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6312858 No.6312858 [Reply] [Original]

How do you look after your face?

What are the essentials for a good skin care routine?

>> No.6312923

I start with a cleanser/scrub and follow up with a toner/clarifying lotion. A moisturiser and anti-aging agent usually come next because my face is stripped of hydration by this point. I serum or light cream for pore correction comes next, and then I finish off with a spot corrector to fight any active breakouts.

>> No.6312966

I wash my face with cetaphil once a day before bed and wash my pillow cases weekly. that keeps my face pretty much flawless

>> No.6313012
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>not washing your face every 20 mins

>> No.6313023

I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.6313040

I wash with cold water and then wash with coconut oil every night before bed. Smooth and blemish free for a few months right now, save for a little spot every now and then. But that's normal

>> No.6313048

was going to post this. good work

>> No.6313053

>coconut oil

this shit is the stuff of miracles. also makes an insanely effective burn lotion, general lotion, personal lubricant, and lip balm, plus it's a healthy fat.

>> No.6313068

i look at my reflection in the mirror for about 5 minutes them punch myself in the face really hard

>> No.6313101

I have dry skin so:

1. Use cleanser (Cetaphil)
2. Exfoliate
3. Astringent

>> No.6313106

Anyone else notice that Christian Bale's performance of this sounds kinda similar to when Big Boss is sperging out over guns in MGS3?

The inflection and enunciation are eerily similar.

>> No.6313185

Here's what ya gotta do

Start with a fresh cleanser, something that has "gentle scrub" in its name.

You can use a toner afterwards for an extra cleanser, but it isn't necessary. It helps with purifying your skin though.

If you've got eye-cream, put it on now. A light moisturiser is usually enough if you don't wanna find dedicated eye-cream.

Treatments, serums, and gels come next. Things like spot corrector for active breakouts and soothing gels for clarifying skin. Basically, if the product is 'repairing' or targeting a specific issue on your face, this is the time to use it (when your face is fresh and cleansed). It's important to note the thickness of each treatment you use and apply in order of thinnest to thickest for optimal potency.
*Note: products that are meant for correcting your pores are generally thicker than even moisturiser, so it's best to save that for after you've moisturised.
**Note: don't use too many treatments and serums, no matter how thinly you apply them, they WILL make your feel heavy. If you have quite a lot, it's best to designate half for the morning and the other half for the evening.

Wait a few minutes to let your face absorb the treatments, and then apply your moisturiser/nourishing cream. A heavier cream is better for when your sleeping, and lighter creams are better for the day.

If you've got heavier products, now you can use them, ie, sunscreen, pore corrector.

Maybe once a week or so, use an exfoliation mask/cream instead of your usual cleanser.

>> No.6313191

my face is usually puffy and dry (i'm on accutane)

so I drink shittons of water, moisturize, apply some sunscreen, and vaseline my lips up

puffiness is gone by like 8 in the morn

>> No.6313193

Damn straight. I even use it as cooking oil instead of butter in my pans.
Not to mention it makes for healthier hair!!

>> No.6313289

I have to control acne so i use proactiv and ambi fade cream to even my skin tone. if i go out i need spf15.

>> No.6313321

>nivea moisturizing face wash
>edge shave gel/nivea after shave
>maybe sunscreen if i'm going to be outside for a majority of the day
idk if i was just blessed with a resilient face or what but i don't have many blemishes.

>> No.6313371

How do I into facial care?

>> No.6313375

I don't do shit except for rinsing my face thoroughly in cold water once in the morning and once at night.

Cured my acne and I now my skin glows.

I used to use apple cider vinegar on some scars.

That's it. Have fun with your faggot "creams"

>> No.6313379

> doing all that
> believing all that is necessary

Either you're super gay or really ugly.

>> No.6313417

>wash with coconut oil
what does that mean?

>> No.6313423

>tfw acne scars

>> No.6313445

what does apple cider vinegar do for acne scars? i have a shit ton of discoloration but little to no acne these days

>> No.6313450
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i user moisturizer on anything i've shaven and anywhere that feels dry. uva/b sunblock on anything i'm leaving exposed, plus my shoulders and neck even if they're covered. cologne. get dressed. ~fin~

>> No.6313457

what moisturizer do you use?

just started using a st ives one but makes my face feel super oily after

>> No.6313480
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>> No.6313550

put a little oil on hands and rub it all over your face, then go over it with water

>> No.6313559

why do people have these regimens and waste their time putting shit on their faces??
i dont do any of those yet my face looks fine

>> No.6313565

>I have good skin genetics so I excuse myself being a lazy unhygienic fuck

captcha: egressaat imperfection

>> No.6313567
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skin care is mostly preventative.

>> No.6313573

ok you guys have a point there. but shit im just too lazy. and scared since i have trust issues and i feel like those chemicals will fuck up my face.

>> No.6313575

I smear my face with semen

horse semen

>> No.6313583

coconut oil is nice I hear, but I've never used it myself.

also it takes 21 days to make a habit, all it takes is a little bit of willpower to get away from the same 13 shitty threads on the /fa/ frontpage to make your face feel like sex

>> No.6314976

It's actually not as time consuming as it sounds. It becomes a fly-by part of your day once you've become familiar with everything. A lot of women have much more complex regimes than that, believe it or not.

>> No.6314986

What do you think of Huey Lewis and the News?

>> No.6315027

has anyone tried a chemical peel?

>> No.6316046

Bumping for more skin sex.
>tfw acne scars
>tfw discolored skin
>tfw hormones being a fuck
O-one day

>> No.6316284

Thoughts on using a facial steamer?

>> No.6317491

1 spoonful of semen every morning, and night. Yours is okay, but getting others is more fun.

>> No.6317613

1 treatment, once a day, 3 steps.

Step 1 (cleanser):
Mixture of 50% castor oil and 50% sunflower oil. Gently massage into all areas of the face (focus on acne areas), a quarter sized amount should be enough. Allow it to sink into your pores. Run a washcloth through hot water, press it to your face, clean it, and repeat until all the oil has been soaked out.

Step 2 (toner):
2/3 cup witch hazel, 1 cup water, 1/2 cup lemon juice. Use a small amount; rub all over face with a cotton pad. Allow it to sink into your pores.

Step 3 (moisturizer):
1 part honey, 3-5 parts water. Gently massage into your face, allow to sink into pores.

Splash yourself with cold water in the end to close your pores and sleep on a fresh towel. Your skin will be an even color, free of acne, and soft to the touch.

>> No.6317618

Actually I just put my face over a pot of boiling water with a towel over my head for like 5 minutes, then jump into the shower. I do this every 3 days or so but back when my face was a pizza I used to do it every day. Works wonders. Especially if you wash with something like benzoyl peroxide after - that shit polishes your pores clean.

>> No.6317627

Every time I see these "make your own shampoo/soap/whateverthefuck" posts I get worried. It would be so easy to troll people into temporarily ruining their hair or their skin.

TL;DR: this shit work?

Captcha: consider sustoda

>> No.6317644

Yeah. I started using it a few months ago, acne faded within days and the ugly acne scarred wasteland that was my upper lip was the same skin tone as the rest of my face within a couple of weeks. It takes some tweaking to get it to work for you, depending on if your skin is oily or dry, etc., but once you have the right mixture, it's marvelous. Very healthy too. I've been off chemicals for a while now (no poo, natural skin, etc.) and it just makes me feel healthier overall. Would recommend.

>> No.6317661

Step 1: Never wash it. Just shower really hot.
Step 2: I never get blackheads or acne.
Step 3: Genetics.

>> No.6317667
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>tfw shit ton of acne scars
Is there a way to make them less noticeable without having to wear makeup?

>> No.6317676

chemical peel or bio oil.

>> No.6317684

Do you have to go to a dermatologist for that stuff or can you do it yourself?

>> No.6317807

I-I believe you

>> No.6318442

that pic, lol'd

>> No.6319933

you have to be careful when you use honey on your face though. i used to use it as a scrub on my face, and i found out that it makes your hair lighter, and even sometimes it would make my facial hair fall off.

the opposite would be castor oil : it makes your hair grow thicker. so i'd say it's great on beard/eyebrows, but be careful not to apply too much of it between eyebrows for instance.

>> No.6319954

How to get rid of blackheads on nose?
Biore porestrips haven't been effective.

>> No.6319967

What's that stuff that Bateman uses in American Psycho that peels off his face? I assume you'd only use it weekly or so.

>> No.6319972

I love how un-4chan /fa/ is.

>> No.6319979

Wash with an oil free acne wash, then put on medicine

>> No.6319982

What is a "toner?"

>> No.6319989

luckily we live in 2013 where everybody is so bloated with cow hormones and chemicals that everybody is really ugly so nobody will care as long as you're slightly good looking

>> No.6320131

It brings your skin back to the pH it's intended to be, allowing it to naturally supply itself with oil and fight off infection. Acne medicines often strip the beneficial acids from your skin, and a toner does the opposite.

>> No.6322282


>> No.6322308

So I get these little bumps on my upper cheek (right under my eyes or so). I tried moisturizer, and exfoliants but they don't seem to go away. They're red-ish, sometimes a dark brown if it's really bad.

pls halp

>inb4 workout
>inb4 diet
i do all of that shit, and i'm not fat.

>> No.6322454
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tea tree oil and aloe vera

>> No.6322663

those aren't blackheads, they're some genetic thing, you can only temporarily remove them. I forget what they're called. I'm sure you're talking about those black dots that form on your nose end right? if not and you mean real blackheads, then nvm.

also what should I do for someone who doesn't really have any issues on his skin/face?

atm all I do after showering and all that I just put a teeny bit of body butter on my face, so any dryness goes away. my skin is ok, but I wanna be super flawless, anyone with similar skin have a routine? I don't really have blemishes or an acne problem.

>> No.6322888

I have freckles that take years to fade away. Is there anything I can use to make them go away faster?

All I use right now is sunblock to keep it from getting worse.