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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 28 KB, 640x480, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6315398 No.6315398 [Reply] [Original]

I'm neurotic and irrational as fuck, so sorry to begin with.

I have a huge problem with change. Specifically, I need a haircut. I don't need one, but I want one, and I've had long hair now for such a long time that I'm going to take one look in the mirror afterwards and not want to ever leave my house. So, I need advice on that. As well as how to overcome being a lazy NEET fuck that can't into responsibility? I really hate myself.

ps. the eye is also a huge problem for me
pss. obviously I don't know hairstyles so gimme specifics and pictures or whatever. or just call me ugly and i'll delete the thread.

(This is also posted on /adv/, sorry) (also, I dress like shit (probably), but one thing at a time pls)

>> No.6315416


Like, right now, go do it.

>> No.6315432

Your eyes are too far apart. Nose is definitely crooked. The shape of your face is not aesthetically pleasing at all. You look like a 3/10 in this photo. I don't even want to imagine what you look like normally. I actually just threw up in my mouth, just thinking about it. Your head is too big (although that may be, because of your giraffe neck posture) . As for your hair, lol. Seriously, do something. You look like a horse. Stare at your face for more than 5 seconds, and you will see how ugly you are. The eyes which are too far apart is what ruins /damages an already ugly face even further. Unfortunately for you, that can't be surgically fixed, lol. You arms are way too long. lol at how they hang by your sides. Kind of reminds me of lurch. Don't even let me start on your pale complexion. It only works if you look hot. Unfortunately, you do not look hot. Its hard to sum up a creature like you in one word. 'UGLY ' would be unfair , since it doesn't reflect how repulsive you look. GROTESQUE is stretching it. But somewhere in between, is where you would be, on the scale of an average man. I'm sorry if my words seem a little harsh. Just so you know, I sugar coated this post as much as possible.

>> No.6315435

how was this post helpful?

>> No.6315438

damn b u went in for no reason

OP you're not attractive, do whatever you want to your hair it won't matter.

>> No.6315439

is this a pasta or did you write it? saved anyway lolol

>> No.6315444
File: 500 KB, 500x213, tumblr_m3kjljhq8V1r12tibo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god ;_;

>> No.6315450
File: 8 KB, 306x165, ddddddddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shave immediately, you are not ready for facial hair

Also, it's overplayed but hitler youth. It may be common as fuck but it looks good and makes you feel more attractive

As for the NEET thing, you need to get into some education or employment

But cleaned up, you will feel better about yourself, I guarantee you that.

Theres fuckall you can do about the eye, so dont even think about it, no point torturing yourself over something you cant do shit about

>> No.6315445


>> No.6315452

its pasta lol

delicious pasta, but pasta

>> No.6315455

well, I think you have an interesting facial structure

i also know a fellow who has a similar eye condition, and he's the most clean cut professional I know. people still talk about it behind his back, but fucking whatever

is this pasta?

>> No.6315456

this nigga look like lindsey wixson
I'm sure there's a way to make that work

>> No.6315457
File: 75 KB, 952x1428, 31133M050002_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get rid of acne
THEN start on clothes
get some basics first

once you get it all settled, i really think you will look good

>> No.6315459

If you shave your head, and gain a ton of weight, your face wont matter you will just look like that big rough son of a bitch that people dont fuck with. Right now you look like a little weasel

>> No.6315460

also, throw up some fit pics or a general idea of how you dress. Nothing more beneficial to confidence than knowing your dressed on point as fuck

>> No.6315461

Do you shape your eyebrows? If so, you shouldn't as much.

>> No.6315468

You need to shave everyday. I think you will look dramatically better after that, honestly.

>> No.6315463

Do you see out of that lazy eye? If you don't, go full eyepatch mode. If you do, consider it. Or do some eye training.
Your face is not bad, anyone saying so should cover the lazy eye half of the face and look at the rest. Get a complimenting haircut for you faceshape, and shave.

>> No.6315469


it's a pasta
chill out

>> No.6315470
File: 53 KB, 400x600, 400px-Lindsey_Wixson_2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sorry nigga, but I would fuck the girl u so its nt all bad

>> No.6315473

you can get surgery to fix your eye

leave that for later tho

>> No.6315476
File: 72 KB, 500x330, 4473906936_355bb8b775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it's a unique

i kinda like it :3

>> No.6315479
File: 165 KB, 395x532, 81731791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wear rick, it looks good on odd people

>> No.6315482

Where the fuck do we get these Splice rejects?

>> No.6315491
File: 28 KB, 640x480, snapshot (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so i shaved. need more haircut advice, you stupid faggots

>> No.6315489


>> No.6315500
File: 383 KB, 315x414, lehediface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you stupid faggots

>> No.6315501


You look like a weird girl there.

>> No.6315502

just become a trap.

>> No.6315507


wear a topknot like a samurai, get a black rick tee, a drkshdw bomber jacket, some drkshdw jogging pants and some ramones.

>> No.6315508

Get some color on your skin.

>> No.6315504


now do a manbun and post a pic, somebody post a pic for him to go by plz

>> No.6315505

dye it blond start #trapping become a famous female model

>> No.6315506

get a hitler youth
for clothes, buy a pair of black skinny jeans and some raw jeans
get some plain tees in neutral colours like grey, white, off white, black
buy some nice sneakers

>> No.6315511

u know, if you cover ur good eye u look rly beautiful

>> No.6315517

is it just me or is there something with his face that screams potential? judging by this photo alone.

>> No.6315513


u wot m8

>> No.6315514
File: 57 KB, 638x768, odd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw odd

>> No.6315520

yeh if he lost a bit of face fat and started doing drugs he'd make a rly interesting model

>> No.6315523
File: 180 KB, 396x530, 23423892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



doesnt that model look odd too

>> No.6315524

ur mom looks odd

>> No.6315530

You would make a cute trap, dude.

>> No.6315539

In order of importance:

1) Shave

2) Get a haircut

3) Change your diet

4) Exercise

5) Change your personality

6) Change your clothes

>> No.6315541

Serious advice incoming:
It won't matter what haircut you get, you won't like it.
You said you hate yourself. Your haircut is part of you, so first you have to learn to love yourself before you can ever love your haircut.
Even if you get a small confidence boost after a trendy new haircut, you'll feel just as miserable soon, unless you make more significant changes in your life.
I'd recommend seeing your doctor about depression, considering psychotherepy and medication.

You can't keep on making excuses like you do right now.
>I want to leave my house but my hair doesn't look good enough

>> No.6315572

>implying i didnt know this


>> No.6315577

Shit bish looks disgusting.

>> No.6315589

just stop giving a fuck. if someone thinks you're ugly, fuck him. why would you care about his opinion?

>> No.6315593

if I am being entire sincere - you aren't entirely ugly by any measure.
your features are conventionally attractive and quite androgenous. the lazy eye is quite a shortcoming but, hey, we all have things wrong with us. I think you need to make some pretty significant changes to the way you perceive yourself and the way you behave but in terms of appearance

-fix your diet
-dye your hair and maybe try wear it back instead of parting to the side
-get a tan
-start jogging
-buy yourself some decent clothes
-wear a little eyeshadow
-stop shaping your eyebrows

>> No.6315605

OP I think you have serious potential to become a model

>> No.6315612

As I said.
>I'd recommend seeing your doctor about depression, considering psychotherepy and medication.

The problems you're talking about are more than just self-esteem issues. You need help.
A new haircut is no long-term solution.

>> No.6315625

The problem is that he's the one who thinks he's ugly. He's the one with the problem. He can't fuck himself.

He needs some sort of therapy or medical help. I'm sure he's already aware that 'fixing his diet' or 'working out' will do him good. The problem is a mental barrier he'll have to take care of first.

>> No.6315635

\༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ށ

>> No.6315632


what shitty advice

go back to whatever hole you crawled out from you stupid piece of shit

>> No.6315634

dat hair and dat nose.

become a trap

>> No.6315644


\༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ށ

>> No.6315653



>> No.6315656

The same study also reported that 70% said strabismus "had a negative effect on their self-image."[10] It is possible that after surgery the squint returns again, therefore, a second operation is sometimes required to straighten the eyes.[3]

>> No.6315657

wow thumbnail totaly looks like a cute girl

>> No.6315659

love you \༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ށ

>> No.6315682

10/10 qt gf material.
pls be in London

>> No.6315690

Yeah you are that digusting guy from r9k who always refuses to cut his disgusting hair

>> No.6315761

your not a onion

>> No.6315824

if you shave you'll look better. your eye is noticeable, obviously, but honestly things like that can either be a blessing or a curse, depending on how you work it.

>> No.6315832

definitely cut your hair short. and save up for eye surgery or something. Its not the end of the world for you but it must get annoying having it.

You can be average or even slightly attractive if you try hard enough, but firstly you should work on your autistic diction. Saying shit like "you stupid faggots" doesn't help anything.

>> No.6315839

You look like a grill. You should become a grill. Also tell your eyes to look in the same direction.

>> No.6315840
File: 148 KB, 652x637, IMG_0084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucked up eye

>> No.6315844

It's reheated pasta

>> No.6315849
File: 324 KB, 1371x1125, 1328048515436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

note: i have long hair myself and am not going to cut it off anytime soon, but really consider it.

>> No.6315854
File: 50 KB, 660x350, alsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or you know, go manbun-masterrace like most in the thread are saying.

>> No.6315859
File: 78 KB, 640x480, 130310-151810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good with blonde too

(Yes I'm saving all of your manbun pics, deal with it. Living vicariously trough your hair while the front of my hair is growing out to get it into a bun myself.)

>> No.6315870
File: 612 KB, 250x245, 1366494945404.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be a female
>only they could be so cold

>> No.6315880

He obviously worships Ricky Bobby.

>> No.6315894

Wow, fuck you. It's not like I'm unaccustomed to /fa/ vitriol, but this was cruel for very little reason. Kill yourself.

That being said, shave your disgusting face OP. Also cut your hair and get rid of the middle part. It doesn't matter how you do it. Throwing a teacup of water on a raging forest fire.

>> No.6315941

OP I don't have advice I just want to say good on you for actually trying to fix yourself up. I can guarantee that now that you're ready to try, you're going to see a lot of progress in yourself.

But you need to stop being so self deprecating. Even if you're thinking it, it's time to stop verbalizing (or typing) these thoughts. Not only is it off putting to others, but it's as if you're actively trying to remind yourself of your own thoughts so that you'll just keep failing to improve yourself. Quit it.

>> No.6315970

>it's time to stop verbalizing (or typing) these thoughts.

yes, you can't stop having thoughts, but you can judge them for their worth, and then decide whether or not you'll indulge in it any further.

>> No.6315990

This is definitely a troll, and the picture is a grill.

>> No.6316012
File: 124 KB, 640x480, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have potential as a qt3.14

>> No.6316014

>man features
>facial hair

>> No.6316019

>tfw OP could be a female model

>> No.6316025
File: 816 KB, 500x500, 1368297724180.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I commend you, OP. You are one brave motherfucker. I admire that and your ability to realize that you ought to change.

Stick to the essentials: show more concern for hygiene and diet. Exercise. If you're going to keep your hair long, at least keep it clean and well-groomed. Your second picture makes you look rather feminine. If you want this, get outside and get some more sun and lift.

As for being NEET, use your time to become an autodidact: teach yourself. The internet is the largest database of information that mankind has collected thus far. If you're interested in languages, I recommend duolingo.com and memrise.com
Find a small part-time job. We all have to start somewhere and a little disposable income will be good if you want to improve your wardrobe.

>> No.6316191

Hey OP, I actually find you quite attractive even with the lazy eye.

Do what >>6316025 said, you will start waking up early everyday. Early as in 6am max, you have your life to change and you can't do it in a day or two.

You'll have pretty busy days, training, learning about training, finding a job, working, educating yourself, figuring out what fits you etc, so do wake up early.

Make a plan for everyday, get a notebook and plan everyday with some small, accomplishable tasks. Start with them first thing in the morning.

As for your haircut, I quite like the long hair, but if you do wanna cut it study your head, look at haircuts online and pay attention to their heads. I'm not sure if a Hitler Youth would fit you but I don't know your head well enough. You can always ask the hairdresser.

Get seriously into hygiene, smelling good pleases people around you.

As you said, don't worry too much about clothes now. Pay attention to what everyone is wearing, in the streets, tv etc, browse stores online, just pay attention. In the beginning it'll be harder for you to shop because you won't know what you really want, so start with some basic pieces that you really like. Slowly your wardrobe will start to take form.

Best of luck bro

>> No.6316208

Yeah seriously, OP looks more female than a male

>> No.6316307

I don't see it. Maybe androgynous, but that's mostly due to the hair (which is cool btw, I chopped my long hair but it looks better on you)

>> No.6316345

Oh my god you look like you're a child predator.

And OP, I think you'd look good with short hair. Learn to live with your eye, its a part of you so you might as well learn to be okay with it. I think you don't even look that bad.

>> No.6316394


let's see a smile

>> No.6316432
File: 23 KB, 615x410, James+Arthur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP looks like James Arthur
>pic related

>> No.6316445

this is frightening

>> No.6316478

the most feminine man's face i've ever seen

>> No.6316482

Dude your not even that bad looking, you have potential man

>> No.6316543

OP, by shaving you have just become fuckable - speaking as femanon. Also, long hair is great, as long as it is not just another boring ponytail. Experiment and don't give up.

>> No.6316572
File: 185 KB, 658x350, Jónsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're "pretty". i thought you were a model with a beard. maybe you should go for the Jónsi look since he has an effed up eye.

>> No.6316568
File: 188 KB, 615x410, gaylord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking guy

>> No.6316583

Keep the long hair, but don't do some stupid ponytail.

Fucking shave, you fuck.

Find some better clothes.

You look pale and clammy. A little bit of sunlight will help.

You may want to consider exercise and working out. It helps everybody out, I think.

And, of course, better clothes will help you out. Visit our sticky--tuxbell.com--to learn the basics.

>> No.6316660

manbun and give us a view of your profile now. More suggestions then.

>> No.6316852

>If you want this, get outside and get some more sun and lift.
If you DON'T want this...

>> No.6316875
File: 80 KB, 1163x580, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some shirts, be it tees or long sleeved shits properly rolled up, that don't flare out at the arms at all or quite so much.
Change your hair obviously. I don't know how but I used to have long hair and got a haircut somewhat similar to James Blake (pic related) and it completely changed how girls saw me and I got nothing but compliments.
Maybe bulk up a little, start working out.
Far from a lost cause.

>> No.6316895
File: 79 KB, 620x570, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to say long sleeved shirts not shits.
This probably illustrates more of what I got but with the fringe maybe half an inch shorter.

>> No.6316928


this is copy pasta u dum dumz

still funny doe

sorry about ur face OP, all i can say is Shave, work the fuck out you fukkin pleb, lose all the fat from ur face, and put that hair up in a manbun. Maybe wash it once in a friggin while too.
Get eye surgery or something tho man goddamn

alternatively just go full pirate, leave everything as is just add an eye patch and some nxtlvl frilly shirts

hope this helped

>> No.6316948

This guy looks like a Frey from GoT

>> No.6316998

You almost gave me a boner
You should listen to him>>6315593

>> No.6317034

you look like scarlett johansson

>> No.6317043


James Blake has the amazing ability of looking like a complete #shy #mystrius #thingkenoflife twat on every one of his photos

>> No.6317058

Ok. A dude at my last school had a lazy eye and I'm pretty sure he was a virgin when he got to the school. A few months ago before I deleted my facebook I saw that he entered a relationship with our old RA(she's hot as fuck, he and I lived in the same residence hall). Anyway, the point is there is definitely hope. I could probably dig her picture up but I'd feel bad about showing it here because she's super chill.

>> No.6317316
File: 26 KB, 640x480, snapshot (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for all the advice guys. how exactly do I lose face fat? I starved myself and lost a fuckton of weight, but none on my face.

>> No.6317318
File: 15 KB, 300x250, PEDAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6317341
File: 476 KB, 188x174, tumblr_m0gx70Iq2R1r2zvsmo1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6317342

how do i get low bodyfat like this

>> No.6317346

eat very little for a very long time

>> No.6317349

pls become a trap

>> No.6317357
File: 787 KB, 1600x1200, 1362027372748.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cardio&lifting, mang. check out /fit/'s sticky. some anon was asking about this earlier today; pretty dec./simple workout plan to follow. start following it.


I'm rootin' fo ya op.

>> No.6317361
File: 186 KB, 500x375, 1369680386602.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First you need to exercise and gain some kind of muscle, you will also gain a bit of fat with it. You will get bigger, like a man.

Then once you lose the fat you'll actually look good. If you tried to just lose weight right now it would be gross.

but tbh i like ur bod 8/10 wud get gay on

>> No.6317368

>those fucking hips
>that feminine face

Are you by any chance taking hormones?

>> No.6317379

im trying hard to lose more weight. i'm 6'3 and 140lb, i'm pretty underweight.

I considered it a while back, but no.

>> No.6317394

Instead of losing weight, go work out and eat. If you lose weight right now you would look like shit without clothes on. Also working out gives you somthing to do and improves your selfconfidence, be honest with yourself would you rather look like a twig or ottermode.

>> No.6317412
File: 2.00 MB, 250x281, 1369368737058.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thinner you get the harder it is to lose weight. You lose much more you'll be skeletor mode.

>> No.6317434

please keep us updated on your progress op, this is one of the most entertaining threads on /fa/

>> No.6317446

tfw 8/10 but have lazy eye

>getting surgery in a week to fix though... might do before and after but im so ashamed for the 'before' pic
>>(it's not even half as bad as OP's too. #vanity)

on-topic: op you're pretty alright looking just shave and tidy your hair and you'd be a 7 then maybe look into eye surgery or something?

>> No.6317449


op is so pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6317505
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>> No.6317541
File: 19 KB, 421x149, where.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6317566
File: 55 KB, 500x667, gg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you want to preoccupy yourself, learn something & improve your health & therefore your life, look up paleo lifestyles.


Good luck OP, you can do it.

>pic related

If you want to bang qt3.142's, you're going to have to work. It will be the hardest thing you've ever done, but the most rewarding

>> No.6317609
File: 34 KB, 500x375, Upc6Cr7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I miss you based Zyzz

>> No.6317611
File: 431 KB, 522x503, 1362961183250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'm neurotic and irrational as fuck

No. No you're not.

You're looking for excuses. A reason to continue living & breathing mediocrity.

Stop doing that. No excuses.

>> No.6317810
File: 14 KB, 320x240, l_bdbaecb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6318728

>dat feminine face
>dat hip to waist ratio

You kind of look like liz gillies. Your only choice is to go on hormones. It would be a waste not to.

>> No.6319135

Wear an eyepatch, or sunglasses all the time. Nah, eyepatch.

>> No.6319450

That's not me du

>> No.6320038
File: 465 KB, 500x350, 136888486180.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for update OP

>> No.6320196
File: 28 KB, 640x480, snapshot (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go away

im looking up how to tie a manbun RIGHT NOW

>> No.6320203

dat glorious hair

I like your oblivion map too OP :3

>> No.6320205

That's OP?
Shit, that's a lot different than the OP pic.

>> No.6320214

Get out of here you kawaii fag

>> No.6320223

commenting on your hair with my housemate, we both agree its godly

>> No.6320232


doing this shit is silly hard, my hair is super thick and super long.

>> No.6320270

haha oh shit that's amazing hair, you've got potential OP, don't waste it.

>> No.6320280


you would suit visvim down to the bone with your hair like that or in a manbun

>> No.6320290

dam bruh from the thumbnail i thought u were a grill

nice hair tho. cop a man bun anda thicker beard. if your eye is a srs problem wear sunglasses

>> No.6320292

plz trap

>> No.6320295

If you do this (the sunglasses) make sure they're polarized. Tinted glasses without polarization/uv protection widen your eyes but don't actually protect them from the additional UV coming in therefore damaging your eyes.

>> No.6320298


You look like a grill. Do not attempt a manbun or any long hairstyle without a beard, which you apparently cannot grow.

>> No.6320300


basically just don't wear cheap sunglasses. somone should stick that in the sticky somewhere.

>> No.6320305

I would definitley grow out some form of beard. people are going to think you're a trap without one.

also w2c jacket. it's nice.

also also, is your hair naturally lighter at the ends or did you dye it, looks good.

>> No.6320312

How long have you been growing it?

>> No.6320316


Is your River Island cardigan comfy?

I can't fit into mine, but hey, it was a fiver

>> No.6320344

>My goodness OP, your face is a work of art.

You have the potential to be a serious model or trap.

>> No.6320360

Go on /fit/. Read the sticky and lurk for a while and learn the basics. Get jacked, aquire bitches.

>> No.6320362

>You look like a grill. Do not attempt a manbun or any long hairstyle without a beard, which you apparently cannot grow.
>I would definitley grow out some form of beard
what the fuck is this shit. Nothing wrong with having them without a beard. Also the original OP pic demonstrates facial hair is NOT a good idea

>> No.6320365

Grow the fuck up, man
/fit/'s entire mentality is poisoned
I say this as someone who spends a decent amount of time in the gym or on a bike.

>> No.6320366

>what the fuck is this shit. Nothing wrong with having them without a beard.

Other than looking like a trap/an enormous faggot. Go back to Sweden.

>> No.6320371
File: 173 KB, 700x639, constanzavectors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read the sticky and lurk for a while and learn the basics. Get jacked, aquire bitches.
>you will get bitches if you follow a powerlifting routine
>and eat at an absurd suprlus
>this is what /fit/ actually believes

>> No.6320392
File: 227 KB, 500x666, 1364237261649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seriously OP, read this article >>6317566

If it doesn't make sense, then fine. But I doubt that will happen.


These guys are right, fit is full of manlets overcompensating.

Plus, looking naturally lean & buff is much more attractive than spending your whole life lifting then starving yourself.

Good luck whatever you choose.
Just remember, this is your chance. Don't sit back & fuck it up

>> No.6320401


>implying being /fit/ and /fa/ don't go hand in hand
>implying the goal of both boards isn't to pull bitches (or homos) on the fly

>> No.6320404
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>>implying being /fit/ and /fa/ don't go hand in hand
why do you nerds always say this?

It's always people from /fit/ that say "huurrrrr in order to be le /fa/ you must be le /fit/ as well tfw no gf XDDDDDDD"

no, I don't need to be a miserable loner who idolizes a fat powerlifter and dead australian roidmonkey while having a notion in my head that a lifting routine will magically cure me of my autism and social anxiety in order for me to dress well

/fit/ is a fucking joke. Yeah I understand it's important do cardio and light exercise, but /fit/ is not about fitness, it's just "let's jack off to huge guys on steroids and push this ideal body type on everyone who doesn't give a fuck"

>> No.6320405

Being /fit/ is not about being a powerlifter at all. Being /fit/ is about being comfortable in your own skin and looking and feeling the way you want to look and feel. If you want to be a powerlifter go ahead but nothing forces the person to do it if they're content when they reach whatever their goal was.

>> No.6320408

Please get your test levels checked man, please. Phone the doctor and book an appointment now.

>> No.6320411

>Being /fit/ is about being comfortable in your own skin and looking and feeling the way you want to look and feel.
lmao there are probably like 4 people on /fit/ who are comfortable with themselves, the rest of that board is a seething cauldron of insecurity, just looked at your front page, these are the threads on page 1
>tfw you need a big cock to satisfy a woman
>would you rather by Zyzz, china powerlifter, or russian roidmonkey (KK or something?)
>how to cop hair?
>qt3.14 said hi to me, let's have a whole thread about it!
then like two actual fitness-related threads

>> No.6320434
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Just went to /fit/

...this is accurate.

>how do I hold all these insecurities

Maybe there should be a board dedicated to mental /fit/ness

>> No.6320438
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>implying you well ever achieve this with ''cardio and light exercise''

Relax m8. It's about learning what you have to do to be healthy and fit and doing it and that's what the REAL fuckin fitness related threads are for (ie: recipe, diet, routine, general questions threads). You don't have to get into the humor of the board if you don't want to.

Now I gotta admit, you're right on that one. /Fit/ should have the fuck modded out of it 24/7 for feels and manlet threads that belong in /r9k/ so the rest of us that actually care about health and fitness can make good use of the space they shit on. Since the feels shit started half the fuckin board is always flooded with that goddamn shit.

>> No.6320448

I used to lurk /fit/ in 2009-10 it was okay then

now it's just a bunch of people all pushing the same thing (get fukkin HUGE brah) nobody cares about health/fitness, just getting jacked b/c they think that will bring them bitches, that's not humorous that's sad

I lift (have a power rack in my backyard), I run, but I don't need a board dedicated to manlet-bashing, "betas", and zyzz in order to do it

>> No.6320458


Paleo lifestyle.

Makes the most sense, & has the best returns in overall health.

Fitness isn't about muscle mass. Internal is more important than the vice-versa

>> No.6320474

So... you hunt Mammoths as part of your diet?

>> No.6320485

>I cant think for myself and I dont know much about nutrition so I cling on to niche diets

>> No.6320508

american upset that pizza and burgers aren't part of the paelo diet

>> No.6320509

the goal of /fa/ is not to "pull bitches" you must be insecure

>> No.6320511
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dont listen to these guys, ive been doing paleo for a year, they said it would make me feel amazing and id have a great body, look at this shit. Im a mess

>> No.6320524
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>You're not conforming to a common diet, so therefore you're wrong


Nope. Basically the premise that we never evolved to eat grains & their byproducts.
The science is sound, & grains are responsible for a great deal of health problems experienced by (mostly) americans.

Look at this, make up your own mind.


Lulz OMF Xddddddd
>>my current face!

>> No.6320582

you must not pull bitches

>> No.6320628

Dirty bulking then cutting is not a good thing to do. It makes your aesthetic inconsistent and puts unnecessary strain on your overall health.

Do a clean bulk instead. Instead of eating ten hamburgers and a milkshake on top of what you already eat daily; keep up your daily diet, but add in a post-workout "clean shake".

My shake gives me a great caloric surplus from clean sources:

1 cup of Milk - 130 calories, 9g of protein
2 scoops of whey protein - 240 calories, 50g of protein
2 tablespoons of Peanut Butter - 200 calories, 8g of protein
A handful of raspberries for an interesting taste to keep me from getting bored.

A total of 570 calories and 67g of protein from clean sources that won't get me fat if I maintain cardio.

>> No.6320676


can you use like normal peanut butter I love that shit but I always thought it was p bad for you

>> No.6320686

no you missed my point completely, probably because your unhealthy lifestyle makes you stupid. If you knew anything about nutrition you wouldn't be on any 'diet'.

>> No.6320701


Or almond butter or cashew butter depends on the fat ratio you're going for. Just don't use shitty Jif with added sugar.

>> No.6320710

I get over 1000 calories each shake, step it up

>> No.6320725

eh, I only do bodyweight exercises to get dat dere ottermode.

my logic was that if I overdid the shake I'd get fat.

>> No.6320735


I think you missed my point completely, probably because your unhealthy lifestyle makes you stupid. If you knew anything about anything you would know I never mentioned a "diet"

>> No.6320736

Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.6320744


1 banana
2 scoops almond butter
1 scoop protein
1 handful coconut flakes
1 tbsp cacao powder
1 cup coconut water
5 slices frozen peach

>> No.6320740

as >>6320701 said, stay away from the processed shit and go for the organic nut butters. it's similar to how pre-shelled peanuts are worse for you than shelled peanuts for snacking, due to sodium, etc..

>> No.6320757


Yeah peanut butter ain't so great. It's not even a nut, it's a legume.

A nut butter, as mention, like almond or cashew would be good. Why not try coconut oil, which is even better?

>> No.6320760

Dude...you could be a fucking model.
You have that angelic oddity going for you that people want.

>> No.6320776

that sounds delicious, but seems like it would be very thick. do you add water to that, or do you just use coconut water?

>> No.6320837


Just coconut water, which thins it out a bit. If it's too thick just add more coco water.

>> No.6320844

who is this advice for? someone from 1929..? they dnt even make those these days.

>> No.6320926

Cheapo sunglasses at shady market-stalls still apply.
Better safe than sorry

>> No.6321001

lol youd look normal if your eye wasnt so fucking wonky, like that is without a doubt the wonkiest eye i have ever seen.

>> No.6321043 [DELETED] 
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No offense bro but you are the ugliest motherfucker I have ever seen. If I didn't know any better I'd assume your mom was a titty waitress at Hooters, got pregnant, was fired for her slump appearance, then couldn't afford an abortion so she had the local kids try and whack her bulging fetus like a piñata.

Only you survived and that's how you ended up with such a disfigured face. Either that or you got baptized with scolding hot coffee. I bet if a blind kid felt your face he'd be asking why there's a pizza on this camel's ass.

shits disgusting bro, get it sorted or at least wear a bucket over your head or something.


>> No.6321087

Where's this from again?

>> No.6321106


Lmao you pleb as long as you meet your cal / protein requirements it won't matter whether you got your calories from bread or potatoes or whatever the FUCK.

IIFYM for life.

Fuck the haters.

150kg squat

>> No.6321165

>feminine babyface
>muscular body

Yea....no. That will look so off. No joke. A weak jawed, look like a girl, babyfaced man with a muscular body. Play to what little strengths you have. Keep it androgynous or go on hormones.

Honestly this is probably a troll. Like why is your eyebrows done? Just go all the way and grow some tits.

>> No.6321259
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>counting calories

Enjoy your time consuming yet futile hobby, hombrez

>> No.6321274


>not counting calories

welcome to nogainsville
pop: uou

>> No.6321336


honestly OP you have incredibly feminine features in your face and torso.

I think your female hormone levels may be too high.

If you want to become a trap (transgender), you could probably model after a years time, your face is beautiful in a female way.

if not then get your levels checked, you may have testosterone deficiency

>> No.6321340
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>muh gainz

>> No.6321350

would fuck/10

>> No.6321368

OP post a pic of you with makeup on and your hair down.

please just once

>> No.6321387

in my experience counting calories is a waste of time. when i'm not gaining weight i know i need to eat more, simple as that. counting protein and carbs is enough for me.

>> No.6321391



>> No.6321428

pls be in london

>> No.6321466

post more pictures op

>> No.6321663
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>homegym masterrace

fuck yeah m8

>> No.6321807
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Screw you.

My $500 gym membership means I'm gonna be $500 more fitter & therefore $500 more attractive than you.

>u gelatin?

>> No.6321816

For a month or two or what?

>> No.6321880


>per week

>> No.6321879
File: 16 KB, 419x339, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Year baby, 12 months, 365 days. 303,948 minutes, 2,3049,2332 seconds


>> No.6321893

Lol did you go for the bare bones program without coach, spa and swimming pool

Have fun with your shitty gains

>> No.6321979

Please refer to