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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 304 KB, 1280x1597, http%3A%2F%2Fimagescale.tumblr.com%2Fimage%2F1280%2F660953388313e793b037e4014477467f%2Ftumblr_mo7kf5xM5Y1qeiyqio1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6317307 No.6317307 [Reply] [Original]

Go to the "WAYWT" tag on Tumblr and bring something back.

Hardmode: It has to be something good.

>> No.6317311

hi gooklord why are you posting ur shitty fit here like its good

we all saw the sufu negs

>> No.6317331

> implying I go on sufu

>> No.6317369

fucking hell, is he wearing a wifebeater underneath the shirt

>> No.6317382


its a drkshdw or mainline tank, not sure which. cant see a hang tag so it might be mainline rick.

>> No.6317387

>Hardmode: It has to be something good.

Pic unrelated?

>> No.6317390

i think its mainline

drkshdw doesnt have a 'spagety strap' model in that fine sort of cotton w/ raw hems

am ready to be told im rong though

btw do you know how much those DD creepers you were thinking of buying (instead of shirts) went for and if its still up?

>> No.6317395
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cloak jacket is nice

>> No.6317398
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>1,019 notes

It looks sloppy as shit, what the fuck?
There's Sprezzy, then there's looking like you slept in a hedge.

>> No.6317406
File: 87 KB, 500x669, tumblr_mnd7orD6Qn1qbxpujo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

undercover/og raf

hate his brown ricks with this though.

>> No.6317410

>All this goof ninja shit

lmao, tumblr is worse than /fa/

>> No.6317411
File: 138 KB, 490x750, tumblr_mmwuemSyPR1qbo3jco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this dude has my ann Ds but lowtops, the julius leather is nice, never see julius look that clean/minimal

>> No.6317419
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im just picking the best ones man, there are much worse than this.

>> No.6317425
File: 495 KB, 1080x1920, tumblr_mmzqp6PhUB1rx3u95o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont really like the guys fit from this but the detail pic is nice

>> No.6317427
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>> No.6317433
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kinda dig these guys decked out in yohji

>> No.6317437
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>> No.6317445
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>> No.6317452
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>> No.6317453


They look so comferz holy shit

>> No.6317454


Damn, yeah that jacket is hella nice

>> No.6317455
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>> No.6317469
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damn i need this guys oliver peoples

>> No.6317470
File: 125 KB, 424x671, tumblr_mlyg5jsIJx1qzj5ioo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6317509

does it matter? they're made by the same people and cost the same. the only reason drkshdw is typically somewhat cheaper is because the drkshdw line usually makes more casual clothes that are more simple.

>> No.6317511

hey user I bought material from #WalMart

going to make some sleep pants tonight bro<3<3<3<3

>> No.6317518


>btw do you know how much those DD creepers you were thinking

they werent dd, they were rick sidezip creepers, and they went for like $515 on ebay.


drkshdw is way worse fabric/construction, and way less detailing for a lot of the basics


dope, post a fit when u done

also lol fabric from walmart

>> No.6317517

one is called drkshdw and the other is rick owens
they are both by rick owens

>> No.6317533
File: 349 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mlzfomoyv31s4w7rbo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dunno, sometimes the fabric selection for drkshdw is tougher than the equivalent mainline garment. plus it has a lil pic of rick inside, you cant put a price on that

>> No.6317534

>drkshdw is way worse fabric/construction, and way less detailing for a lot of the basics
no. it's pretty much the same.

>> No.6317540


I'll post a fit 4 u<3<3

going to be a shitty fit cuz they're sleep pants from a pattern from WalMart

didn't want to buy HQ fabric for my first project tho ya feel me

I'll be "Jackson" k cuz I guess there's an azn guy that uses "Alex"

>> No.6317545


its actually not, many of the pods/dropcrotch are made without pockets in the rear on drkshdw to cut manufacturing costs. The fabric isnt as high quality, the mainline fabrics are things like silk/cashmere/ramie etc. the drkshdw ones tend to be cotton poplin or fleece.

on the shirts, there are none of the silk blended/cashmere/etc luxe fabrics like the mainline tee shirts. also additional seams are added to make the fabric yardage lower.


yeah its tougher, but very rarely do you see like furs/shearling/super luxe materials on drkshdw pieces as you do on mainline. its lower budget.

i mean i can post pics comparing the detailing if you guys want.

another example is that the mainline sneakers are leather, drkshdw ones are poplin or canvas.

>> No.6317547


I have good down?

>> No.6317550

What are the negs here? I actually think It looks pretty good although the front is a little long on the right pic.

>> No.6317549

yeah. drkshdw actually tends to be more sturdy because of what type of clothing it usually is. drkshdw isn't a diffision line for cheaper clothing. it's probably just that rick doesn't want to have hoodies, jeans and more streetwear-like stuff in his mainline.

>> No.6317552

u sound upset

jst bcz ur 2 plen 2 advnc from walmartcore lel

>> No.6317555

>yeah its tougher, but very rarely do you see like furs/shearling/super luxe materials on drkshdw pieces as you do on mainline. its lower budget.
>another example is that the mainline sneakers are leather, drkshdw ones are poplin or canvas.
how dumb are you? that's the point. drkshdw is more casual clothes and that's why they're cheaper. if the same products were on the mainline they'd cost the same.

>> No.6317556

>rick owens graciously gives you a picture of himself to carry around
>complain about it

>> No.6317558
File: 414 KB, 1280x720, 20130611_170713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic lol

>> No.6317563

i was thinking about it before do they randomly stitch it on anywhere?

ive seen them stitched in the randomest of places ;s

>> No.6317565
File: 268 KB, 512x684, tumblr_m6bt0gKW7K1qzrrqmo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"did you like my descent?"

it's for merchandising purposes i think, so stores that are after the hoodies etc can get a more focused lookbook. also, maxfield has an exclusive deal for rick mainline in la but barneys can still stock lilies, idk if any other stores use that loophole.

drkshdw and lilies both appear on the runway all the time and are designed by rick and sewn at the same factory so they aren't really diffusion, it's just multi line. user is totally right about them being far different, and less sophisticated, but they're still cool sometimes.

>> No.6317568

agree. it's a bit dumb how it's just put somewhere. i kind of like it though.

>> No.6317569
File: 130 KB, 546x860, 8731381883_658ff4e927_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ok? my only point was the fabric quality/construction is cheaper for drkshdw

of course its cheaper as a result of this, thats the idea.

here is a good example, youll never see a wool/mohair textured pant like this from drkshdw because the retail price has to be lower. cotton is used instead to cut costs.


lol i love drkshdw dont get me wrong, all im saying is that on the mainline pieces, rick uses much more interesting/expensive fabrics and fabrication methods.

>> No.6317571

i like it haha

maybe more that i like the idea that during production rick's cushy employees just sit around patching the stickers wherever they please

>> No.6317572

>here is a good example, youll never see a wool/mohair textured pant like this from drkshdw because the retail price has to be lower. cotton is used instead to cut costs.
that's still the point. drkshdw isn't made of cotton to make it cheaper. it's drkshdw because it's made of cotton.

>> No.6317574
File: 255 KB, 1067x1600, tumblr_md9meecrKF1rj0xp1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no set place for it to appear but there is probably indications on the patterns for where they are to be sewn.

i noticed the lotus skorts are cut differently, seem to come in a larger and smaller version on mainline and the drkshdw uses the larger pattern. also it's pretty common for a mainline garment to become a staple under drkshdw in a cheaper fabrication. sometimes they become staples on mainline too tho.

lots of 100% cotton garments in mainline tho. drkshdw is differentiated for merchandising purposes >>6317565

>> No.6317575

no one is arguing where theyre different

i think its more that one is a bit more overwhelmingly 'luxurious' than the other

>> No.6317578
File: 87 KB, 990x1191, drkshdw-by-rick-owens-leather-sleeve-sweatshirt-product-2-2893684-717617430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also black strap tags rip

>> No.6317583

are those shorts still available somewhere?

>> No.6317587
File: 67 KB, 1500x450, RickOwens_DRKSHDW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drkshdw as a self-cotained line has a slightly different feel to it too imo
still unmistakably rick but more rooted in the biker punk bitch shit he was doing in the early 2000s, less of the operatic and historical references, and the architecture is simplified.

you and i wish
the noncargo version is but it's not nearly as cool

>> No.6317588


>drkshdw isn't made of cotton to make it cheaper

Lol yes it is. I can guarantee that the cotton used in drkshdw is way cheaper per yard than that wool. I can also guarantee that the 100% cotton used in mainline garments is more expensive per yard, i have both.

>it's drkshdw because it's made of cotton.

Its drkshdw because its a lower quality product at a lower pricepoint.

I dont see how this is even an argument, this isnt my opinion, this is just a fact of how the garments are constructed, manufactured, and the materials that are used in the process.

>> No.6317592
File: 56 KB, 1114x366, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw u havent set up the petition to bring it back yet

such a fucboi i dont even know where to begin

>> No.6317599
File: 996 KB, 500x352, tumblr_mmynzfHtBY1qep1veo4_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna cop tons of old drkshdw and wear it all at once with the straps dangling everywhere like cthulhu

>> No.6317610
File: 38 KB, 300x450, eye-les-deux01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"lol why is your shirt fraying anon, let me snip it for you"

>> No.6317619

my dad asked me if my shirt was meant to be ripped once then disapprovingly shook his head when i said yes

>> No.6317625

Pearls before swine

>> No.6317628
File: 338 KB, 1280x720, 20130611_173721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ppl keep askinh me if i bought my shirt like this
it does kind of look like it belongs there

>> No.6317630

you sound very new

>> No.6317634

did you fall into an upturned lawn mower?

>> No.6317639
File: 343 KB, 880x1268, margaret dumont duck soup 1 edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no thats how i cut my hair

>> No.6317647

told this one before
>mfw my mum thought my first rick shirt was a womens dress when I left it hanging in my room
>mfw yesterday she said she didnt like my julius pants because she said they look like womens pants
>mfw they havent seen the sruli jacket yet

just sit back and think positive B)

>> No.6317660

I'm pretty lucky my mother thinks I have good taste so she doesn't bat an eyelid at all the weird shit I wear, she used to brag about how much I spent on clothes to people so I had to stop telling her how much my things cost though

>> No.6317677

mfw i have to tell my mum str8 up idgaf what she thinkgs and she gets all sad and i feel bad

but srs trying to stamp on my steeze, wnts me 2 luk lik a JC penny mannequin or s/t

>> No.6317678

just buy ur mom a bunch of rick and u guys can go grocery shopping together in matching goof outfits

>> No.6317691

Did I down it nicely?

>> No.6317693

i realize rick sneakers along with flyknits are becoming a reason to neg fits on sufu but other than that cuff i see nothing technically wrong with this

>> No.6317697

>mfw i have to tell my mum str8 up idgaf what she thinkgs and she gets all sad and i feel bad
same and i now just refuse to tell her prices when she asks about new clothes

>> No.6317743
File: 152 KB, 365x750, tumblr_mo8yj8N1Z31rvhwhbo1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking joke

>> No.6317814

This face though.
He can just wear anything he wants, doesn't matter.

>> No.6317827

obviously he can't...

>> No.6318009

lel. is he tucking his pants into his socks.

>> No.6318025

>dat vulture neck

>> No.6318032

>she used to brag about how much I spent on clothes to people

this is the worst.

>> No.6318048

your shoelaces might conduct with those open socks

>> No.6318272
File: 1.03 MB, 1080x1440, tumblr_mo6g8sCxf51rn0zu4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is qt but then a second later I think its ugly and the cycle just repeats

>> No.6318371
File: 685 KB, 1066x884, Screen Shot 2013-06-11 at 8.44.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat Luke Perry steez

>> No.6318387

one of the thirstiest boys on tumblr smh constantly hitting on this one girl I follow

>> No.6318414


dis fuggin homo used 2 trip here kekmao smh

>> No.6318445

I like everything but the shoes

>> No.6318448

yep, watch the Y-3 Qasa's are next in line.

>> No.6318497

I think I have him on snapchat. does he post here?

>> No.6318515


>> No.6318622

God, why is everyone on this site so afraid of color?

>> No.6318629
File: 37 KB, 600x400, yamamoto20091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love color, so i own a lot of blacks to balance it all out

>> No.6318633


i dont know. for me its a preference. i just like how black/white/shades of brown/grey look. often ill wear a blue grey or something though.

nothing wrong with color, not sure why more people arent into it

>> No.6318739
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>> No.6318764
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