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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 252 KB, 511x428, cec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6392113 No.6392113 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw afraid to buy leather jacket because of that guy who calls them autistic

>> No.6392123

you are being autistic even without one

>> No.6392125

>caring about what some sperg on the internet thinks
yeah you're not manly enough for one anyway

>> No.6392129

that feel

>> No.6392127

>caring what an anonymous person thinks

>> No.6392136

>leather jacket
perfect example of an autistic person with a leather jacket

>> No.6392153

>buy shoes
>somebody calls the designer autistic
>another guy agrees
>return shoes

>> No.6392159

>believing what you read on 4chan.

>> No.6392164

holy shit i do that too

>> No.6392181
File: 393 KB, 800x533, 1358734787157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting leather.

>> No.6392185
File: 220 KB, 628x434, 1359979540914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6392194
File: 5 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google: leather jacket fedora

>> No.6392190

>being autistic

>> No.6392189
File: 147 KB, 590x885, 1368509457127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6392201

stop samefagging bandit

>> No.6392203
File: 21 KB, 300x195, joyride[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6392217

>tfw you never post a picture of yourself on WAYWT because even though you think you look nice, you're still Hispanic. And the first 3 people who reply to you will be "wetback", "spics don't belong on /fa/" and "shitskins should be sent back to where they belong, shitville" all because of a farm tan that won't go away because you work as a lifeguard in Texas and it's always hot down there.

I usually hate long sentences, but I was just describing my feels.

>> No.6392232

so fucking hot and humid in dallas meng.

>> No.6392238


...t-thanks b-bro

>> No.6392765
File: 30 KB, 320x240, quake nerd dr heckle funny photo blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then don't buy a leather jacket. It's good advice to follow.

>> No.6392773
File: 82 KB, 639x401, tumblr_ln1k60rsxu1qcfueho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he wearing an ann dem tshirt

j/k i love quake tho we should get a /fa/ game of quake goin

>> No.6392782

everytime i see that picture
i feel jacket lust creep up

>> No.6392797

That shearling jacket is appalling. I like how the guy is hiding his face. I would hide my face if I was wearing such a stupid thing.

>> No.6392809

Andy Warhol was genuinely autistic, yet, if someone had one of his "original" pieces, but sold it immediately, because he heard someone call Warhol an autist, he'd really be regretting it now, wouldn't he?

>> No.6392856

y-you too...

>> No.6392878


Better advice to follow is don't be cheap if you're going to buy one. That one looks like shit because the dude is ugly and bought a leather jacket from Khol's

>> No.6392879


>> No.6393041

just scrollin thru

>> No.6394155


this is a feel felt by all of /fa/'s fringe groups
it's whatev, my mugler pants and I don't need /fa/.


>> No.6394195

>don't be ugly
>can wear whatever

>> No.6394198

Leather jackets are as bad as fedoras

>> No.6394204

If you have a leather jacket I will immediately assume you are a dungeons and dragons master and you also have a drive jacket and a fedora

>> No.6394213

Whatever, it comes with liking something in a group setting. I have some Supras I simply love (but that doesn't stop me from wearing geobaskets).

>> No.6394219

thank god i don't give a fuck what you think
everybody wins

>> No.6394226

no, you lose because you are an autistic fuck who needs to compensate for his sperglord appearance

>> No.6394229

My thoughts exactly. Thanks for spreading the word, guys.

>> No.6394243

Hahaha. He may look like a moron in his leather jacket, but that doesn't mean you have to be so mean to him. Haha.

But, yeah, leather jackets aren't a cure all for Aspergers.

>> No.6394257

dude you need to grasp the fact that all your white hot rage and anger and hatred doesn't mean one iota to the world
also, stop being mad just bcuz im styling on you in my vintage perfecto

>> No.6394269

you're arent styling, you look like a cosplay turd

you arent a greaser, you arent marlon brando, you arent a bikie, you are a skinny pasty nerd

>> No.6394274

You're not styling on anybody with a goofy looking leather jacket. Don't fool yourself, kiddo.

>> No.6394278

>you arent a greaser, you arent marlon brando, you arent a bikie, you are a skinny pasty nerd

Hey, man, I like your lingo. Keep piling it on!

>> No.6394319

In the end, we do not remember the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

When you realize how stupid you look in a leather jacket, you will wonder "Why hasn't anyone said something?" And then you will remember me later, and you will wish that you have listened to me.