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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 306 KB, 480x600, fat-kids-popsicles-480x600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6362644 No.6362644 [Reply] [Original]

hey /fa/,
I am an obesefat (240lb 5'9") and want to look like less of a pleb when I go back to university in the fall. My whole life I just wore athletic shorts and a t-shirt. I just want something simple I can do instead that will look better, without me looking like I'm trying to be some hipster tryhard. I don't want to be an eyesore but I don't want to attract too much attention. Any ideas? (I'm already working on losing weight)

>> No.6362654

Buy cheap clothes until you reach your target weight.

In the meantime, just lurk, fuccboi.

>> No.6362657


>> No.6362667

You know the time you're using for fashion tips? Focus it towards losing weight, because no matter what you wear people will still think....

>that fat guy

I was overweight myself btw.

>> No.6362697

not much you can do except lose weight brah

even the best clothes wont make fat people look good, sorry. just stay strong and drop that weight. i myself dropped down from 220lbs down to 160 recently, so i know your pain. worry about losing weight for now.

in the meantime, lurk and learn.

>> No.6362723


>> No.6362732

Good combination for you, OP.

>> No.6362739

You're on the wrong board, buddy. Head to /fit/ and lose some weight before wasting money on clothing.

>> No.6362814


also guilty

>> No.6362824

Surprisingly, I can't recall a time I got more compliments than when I wore a fedora. Seriously every time I went out someone would say "nice hat" or something, and they didn't even seem sarcastic.

>> No.6362916

When You're Overweight, You Should Wear Clothes That increase your Vertical height and decrease your profile width.

Fedora makes you looks taller and A Baggy coat like a Trenchcoat makes you look less fat. Black will help you look less wide as well.

>> No.6363254

Just a word of advice for weight loss, drink water all day and not eat any thing

>> No.6363307

yeah this op if you drink a gallon of water a day you wont even get hungry

>> No.6363977
File: 488 KB, 1000x750, 1371547469408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lose weight, fuccboi.
I've lost about 100 pounds so far, and still have another 30 or 40 to lose.
Try the paleo diet, it works for me, and start fucking working out. Just don't do any shit that stresses your knees, like jogging.
Go to http://www.nerdfitness.com and start reading. Until then, buy shit tier H&M stuff and save money for nice clothes when you lose weight.
Also, stick with a fucking routine for at least a month before deciding it doesn't work for you.

Pic related, it's some motivation, you lardarse landwhale.

>> No.6364005

Have you considered finding a nice tarp to drape over your girth?

>> No.6364090


Ive done this. I started at a size 38, and over the last few months have dropped to a size 32. All while spending money on new clothes thinking "Well i cant get any slimmer than this"

>> No.6364095

Just don't forget to take supplements or your skin will deteriorate faster than a tomato in the sun

>> No.6364112

What kind of supplements do you recommend?

>> No.6364116

Focus on losing weight. It will pay off.

>> No.6364137
File: 83 KB, 653x435, Bones_EndBeginning-Sc29_0049[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also try the t-shirt with open shirt on top of it combo. Makes your profile look a little bit thinner.

>> No.6364168

Grow a beard if you can, wear baggy clothing. Honestly it doesn't matter, though.

You will look like shit until you lose weight. You should be a little over half your weight. Lost it fast.

>> No.6364186

Why nobody realizes that isnt popsicle but actually a green shovel?

>> No.6364198

that is a trowel not a popsicle


>> No.6364443

no don't do this you will look like josh from drake and josh

>> No.6364453

same boat bro, just weighed in at 198 vs the 300 I used to be less then a year ago

>> No.6364503

Ho fuck be careful if you do this and make sure you take the proper vitamins and the like.

Did it one summer from depression. One single bagel a day and water, for a month and a half. I dropped from 195 to 157 in that time span, but I was always sick and super moody.

Considering doing something like it again, with proper supplements to see if it helps. Currently starting to lurk and weigh almost 240 at 5'9, however my job requires very quick calculations, so no idea if my mind could handle the lack of food.