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/fa/ - Fashion

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6370133 No.6370133 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/

Thoughts on Pocket Watches?

>> No.6370145

nigger, this best be a ruse!

>> No.6370162

only works if youre a slave master and look like colonel sanders

>> No.6370189

do your profession have anything to do with locomotives?

>> No.6370217
File: 103 KB, 480x720, spsatorialist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you can pull it off if you're an old man.

I can't wait until I'm old as fuck, and I can wear anything.

>> No.6370219

Only if you are in the 19th century.
Otherwise nope, it's fedora tier le classy gentleman shit.

>> No.6370228


What else are you wearing?

>> No.6370230


Gimmicky in most situations.

>> No.6370235

I have some old pocket watches, and I collect old timepieces.
I don't even wear watches.

It is ONLY ever acceptable to have a pocket watch if you work on a train (lets be honest you're gonna look like shit anyway, haggard from dealing with literal human scum.) or living in the early to mid 20th century.

>> No.6370249

Maaaaybee for your wedding

>> No.6370468

This and even then you have to be a effay fucker like pic related
anything else and youll look like too much off a douche

>> No.6370519
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>happiest day of your life
>ruin it by going full autismode

>> No.6371022

It can be pulled off, quite easily, in fact, but only under certain conditions.

1. It has to be mechanical. There's two reasons for this. The first is just sheer physical object value - mechanicals are "nicer," for reasons too complex and too obvious to explicate here.

The second is because a quartz pocket watch would subvert itself entirely. So much of something unusual working comes down to it being *thoroughly* what it is. A trashy roadside diner is going to be better than a "casual dining" place with laminated wood and cheap paintings of Mediterranean locales on the walls, even though they're pouring the food out of the same Sysco boxes and the other one is "fancier." It's the same reason why the Casio F91 was able to become a classic.

Carrying a pocket watch is a double anachronism. It's not quite there yet, but we're approaching the point where a watch itself (except in lines of work, e.g. medicine, where having the time on your wrist is actually useful) only make sense as anachronisms, and thus as mechanical advices. The idea of quartz - the advantage of quartz - is that it's more precise than a mechanical timepiece. But it's a joke, it's no longer used for real critical timekeeping, when we have devices that pull down perfect time from metal rigs up in the firmament or jutting out of the earth. Mechanical timepieces play in the opposite direction: they point to a slower, more leisurely, more natural approach to time. And how much more so with a pocket watch, one that's not available at a glance, one that comes from an even slower, sloppier era than the speedy, sleek, cool '60s good mechanical wristwatches evoke.

"Could they tell?" you might say. Most people could not, and you won't be giving them a chance to. (See #3.) But you will know, and that's what makes all the difference.

>> No.6371041

2. It has to have some meaning. Ideally, your Russian grandfather would've lifted it off his KIA best friend (who received it as the only scion of a family that had in made in 1880) while they died storming Berlin, secreted it as he was sent to a gulag after the war, and passed it onto you, or something, but really, anything beyond "i dunno itz kool" (or worse, "classy") will do.

Maybe it's not your grandfather's watch, but he always carried one. Maybe there's one in a story that's important to you somehow. Maybe there's a design on it that symbolizes something vital to your being. Maybe you bought it in an musty, sacred-seeming, Art Nouveau fronted Old World watch shop on your first trip out of your country without your family. Maybe you won it in a beachside poker game off a drunk, creepy British expat in Cabo.

Who knows? Who cares? You better.

3. And no one else not intimate to you. Yes, carry it (best in a jacket pocket), use it to check the time, that's the point, but do not flaunt it. If you haven't broken bread and trusted a person with a secret, you should regard it as a small failure if they take note of it.

4. In line with that, for God's sake leave the damned chain at home.

One last point: if you're someone who genuinely doesn't carry a cell phone, you get a pass on #1-2, and a bit less fraughtness about three. But only if you are not a douche about not carrying a cell phone.

>> No.6371070


>happiest day of your life
>top lel

you virgins are funni

>b-but muhh perfect gurl ill marry and she'll luv me 5ever

>> No.6371110 [DELETED] 

Worst things ever. So contrived. Just use your cell phone, it's basically a pocket watch.

>> No.6371413
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This. Are you cosplaying some steam punk bullshit? If yes, stop. If no, then don't wear a fucking pocket watch, seriously.