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/fa/ - Fashion

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6352922 No.6352922 [Reply] [Original]

Club mirin/pick up stories thread

i'll tell you bout my night bros

>enter the club with a smile
>enter a set of medium-high status dudes and acquire the control of the conversation
>see a set of 3 8/10 and one 10/10 blonde
>go to them and ask their female opinion about whether its best to wear loud outfits or try and go for something more low key. they 8/10 says they love my dandyish and noticable style. 10/10 remains silent but laughs quietly.
>start talking with the 8/10s and ignoring the 10/10
>neg 10/10 and make their friends laugh
>10/10 shows 3 demonstrations of interest
>do cold reading with her
>start running some routines
>isolate her
> she starts to touch my mink hat
>kiss close
>bring her to a motel and fuck
>get her number

>> No.6352938

>lele u r so funny le OP lelelelelellelelee

>> No.6352944

>enter a set of medium-high status dudes
>3 demonstrations of interest

Jesus christ...I'm sure your borderline hick-tier grasp of the English language really turned them on OP.

>> No.6352951

i bet youre a cunt irl

>> No.6352961

johnny depp is a faggot

>> No.6352970

I admire your dedication, I would've just called it a night and went home to sleep after entering a set of dudes.

>> No.6352981

leave and never come back

>> No.6353005

10/10 is supermodel/celebrity status. I doubt some shit from /fa/ could get interest from a woman like that. They were probably 7ns at best. Stop exaggerating like a typical brotard.

>> No.6353020

>cold reading

>> No.6353026

Wait, you don't know? I thought everyone knew that:
>faggot claims to have pulled in "8/10 / 9/10 / 10/10" qt3.14
>faggot's girl is in fact, at least, 4 ratings lower

Come on bre, wake up.

>> No.6353030
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>Hanging with some friends in a local cafe talking about exams since its been a long time since we saw each other and exams going on.
>be discussing something with a friend.
>Girl who brings our beer compliments my fit and says I look handsome in it.
>not paying attention being a bit tipsy and talking to someone else so I accidentally ignore her.
>after she's gone my friends tell me that was really cold and I was an asshole.
>Realize how unfriendly I had accidentally been.
>go after her to apologize and tell her I appreciated the comment.
>follow her into the kitchen
>touch her arm, to alert her of my presence.
>she didn't expect someone to be behind her and gets startled so badly she drops a full plate of empty glasses.
>gets very angry at me for being in a private area.
>apologize 10 times, thank her for her kindness...
>She starts smiling and gives me her cellphone number.

Well that was awkward. I don't think I'll be calling her though I prefer men or butch girls. Sorry about typing errors

>> No.6353033

I'm not a good writer.

>> No.6353039
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You got her number, no reason to feel awkward m8.

>> No.6353041

ur gay

>> No.6353049

>spaghetti rockets out of my pockets
>she slips on spaghetti
>breaks her back
>paralyzed for life
>considering a life with a cripple as its the best I can do

Forgot the rest of my story

>> No.6353079

>actually knowing all that PUA ling

>> No.6353115

>cold read
>mink hat

how can he troll so many

>> No.6353131
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holy shit how do you let yourselves be trolled so easily

>> No.6353143
File: 50 KB, 300x450, mystery-erik-von-markovik-in-club-w-girls3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not trolling bro. this honestly happened. better going than average for me to get a 10/10, but after perfecting my game over a few years, rare for me to go on a night out with at least getting with a 6-7/10