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6361067 No.6361067 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone pro traditional shaving?

I was considering of buying a straight razor and need some advice

>> No.6361077

I'm not even sure if this is the right board. lol

>> No.6361089

It is the right board.
I can't give you advice on that though.
Although I don't really think it makes much of a difference. But I'm no specialist.

>> No.6361094

i have a safety razor. thinking of getting a straight razor eventually, and i've heard saftey razors are a good stepping stone.

>> No.6361102

shieieieie nigga, I've been thinking about this for a while now too. Throw away razors are too fucking expensive now. Monitoring the thread

>> No.6361119

Straight seems like a whole lot of pain for very little gain. Safety razors cut better than cartridges and are a fuckload cheaper, even the premium ones. It's not as "classy" as a straight razor, but /fa/ and "classy" are like oil and water anyway.

More than anything else though, I've found that a proper lather makes a world of a difference. Get some Poraso soap and a brush and smear it on wet and thick. Maybe some shaving oil if you've got real sensitive skin like me. Your shave will go so much smoother than with canned crap.

>> No.6361129

Straights are fun simply for the novelty of it.

If you want a close shave you need don't need to set aside 30 minutes for, then just buy a Double Edge / Safety razor.

I've owned two straights and one double edge. Trust me.

>> No.6361132

check this dude out. tutorials on everything you want to know about safety and straight

>> No.6361141

start off with safety razors
then try some straight razors.

you will cut yourself if you go straight to straight razors

>> No.6361167

You probably send yourself up for colossal pain in the ass if you get a straight razor. To not cut off your face you're going to have to take a hideously long time to shave and sharpen the edge continuously; on top of that, the blade gets warped and you have to straighten it. Just get a safety razor to save time and effort.

>> No.6361176

OP here

good to see traditional shavers around. So far I've just replaced the canned goo with proper lather, but still using catridge razors( Mach3 and Sensor) and can already see difference. I was thinking of skipping the safety razors, since I don't like them..

would you consider going from catridge to straight possible?

>> No.6361196

You could try dollar shave club if you don't want to even try that.
I've switched over, and sheeeit. Those are some nice blades for the price.

>> No.6361212

I sometimes watch this guy shave just for the fun of it.

>> No.6361222

My friend tried it and cut himself like crazy. Unless you're a skilled barber, it's not worth the time and investment imo. Just get dickass sharp safety blades, like Feathers.

>> No.6361227

>i'mplying im nota huge fuckng phaggot who cant grow facial her

>> No.6361228

it's not just the price.. it's that I want a deeper, better shave. Plus that shaving with a straight is badass

Shavettes like Feathers are actually considered to be more dangerous than a straight afaik

>> No.6361233

using a DE is to help with the learning curve. you need to have the perfect angle and stroke with a straight, and the DE has some room for error. you'll cut the fuck out of yourself if you skip, but feel free. just remember to stock up on neosporin.

>> No.6361243

I guess. I'd love to switch to safety but I'm too much of a pussy.
But I might next month because I'm tired of having to shave against the grain to get my neck and face so much.

>> No.6361264
File: 106 KB, 1500x1500, electric-shaver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some "le classy", art of manliness.com tier fedora shit. Just use pic related like everyone else.

>> No.6361276

>like everyone else.
Are you in 3rd grade?

>> No.6361390

Myself and a few others posted DE shaving info in a thread that should still be around, go back a few pages.

I use an Edwin Jagger de safety razor, Proraso cream and Proraso pre and post shave. Straight razors require shit loads of maintenance, I wouldn't bother, just go DE safety.

>> No.6361406

can you go against the grain with a DE razor? will it make it closer?

im using a cartridge now and i always go against the grain without any problems whatsoever. if i go with the grain i can still feel a slight stubble

>> No.6361433

you should always go with first, and against for the second pass, but yes you can, and it will.

watch the videos

>> No.6361440

Yes, but not onyour first pass. Read the previous thread.

>> No.6361448

thanks bros

>> No.6361807

Hey OP, I went from shitty disposable razors to a straight razor and I'd say the experience is so-so

I would recommend a safety razor first and maybe then go onto a straight razor

The reason why straight razors are so dope is because you're wet shaving. Wet shaving is the best kind of shave and I wholly recommend it.

>> No.6361820
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>He can't grow facial hair
kek what a faggot

>> No.6361822
File: 73 KB, 600x675, ssgn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a chemist recommended a topical, transdermal anti-androgen to me in order to slowly eliminate beard growth
shaving is literally previous level