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/fa/ - Fashion

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6391788 No.6391788 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never look like a model

I want to kill myself

>> No.6391797

Why are you so insecure? Why not just focus on the features you do like instead of the features you don't?

>> No.6391816

how much different do you think your life would be if you did look like a model?

please, as a model, I want to hear your delusions and laugh at you

>> No.6391835

you have an easy job
girls actually consider being with you
people take you seriousy

>> No.6391839

>as a model
you're not
post a pic

>> No.6391845

lol models aren't taken seriously. Haven't you ever seen Zoolander?

>> No.6391846
File: 13 KB, 633x758, that feel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no amount of clothes and fashion will fill that empty void in your life

>> No.6391843

girls don't laugh at you behind your back

>> No.6391849

shut up fuccboi, if i were you i'd be getting pussy on the reg instead instead of trying to feel superior to some virgin on /fa/

Show us your face bitch

>> No.6391853

you have some sort of mental and emotional problems, you should see a doctor

works for me

>> No.6391862

le very insecure face

no one is trying to act superior. actually, wait, you are.
>some virgin
nice projection

>> No.6391871

Because everything below model aesthetics is genetic trash. Most people ugly as fuck too, all just trash.

>> No.6391884
File: 31 KB, 300x360, 1367647164923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep reading this feel like every few days, and it hurts just as much every time

>> No.6391886
File: 207 KB, 1179x742, shower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>qt i have a crush on for 3 years comes up to me
>"hey anon"
>"i like your shirt :)"
>t-thanks ;_;
>conversation goes on like this
>she talks and i reply
>tfw finally a girl who likes me
>feel so happy
>try to friend her on facebook
>no reply
>i later found out she was playing "who can talk the longest to anon without vomiting"

i don't even know what to do anymore

>> No.6391893

people usually vomit when they talk to you?

>> No.6391895

>you have an easy job
walking down runway/taking pics is easy sure

GETTING THERE is the hard part
>girls actually consider being with you
>people take you seriousy
happens to ugly/average people as well

hard to believe models post on /fa/? I have seen others too, some guy posted a while back of his LV/Gucci summer shit I forgot the details...

stop trying to use clothes to fill the void and go do something else instead?!?!?!?!?

If you looked like like a model, and still have your autism, you would'nt be getting any pussy trust

>> No.6391905
File: 90 KB, 567x613, ogr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not op but could i be a male muddle?
rate my aesthetics

>> No.6391919


jesus christ

>> No.6391915

wow is /fa/ full of little girls?
i don't look like a model!
wah wah wah

hey look it's you OP:

>> No.6391916


>> No.6391917
File: 20 KB, 250x300, origin-photo-u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw starting to develop a personal relationship with the UPS man, bringing me packets twice a week

>> No.6391921



can't be a muddle though

>> No.6391922


that ffucking feel

me and the DPD guy have a quick chat twice a week

>> No.6391925

I wish I had a decent jaw and hairline

>> No.6391931
File: 223 KB, 236x395, bluesteel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will I have cheekbones if I starve myself?? will i??

>> No.6391935

what i don't understand about feel threads is if the people here are really feeling. i like to post too and pretend to be sad while laughing at how ridicules the things are that bother us

>> No.6391938


seriously what the fuck are you doing

>> No.6391942
File: 62 KB, 577x633, 914185_10200634201689496_1091326703_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what ever, rate me

>> No.6391943

I hope not, I would feel p bad for them if they are depressed due to stupid shit like this

at the same time I can't help but thing the people I see on campus in shitty button shirts chinos and shoes are like OP and other fuccbois in this thread

>> No.6391950


>> No.6391952


>worst part about being a model is getting somewhere


>> No.6391960

so close, yet so far

>> No.6391962
File: 110 KB, 570x854, ManonLeloup (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

models have no artistic input lmao. well there are a some that do.. anyway ill never be jealous of someone that is used as a walking coathanger.

>> No.6391969

at least they can wear the clothes
your kind are the one picking the material from plants

>> No.6391972
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>> No.6391975

:( are you really hideous or something?

>> No.6391982
File: 665 KB, 843x635, alpha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no just awkward and beta

>> No.6391980



>> No.6391983

#revolver fired

>> No.6391985

way to twist my words around

You think it's easy as fuck but it really isn't
>protip:all the people you're competing with to get the gig look as good as you

>> No.6391991

>be me, p.attractive
>mercedes pulls up in front of me
>two chicks in the back are staring at me, make eye contact back
>they turn around and giggle
>car drives fast as fuck and they flip me the bird


>> No.6391999

>picking cotton jokes

it truly feels like grade school. come back when you have better material fam. ive heard it all but thats just the corniest.

>> No.6392007

weak comeback

>> No.6392025


sounds like ur crying

>> No.6392037


>> No.6392054


same can be said for every other job in the world

>> No.6392058

yeah I know that, but I wasn't the one who was saying someone else's job was easy was I?

>> No.6392064

Doing clothes you would have thought I had help

But they wasn't satisfied unless I picked the cotton myself

>> No.6392065
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>> No.6392068


lol why are you so mad about it?

gettin mad because you got model genes wtf