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6310049 No.6310049 [Reply] [Original]

Do you make eye contact whilst talking to people?

How successful are you at making friends and or sexual partners?

>> No.6310054
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25 and 18

>> No.6310076

I only make eye contact with my girlfriend and in job interviews, idk what that says about me

i've always been pretty popular/had girlfriends

>> No.6310129

not 100% of the time, but at least 80%

like if i see a something in the distance i wont be scared to break contact

>> No.6310178

>Do you make eye contact whilst talking to people?
yes very much so. If anything a little too much eye contact I have a very piercing gaze. I have brown eyes but they are huge by all accounts often times grills forget their train of thought when talking to me w/excessive eye contact

>How successful are you at making friends and or sexual partners?
pretty good, erry'body wants to be cool with me

>> No.6310188

>If anything a little too much eye contact I have a very piercing gaze.

You're not supposed to stare fixedly at one point of their face. Move your eyes around unless you want to look half-dead/serial killer.

>> No.6310196

nah b I like looking deep into people's eyes while carrying a casual conversation you can tell when you really connect with somebody

and I do what I want i'm a qt3.14.

>> No.6310212

Shifting gaze from eye to eye makes you look more engaged and connected because of dat twinkle. I knew a guy who did it. Loved talking to him until I realized he was getting nothing out of most conversations. But at least he listened.

>> No.6310242

never because i don't respect ppl

>> No.6310247

>Do you make eye contact whilst talking to people?
I try, but I guess I'm not always successful.

>How successful are you at making friends and or sexual partners?
I have a gf for some time now. I don't have any friends though. I have three people at university who I work with. Other than that, I don't really know anyone. So I guess I'm pretty much terrible at that.

>> No.6310253

>Do you make eye contact whilst talking to people?
Not usually, probably 35% of the time. I make a lot of eye contact with my girlfriend, or when I'm arguing with someone. I can't do it, it feels weird. Might be correlated to my self esteem, but it is far from low, just not good.

>How successful are you at making friends and or sexual partners?
Pretty well. People usually tell me my personality is extremely well-likable, easy to get along with, and attracting. Usually every girl I've made friends has at one point been very sexually interested in me. This has nothing to do with my eye contact, it's just my personality. I am very social awkward though, it's strange how this all works. I would consider myself pretty popular, but at the same time not. I guess I am a neutral person.

>> No.6310260

confirmed aspie

>> No.6310261

Whenever I talk to girls I never break eye contact , if they have really pretty eyes and I get a bit flustered I do the whole
>m8 r u even listening it looks like ur zoning out
>Haha sorry your eyes are 2 beautiful , they kinda distracted me
>she blushes
>cheeky smile
>she touches my penis l8r on
tbh if ur a beta little shit then work on eye contact cuz it toughens u up a bit

>> No.6310263

most of the time and it almost always leads to fat chicks getting the wrong idea and black people thinking i want to fight.

>> No.6310270


>> No.6310287

same for me

>> No.6310288

confirmed faggot who wants a lot of friends

>> No.6310302

I hold eye contact with grills i'm into and good mates

>> No.6310296

I dont really think about it otherwise I become super self-conscious but during an argument or some shit it helps me a lot to get some repect, I might appear a bit scary...like at my old job I literally won every time a client had a problem and my boss never received any complaint about me. Clients knew they were worthless.

>> No.6310310

but anon friendship is magic

>> No.6310326

no it's not the less people i see the happier

>> No.6310328
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If the subject calls for it, of course. If I'm talking about something I did recently or other "useless" small talks I flail around like a swan taking flight.

Generally well-liked, I'm super friendly and polite to just about everyone. :V

>> No.6310344

jävla bög

>> No.6310350

I'd say I feel sorry for you but I don't know you. R u happy anon?

>> No.6310360

no but i don'treally care

>> No.6310362

Er I used to be pretty bad at this, there would be people I really couldn't look in the eye like my father.

I've been trying to look people in the eye now and yesterday I could finally look at my dad in the eyes for a few seconds, I guess it really surprised him he hold it for a few seconds and kinda smiled, I don't know. My father is great, super alpha and much better than me. I feel like I was a huge disappointment to him that's why I'm so embarrassed I guess.

I don't have many friends but lack of eye contact is the least of my problems, I'm just really socially inapt.

>> No.6310363

>Do you make eye contact whilst talking to people?

yes, moving focus point often enough to not seem like a serial killer

>How successful are you at making friends and or sexual partners?
Incredibly successful at making friends. I'm always told by new people I've met that I'm one of the most charismatic people they've ever met. I become acquaintances with most people, and I become close friends with people I actively try to be friends with very quickly. I'm also often told that people have never become such good friends/opened up so quickly as with me.

This seems to have helped me with jobs, as I've gotten every job I've interviewed for.

Despite this, I'm an absolute retard with girls I want to bang, and can't pick up unless I've had a few beers. Combination of low self-esteem and overthinking it.

>> No.6310373

I try to but it's hard and i always look away
pretty successful and not at all

>> No.6310378

I wish I knew why people just don't like me. Whenever I get into conversations with people it never goes anywhere. It's like I'm a ghost. It's like being in a world of inanimate objects.

Is a phsyciatrist the right kind of person to see about this? shrink? idk

>> No.6310382

does anyone actually consider themselves unsuccessful at making friends without having some kind of genuine mental disability?
at school everyone always seemed to have friends. the less than competently socially aware people would just be friends with likeminded people

>> No.6310387

>be talking to somebody
>suddenly become aware of my eye contact with them
>realize I can't look at both of their eyes at the same time
>start shifting from eye to eye while wondering if they're noticing
you are now aware there is no place in your mouth for your tongue to comfortably sit

>> No.6310390

säg det till mitt ansikte mammaknullare inte online och se vad som kommer runt

>> No.6310391

has anyone ever mistaken you for a girl irl?
ur a qt either way though

>> No.6310399

not really sure if its considered unsuccessful but I went to a school for a year and didn't meet anybody except for teachers, went straight in and out of classes and left for lunch breaks so made no effort to socialize

>> No.6310406

by school do you mean like high school (up to grade 12) or college/uni?

college/uni is understandable, only reason i've got friends at my current one is because we were forced into a group for one of the classes otherwise i've made no effort

also i wouldnt really consider it unsuccessful if you never tried in the first place

>> No.6310407

>tfw you want to lean Icelandic so you can understand momma dod's posts

>> No.6310408

lool, yeah, several times!

>> No.6310411

I have made no effort to make friends at school and I have a bunch of friends on campus now

>tfw people always asking for your # but you don't want to give it to them but give it to them anyway so you don't look like a dick

>> No.6310412
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>> No.6310419

I'm in the same situation. But I know that it's because of my insecurities, avoidance and social awkwardness due to years of isolation.
Just recently someone (my gf) told me, that I show these things through body language and stuff. I tend to make weird things, like touching my neck and ears, have an awkward posture, I stammer, and I say weird things that clearly show, that I feel insecure.
You can either correct these things manually (which sounds pretty hard) or you can try to solve the problem by getting your self esteem right again. Which is what I'm working on atm.

>> No.6310430

Yes. My hair dresser asked me once whether I'm a boy or girl. It was pretty embarrassing. I had very long hair back then. Kind of the low point of my life.

>> No.6310432

>google translate

>> No.6310435

how did that go?
were they just completely upfront about it or try to ask in a subtle manner?

>> No.6310443

I can relate to this...I have really big blue eyes and often get told theyr very mesmorizing/beautiful...but then other times people say I look like a witch/evil/cat so I try to keep eye contact to minimum whenever I remember to bc im insecure of looking crazy/evil/stalker...
otherwise Im extroverted and have no social anxiety so things like this don't even cross my mind.

>> No.6310444

it was year 12, I was 18 at the time but it was an open campus so we were allowed to come and go when ever we wanted so I'd go and explore the city alone when ever I had blocks off

>> No.6310455

She moved around me and looked at me from all sides. After a while she just asked "Are you a boy or a girl?". I don't know why, honestly. She could have asked me how I was or something, my voice didn't sound too girly at the time. But well, she was rather stupid anyway. That's probably why she worked in this cheap shithole.

>> No.6310469

I did this too.
bc I had a huge group of friends outside of school and a boyfriend so I literally was running in and out completely ignoring everyone bc I didn't have time or interest in them.

>> No.6310483

not as much as I should
>tfw aspie

>> No.6310496

yeah, people tell me the same. IDK why I get complimented on my eyes though I mean they are brown af, I do get a lot of people who tell me I look like a serial killer
>"omg look at his eyes"
>"I like your eyelashes anon" (teh fuck)
>"this nigga you look like you just killed somebody"
>"hey how many bodies do you have in your basement?"

funny shit

>> No.6310554

r u pigfuck

>> No.6310586

>cheeky smile
>touches penis
That escalated quickly

>> No.6310603

>girl pinches my cheek while talking to me
>can't tell if shes flirting
>spend rest of the year trying to figure out if should make a move
>last day of school comes
>sit next to her
>can't think of anything to say
>walk into the sunset never to see her again
>thats what I thought
>be grocery shopping yesterday
>shes standing right next to me
>sneak away avoiding being seen by her
w-why effay

>> No.6310611

social anxiety is a bitch
im glad I don't have it.
I would've felt more awkward NOT saying anything pretending shes not there....but then again im the kinda person that chats up people in line that I don't even know

>> No.6310613

happens errrytime m8

>> No.6310620

the way of the fuccboi

>girl puts hand on your face
>hmmmm i wonder if she likes me?
You are like the Autism Overlord

>> No.6310623

>have friend in high school who is always very confident and makes solid eye contact
>has to go to rehab when she's like 16
>several of the girls in rehab have trouble making or maintaining eye contact so they all go through exercises in group therapy and shit to improve their eye contact
>because she never had a problem with this by the time she's out of rehab she just never stops looking people straight in the eye
>staring, staring all the time

she has become one of the most intimidating people I know, jesus christ

anyway I make OK eye contact

>> No.6310628

rehab for what?

>> No.6310630

fuck man pretty sure I was in love with her too
>year before this all happened
>sitting on floor in really crowded room sitting on legs because so little space
>she comes in
>sits next to me and puts her head on my shoulder
>don't want to move in case she moves
>circulation is cut off in legs
>after an hour its time to leave
>wait till shes gone
>try to stand up
>no blood in legs
>ask stranger for help to get up
>almost falling over for an hour while blood painfully re-enters legs

>> No.6310636

so did or did she not like me I'm still confused

>> No.6310638

which hand and which cheek
were you facing towards the sun or was she?

>> No.6310642

her left hand my right cheek and it was overcast pls respond

>> No.6310644

ugh you are fucking stupid
^^answer these questions

was it supposed to be a full moon or crescent moon that night? What were the surrounding geological conditions like? Any rock quarries or sediment deposits nearby?

>> No.6310643

>it was overcast
bad news m80

>> No.6310646

Always make eye contact and lick lips. Sometimes I like to french strangers.

>> No.6310647


>> No.6310653

I don't recall the moon, the nearest quarry was 10 miles away and there is sedimentary limestone in the area

>> No.6310655


fuck I had a boyfriend who used to do this before we started dating, made me want to rip his clothes off and expose his learned soulll

too bad he's depressed and on the other side of the continent now

>> No.6310662

My sister tried to teach me to make direct eye contact with people when we talk to people when I was little but it's because of her I can't do it or at least with her and authority figures.

She said it's more polite and 'you can tell when people are lying to you'. Her eyes were too crazy and intimidating and the fact that the situation was too unnatural I couldn't do it. I always had trouble because she wouldn't blink that often and wouldn't break eye contact. She could also tell when I was staring in between the eyes like that skit in Friends. Years later I learned that she had paranoid schizophrenia and that was one of the ways she could tell if you were a government spy. That explained a lot.

>> No.6310669

>black people thinking I want to fight
the sides

>> No.6310675

that's cute

sometimes when I do that I look so deep I start to see static/noise in their pupils, like a bunch of little white specs trippiest shit ever, although the usually break eye contact shortly afterwards

>> No.6310688

one time a black guy wanted to get down because I scratched my nose while walking past him

>> No.6310695

u should start doing it lol no fear

>> No.6310711

drugs and alcohol

she was drunk as hell all day everyday and doing whatever pills she could get her hands on (and any other drugs that came along, if she could get them)

she's a cool girl when she's sober but she gets really cold and quiet and kind of creepy when she's drunk

>> No.6310718

>be at grocery store
>group of black guys with a cart full of black people food walking towards me giggling
>purposely wheels cart into me
>i grab cart and flip it sideways
>all their shopping is spilled out over ground
>bottles of drink burst as they hit ground
>all of them standing with their jaws opened, lips dragging along ground
>continue to finish my shopping and leave

>> No.6310725

you probably just caused a bunch of trouble for the people who work there and not much for those guys though

>> No.6310753

What does it mean when a womyn bites her lips when talking to you?

>> No.6310755

I always make eye contact. Not very successful at partners but have only tried once. Everyone is my friend though.

>> No.6310758

probably a zombie

>> No.6310762

depends on context but usually good

not that it matters, you are too autismal to do anything
>reading this much into body language
>"omg her eye twitched then she looked to the right, I better ask /fa/ what all of this means!"

>> No.6310765

it means you're talking to kristen stewart

>> No.6310768

Please stop bullying me.

>> No.6310772

shes got a coldsore forming

steer clear, she is obviously a turboslut and will give you aids.

>> No.6310785

not defending my actions but a few years before I was in the same store in the middle of winter and as I was walking past a shelf somebody took a bottle of coke off it causing the overloaded shelf to buckle and a bottle fell onto the ground and exploded all over me so I was dripping wet with coke and then had to walk home 4 miles dripping and freezing cold

>> No.6310793

>dry lips
>bored smoker

you really shouldn't focus on little things like that too much

>> No.6310802

>What does it mean when a girl smiles when she looks at you as she passes by and laughs every time you talk while maintaining 99% eye contact throughout the entire conversation?
Oh, right, nothing. Because unless you're talking to someone who is an edgy emo/social autist, this will happen 99% of the time.

pls go.

>> No.6310803
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always and i have hundreds of friends and bang a different girl or guy every night

super alpha and my life is supreme

>> No.6310806

Why are you so hostile?

I just wanted to know why women do this. I find it cute.

You're the fucking autist. Jesus christ.

>> No.6310814

>unable to discern emotions/facial expressions
isn't that literally what autism is?

you have legit autism bro

>> No.6310815

>You're the fucking autist. Jesus christ.
>"What does it mean when a womyn bites her lips when talking to you?"
Yeah, nah, you are a fucking 16-year-old neckbeard basement dweller.

>> No.6310827


filtered already

>> No.6310828

This particular one does it constantly.

>explodes into one huge butthurt rant at a simple question

>> No.6310834

Confirmed for superior level autism.
Have fun sucking at life, my dear ignorant friend.

>> No.6310840

Look at this super alpha male, everyone.

>haha, you don't know this obvious thing everyone knows women do!
>everyone knows they bite their lip for this reason! what an autist.


>> No.6310842


>I have an onset of paranoid schizophrenia and recurring pathological lying disorders.

>> No.6310849

Seems to me you're just as much an autist as the other guy.
There's nothing to "know" you fucking idiot. Jesus Christ, i seriously hope you're le trolloling xdd xP because this is too stupid.

>> No.6310866

We do things we aren't aware of when talking to others. When flirting, for example, it's common for women to flick their hair to attract the guy.

Asking about lip biting is a good question.

Stay ignorant, you fucking loser.

>> No.6310899

Do you make eye contact whilst talking to people?
Rarely, if never. Only forced on occasions where i know it's appropriate.

How successful are you at making friends and or sexual partners?
People seem to like me rather quikly but i'm somewhat reserved and selective in who i hang out with. More of an einzelganger anyway.

>> No.6311126

I make eye-contact 100% of the time. I shift my gaze from time to time mid-conversation not to look creepy, too.

I'd say that it is fairly easy for me to make friends and sexual partners and I have a success rate that of an average Joe.

>> No.6311152

Easy making eye contact with strangers
Hard making friends
Easy making sexual partners.

>> No.6311190

>Easy making sexual partners.
>Easy lubing up my hand.

>> No.6311198

I make friends by virtue of charm alone.

>> No.6311218

>Do you make eye contact whilst talking to people?

Only if im saying something important.

>How successful are you at making friends and or sexual partners?

I'm never out to make new friends. What happens is certain people strike me as interesting and then I extend my hand to them. I don't make new friends because I keep the ones I have extremely close to me, like family and that's all I want. I don't socialize like a normal human being, I guess.

>> No.6313163

I try to make eye contact, but its hard sometimes. some people just tend to stare directly into your eyes, which can be quite intimidating. I usually try to look make eye contact every few seconds.

>> No.6313178
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>tfw you're able to keep perfect eye contact, even during moments of silence
>tfw no one is able to look me in the eyes for more than a few seconds

/fa/... Does this mean I'm ugly?

>> No.6313181

Yes. I do. I have to break a lot though because my brain has trouble holding people's faces together and their face kind of starts sliding around and the saturation of colors changes in my field of view and this apparently causes my eyes to take light in differently so they will become a disgustingly light shade of blue

I don't need friends

I could go out and fuck a bitch tonight, but she would be an insanely mediocre basic bitch

I want to hold out for someone I love. I want it to mean something next time

>> No.6313192

Jesus fucking Christ

Keeping perfect eye contact even during silence is so insanely awkward - you're just fucking weird

Bonus points if you're ugly

jesus Christ how can you think that's okay to do

It's selfish - give them a fucking break

>> No.6313194
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>> No.6313246

no contact
no friends and sex

>> No.6313252

i can't look people in the eye, because i am a dog, and looking into the eyes of a dog is an act of aggression, so i never look anyone in the eye, i just look around at the background, and stuff

>> No.6315084

its amazing the power of eye contact... i think i have the ability to fall in love and make girls fall in love with me through my eyes alone.

obviously because i see women as a huge distraction and barierer to my ultimate goals. i never pursue. but have used it to sell countless sales.

>> No.6315106

This. Exactly the same for me. I cannot pick-up girls, I'll make out with one pretty easily if I'm drunk tho and I mean... Very easily.
If I'm sober it just wont work. I've been told I'm too kind or this kind of beta shit and I barely give any compliments or anything. I think I listen too much, I should act like I don't give a fuck.
Also 0 self-esteem doesn't help.

>> No.6315109

ay bitch im lookn in my dogs eyes rite now, hes cool wit hit

>> No.6315116

u know those moment when its weird to look in your friends or bestfriends eyes. anyone else have this

yes i feel irresistable to women and i can tell when theyre nervous around me.

>> No.6315164

it depends if the person i'm talking to is cooler than me or not. and how well i know them. and how sober i am. i'm very self conscious and awkward around people i dont know very well if i perceive them as cooler than me. with these people i think i either make too much eye contact like a serial killer or stay at the ground. if the person i'm talking to is a loser i'm perfectly confident around them. and if im intoxicated or i know the person well i'm confident regardless.

not great at forming friendships or relationships. i have some close friends but conversation doesn't flow very well with most people. as for girls, i just have the odd one night stand really and i do better in nightclubs than the average guy, probably, but i struggle to form anything longer lasting than that. lol i literally never even talk to any females when alcohol isnt involved.

>> No.6315168

>it depends if the person i'm talking to is cooler than me or not
95% of people you encounter will be cooler than you

>> No.6315182

f u im actually quite cool in some ways byeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.6315474

thats cause ur dog is a pussy d8
try pulin that shit wit a dawg in the street