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/fa/ - Fashion

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6335729 No.6335729 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw arguing on /v/ about fitting clothes
>tfw being ganged up on

WHy are other boards so ignorant of anything outside their hobby?

>> No.6335732

ive just come to the realization that I'm a boring guy.

>> No.6335735

someone post that thing that talks about posting things not pertinent to the board you're on

>> No.6335734

well, you went on /v/ to discuss clothes.

that might be part of the problem

>> No.6335740

lmao everyone has differet priorities and interests faggot fuckn get over it jesus christ. fashion isnt for everyone, same goes for vidya

>> No.6335742

talk shit, post link

>> No.6335743
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They are actively arguing against it and calling me a hipster faggot


>> No.6335747
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>going on /v/

>> No.6335752



>> No.6335756


>> No.6335757


>> No.6335761

not working

>> No.6335768

well your the retard nosing around /v/ probably dishing out advice on 'le fit is king guise!! no cargo pls xD' seriously thats like /ck/ going on /fit/ ranting about how all their keto recipes would probably taste like horseshit (which they probably do lol)

>> No.6335849

Holy shit this thread

>anyone intrested in fashion is homo sexual

>> No.6335875

Its gotta be redneck americans, its just gotta be. Jesus im cringing at some of these posts.

>> No.6335892

The world would be so much better without America

>> No.6335946

God that thread was infuriating. its like trying to reason with a brick wall that knows nothing but is convinced its right.

>> No.6335983

So much this.
The fact that they have no idea about anything regarding clothes, yet somehow believe they are in the right, is really sickening.
It was like, real legit autism in there.

>> No.6336060

lol people are so scared of 'looking like faggots' its sad

>> No.6336066

fuck i missed it. :(

>> No.6336087


>> No.6336094

Here's a recap
>"lol skinny jeans? why r u wearin ur sisters close faggot??"
>"just wear normal jeans you fucking fagets!"
>"lol, you can see his socks, those pants are too short!1!!"
>"anarexic pussies, eat a McD menu and wear normal pants"
>"i am literally retarded"

>> No.6336122

That guy was getting on my nerves for real

>> No.6336133

Well OP do you expect a nerd in asos and desert boots to be able to fix cars, know calculus,work with paper crafts and be well-read while having vast knowledge of music?

Expecting an awful lot from the average 4channer.

>> No.6336141

That's what you get for ever leaving /fa/.

I've been through a lot of the hobby boards and I can safely say /fa/ is one of the only ones that isn't filled to the brim with autism and shitposting.

>> No.6336147

The difference is that not only do they not know how to fix cars for example, they act like they do

>> No.6336148


Should have called them a bunch of hipster gamers.

>> No.6336158

That's not really difficult, more just time consuming. But both enjoying video games and also wearing clothes that fit you isn't really asking much.

>> No.6336166

/fa/ has a lot of shitposting but the people here are definitely less socially stupid (in general) than in most other boards

>> No.6336174
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I'm glad to see we're all friends here.

>> No.6336182
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>go on /a/
>attempt to discuss a recent chinese cartoon and ask for similar stuff to watch
>find out that the autist hivemind doesnt like said cartoon
>get called a troll, told to fuck off to /v/ and recommended to watch some shota anime instead


>> No.6336192

>go on /a/
There's your problem m8. That board is literally just as autistic as /v/ and /b/ - maybe even more.

>> No.6336195

>come to /fa/
>ask about an ocbd
>get called a dadcore nigger troll
>everyone tells me to buy tanktops and sweats and wear all black

>> No.6336224

/fa/ is the same way. Say you like anything that the hivemind doesn't like, people call you a troll and tell you to fuck off. For instance, I don't like skinny girls, I like my women with some meat on their bones. Every time I mention this, people flip shit and tell you to get some standards. It's ridiculous. Good thing I don't post here that often, the userbase here is insufferable. You can tell every regular on this board is a beta, insecure self-loathing faggot who feels the intense need to put others down to make himself feel better. The average user here is extremely insecure, and greatly fears the opinions of others. Posts such as "you're not going to go outside like that, are you" reveal this intense insecurity, because it shows that the poster necessarily believes the opinions of strangers outside are something to consider, and lets these strangers' opinions dictate what he can and can't do every single day. They also tend to elevate taste in clothes to bigger importance than it really is. In reality, taste in things such as music and clothing are irrelevant, because "taste" is completely subjective. At the end of your life, nobody will remember a single outfit you wore. The things that matter in life are integrity, honesty, and work ethic. But the average /fa/ poster has none of these and little to no success in life, so he feels the need to focus on things like "taste." "So what if I don't have a house or a wife or own any land, at least I don't dress like a plebeian" is a thought he may have. He chooses to focus on things that don't matter in life in order to validate his failed existence.

tl;dr /fa/ is a shithole, you really shouldn't spend too much time here, it's a cesspool of resentment and insecurity.

>> No.6336230

upvotes for you mister

>> No.6336237

I tip my fedora to you, my good gentleman.

Just curious, but what board are you from?

>> No.6336247

My home board is /sp/. /fa/ can be useful from time to time, I really shouldn't completely bash /fa/, but for the most part I don't see many benefits to spending much time here. I've gotten good advice in WAYWT threads before. But the amount of "let's post people who look bad" threads and "bring something back from MFA" threads reveal that many people here feel the need to put others down to feel better about themselves.

>> No.6336250
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5 star post nigga. Fuck this place I'm out

>> No.6336257

EVERY hobby board is the same.
There are people who are at least semi-knowledgeable, people who parrot everything other people say and disagree with anything different (the majority), and people who have absolutely no idea what they're doing, yet for some reason believe that they do. And trolls. There's also the cross-posters. They can range from "I admit that I have no idea what I'm doing, please help me" to any of the other groups.
/a/ is the same
/g/ is the same
/v/ is the same
They're all the same.
If you disagree with or stray from the hivemind, you get called out and insulted.

>> No.6336255

You're absolutely right. It's disgusting, but unfortunately that's the only way some people can feel better about themselves.

>> No.6336260

shitposting is at an all time high it seems. i've filtered a ton of trips and minimize the dumb threads and it can be pretty decent. people saying 'fuck off you fat piece of shit' are mostly just joking, but of course you can't really be effay if you're a chubster.

as for that /v/ thread, it was a pretty infuriating / funny read. they're pretty retarded for being so closed-minded to any other aesthetic, but they're fat neckbeards anyways so i wouldn't expect them to understand, nor to shout fag as they say they would in public.

>> No.6336263

post of the month goes to you my fellow spartan

>> No.6336273

that's it. over. /fa/ is finished.

>> No.6336276


post a fit fuccboi

>> No.6336296

Very reasonable points. Duly noted. May I ask you something? Please? I am just wondering if you wear leather jackets. I hope not, because leather jackets look like shit.

Leather jackets are autistic. They just look awful. Leather jackets are pretty much costume wear. You might as well wear a clown outfit, because no one is going to take you seriously when you wear a leather jacket. You probably think you look like Marlon Brando, but the truth is that you don't. You actually look like a nerd that is trying to look badass when wearing a leather jacket.
My advice: Leather jackets. Dont wear 'em. Why shouldn't you wear them? They look like shit. All. The. Time. Get real. Stop trying to look cool, because you are not cool and you are not a badass. Wear something else that looks good and doesn't make you look stupid.
The truth is, leather jackets never look good. You should never wear a leather jacket. They are pretty much the fedora-level jackets. Let me tell you one thing. You will look autistic when you wear a leather jacket. Again, never wear a leather jacket. They look like shit.

If you do own a leather jacket, it is time for you to lose it.

>> No.6336303

stop samefagging and go back to wherever you came from in the first place.

>> No.6336309

>tfw this describes you perfectly

>> No.6336331

i put people down here and insult mainstream choices but that's more because it's the esoteric culture of 4chan and i find it funny to be so gratuitous. i don't take it very seriously myself, i don't carry the attitude to people and their choices in real life. people can wear whatever the hell they want and i'm fine with it

>> No.6336342

It's not fine when people wear leather jackets. They are just so silly and ugly. It is rather offensive to see such bad taste. Leather jackets are just shitty looking. Never wear a leather jacket. When you see somebody else wear a leather jacket, criticize them. They should never make that mistake.

>> No.6336345

hush fuccboi

>> No.6336401

the hivemind here isn't even that bad compared to many boards, people just think it is based on the level of shitposts. in fact there are a LOT of posts daily criticizing the "hivemind" -- ironic, isn't it?

>skinny girls
ok you're right on that one

>The average user here is extremely insecure
probably a good amount, but there's nothing wrong with trying to look good if that's their interest

>They also tend to elevate taste in clothes to bigger importance than it really is
than it really is? people are allowed to be interested in non-practical things if that's what makes them happy. just like you care about sports, other people care about clothes or videogames.. it's not something you should criticize.

>At the end of your life, nobody will remember a single outfit you wore.
nobody will remember much about you once you're dead anyway, so what?

>But the average /fa/ poster has none of these and little to no success in life
you have no basis for this, you can be successful or unsuccessful and still love clothing. you would realize there are a variety of people who browse /fa/ if you paid more attention

>So what if I don't have a house or a wife or own any land, at least I don't dress like a plebeian
this kind of sentiment is mostly board "culture"/shitposting and I agree its a problem but you shouldnt take it so seriously

>it's a cesspool of resentment and insecurity.
that's 4chan in general and half of the time it's a joke so you should lighten up

>> No.6336413
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Fuck off

>> No.6336432

You should trip bro

>> No.6336452
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>> No.6336472

w2c jeans?

>> No.6336473

>>6336401 here
forgot to add, I agree that a lot of users spend way too much time criticizing other people e.g. cringe threads, since it's dumb to make fun of people who don't even care about fashion

but you shouldn't assume the whole board is like that

>> No.6336477

No one on this site has their priorities straight

>> No.6336478

everyone or just sulli and the racoon freak?

>> No.6336482


>Say you like anything that the hivemind doesn't like, people call you a troll and tell you to fuck off. For instance, I don't like skinny girls, I like my women with some meat on their bones

its a fashion forum, dont be naive

>the userbase here is insufferable.

not really my experience, maybe people respond differently to your posts

>You can tell every regular on this board is a beta, insecure self-loathing faggot who feels the intense need to put others down to make himself feel better.

an assertion about other people's personalities backed up by no evidence, other than "you can tell." No i cant.

>The average user here is extremely insecure, and greatly fears the opinions of others.

maybe, maybe not. you havent asked everyone here so you dont know how insecure the average user is.

>They also tend to elevate taste in clothes to bigger importance than it really is. In reality, taste in things such as music and clothing are irrelevant, because "taste" is completely subjective.

Yeah everyone has different priorities. Clothes are a high priority for me. And thats fine.

>At the end of your life, nobody will remember a single outfit you wore.

Depends on who you are and what you did. There are people from medieval times that still have their outfits in museums, and are studied under great scrutiny.

>The things that matter in life are integrity, honesty, and work ethic

Yeah those are great.

>But the average /fa/ poster has none of these and little to no success in life, so he feels the need to focus on things like "taste."

citation needed

>He chooses to focus on things that don't matter in life in order to validate his failed existence.

You have a different definition of success and failure than other people. thats why we dont all have the same goals in life.

>it's a cesspool

yeah i agree.

>> No.6336497



imagine taking a girl home with you and fucking her over a rotting bowl of cereal and milk

>"its okay, no big deal, its honey bunches of oats"

>> No.6336502

User, a rose among thorns

>> No.6336507
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Yeah I guess in retrospect, maybe I was a little too harsh with that post. There are some genuinely helpful posters here, but unfortunately they seem to be the minority, and often their helpfulness is drowned out by the shitposting majority. I don't take anything on 4chan too seriously, but I think everyone could benefit from lightening up a little, and learning some manners.

/fa/ is about fashion, and there's nothing more /fa/ than being a polite and courteous gentleman.

>> No.6336537

on a website like 4chan it's unrealistic to expect that more than a minority of people will be helpful and respectful. the atmosphere just isn't like that, and you need to enjoy it for what it is. if you prefer a moderated atmosphere you should check out styleforum

>> No.6336555

It's so easy to be mean and nasty behind the veil of anonymity. No board is perfect, /sp/ is plagued with constant Europe vs. America shitposting. But everywhere I go, I've found that the pleasure I experience from helping others is greater than the pleasure one experiences from making a nasty "#rekt"-worthy remark.

For the most part I've found it's best to lurk /fa/ and post infrequently. It's easy to get sucked into frivolous arguments about nothing.

>> No.6336565

It's nice to see the bluntness that comes with anonymity, even if it comes with shitposting

I mean, sometimes it's funny, and if you ignore it, there's a decent amount of inspo and useful information

>> No.6336704

Fuckin trips.