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File: 37 KB, 1038x767, nathan-williams-wavves-king-of-the-beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6359155 No.6359155 [Reply] [Original]

I would never say this about any other country.... I honestly think a person requires a certain something to be an American. Something like...elevated emotional intelligence. You gotta be kidding me if you think somebody as naturally cool and laid back as Johnny Depp could ever be British.

I would love to see an EQ test of a group of random cool Cali kids vs. a bunch of random autistic yuropoor bumpkins. I've found the American Test to be a great measuring stick of just how much a person "gets it." On one end of the spectrum: the ethereal kid wearing a vintage American flag tank top with a retro 1980s hat and is on a skateboard...He gets it.

One other end of the spectrum: pent up British cunts who could never be as care-faree as an American teenager...They constantly worry about what people think of them, and they try too hard to fit in. Talk about boring.

In short: Cool & funny people get, if not adore Americans. Shut-in yuorpoors typically can't stand them...Harsh accusation? Hell yeah. Accurate? You tell me.

>> No.6359204
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>> No.6359235

What sunglasses are those in OP's pic?

>> No.6359242

Shitty copypasta. Rise above it.

>> No.6359248

I love this country so damned much, OP. Hell yeah, America.

>> No.6359307

im Californian and i like this thread

>> No.6359346
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>EQ test
Yea you p. cool OP ...

>> No.6359369
File: 67 KB, 213x196, 1362617371885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF did I just read?

>> No.6359374

>implying americlaps aren't passive-aggressive as fuck

>> No.6359404

ok honey boo boo

>> No.6359451

>dat jawline
>dem lips
>emo hairdo

2/10 for at least not being overweight

>> No.6359476
File: 15 KB, 250x250, le wandowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's going on in this thread?

>> No.6359529

It requires nothing to be an american. You are on 4chan for gods sake.

>> No.6359545

motherfuckers are way more passive aggressive than the gay man in a group of bitter cows

>> No.6359555

Hey I like Wavves too!

>> No.6359567

2009 called they want them fuccbois back

>> No.6359572

>clap at everything
>use words such as gee, awesome, totally, brah, like like like
>Have arrogant sense of self-worth based on what someone who happened to be from your country achieved
>fail to point out well-known countries on a map
>act shocked that places such as Valencia and Jersey exist outside of the USA
>clap and shout USA USA USA when a skinny little kid is captured for ruining some running race
>claim to be 1/16 Native American
>state that you're German and Irish, despite having never been to either country

>> No.6359596

Gets what?

>> No.6359603


>> No.6359647
File: 84 KB, 576x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw not American

>> No.6359662

what's up with americans and their heritage thing?
also why the fuck would you mention you have german heritage?

>> No.6359660

>state that you're German and Irish
kek this gets me all the time even on /fa/ they be spoutin shit like
>yehh im 1/16th italian 22% scotish 1.337% Swiss 44/893th german and the rest is british and also im greek

>> No.6359682

Because Murrica is a melting pot. We're a nation of immigrants. Our heritage tells our story before we came to this place (the greatest country in the history of the planet).

>> No.6359692

Because they want to be special.

>> No.6359694

>Our heritage tells our story before we came to this place

so your grandfather was a Nazi and mass murderer?

>> No.6359712

No, he was an Irishman who owned a concrete company.

>> No.6359711
File: 501 KB, 500x281, tumblr_m5cfytecxk1rv1y57o1_500_large.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you saw this on a brit-thread and don't really get it
>tfw not american

>> No.6359719

if u can't place any countries on a worldmap and don't know any countries in eastern europe how do you know if you are the greatest country in the history of the planet?

>> No.6359724

I think what the brits are getting at is that being irish/german/italian ect. doesn't mean you are of good genetic stock or anything
being irish is bad to a European (unless you are from small areas of Ireland)

>> No.6359726

what you say about thinking too much about other people's opinions is SO true about Germans. I can't stand those people, it's really crippling me psychologically at times.

>> No.6359764

Because we can wipe you off the map with our military and you're thirsty for our cultural exports. America may be chock full of overweight plebs, but we run the planet.

I don't think it matters what my grandfather was, quite frankly. I'm an American first and foremost, and I live comfortably. Life is good. Muh freedoms.

>> No.6359774

mostly it's just a thing to talk about.
Most of us who aren't retards aren't proud of our ancestry if it's more than 2 generations back. We just like to talk about shit, and where grandpa came from is something you can talk about with your family, and then use it a a casual conversation topic with friends.
But I had this one friend who wouldn't shut the fuck up about how irish he was (three gens back). It took me like a year of giving him shit for it for him to stop.

>> No.6359775
File: 136 KB, 640x480, 1339398739918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>claim to be 1/16 Native American
>state that you're German and Irish, despite having never been to either country

This, so much.
as a mexican guy living in the US, this pisses me off to no end. why can't they just call themselves white people/caucasian? It's like they're trying to seem like they're enriched with culture.

>> No.6359823

Germany is the most liked country ijn the world for 5 years running according to international polling.

>> No.6359844

Because white isnt a race you dumb cunt.

>> No.6359855

that's sickening

>> No.6359884


>white/caucasian isn't a race
>implying nationalities are a race
>dumb cunt

topkek, bet you're one of those white kids.

>> No.6359890


neither is black, but they arent like "oh im 1/16 senegalese and 34% somali and 22% ethiopian and 2% kenyan" etc all the time.

>> No.6359891

Don't you mean nationality?

>> No.6360220

Yeah that irked me somewhat when I studied in Illinois. I loved it there though and most of the people were alright.

>> No.6360239


Your eyes are too far apart. Nose is definitely huge.
The shape of your face is not aesthetically pleasing at all.
You look like a 3/10 in this photo.
I don't even want to imagine what you look like normally.
I actually just threw up in my mouth, just thinking about it.
Your head is too big (although that may be, because of your no-neck posture) .
As for your hair, lol. Seriously, do something. You look like a horse.
Stare at your face for more than 5 seconds, and you will see how ugly you are.
The eyes which are too far apart is what ruins /damages an already ugly face even further.
Unfortunately for you, that can't be surgically fixed, lol. Don't even let me start on your pale complexion.
It only works if you look hot. Unfortunately, you do not look hot.
Its hard to sum up a creature like you in one word. 'UGLY ' would be unfair , since it doesn't reflect how repulsive you look.
GROTESQUE is stretching it. But somewhere in between, is where you would be, on the scale of an average man.
I'm sorry if my words seem a little harsh. Just so you know, I sugar coated this post as much as possible.

>> No.6360251

Tasty pasta

>> No.6360343

It's funny because the term melting pot was derogatory and actually was used during a time when extreme racism/nativism and hatred towards immigrants in the late 19th century, was becoming a popular belief. America was built on racism and was one of the most discriminatory places in during that time period towards their immigrant population.

> How's that for your greatest country in the world?

>> No.6360355

We still have all the bombs and all the entertainment. We're the best. Try again.

>> No.6360572

You contributed to that 100% by sitting there on your greasy chair with your fat ass eating Cheetos of course

>> No.6360778

shh shh silly yuropoors..shhh

>> No.6360795

im american and i didnt even realize that we were so high up

>> No.6360899

that's funny, because I find Johnny Depp being the least american personality-wise and one of the most likable famous ppl

also proud eurofagget here

>> No.6360908

rated best/richest country in the world is actually Norway

>> No.6360922

British and Americans are not the only nationalities on the planet.

>> No.6361011

>tfw when you know for a fact other countries surpass us in this and that, yet, i still KNOW for a fact that we are the greatest country to have ever existed. i love my country

>> No.6361023

yes but they're the only ones that matter

>> No.6361031


>being laid back is a desirable trait
>not being irritable, on-edge, motivated and ambitious all the time

i hate being associated with the rest of you idiot american stoners that think this way.

>> No.6361095

Pft, I wish!

>> No.6361153

Americans are really cool, but only the ones from the north east. People on the west are friendly but super dumb and don't know how to dress themselves. The less said about the midwest and south, the better. The area from New York City north is very nice though, and the people as /fa/ as Americans can be (which still isn't great...)

I'm from the Netherlands but I am in the USA right now

>> No.6361181

Yes they are. The more educated ones, at least. I think there's a certain pecking order among black nationalities (don't ask me what), so being a certain type of black is better than others in their minds.

>> No.6361214

>severe racism/hatred towards immigrants
but that sounds great.

>> No.6361257

wow I had that shirt, little brother has it now since it's sized for like 5 year olds.

>> No.6361412

American vintage flag tank. Lmfao breaking US flag code. Im a Califag and i hatw this thread..

>> No.6361422


>> No.6361458

It's astonishing how retarded normalfags are.

>> No.6361893

i've noticed more northeastern people identify with their ancestors heritage as opposed to southerners or those in the west. its kind of like they want to be better than just american. i still identify with my ancestors nationalities. why? cause im american, fuck you. i'll do what i want

>> No.6361977


If you wanna be that guy that everyone thinks is obnoxious, go ahead. It's not even the good kind of obnoxious, just the pathetic kind, cause you're trying so hard to be something that you're not.

You'll always just be american, and be happy about that. Better than yuropoor.