always so cool and confident
>Its because I dismiss your opinions and thoughts based on your shitty fast fashion purchases you trend-hopping whore
>Very useful skill in avoiding putting pussy on a pedestal

>> No.6399057

I know your feels anon.

>constantly judge everyone around me based on clothes and hair
>feel superior because literally nobody I'm friends with even tries to look good
>know I'm a shallow asshole but don't care enough to change
>have almost no friends because of my bad attitude, but am so far content with sitting by myself and reading books/watching movies

>> No.6399070


>genuinely think that there's no excuse for girls to ever look shitty, considering how cheap places like Forever 21 can be

Obviously you won't be buying the best clothes ever, but even $10 tops at F21 look cute as fuck compared to the shit that most girls wear, like tees and gym shorts.

>> No.6399086

>not wanting to see qts look like they just left soccer practice

>> No.6399099

I don't mind it in moderation; gym shorts are a guarantee of seeing some nice legs.

But give me a fucking break. Every day? To class? To the coffee shop? Fuck off with that garbage. Jeans are not hard to put on, and dresses are even easier.

>> No.6399134
File: 250 KB, 985x950, TASTES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GG, good tastes imo.

Also same thing as OP, but liking twee, ok-tier dadrock (like early Pink Floyd), entry-level p4kcore, and daviscoltranethelistgoeson is ok if you're /fa/.

I also think your political, philosophical, and general ideology should accompany your fashion to a reasonable extent.

You should at least be ottermode if you want to be acceptable fashionably.

...And I'm learning how to BMX to justify my Supreme shit.

Pic related, MUH tastes.

>> No.6399140

>I also think your political, philosophical, and general ideology should accompany your fashion to a reasonable extent.
Woops, I meant the other way around. You shouldn't shape your beliefs to your fashion, ever.
But I do believe you should shape your fashion to your beliefs to a reasonable extent. (No not saying you should become a stereotype).

>> No.6399160

so tell me, what music are you into
>inb4 techno, dubstep, or any edm

>> No.6399180

not him, but do you believe "techno" is interchangeable with "electronic music"?
or that it's exactly the same as "house"?

>> No.6399206
File: 856 KB, 1920x1200, iron-maiden-somewhere-in-time-iron-maiden_1920x1200_79468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>6399160 (You)
I dunno. I'm not into faggot shit. Pic related.
>mfw maiden is never mentioned in /fa/
>mfw you're all silly preteens wearing jeans that are too tight and too long

>> No.6399227
File: 71 KB, 640x480, 1346633236587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LEL, 7/10 I laughed.

>> No.6399236

2/10 i replied

>> No.6399244

>implying anything maiden isn't god tier
only fucking plebs let music influence their decisions on clothing. Metal isn't the only thing I listen to. Sometimes I feel like Johnny Cash, other times I feel like Asap Rocky.

>> No.6399284
File: 265 KB, 1418x995, 7-iron-maiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thums up if u stil lsten to rel musdic in 2014 & not electranical puter shit xD
>mfw you're all silly preteens wearing jeans that are too tight and too long
Yeah, what a bunch of faggots!

Meal is food and all, but you chucklefucks are part of the reason the genre gets a bad name.

>> No.6399296

I just can't comprehend how faggots manage to like "music" that a 12 year old can make on their shitty mac. That ain't music.

>> No.6399319

Now you aren't even trying man.

C'mon, get it together.

>> No.6399325

I doubt anyone without a degree in composition could make the kind of electronic music I listen to.

>> No.6399335


While my primary genre of music would be metal (more complex subgenres though), I also like a lot of electronic music, but almost all artists I like turned out to be ex-metalheads.

I don't like "music" that a 12 year old can make on their shitty mac. But I like some good electronic stuff.

>> No.6399336

The greatness of music lies in the end result, not how you make it.

>> No.6399350

My nigger. I know /fa/ loooves to hate on metal and its neckbeardy fans, but god damn do I love it. You would probably never guess it from looking at me and my clothes, but it's my favorite genre of music.

>stepdad mentions that someone once told him that he would eventually evolve to liking jazz, because of how diverse and different its subgenres are
>hfw I say "That's basically how metal is."
>hfw I mention heavy metal, death, thrash, doom, power, black, etc.

Don't get me wrong, I like other music, too, but stuff like Maiden, Megadeth, and Sabbath are the few bands that never get moved off my ipod.

>> No.6399363

but it was

>> No.6399360

This. And that;s why they are plebs.

>> No.6399404


Since when does /fa/ hate on metal or drone or whatever? A bunch of us were posting some Boris a day or two ago.

>> No.6399424

Since...as long as I can remember. There might be a few positive comments now and then, but the /fa/ stereotype of metal is a bunch of edgy neckbeards in unwashed black t shirts with ugly long hair.

>> No.6399429

I think that being able to make good outfits out of cheaper clothing/tailoring yourself is more /fa/ than spending out the ass for designer pieces and looking like shit.

Of course, if you can pull off designer, though, it is much better.

>> No.6399513

well there is the stigma behind the "metal album about dragons" shit

but drone and black metal are cool

>> No.6399515

well obviously man

>> No.6399660

I thought I was the only one that was thinking that

>> No.6399691

Yeah, it seems like a pretty obvious statement haha.

What I think he might be saying is:
Good-looking fit comprised of ASOS, Topman, etc. > trying to pull off goobninja