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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 126 KB, 1400x1400, uprock-white-black-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6371994 No.6371994 [Reply] [Original]

/mu/ fag here. What headphones does /fa/ use? I use these pieces of skullcandy shit they were pretty cheap.

>> No.6372003

Koss PortaPro outside, Sennhesier HD600 inside.

nope, Grados are /fa/

>> No.6372064


>> No.6372068

klipsch s4i reporting in

>> No.6372073

not a fan of buds. They bug the shit out me. I just like comfy headphones.

>> No.6372074

klipsch image s4 for outside/active use
audio technica ath-m50 for listening at home

>> No.6372087

Grado SR-60i's

only indoors though, they're open-ear

>> No.6372100

headphones should not be worn as a fashion accessory

>> No.6372107

I wear them to listen to music obviously. Forgive me for wanting them to look decent.

>> No.6372140

Etymotic ER-4P with the S cable, Koss KSC-75s for when I need situational awareness, H2O Audio Surge for swimming.

>> No.6372165

How bad is the leakage on those? Everyone seems to say they suck for public use. I dont really care if people hear what im listening to but I dont wanna take the piss.

>> No.6372197

Sony will never lead you astray.

>> No.6372224

people who wear headphones in public are fucking embarassments
in my area it has become a huge fad among autists and weaboos, probably so the can look super anime or increase their edgy factor. most of the time they just hang around their sweaty, pungent necks

>> No.6372234

Thats all well and good, but I actually listen to music, usually when I go for a walk or just have somewhere to go. I have them hanging around my neck about 10% of the time.

Still though, I dont wanna walk around with some beefy looking pieces of shit on my ears.

>> No.6372244

I have a pair myself, and they leak a ton.

>> No.6372257

Yeah, i was reading that people were having to turn them down to the point they couldnt actually hear it themselves. Sounds pretty shitty.

>> No.6372264
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My cans.

>> No.6372271

grado sr125

>> No.6372312
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with black earpads. they look a lot better than in the photograph, actually.

>> No.6372331

Headphones are strictly a utilitarian piece of equipment. It doesn't matter how good your headphones look if your'e wearing them out your're going to look like a faggot. Maybe you should try listening to your surroundings when you go for a walk.

>> No.6372346

>children being annoying

What the fuck, fuck you for even suggesting that.

>> No.6372344

>listening to your surroundings
Why the fuck would anyone want to hear screaming kids, traffic and mindless chatter while you're out for a walk?

>> No.6372377

>Maybe you should try listening to your surroundings when you go for a walk.
I know that feel. Have you ever tuned out to the sounds of nature, or of the city? I once tuned out to the screeching of a subway train. The screeching "played" at various tones and octaves and formed a certain melody. There's music everywhere.

>> No.6372387

ATH-M50 cans

>> No.6372784
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>tfw cause i'm black everyone assumes their beats

>> No.6372800

People assume that you aren't black because you don't have beats, they probably think you're in blackface.

>> No.6372923
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>> No.6372945

ATH-M50s also. Cheap, good sounding, look alright.

>> No.6372960
File: 85 KB, 1147x1147, FA-003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They even have FA in the name.

>> No.6372973

How's the bass on them bro?
I've heard from people that those headphones don't have any bass, is it true.

>yes i'm assuming you listen strictly to rap cause your black

>> No.6372993

Not that guy but I don't know what your smoking their pretty bass heavy headphones.

>> No.6373003
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600 ohm version niggas

>> No.6373013
File: 77 KB, 639x480, 1000x500px-LL-20468076_VSonicGR07CloseUp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely idiotic, those are as plebian as you could possibly get
i agree with you folks

headphones outside is almost never viable ever unless you're using iems, and they isolate v v well and don't stick out. pic related is gr07s, minimal enough to wear out.

at home though, honestly you should have a proper setup with a dac/amp/decent cans.

>> No.6373017
File: 142 KB, 467x700, tumblr_molfioHwGi1s6ecygo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to use them outside before i broke em, they're fine, i actually like being able to hear things around me while i'm walking tbh
i also prefer headphones cuz i wear hair and hats over my ears and it makes buds fussy :)

>> No.6373055
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>look nice
>can use as a mirror
>sound nice

>> No.6373077

oh, no no no

>> No.6373106


Is it worth going for the 600ohm over the 250 for an extra hundred?

Also any dac/amp recs would be appreciated as I'm pretty much starting from scratch, and wanna get a decent setup I won't have to upgrade for a while.


Shit, I ordered the 06's as a cheapish iem for outside about a week ago, but now I feel as though I shouldn't skimped and gotten these or the 01's. Ah well.

>> No.6373110

finna cop some tma-1's

im using sennheiser hd558's atm how far am i downgrading if i do this?

>> No.6373130

Sennheiser HD25-1 ii

I wear them occasionally outside, I don't understand why people care what others do. Unless they are open cans, they aren't going to bother anyone but the autists.

>> No.6373143

They're pretty neutral so they have awesome sound reproduction but as far as bass goes they're lacking (unless you run them through an amp).

If you're looking to listen to something bass orientated (2step, dubstep/new dubstep brostep etc) then get something else.

They're superb for jazz.

>> No.6373152

yeah the 06's are pretty terrible. i owned them for awhile and ended up giving them to a friend. the 07s are really nice and they certainly improve over time.

MAGNI/MODI schiits are good, cheap starters for a dac/amp setup.

>> No.6373228

they're good on everysong i've listened to and the pass the xxyyxx overdone/about you test

>> No.6373247
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>uses skullcandys
Holy shit, can you get any more pleb?

>> No.6373253
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>pretty neutral

>> No.6373272

lyl at babbies discussing their first headphone
>"yeah, i really like it lol"
>"sounds neutral to me"

>> No.6373295



nigga what.

m50's are bass heavy as fuck.

>> No.6373297

there actually have been 2 versions, the newer ones are less bass-heavy
still not neutral though lol

>> No.6373299
File: 82 KB, 486x409, 1371016381768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>getting the white ones

>> No.6373302

my pal got them at the same time, i drew the burnt match and got the white ones

>> No.6373328

Headphones are a piece of audio equipment. They're not a fashion accessory. People like you are why i left that shit board for good.

>> No.6373352


not only that they call them "studio monitors"

>> No.6373363

CIEM master race reporting.

>> No.6373368

Which, they do get used a fuckton despite having a bass hump like a twerking fish. Actually, lately I've been seeing people use them more than 7506s, which makes no fucking sense. The 7506 is better in every way except looks and $50 cheaper.

>> No.6373373

yeah. thats what i use to produce with. i wouldnt think of using anything else really. well within the price range

>> No.6373394

And it's often people who know what they're doing! At the famous end, Grimes has stated they're her headphones of choice and Kanye is wearing a pair in the video of him laying down "I Am A God."

Why? What's going on?

>> No.6373403

they're by far the most popular headphone that has any "studio" rep because they're so cheap and versatile. everyone and their mother owns a pair by now. I just wish that the dt770s and the mdr series got more hype, but noo you can't fold those up and stuff.

>> No.6373431

Hd 380
And tma1
Outside the house just sum cheap sure intra aural

>> No.6373451

The 7506 folds, and has a reputation for being the "industry standard," in-every-studio, most popular studio headphone. It's just in the past few years the M50s have gotten so popular.

I'm sure there's more 7506s out there, sitting around or in smaller studios. But there's some kind if fad around the M50s for some reason and I don't get it.

>> No.6373465

coiled cable and not as "hip" looking though
the m50s are far more popular overall because of the reccomendation circlejerk among entry-level audophilia. that's the only plausible explanation. there's just a constant feedback loop of "yeah, i got the m50 the other day, really great, you should too" that really never stops because going up another rung would mean getting dacs/amps/more expensive equipment and 90% of people don't want to do that

>> No.6373475

I get them being more popular *listening* headphones among people who don't care about accuracy; it's their popularity in *studios*, with people who know what they're doing, that I don't understand.

>> No.6373482
File: 93 KB, 500x322, 500x1000px-LL-f6e68c3b_IMG_7567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got nothin for ya so here's a picture of some better things to listen to

>> No.6373492

neutral? the fuck? they're bass-heavy.

>> No.6373502

Welcome to the thread.

>> No.6373511
File: 17 KB, 469x82, 1344334791661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from /mu/
>not beeing a sennshill
Would be amazing if you weren't using skullcandy, absolutely disgusting.
Though sennheiser hd 598 are p good.

fuck your shit

>> No.6373578

I love how everyone became audiophiles over the last decade.

>> No.6373583

It's the ipod. Never underestimate the impact of technology upon the fabric of human culture.

>> No.6373586
File: 165 KB, 620x413, the-ting-tings-x-skullcandy-roc-nation-aviator-headphones-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw kids with 30$ peices of shit give skdy a bad name

>> No.6373591

albiet - makes one wonder how many audiophiles are listening to 128kbps mp3's thru their $300 phones.

>I can hear all the artifacts
>with stunning detail and articulation

>> No.6373593

dah, albeit*

>> No.6373594

It is the internet son
5 years ago I was looking for new headphones cuz old ones went kaput
Start reading reviews
>oh sheeeit need to up my budget
And so on
Now I got an arsenal of powerful sonic weapons I never thought I needed

>> No.6373595
File: 31 KB, 525x400, dba_02mk2_3-d3158b2b5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just coped this.

>> No.6373597

>Etymotic ER-4P
Mah nigga

Any other etymotic /fa/gs here?

>> No.6373598

But Skullcandy is shit.

Like there's no two ways about it, you're paying for a literal piece of shit, why you wouldn't buy a good quality pair of headphones and instead opt for low-grade gaudy garbage is beyond me.

>> No.6373603

yeah i kno

i still find it irksome because I was working on music beforehand, and then one day I realized that -everyone- was blabbering in audiophile terminology.

It's become such a pissing contest now, hipsterish

>> No.6373613

ah, and one more thing that pisses me off

they had to make headphones a fashion accessory, just like mobile phones / ipod / etc

like...really? but I suppose it moves a ton of product.

I bet that Dr. Dre designed the entire Beats product line all by himself. Guys a fucking brilliant musician and an engineer? whoaa

>> No.6373615

because poorfag

>> No.6373631

have you actually listened to them? or are you just talking out of your ass. jude from headfi and and tyll from innerfidelity both gave them very good reviews, and that was the old version, which was flimsier. their only complaints was that the bass was a little too low which has also been fixed in the newer version. what are your complaints with them? or are you just talking out of your ass

>> No.6373657


I'll agree that gr07's are pretty awesome. I have the original versions. Minimalistic with amazing, neutral sound.

>> No.6373749
File: 22 KB, 500x333, 3186532_3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ATH-ES10 here.

>> No.6373762
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I swear sometime people look at them rather to dare keep eye contacting me

>> No.6374941
File: 52 KB, 513x366, akg-k550-verlosung-513x366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AKG 550 but they are pretty huge...

>> No.6375098

grado sr80 and koss porta pro

>> No.6375705
File: 84 KB, 435x480, VK-1Classic5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aedle. Theyre really the only headphones i like from a design perspective.

>> No.6375718
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>> No.6375765
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Grados are the most aesthetically pleasing that I've seen, but they're too bright sounding for me

>> No.6375777
File: 74 KB, 960x829, aiaiai-tma-1-studio-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just some cheap ass earphones when i go out tho

>> No.6375780

Probably my next iems. I use the gr07s now and am getting a bit bored with them.

>> No.6375793
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>> No.6375801
File: 322 KB, 1800x1291, SE315-xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're all fucking stupid. if you wear headphones outside you're a massive pleb. either Canalphone or enjoy the sounds of the outside.

>> No.6375817

I use studio monitors at home, and crappy earbuds on the move, headphones are way too bulky. Also they make you look like an unapproachable chud

>> No.6375826

Some of ya'll seem to know what you're talking about. I'm no audiophile but I can appreciate decent headphones and want to know what I should get next.

I used to use Grado sr60s and then sr80s (I think) and absolutely loved them. But they broke because they're flimsy pieces of shit and I used them all the time.

Anyway, I was wondering is someone could recommend me headphones of similar caliber and price but superior durability? What I loved about the grados was there appropriateness for a range of genres, and this + duability is really what i'm after as I use headphones constantly if I have them.

Incidentally, are there any in-ear headphones which can compare with out-ear headphones? Since using shitty ipod ones for so long in-ear have grown in me loads for convenience's sake, but quality of sound is still my priority.

Am willing to extend the budget in the case of stand-out example of recommendation.

>> No.6375849

are you seriously asking if there are canalphones with superior quality to headphones? it's like asking if they make motorcycles that go faster than cars. Check out Shure headphones. se215 are good for about 100$. if that's too much you could check out senheiser cx-300, also very recommended and pretty cheap for the sound quality. Sony makes very decent earbuds too from very cheap to expensive, but if you want to get expensive you're better off looking elsewere (akg, sennheiser, audiotechnica)
Here's a nice website http://www.audiocubes.com/

>> No.6375850

Shure SRH-840's and Superlux HD-668B. For portable i have the SE215 and some cheap Hippo shroom.

I kinda dont get the hype over M50's, had my friend lent it for me for a few weeks and decided that it have borderline bad vocals and doesnt really have that much separation to me... And quite a small soundstage too.

Kinda funny how people i know that have em said that they're "neutral" , since they have quite good amount of bass and kinda recessed mids.... (maybe im biased here, 840s have really good vocals and mids are perfect there, though it can be preeeeetty thick in some songs)

I sorta wish closed headphones like 840s and M50s can be a lil bit "airy" and have huge soundstage like open back stuff since its sounds really different (feels real to me)

All of this are subjective tho, since i listen to quite alot of post-rock & a LOT of japanese stuff, my assesment might be different to a guy who have different taste in music like Rap/Hip-hop or Proggresive House or Metal etc.

>> No.6375904


no im not seriously asking if there are canal headphones superior to out ear headphones, i was asking if there were any of high enough quality as to still satiate my needs. so please read carefully and have a little humility before you chat shit. but thank you for the link, i will check out the site.

>> No.6375913
File: 30 KB, 451x600, dt1350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have these, way underrated. Portable, great isolation, suprisingly good bass.

>> No.6376431

Fail troll

>> No.6376579
File: 2.11 MB, 2322x1542, DSC_0078 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol@ actually listening to fucken juden about anything
tyll is a good guy though, so i would cut scandy a little slack because they've made maybe two decent headphones. they still all look like shit though.

all about that FLAC :)

so nice looking, really really inconvenient and metallic sound doe
i was super tempted to buy them just on looks

don't even post that, the SE series is complete and utter shit. The 535 are the only ones that sound good but they still have the same horrible design and noisy-ass cable.

Post your portable rigs anyone? here's mine, ipod classic is rockboxed

>> No.6376605

holy fuck, you literally have autism

>> No.6376638
File: 2.11 MB, 2322x1542, DSC_0067 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, you sure wrecked me mate!
enjoy your mp3s and ipod earbuds B)

>> No.6376649
File: 108 KB, 360x318, 1367616718987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea i will because there is literally no difference and you're spending tons of extra money on bullshit.

>> No.6376657

i appreciate you expressing your opinions! i don't think you have anything else to contribute to the thread though

>> No.6376661

Go the fuck back to /pol/.

What's with racists invading /fa/ lately?

>> No.6376664

sick rig
right now i'm running gr07 mk2 out of my iphone 4s
need to step up my source game but i can't decide whether to wait for the x3 to drop here in canada or if i should just get a clip+ (and i also spent all my money on yugioh cards this past week)

>> No.6376669

polite sage for explanation, jude is not actually jewish

>> No.6376671
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I'm bumping it aren't I.

>> No.6376683

>tfw when valve glow and little blue lights everywhere
makes me happy

>> No.6376692

watch some of his videos
he's the fat asian corporate shill

>> No.6376697

what is going on here?

>> No.6376788

My nigga
I have the that heeadphones in black

>> No.6376795


>> No.6376846

You are on /fa/. You can't complain about spending tonnes of extra money on bullshit and then go on to say how you've spent $200 on a loopwheeled japanese repro sweatshirt

>> No.6376847

>using the K701 holder
Threw that away within a week.

>> No.6378966

>so nice looking, really really inconvenient and metallic sound doe
>i was super tempted to buy them just on looks

>hating skullcandies

>> No.6379432
File: 775 KB, 1200x800, SONY_JG_N0A4027final-1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sony MDR-1R's, awesome cans for house/dep house, over ear and not bulky as fuck. Never use my HD650's now.

>> No.6379458
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>> No.6379464

dt770s at home
sennheiser amperior outside(got them for a steal at £130)

>> No.6381224
File: 325 KB, 1356x904, IMG_1999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are my hedphones fashionable?
i'm sure they are

>> No.6381256
File: 188 KB, 1080x720, Bild 2013-06-23 kl. 21.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too poor to afford new headphones

>> No.6381431

The two most basic pleb pieces.