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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 165 KB, 1065x1600, tumblr_mor7m3L2oW1rm9aa7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6392471 No.6392471[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Gothninja exists as a subculture ONLY because of neckbeards who spent their childhood jerking off to comic books and video games.

Give me a listen here. When gothninjas post a photo on the internet, they are in COMPLETE control over the lighting, the composition, and content of the photo. They can emulate an aesthetic seen by us so many times growing up in comic books/video games/movies. You know, some grimdark menace, lurking, on the prowl. Or maybe a hero, who sits in the dead of night, perhaps like a detective.

Therefore, for this reason, gothninja pictures look cool, sharp, intense, and edgy to the skinny, frail, pale neckbeards of /fa/.

But when you take them outside this frame of reference (the pictures), and hilariously capture someone trying to pose as a "gothninja" while walking down Santa Monica Boulevard, say, with a slice of pizza in their hand, it becomes very obvious how pathetic their charade is. It becomes laughable. Comedy gold.

The funny thing is, they lose control of their aesthetic outside of photos/the internet, and it's so sad for them to think about it. Their slinky, blackened style becoming bastardized.

So instead, they tend to avoid being seen eating pizza, and try to weasel around in the shadows smoking cigarettes. Doing "drugs". Being anorexic, like some shitty poster boy model. Sending their fucking MOM to buy their groceries, so as not to be seen with luncheon meats in their hand.

They even AVOID going to the god damned beach, because they KNOW it's impossible to perpetuate their carefully crafted image there.

I say you should all grow up, because I want people to realize that they do not live in a fucking video game. They cannot control the aesthetic of the real world they interact with, and they look SILLY when they try so desperately to change their actions and demeanor to look cool.

Gothninja is literally an orchestra of spaghetti, extra meatballs on the side. And it makes me cringe.

>> No.6392486

good thread

>> No.6392501

the main reason that picture looks so retarded isn't because its "gothninja" or whatever the fuck you want to call it

its because its a shitty, thoughtless fit

2/10 responded to old copypasta

>> No.6392505


>> No.6392548

Bump. It's true, fuccbois.

>> No.6392556
File: 456 KB, 456x685, Goth Pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the year of our lord 2013
>not posting this superior picture

>> No.6392561


shut the fuk up phaggot, you dont know chit about lifting, fukking negged

>> No.6392572

What the fuck is on that pizza?

>> No.6392602

VERY stale pasta
go away

>> No.6392632

wow this is an old pasta. like this was old back when it actually got spammed like 8-10 months ago