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6317126 No.6317126 [Reply] [Original]

Working out is modern couture. No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothing and go to the gym instead.

>what you wear
>workout routine
>dietary guidelines

>> No.6317146
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>lifting your mum with muh dik XDDD
>eat your dads shit XDDD

>> No.6317155

185 cm
70 kg
>what you wear
rick owens and raf simons
>workout routine
ducking cocks for epic jawline
>dietary guidelines

>> No.6317159


144 lbs
dadcore (1000 miles, allen edmonds, levi's, military jackets)

Workout A
10-8-6 bench press
3 sets of 50 leg lifts (with trainer throwing down legs)
3 sets of 25 dips
10-8-6 bicep curls
60 minutes of running at 7 MPH on treadmill

Workout B
10-8-6 squats
45 minutes on arc trainer at 30 resistance and 15 angle
3 sets 12 pull ups
10-8-6 pulldowns (on machine)
10-8-6 shoulder press

I generally eat low-carb foods, but not exclusively. Pretty balanced diet with a few beers on the weekends

>> No.6317164


> 5'9
> 152lb
> mostly bro-prep in the summer
> 5/3/1, doing triumvirate right now for dem assistance gains
> permabulk faggot, lel 2010+3 cutting for wimminz

>> No.6317177

5'7" (manlet, why bother, kill yourself, etc)

120 lbs

>what you wear
menswear, street, gothninja

>workout routine
three times a week, monday, wednesday, friday:
100x2 situps
30x2 pushups
30 minute jog
and however many pullups I can manage in a day, I do them whenever I get off my ass

>> No.6317192
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>First thing I grab
>Bicycling 10-50 miles a day
>vegan, organic, no GMOs

I buy all my food from local farmers or grow it.

>> No.6317198

>what you wear
>workout routine
50 pushups every morning, 50 pushups every evening
>dietary guidelines
eat whatever the fuck I feel like, which is usually fuck all

>> No.6317205

1.80m (5'11'')
74kg (163 pounds)
>what you wear
basic bitch clothing
>workout routine
basic bodyweight routine with pullups, dips and pistol squats atm because finals
>dietary guidelines
I try to hit 3000 kcals but lately I've been getting about 2500. Lots of lean meat etc.

>> No.6317210
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>110 lbs

>> No.6317218

>pushups pushups

enjoy ur muscular imbalance

>> No.6317219

>50 pushups every morning, 50 pushups every evening
>110 lbs
gab that to me mug etc.

>> No.6317230

300 cm
150 kg
>what you wear
raf simons , rick owens , ysl
>workout routine
250 pullups , pushups , squats - daily before praying to based rick at noon
>dietary guidelines
red marlboro

>> No.6317234



Basic high quality bitch (APC, Wings+Horns, usually what I'm dressed in)

I do 11 pullups everytime I enter my room

2000 cals a day, no soda, lots of water and veggies

>> No.6317296

>basic shit
Possible Routines

Lower 1 (A) (Quad Intensive)
>Deadlift - 1x5
>Front Squat - 5x5
>Leg Press - 3x10
>Leg Extensions - 3x10
>Calf Press - 6x25

Lower 2 (B) (Hammy Intensive)
>HighBar Squat - 5x5
>Romanian Deadlift - 3x10
>Hammy Curls - 3x10
>Extensions (Back/Glutes/Ham) - 3x10
>Calf Press - 6x25

Upper 1 (C) (Chest/Delt Intensive)
>Flat Bench - 5x5
>Incline Flys - 3x10
>OHP - 5x5
>Lateral Fly - 3x10
>Dips - 3x10
>Pullups - 3xFailure
>Cable Row - 3x10
>Preacher curls - 3x10

Upper 2 (D) (Back/Trap Intensive)
>Pullups - 3xFailure
>DB Row - 3x10
>T-Bar Rows - 3x10
>Shrugs - 3x10
>Incline Bench - 5x5
>DB Shoulder Press - 3x10
>Overhead Tricep Press - 3x10
eat whatever, as long as i get over 100 gramsof brotien

>> No.6317319
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>5' 11"
>140lbs (started working out at 122lbs)
>acne and raf p much everyday
>idk how to explain it properly because i've never been on /fit/, if someone from fit reads this can you show me how to properly say it?
A day
crocs 3 set x 10 , increase weight each set
overhand rows 3 set x 10
leg extensions 3 set x 20
bench 3 set x 5 increase weight each set
incline 3 set x 5 increase weight each set
dips 3 set x 8

day b
shoulder press 3set x 10 increase weight each set
flys 3set x 10
squats 3set x 5 increase weight each time
weighted leg curls 3set x 10 increase weight each time
calf raises 2set x 50
shrugs 2 set x 20

swim laps after each day and do 10 push ups after each completed full lap

>i eat everything and as much as i can to try to get out of Auschwitz

>> No.6317347

just call it a 2 day or an a/b split. used to be a /fit/ browser, also the poster above you

>> No.6317378

helmut lang inspired bondage/grunge wear
eat at maintenance

>> No.6317404

>what you wear
>workout routine
Monday: Shoulders/Triceps
• 4 sets of Shoulder Press, alternate with Barbell & Dumbell every week 8-10 reps
• 3 sets of Upright Rows supersetted with Lateral Raises 8-10 reps
• 3 sets of front raises 8-10 reps
• 3 sets of Lying Rear Delt Raises 8-10 reps
• 3 sets of Close-Grip Bench Press 8-10 reps
• 4 sets of Pulldowns 8-10 reps
• 3 sets of Skullcrushers 8-10 reps
Tuesday: Chest/Biceps
• 4 sets of Incline Dumbbell Press, 8-10 reps
• 3 sets of Bench Press, 8-10 reps
• 3 sets of Incline Flies, 8-10 reps
• 3 sets of Chest Dips until failure
• 3 sets of Barbell Curls, 8-10 reps
• 3 sets of Preacher Curls, 8-10 reps, then drop the weight to half, and push out another 8
Wednesday: Back
• 3 sets of Lat Pulldowns 8-10 reps
• 4 sets of Deadlifts 8-10 reps
• 3 sets of Bent Over Rows 8-10 reps
• 3 sets of Dumbell Rows 8-10 reps
• 3 sets of Hyperextensions 8-10 reps
Tuesday: Legs/Calves/Abs
• 4 sets of Squats 8-10 reps
• 3 sets of Lunges 8-10 reps
• 3 sets of Leg Press 8-10 reps
• 3 sets of Leg Extensions 8-10 reps
• 3 sets of Leg Curls 8-10 reps
• 3 sets of Sit Ups until failure
• 3 sets of Abs Machine until failure
• 3 sets of Leg Swings until failure
Saturday: Full Body
• 3 sets of Deadlifts 8-10 reps
• 3 sets of Squats 8-10 reps
• 3 sets of Lateral Raises/ Front Raises 8-10 reps
• 3 sets of Bench Press 8-10 reps
• 3 sets of Chest Dips 8-10 reps
>dietary guidelines
As many calories as you can stuff in. (~4.5k)

>> No.6317423
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>>what you wear
j crew
club monaco
rag and bone
barneys shit/co-op
frye shoes

>>workout routine

>>dietary guidelines
wish it was better. i eat fast food once a week or more ;_;

>> No.6317426

>180cm (tall for underage)
>90kg (fat little shit)
>supreme, american outfitters, game refrence tees, vans, shitjockey pleb brands (A&F)
>skipping, leg presses, deadlifts, situps, sparring
>Lean steaks, fish, and any sort of fruit, also fuckloads of redbull

>> No.6317443

club monaco acne common projects usually what i'm dressed in
none 8)

>> No.6317457


How do you manage to get up in the morning and get dressed?

>> No.6317467

You can't into heroin-chic by being a meathead.

>> No.6317472

> heroin chic
> 2013

>> No.6317475

p-pls anon ;.;

>> No.6317476

Everyone's talking about heroin chic but I haven't seen one person post a HC fit here. Is it just something that a bunch of people are attemptin but no one can pull off?

>> No.6317479
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its pretty easy if you model for hedi slimane

>> No.6317480
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Anyone have advice for losing fat without going into "starvation mode"? I can't seem to lose these last 10-15 pounds. Currently 5'10" 162 lbs.

>> No.6317481

I do heroin chic occasionally, I don't think I've ever posted a pic in a waywt though.

>> No.6317483

>BodyweighRoutine 3 times a week. Cardio twice a week.
Diamond Pushups 3x15
Wide-Grip Pull-Ups 3x10
Wall Handstand Pushups 3x5
Wide-Grip Table Rows 4x15
Breakfast - 500 calorie protein/peanut butter smoothie
- Yogurt + Berries + Oats
Lunch - Whatever. Sometimes sandwhiches.
Supper - Whatever. Rice/Chicken sometimes. Pasta others. Always with a salad.

>> No.6317487



>> No.6317492

Thermodynamics is Thermodynamics anon. Work out more and eat a little less.

>> No.6317493



>> No.6317499

There was a guy on the MAX the other day that pulled it off.

He had a black long sleeve linen shirt, N&F solid black weird guys, and all black roshe runs.
He also had a sweet buzz, black eye, and was sitting on the curb smoking some cigs.
There's a high possibility that he was a junkie, but he still looked p cool.

>> No.6317501

>last few pounds
>5''10, 162lbs
dude you need to loose much more than a few pounds. you wont be skinny until you drop down to 110 or 120.

>> No.6317502



amphetamines and cigarettes

>> No.6317513

>what you wear
mid level stuff, CP's, N&F, streetwear brands, nothing tacky
>workout routine
shoulders chest tris/leg back bi's split, 4x a week
>dietary guidelines
use PED's, cycle test, clen&t3 so pretty lax, basically high protein, 500 calorie surplus and fairly low carbs

>> No.6317519

thats a retarded split

>> No.6317523

190 cm
75 kg
>what you wear
black jeans, chelsea boots, shirt
>workout routine
fuck that mane
>dietary guidelines
<1000 kcal/day

>> No.6317525
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>110 lbs

>> No.6317528

>225 lbs.
>oversized clothes while I lose le fat
>Move my legs
>Less than I used to

Recovering hamplanet beeteedubz

>> No.6317529

you are working chest, shoulder and legs every workout

keeps the muscle groups seperated, rest is important

I'll write you up a proper split if you want?

>> No.6317538

I know, but it's hard to find the right balance.
Doesn't that lead to toxicity? I thought your brain relied on carbs to run
I don't want to be that skinny mayn

>> No.6317546
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I believe in you :))))))))))

>> No.6317557

sure man thanks, if you could.

>> No.6317579

>cutting down from 160 atm for dat summa summa time
>lots of vintage stuff
>mwf push pull alternating. only really focusing on compounds (bench,squat,deadlift,weighted chins/dips, ohp) and some accessory if i have time/energy
>eat a lot when bulk, eat little when cut. mostly healthy all around

>> No.6317580

>A day
>deadlift 3 set x 5
>barbell rows 4 set x 8
>leg extensions 4 set x 8
>squats 4 set x 8
>weighted leg curls 4 set x 8
>calf raises 4 set x 8
>shrugs 4 set x 8

>day b
>shoulder press 4 set x 8
>flys 4set x 8 (optional, you have a lot of chest already)
>bench 4 set x 8
>incline 4 set x 8
>dips 4 set x 8 or tricep extension 4x8

>> No.6317590

I would say that that is too much volume, but you already seem to be coping with a lot so fuck it

I changed everything to 4x8 as it's a better rep range for actually upping your lifts. Getting stronger=getting bigger

added deadlifts, but at 3x5 as high rep deads will kill your back as a newb to them, but deadlifts are a complete body exercise, they're essential

most importantly, now you train legs and back on A, and shoulders, chest and triceps on B, so you give each muscle group time to repair and grow before the next workout. You could even add some bicep curls into A if you want.

so yeah
go ABxAxBx

>> No.6317598


>> No.6317602
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awesome, thanks man appreciate it. gonna head to the gym.

>> No.6317604

Alreet dude, you should feel way better leaving your shit rest

>> No.6317623

>6 foor 4 inches
>don't have much clothing, ssur, black scale, huf, always what i'm dressed in
>walk approx. 2 miles every other day
>1800 calories a day