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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 10 KB, 239x239, MouthBreathing2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6391109 No.6391109 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6391113

noticed my mouth breathing some months ago

started breathing through my nose and its already fixed
most of my asymmetry


>> No.6391120

I breathe through my mouth because my lungs are so jacked up I need all the oxygen I can get.

I'm cutting way back starting today doe.

>> No.6391145

someone explain mouthbreathing to me, and why its such a big deal?

>> No.6391153

>mouth breathing = fucked up face

>> No.6391160


google it

ruins face development, makes your face grow too long instead of widening out

>> No.6391167

I'm 22, I don't think my face is developing anymore.

>> No.6391195

So your face is already permanently fucked.

>> No.6391206

also fucks with your eyes

>> No.6391220

are you 12? otherwise it won't help sorry man you're perma-fucked

>> No.6391229

any pics of how it does

>> No.6391231

You're easily going to look like a fucking retard and make annoying breathing sounds like you're a worthless chubby

>> No.6391244

Im not a mouthbreather, my facial symmetry and jawline is strong.
I just wanted to know what the issue about it was.

>> No.6391249

http://www.buteykochildren .com/mouth_breathing_and_facial_development.php

>> No.6391255

hay fever makes me breathe through my mouth :c

>> No.6391260

it's only an issue if you mouth breath during development aka like 12-16

>> No.6391278

>dat weak jaw

>> No.6391281
File: 18 KB, 270x371, drmew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6391283

Most people who wear leather jackets are mouth breathers themselves. It's sad but true.

>> No.6391286
File: 12 KB, 250x392, donkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6391289

who are you?

>> No.6391293

he's /fa/'s resident mouthbreather

>> No.6391298
File: 84 KB, 299x288, 130221984383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My father used to be a really good looking little boy, even though his parents (my grandparents) were poor. He looked like one of those handsome Hitler Jugend kids.

About age 9-10, he was punched in the nose, and it broke. They couldn't afford to take him to a doctor, so he just lived with a broken nose. One nostril was completely unable to take in air because the bone molded together.

Seeing his pictures that happened after that incident, he slowly got less and less better looking. He was mouth breathing for the rest of his youth, until he joined the military and they drilled a hole in the bone of his nostril to fix his breath. He thought mouth breathing was normal, up until then. He grew up to look like a no jaw nerd.

>mfw I read about mouth breathing for the first time and made the connection
Kind of explains why I'm not bad looking, but my dad is.

>> No.6391305

post pics

>> No.6391310

Poor daddy.
What about yer mom, she a hottie?

>> No.6391314

wow with those pics you can pretty much tell mouth breathers a part
wow it explains so much

>> No.6391317

In most cases this is true, but learning to breathe properly can improve jaws/cheeks and more importantly posture.
Even if your face is fucked you can prevent it from getting worse.

>> No.6391318

His mouth-breathing surely degraded his sperm quality. It's a miracle you're not a retard, but then again you're posting on /fa/.

>> No.6391324

good to know this i will tell my child not to do that

>> No.6391329

Never mouth breathed ever but I got some bad bimax protusion that gives off that illusion.

facial aesthetics = 0/10

>> No.6391333

Warn all your mouth breathing friends!

>> No.6391344

>facial aesthetics = 0/10
post a pic
i'm sure we can get you up to a 5

>> No.6391354

Yea post pics. Advice will be given.

>> No.6391355

Wheres the proof that the facial structures are caused by the mouth breathing rather than mouth breathing a consequence of such facial development?

>> No.6391362

Can this god awfulness be fixed? Change habits perhaps? I'm almost 20 and realize I fucking mouth breathe.

>> No.6391364

do you guys know if opening my mouth without opening the lips is harmful? my cheekbones and jaw looks so much better when i do it
i even started to suck in my cheeks a bit
it became my default state and i do it if nobody is around too

>> No.6391367

not solid proof but yea...

>> No.6391366


>> No.6391371

Stop being a fucking pleb and try to put in some effort.
>the girls

Sounds pretty weird, don't know if harmful.

>> No.6391375

you can train your muscles to do anything

>> No.6391378


1. literally, someone who lacks enough intelligence that they never learned to breathe through their nose.

>> No.6391381

but it probably won't remedy facial fuck ups by now Im betting...right?

>> No.6391394

I think it might. Considering your face probably isn't fully "grown"/"adjusted", you might be able to get some sort of results.
Either way:
It's better to just go for it, man.

>> No.6391395

maybe not completly but adults still wear braces for a reason: the jaw can still be altered.

the purpose of this thread is now about all treatment options!

>> No.6391396
File: 766 KB, 1213x1743, 1368801501418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do people normally close their teeth?
my face looks so much better if i do it

>> No.6391405

>tfw you could have become an awesome looking person with great facial features had your parents considered fixing problems such as this

>> No.6391406

>do people normally close their teeth?
Uuh.. a-are you a mouthbreather?

>> No.6391409

Well i doubt it. Your body does most of its development in its early teens. Whatever damage done will probably stay there.
Another way to look at it, however, is people don't look 16(age when most facial developing is done) forever, so there is obviously more development happening. Regardless learning to breathe through your nose has other benefits so it's worth a shot.

>> No.6391410

Is this a problem if you only mouth-breathe while exercising?

>> No.6391415

Fuck man I wish I'd been told about this when I was younger. I've always had pretty bad catarrh and I was beaten up when I was about 14 which caused one of my nostrils to be nearly totally closed. I thought my resulting mouth breathing was unattractive in a retard esque kind of way but I never realised it affected the shape of my fucking head. Now I know way I have big stupid face. Fuck me.

>> No.6391416

One big troll thread full of trolls.

>> No.6391417

i have asthma and a load of respiratory problems it's really hard for me to breathe sometimes specially by the nose, thankfully i managed to not be a mouth-breather during development years

>> No.6391418

i close my lips but keep my teeth apart so make my face longer and cheek hollow

>> No.6391419
File: 49 KB, 525x394, John Mew 2 kids photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6391431

>angry mouthbreather detected

>> No.6391429

Depends on the work out.
When you need quick bursts of energy you need to consume more oxygen so its okay. The point is to not make it your regular breathing pattern.

>> No.6391436

looks like the "say that to my face not online see what happens" kid

>> No.6391437
File: 26 KB, 245x400, Adenoids_Gross_1.sized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely disgusting

>> No.6391440

>wanting a long face

>> No.6391443
File: 469 KB, 512x506, 1797165_1746-160X-3-7-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate mouth breather and people with receding chin so damn much

>> No.6391444
File: 23 KB, 400x288, patient04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn this girl woud be a hottie if she didnt start mouth breathing

>> No.6391448

my face is really round and i look like a 12 year old if i don't do it

>> No.6391447



>> No.6391450

tfw look like a male version of girl on right :(((

>> No.6391451

yeah because they got the same genes,
same hair color, same skin tone

>> No.6391454

what the fuck you are talking about??

>> No.6391457

>being this fucking autistic
How do you do it? Please, share your secret method.

>> No.6391460

>Over seventy years ago, dentist Dr Weston Price visited many primitive and isolated groups such as aborigines, Gaelic people, Swiss people

>primitive groups such as Gaelic people, Swiss people


>> No.6391461

Nah, I'm just not that gullible.

>> No.6391462

They are twins

>> No.6391466

Nice le troll xd

They're not, read the fucking page properly next time.

>> No.6391467

am i being trolled here

>> No.6391469

>those fucking butterflies

>> No.6391472

can anyone please tell me?

>> No.6391477

You're an idiot. I bet you believe everything you hear, especially when they're on shitty webpages.

>> No.6391484

Be careful, don't let your fedora fall off your head from all the shaking and trembling that's caused by your mouth diarrhea.

>> No.6391486

#nuke dropped

>> No.6391497

Real or not we can't ignore the fact that breathing through one's mouth is simply not /fa/

>> No.6391511

It's definitely not, that I will agree with.
Go to bed junior, not exactly sure why you're saging.

>> No.6391514

Could taping up my mouth help to train me to nose breath? what do you guys think

>> No.6391525


>> No.6391533
File: 64 KB, 700x450, subhuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off you disgusting mouth breather!
nobody wants to help you

>> No.6391536

when I was a kid I had a friend who every time he'd eat it would sound like he ran a mile between bites. Dude wasn't fat and I had no why. But now I know. He was a mouth breather.

>> No.6391544

i hate mouth breather more than fat people

>> No.6391545

>"Anon, stop being so weird. You're not cool to hang out with when you're weird. Just chill out."

>> No.6391555

i read some forums and apparently what i do is normal
feels relieving af

>> No.6391558

what is the procedure to correct mouth breathing facial aesthetics?

"re-humanization?" lel

nah but srs, what?

>> No.6391561

what is normal?

>> No.6391566

lol but i seriously think this way about them

>> No.6391568

to close the lips and having the teeth apart when in a relaxed state

>> No.6391574
File: 16 KB, 371x285, 1371428984264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6391584


>> No.6391591


>> No.6391595

I hold my lips together with my teeth slightly apart with my tongue kind of resting on the back of my teeth.

>> No.6391603

that's how it's supposed to be

>> No.6391608

that's disgusting
i would feel so uncomfortable with that

>> No.6391622

Well I for one rather have screws on my face than looking like a retard. Also is not as uncofortable as it seems, the bone structure ends up fusing together.

>> No.6391626

I'm allergic to cats but my family have had cats all my life because they don't give a shit, it's really hard, almost impossible to breathe through my nose , difficult even through my mouth. I'm 18 and my teeth are shit but face not too bad, I hope this info helps.

>> No.6391644

>tfw patrician nose breather
never mouth breathed except for when I ran in basketball back in middle school or I was sick (which hardly happened)
>tfw still have a slightly recessed chin but not so much that people could really call it out but I can tell

>> No.6391682

>Is this a problem if you only mouth-breathe while exercising?
No, it's a problem with people who have chronic allergies and obstructed nasal ways.

>> No.6391683

Nose breathing isn't genetic man, its just a habit that you acquire due to different reasons. To all people here who are mouthbreathers I would recommend start nose breathing. Its not as hard is it looks you just have to get to it and you'll get used to it and it will benefit you immensely. For one your breath, teeth and gum will appreciate it as for facial aesthetics unless you are a pre-puber you should look up some surgery procedures.

>> No.6391685
File: 126 KB, 1500x1383, igotu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accidentally broke my cousins nose when he was like 9 or something. He was really cute back then. I remember my mom telling me something about his nose that its hard for him to breathe with it and they can only fix it when his nose is done growing. Now hes 17 and his nose is flat, face is thin and his jaw is not as manly as his brothers. He has dem cheekbones though. His brother has manly as fuck aesthetics.

D-Did I do this to him??? Fuck...hes my favorite guy in our family.

>> No.6391688

I didn't even know this was a thing. Good thing I'm not regarded enough to hale ever done it.

>> No.6391696

Retarded* awwwh fuck

>> No.6391698

yes you did fucking asshole, now pay for jaw implants

>> No.6391708

yikes I'd feel fucking awful if I were you. Are you a girl? Is your brother confident/has a gf/social life etc. etc. I guess I'd feel less bad if he was happy and had those things.

>> No.6391733

you ruined his life
imagine all the opportunities he lost because of the way you wrecked his face

>> No.6391763

mouthbreathing causes vertical skull growth

he'd need a rhinoplasty, jaw augmentation and some midface fillers

>> No.6391790

his jaw is still defined not recessed at all, but its the shape of his face and the nose..some people has called him "voldemort"
Im feeling pretty bad right now. Btw Im a guy. Cousins brother is good looking with nice cheekbones and strong as fuck jaw and is dating a 8/10. Hes dumb as shit though and dresses like a rat. People always wonder why they date but its obviously because of his looks which everyone sleeps on because he is such a bum.

Mouthbreather cousin has never dated but has a social life and is actually confident as fuck. Im not even sure if he is actually a mouth breather but it just hit me when I remember broking his nose and rememberin what my mom told me.

>> No.6391866

Dude mouth breathing is not fucking Tourette's syndrome or fucking downs man, If your cousin never dates it must be because he doesn't want to. Seriously man dont sweat it.

>> No.6391898


Seriously sometimes I just wonder why the fuck do I even bother coming to this board, this thread its just a proof that is filled with retarded people.

>> No.6391924


>> No.6391994

okay i've always had pretty bad allergies and sometimes when my nose is stuffed up i would likely breathe thru my mouth when sleeping. My head is rather long and my chin isn't super prominent. Should I go get nasal surgery to prevent any possible vertical head growth?

>> No.6392002

fuck thats me

>> No.6392042

thank god my grandma always adviced me to breath through my nose.
it's very cold where i live and she told me breathing through nose would heat up the air and this would be good for my lungs.

>> No.6392048


18 and super late bloomer so no

its fixed my asymmetry about 60%


>> No.6392059

thank her by using the money she gave you for school on rick owens

>> No.6392077
File: 1.62 MB, 960x1076, mb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my face fucked because of mouth breathing or just poor genetics? Fucking allergies...

>> No.6392078

i breathe through my mouth when i want to feel slower lol and lately i've been breathing through my mouth to cool down

>> No.6392096

warning: mouth breather spotted

>> No.6392101


typical facial structure of a mouth breather.

>> No.6392103


what gross decor

>> No.6392105

honestly you're fucked
get a surgery

>> No.6392109

how old are you

also more pics at diff angles please
i think you're classic mouth breather

>> No.6392133

Holy shit I'm just going to kill myself.

>> No.6392144

mouth beather
get a surgery

>> No.6392156


lol you look exactly like OP's diagram

>> No.6392166
File: 212 KB, 600x800, 1357409360515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You uhh sure this pic isnt just a little girl with downs?

>> No.6392216

downs and mouth breathing are synonymous

>> No.6392212
File: 318 KB, 1024x1024, sleeping-children-girl-closeup-portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel, pretty much all people sleep with their mouth open, that cant be the reason for ugly face aesthetics.

>> No.6392228
File: 57 KB, 634x740, weak chin feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weak chin guy here, cant say for sure if it is caused by mouth breating but is it too much to ask for a weak chin/mouth breathing GF?

>> No.6392245
File: 15 KB, 210x192, weak-chin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

laughing so hard at that image
>s it too much to ask for a weak chin/mouth breathing GF?
should be easy to get a shit tier girl that nobody else wants
jaw is what makes people attractive or not

>> No.6392256

Also suck cock for massive jaw gains brahs

>> No.6392258


i don't....

>> No.6392260

jaw ganis

>> No.6392262
File: 96 KB, 272x326, 1348680135753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you.

>> No.6392287

is it just the angle or does it seem that every mouth breather has those weird cheeks?

>> No.6392302

holy shit

i don't know why but every mouth-breathing, recessed chin person i've ever known was an asshole, so now I just hate them.

a mouth breather recently threw a grad party and apparently shots were fired and the police showed up lol.

>> No.6392304

Those weird cheeks are the result of being a subhuman mouthbreather.

>> No.6392313
File: 47 KB, 645x773, thisfeeltears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i think we're both in the same boat

lets cry together

>> No.6392315

is it normal to breathe in through nose and out through mouth

>> No.6392318


>> No.6392332

>i don't know why but every mouth-breathing, recessed chin person i've ever known was an asshole, so now I just hate them.
because they felt worthless and pulled others down to make themselves feel superior

everyone who is a dick hates himself

i'm narcissistic and misanthropic but would never make somebody feel bad

>> No.6392336


only if ur doin yoga

>> No.6392340


>> No.6392341

Holy fucking eyebrows

>> No.6392342

i normally only use my nose but whenever I exercise i breath like that

>> No.6392346

doesn't make sense why though?

>> No.6392352

Hey I breath half and half and have no facial deformities. I have a very strong jaw, curved nose, and well defined cheekbones.

I guess this could be because when I breath through my mouth, the position of my jaw and tongue don't change much, rather I just slightly part my lips and teeth.

I could see one having facial deformities if they have their jaw wide open when the breath.

>> No.6392355

post pic

>> No.6392368
File: 128 KB, 399x388, saddestfrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my appearance has never bothered me much but this thread has honestly made me consider suicide

>> No.6392375
File: 72 KB, 420x750, 1370811518066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I could've been a male muddle if I didn't breath through my mouth this one time :'(

>> No.6392378

damn you went all out
i feel bad for you anon

>> No.6392384

wow the frog isn't even crying that much because he realised that there is nothing he can do about it
this must be the worst feeling

>> No.6392415
File: 495 KB, 500x293, 197400274.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry for people like you.
I mean, just think of how little could actually have been done to prevent this for happening.

Sorry, bromcbroskidudeski..

>> No.6392437

How does one go about approving your posture?

I always make an effort to stand up straight, but being 6'4 I end up having to bend over to talk to manletts and sluts and the like.

>> No.6392447

Destroy your kneecaps and drag yourself everywhere. This way, you would have to look up at everyone, meaning your posture would balance itself out after some time. Then when it's all ok, you would have to get a wheelchair or something.

>> No.6392463
File: 1.92 MB, 319x182, 8DND08ZgfkGVD8z_HVGWjQ2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6392477

you can still look up with bad posture

>> No.6392491
File: 1.26 MB, 500x281, 1900934678934665.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>look up to talk to people who are shorter than you
What kind of fucked up world do you live in?

>> No.6392511

>reading comprehension is hard.

>> No.6392540

I know, and I feel sorry for you. Here, I can direct you to the post again:

>> No.6392533

I just turned 19, can I still fix this?
I mean I'm one of those guys that look 3 years younger, late puberty I guess. Can I do it?
This is a deep reading thread.

>> No.6392560



these are me

this isn't.

>> No.6392604
File: 902 KB, 200x150, 1369994864207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and I was replying to
Because I was talking about you being 6'4 and how to solve that posture issue in >>6392447. Then you replied with: >>6392511.
So tell me, what are you doing?

>> No.6392608

It's because you're an Asian.

>> No.6392617

Okay. I guess this makes me feel less awful because it's not something I did or didn't do.

>> No.6392618

Is this the new epik meme? Disappointed tbh

>> No.6392657

You aren't supposed to breathe through your mouth? I feel short of breath and almost die if I try doing it through my nose exclusively.

>> No.6392660

post a profile pic of your face and i bet you you have a receding chin.

>> No.6392683

If you breathe through your nose, won't it make it so yer brain cells get killed if you aren't getting sufficient oxygen? Guess it's better to be retarded than un/fa/ tho...

>> No.6392741

my lungs r so phuckin swole i needa get dat dere full oxygen ROM thru my mouth in order to get DAT PUMP

cutting tho

>> No.6392819

good luck bro
we're all gonna make it

>> No.6392843

Mm, it is a little bit. Im not postin a pic but I have to consciously lift my head up otherwise I look a bit ugly ehehe.

>> No.6392885

>tfw not a mouthbreather but still ugly

oh ok...

>> No.6393369

>tfw based body makes me nosebreath and have correct tongue position when not consciously breathing
>tfw natural reflexes saved my aesthetics

>> No.6393382

how the fuck are you supposed to talk when you nose breathe

>> No.6393488

wow... i'm so lucky that i listened to my parents and stopped mouth-breathing at 6... now i understand why i'm handsome and my father, his sister and her son all have receding chin...

>> No.6393543

well done m9

>> No.6393589

I never mouth breathed because I always duck face subconsciously, especially when I am concentrated in something.

>> No.6393596

you must talk alot, but this is when you are idle/relaxed/not talking.

>> No.6393598

>tfw permanently inflamed nostrils
>constant crusty, flaky boogers
>can't breathe efficiently while running or lifting
>recurring headaches
>ent/doctor prescriptions don't work
>wake up with dry mouth

>> No.6393601

Nigga you cute

>> No.6393611

so are you supposed to rest with your teeth clenched and your tongue resting on the roof of your mouth?

>> No.6393613

being tall and looking down alot which is having a negative effect on my posture.

>> No.6393616


>dry mouth
>confirmed mouth breather

>> No.6393620

wow what gave it away

>> No.6393625

>them trippy glowing butterflies
Fuck in high fuq

I sleep face dwn so I breathe with nose

>> No.6393644

i make sure to breathe through my nose when i'm awake but i breathe through my mouth when i'm asleep

>tf when slightly receded chin :(

>> No.6393645

your face

t0p fuicking lel

>> No.6393649

GUYS ... I've just found out about mouth breathers today which begs the question ... What other things are there of this nature?

>> No.6393650

>iktf -hug-

>> No.6393682

I remember in kindergarten the girl I liked breathed through her mouth so I started doing it too..

This also reminds me of when the hero of my favorite book series was described as having a crooked smile. I didn't so I practiced for months until I did... Reading is bad mmkay

>> No.6393686

bump, curious aswell

>> No.6393690

I went to doctor a couple weeks ago and he told me I didn't grow from when I was 18-22. Said my growth bones or some shit have not fused yet but my posture when I sit down has affected my height growth. I have terrible posture when sitting, I arch my back out and recline too far down apparently. So my bones have grown but they have curved to my posture affecting my height , fuck.

>> No.6393691

heel striking
swinging your arms while you walk
extending your elbows

>> No.6393705

>yfw when closed eyed sadfrog is just normal sadfrog with eyes colored in

>> No.6393714

how tall are you mate

>> No.6393716

explain heel striking and elbow extending

>> No.6393733


What happens if you do these?

>> No.6393740

5'10 and I have like 1.5 inches of curved height on my lower back lel
doc says I have not stopped growing yet.

>> No.6393748

Oh fucking heel striking, I do this shit every time I jog, and no wonder my calfs are in so much pain.

>> No.6393754

do some stretches every morning and fix that posture
you don't want to stay a manlet do you?

>> No.6393763


>> No.6393771


can i have a pic of your back btw
sounds curious and ive never heard of this

>> No.6393806

how do i fix this

>> No.6393810

Do you have lordosis (hyper-lordosis)?

>> No.6393906


>> No.6393950

breathing threw my nose is uncomftorble since my nose is crooked a lil bit(got into a couple of fights) so i get more air in one nostril than I do in the other(kinda like when you're sick and you have nasal congestion) so I like breathing threw my mouth more. should I see a doctor to see if my nose can be put back in place?

>> No.6393991

definitely man
don't wanna wreck your facial aesthetics?

>> No.6394007

I thought it only matters during child development

>> No.6394038

there is a reallly fucking loud mouth breather that always sits near me in the library and occassionally mumbles really creepily to himself

i want to tell him to fuck off but he probably cant help it
there is nothing for it ;_;
>Soon we will live in a world where mouth breathers are selected for due to their passive dominance
>thank you darwin

>> No.6394411

matters for you health man
sort it out

>> No.6394536

>tfw 5'8.5
>tfw mouth breather
>tfw recessed chin
>tfw skinny fat
>tfw look like shit
>tfw want to kill muself

>> No.6394571

>always try to breath through me nose
>it becomes such a 2nd nature that I notice people who don't breath through their nose
>now have a hate for people who breath through their mouth and make noises when they do it
I don't know why but when someone sounds like they are out of breath from just doing normal shit I want to punch them in the face for being a piece of shit and breathing through their mouth

>> No.6394623

mouth breathing scum reporting in
have been breathing through my mouth for as long as i can remember, is there any way i can reverse or at least stop my uglynes from getting worse

>> No.6395055



You got this. Just save like one hundred or two every month. Eventually, you will be able to afford surgery and live the rest of your life perfectly happy and inconspicuous. You are lucky, if you were born a hundred years ago you'd be fucked without loads of money.

There is hope anon, especially with advancements in medical science.

>> No.6395124

>tfw your nose is stuffed and you have to breathe through your mouth

I feel like such a troglodyte when it happens

>> No.6395143
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tape your mouth shut at night. maybe with electrical tape or something. I do the same thing

>> No.6395171
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I feel a bit better about myself today and learned a few new things. Never had allergies as a kid, breathed through my nose and have a great jaw now.

>> No.6395172
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I definitely have a receding chin as a cause of this. It's not too obvious from the front but the side there's a downward slope from my chin to my neck. I used to ask my dentists and doctors about it as a kid and they'd never tell me how to fix it. All this time I could of just made sure I always breathed through my nose? Fuck. I've kind of been doing it naturally for the past couple of years because I eventually realized it looked stupid, but I was definitely around 17/18 when I started. I do look better now but it's not enough. Almost 23. It's probably too late, but I'm holding out hope because I've always looked really young for my age.

>> No.6395181

Yeah if there is any actually evidence behind mouth breathing, I'm fucking pissed I wasn't told as a kid.

>> No.6395193

You probably were in some way. Everything your parents told you was right in the end. Everything you'll tell your mouthbreathing kids will be right, and they'll regret it in 20 years time when this thread is made on future 4chan.

>> No.6395195

>wasn't told as a kid

I thought everyone just grew out of it

>> No.6395271

Heel striking is when you land your foot on the ground with your heel rather than the ball of your foot while running.

It's not good for your feet, your knees, or your spine.

>> No.6395291


>> No.6395342

People with no chin are so gross

>> No.6395347

My mother never would let me mouth breathe- because her grandmother told her that it was for inbreds.

>> No.6395348
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You guys are putting a lot of anger and sadness on yourselves from something that you weren't aware of.

I also don't believe you should be taking a site that looks like similar to the 'timecube' and has over half of the references just as random Doctor's names, seriously.

The majority of these things are rooted in genetics, don't be so hard on yourself.

>> No.6395360

breathe through your nose moron

>> No.6395387

lol my face is short as fuck, if anything i try to make it a little longer. but fuck mouthbreathers.
i only breath through my mouth when swimming/taking deep breaths when i see this kind of shit

>> No.6395394

exactly- we're trying to cheat genetics. it's probably futile but fuck i hate my hips.

>> No.6395398


>says the 10/10

you are a good poster mike but check ur beauty privilege

>> No.6395455


>> No.6395466

How do i fix if my nose is stuffy 24/7

>> No.6395469



>> No.6395470

How could I trust the words of someone who won't even take off their shoes though? You are the timecube, mike.

>> No.6395473


>> No.6395490


>> No.6395505

Can't afford allergy shots on current health-insurance plan. I'm allergic to pretty much everything though

>> No.6395506

thats croatian brah

>> No.6395508

also if i take tren will it give me a more neutral chin, or will it just give me a better jawline. age 18

>> No.6395513
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>> No.6395528

ask /fit/

>> No.6395535

I got a sinus infection when I was 4 that almost killed me, and it's completely fucked up my nasal passageway. It's extremely hard to breathe through my nose and my voice is extremely nasally (which makes life even harder than having a fucked up face because almost no one can even understand me when I talk). Luckily, my recessed chin isn't very noticable, but my face definitely does look odd and I can't help but think that everyone is staring at me and thinking about how ugly I am.

>> No.6395540

Breathed mostly through my mouth because I have a deviated septum. Don't really care because I was fucked from the get-go.

>> No.6395543
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sorry for the shitty quality, it's my webcam.

I've always used my nose to breathe, does it look like I mouthbreathe? I thought it was genetics.

>> No.6395550

blake pls

>> No.6395574

mfw people take this thread seriously

>> No.6395630

I've nose-breathed my entire life and my face is long. At least I have the jaw and cheek bones for it.

>> No.6395643
File: 40 KB, 720x480, implying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not Blake, nor do I know who he is

>> No.6395695

I have extreme crescent moon face, hopefully mouth breathing will balance it.

>> No.6396740
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>> No.6396753
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tfw receding chin