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6346489 No.6346489 [Reply] [Original]

where do you keep your cellphone/wallet etc when you go out /fa/ ? i mean in situations where you can't/don't want to carry a bag. i usually keep them in the front pockets of my jeans but it looks weird (it looks like i have a boner, or it makes my hips look huge). how do you deal with that problem ?

>> No.6346497
File: 27 KB, 465x296, cell_phone_belt[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6346502

utility belt

>> No.6346514

Shitty cell phone in left pocket.
Blacklisted iPhone 32GB right pocket, for music, internet, and taking random pictures.
Wallet left right pocket.
Little keychain on left pocket. My license got suspended so I don't have one of those effay keychain things. Just my house key, that Supreme Biggie keychain, and some souvenir keychain I got in Vietnam. I used to carry a pepper spray to shoot niggas for self defense because for some reason crime is attracted to me, but everyone started calling me a pussy so I bought a taser. The problem is not solved, I still look like a pussy.
Used to carry a knife on my belt loop. I don't think I'd ever use it but better safe than sorry right?

When I used to smoke, I used to carry the pack of smokes in a shirt pocket, but if not, I have to uncomfortable stuff that death box with my iPhone and it sucks.

>> No.6346518

**carried the pepper spray in the same as my keys because it was attached

**carry taser on belt loop but it's so not effay and i look like a fucking mall cop idiot lmao

>> No.6346526

Left pocket, notebook, phone, pen.

Right pocket, SAK, Metrocard, debit card, loose cash.

>> No.6346527

im glad someone else assigns objects to pockets

>front right cell phone
>front left drops and lighter, sometimes keys
>back right wallet
>back left empty. always.
>shirt or jacket cigarettes

>> No.6346550

Are you me? Would you put a small amount of change in your left pocker too?

>> No.6346557
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>> No.6346562

front left pocket

back left pocket

>errthan else
front right pocket

>> No.6346574
File: 37 KB, 704x396, 1358600106728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cardholder with 20 in small bills and keychain attached to zipper in left pocket. phone in right. knife in front inner waistband, gun in back inner waist or my jacket pocket.

it doesn't bulge too much I just hope it doesn't fuck up my alignment

>> No.6346581

hahaha autist. or do you live in a really bad neighborhood?

>> No.6346588
File: 12 KB, 242x346, 1361241954921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wallet left right pocket
>left right pocket
>left right

>> No.6346592

jeff pls go

>> No.6346600

same except handkerchief in back left when I have a runny nose and cigs in left if I don't have a jacket.

>> No.6346603

Front right pocket.

Back right pocket.

Front left pocket.

>> No.6346606
File: 444 KB, 1680x1050, 1357938018012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in an affluent area of north Dallas, Texas. Protecting what's yours isn't autistic. I know my girl feels safer, and the knife is more utilitarian, bc knives aren't really that great of a "weapon".

>> No.6346615

no no no according to muh imaginary fashun roolz u cant carry either of those.

im sorry but its the roolz

>> No.6346635

stop samefagging and get used to the fact that civilized people will always look down on you for being a redneck. maybe i just cant relate to the whole US mindset, but i dont want to either, to be honest.

>> No.6346638

>> back left - wallet

>> back right - phone + keys

>> front - nothing

>> No.6346662

lol im not the texas guy im from jersey.

so what if he owns and carries weapons? who are you to say someones autistic because they live in a different region and belong to a different culture? what makes you so "civilized"? is it your pseudo-intellectual bullshit views on how the world works or is it that you think you're "patrician" because you spend your parents money on expensive clothes?

>> No.6346679


>Left Front

>Left Right
Whatever the fuck I'm carrying atm (gum, swissarmy, gameboy, etc.)

>Rear Left

>Rear Right
Almost always empty. Sometimes I have a notepad or shit.

>> No.6346709

> i just cant relate to the whole US mindset, but i dont want to either
>the fact that civilized people
>civilized people
>i just cant relate to the whole US mindset, but i dont want to either

hahaha okay

>> No.6346713

Front Right: Phone
Front Left: Keys
Back Right: Wallet
Back Left: Nothing

>> No.6346730

were is car/apartment keys?

>> No.6346749

>Front Right

>Front Left

>Back Right

>Back Left
Miscellaneous stuff

>> No.6346794


Front Right man.

Easy access.

>> No.6346803

>tfw you can't put your phone in black acne jeans
fucking raws :(

>> No.6346810

I usually carry my passport or a sandwich in my coat pocket. Nothing more though.

>> No.6346811

>not carrying them with a book in your cargobaskets
wow u must be a pleb

>> No.6347300

Where's the book faggot

>> No.6347304

How do you fags keep your keys in your back pocket? How is that not incredibly uncumfortable when you sit down.

>> No.6347323

this guy knows where it's at B)