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/fa/ - Fashion

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6314392 No.6314392 [Reply] [Original]

>I don't really like people that are into fashion, it's shitty judging people on their clothes.

Do people not realise how retarded they sound when they say this?

>> No.6314393

i call that getting tricked by a business

>> No.6314398

but it's true

>> No.6314403


but ya i heard some fat bitches say this shit once.

>> No.6314404

Because stupid people usually don't realise how stupid they are. And when you try to explain to them why they're stupid, they won't understand...because they're stupid.
Like this guy.

>> No.6314405
File: 181 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mo7o3k1inf1rhqb3no1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, laymen don't really have any conception of what the industry really is, and it's so pervasive that i've met home sewers who write off the industry and all the creative construction work going on inside of it because, i don't know, some third hand knowledge they picked up from a friend who watched zoolander.

people also have uninformed, silly ideas about cerebral music and art. what're you gonna do?

>> No.6314408

ay twerk what happened with u and hist
i mean, im on ur side. jw

>> No.6314409

I don't judge peoply by what they are wearing.

I just like myself to be well-dressed. I feel more comfortable when I know I look good.When I feel more comfortable, I am more at ease around other people. Plus, fashion is a nice conversation starter, as long as you are not a pretentious namedropper.

>> No.6314411

what's historian's tumblr again?

>> No.6314413

I meant the question in a more simplified sense.
They hate people judging others on their clothes but judge them for dressing fashionably, thus making them hypocrites.

>> No.6314417
File: 63 KB, 854x471, rickowensrickowens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know and i'm not interested in feeding trip drama.

well, you can reveal their hypocrisy as easily and quickly as you just have, and if they don't listen, who cares?

>> No.6314427


>> No.6314429

>i don't know and i'm not interested in feeding trip drama.
cool. still wanna see him post a ridiculous fit tho.

>> No.6314432

He won't.
All he'll do is get twerk to post one, put that on his tumblr with a poor attempt at funny and then never speak of it again and avoid the question entirely with TTC's like "Why do i need to prove myself here?"

>> No.6314444

Honestly I just saw this picture on the front page and wondered what kind of thread it contained

But I have to ask

What is wrong with me dressing like how I like to dress? I mean even though you have to consider how people might see you in a first impression way, most of the people in my life and my career choices have allowed me to dress exactly as I like without worrying about people thoughts and such

Is it wrong for me to dress how I like without worrying about fashion?

Not one of those trenchcoat fedora wearers, I kinda wish that fedoras werent beaten to death but eh

I just wear a lot of black, and all my suits are either double breasted or longsuits, and I never ever just button the first button in a suit and leave the other unbuttoned, i think that looks stupid as hell

>> No.6314447
File: 79 KB, 500x532, tumblr_mo5rf0GZF31s6ecygo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless it betrays some cognitive dissonance, i couldn't care less.

>> No.6314450


>> No.6314453

i'm all for that, but bottom line is that you are judged consciously or subconsciously by everyone who looks at you. don't give in to what people expect you to dress like, that would be the end of fashion and everyone would look the same.

>> No.6314455


Totally understand that, and while I don't dress like a fucking moron that is only because I don't want to

But I guess I am kindof easy to spot in a crowd because of my kinda all black all the time type attire with a bit of lesure in the kinds of jackets and coats I wear



>> No.6314495

dress for the person you want to be; nothing more, nothing less.