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/fa/ - Fashion

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6371204 No.6371204 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw going shopping with pleb friends tomorrow

>> No.6371215

>you take so long trying on clothes anon
>why do you look at every single item in the store anon
>this is boring i want to go home anon
>thats looks gay anon
>bro get these DC's, they look sick

>> No.6371217
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At least you've got somebody to go shopping with.

>> No.6371230

>tfw testicular torsion
>tfw it hurts to masturbate
>tfw my semen is bloody

Someone hold m-me. . .

>> No.6371225

>Insulting your friends on a anonymous message board.

You're lucky you have friends.

>> No.6371235

I like them but they dont know shit about fashion

>> No.6371238
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>you paid that much for a t-shirt? You really should think about the people in Africa

>> No.6371243

Then why dont you help them out you conceited prick?

>> No.6371248

serves you right cis scum

>> No.6371259

Tfw friends follow your fashion advice :)

>> No.6371253

Well that escalated quickly.

>> No.6371289

Shopping online is where its at.

>> No.6371290
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i dreamt that i would see this thread

why does this keep happening

>> No.6372327

ffs this

>you care way too much about what people think anon

>> No.6372380


no more having to hear "can i help you with anything?" 20 times

>> No.6372398

I did this once, with two friends who have absolutely no sense of fashion

After about 20 mins of trying to lead them to somewhat decent stores I gave up and let them buy cheap rip off vans and shitty jeans and jackets, cause thats what they went out to buy anyways

>> No.6372405

It's called premonitions and it happens to everybody

>> No.6372406

I have a friend who buys basically the cheapest shit he can find

>Him - "Why would I buy something expensive when I could buy the same item for $5?
>Me - "Because it will fall apart in like a week and the material looks really shit and gross"
>Him - "Gay"

>> No.6372413

Happens to me sometime with conversations.

>> No.6372412
File: 56 KB, 128x173, 1348745582911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in berlin
>decide to check out darklands
>realise i don't have too much time so i leave the hotel wearing brown CDB's / Yohji sweats and / AW tee
>finally find the place and feel awful about going inside in those CDB's
>the staff is great but i'm so fucking nervous because of those shitty shoes
>they must think i'm poor ;_:
>buy 2 lumen et umbra tees and a a rick island bomber
>that'll show em

>> No.6372426

yes, but this is the second time this week to happen to me while browsing /fa/

>> No.6372707

>but its on sale you should buy it

>> No.6372733

>It's time to stop posting

>> No.6372737

>i've been here all summer

>> No.6372764

i only go shopping by myself
or with my mom
no exceptions

>> No.6372767

this nigga knows whats up

>> No.6372768
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so obviously the same person
this ain't a boost 4 u tho tomato
i'll cut u down if u fall out of line

>> No.6372806
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>Anon these jeans from buckle look SICCCkK

>You haven't washed your jeans in how long?
>That's stupid. why don't you just buy them faded and save the time?
>You paid 170$ for those jeans!?!?!?

>haha, those kids just went into abercombie haha... But really I need to hit up Hollister before we leave.

>My mom shops at Macy's


They argue to me that black boat shoes go with more than navy ones.

Fucking Texas right...

>> No.6372826

>AW tee
yah blew it

also wtf darklands retail is ridddiiccccc
even there sales are par OKAY

there footwear is GOAT though

>> No.6372871

>go to mall with friends
>wearing black doc marten shoes, acne jeans, void shirt
>follow them around endlessly, every time we walk into somewhere like H&M, Zara, and Forever 21 the sales clerks flock to me
>every time we go to somewhere like Abercrombie and Hollister they look at me repulsively.

top fucking lel

Asians kept mirin and the rednecks kept scoffing which was hilarious.

>> No.6373050

>Have no friends
>Never leave the house except to go to school or buy food
>Buy nice cloths online but, it doesn't matter because I live in the middle of nowhere and nobody will appreciate them
>Am I /fa/?

>> No.6373060

The most fa because u dress for yourself and no one else.

>> No.6373111

nothing wrong with macy's

>> No.6373124

>be wearing designer shit
>friends always tell me I look good
>somehow end up at a mall one night
>at Macy's
>anon is this one nice
>anon is this a good shirt
Ugh, I would of felt embarrassed telling them how much I spent on my outfit though.

>> No.6373139

>money buys style
This is what summer goofs actually believe.

>> No.6373140

i have an /fa/ buddy that shops with me at the galleria. its a little tougher here but those who are effay are super cool

>> No.6373150
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I always thought that hanging out with pleb friends made me look more like 20% more /fa/ but I also feel like "that guy"

But if I hang out with a bunch of /fa/ friends we might look like fags

whats the lesser of two evils /fa/?

>> No.6373372

>go to the mall
>friends always want to stop by UO
>walking around aimlessly since Im not going to buy anything
>suddenly "excuse me do you have this is another size?"
>then "excuse me where is the dressing room?"
>followed by "do you work here"

I suppose I look like shit if people keep assuming I work at UO.