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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 85 KB, 500x677, natty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6303616 No.6303616 [Reply] [Original]

>your bod isn't this chic

>> No.6303620
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>> No.6303624

What's his exercise routine?
Baking in an oven ?

>> No.6303628
File: 70 KB, 480x640, IMG_1394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not even close to being that /fa/

>> No.6303629
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How in any fucking way is that skinnyfat..?

>> No.6303631
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Hungry hungry skeletons.

>> No.6303647

he's got curves like a fucking pregnant bitch

>> No.6303653

i have that body type and i feel skinnyfat

>> No.6303674


Because you are.

>> No.6303680
File: 74 KB, 475x700, tumblr_lwkdhlqVcn1r4pkaoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel i bet u model

>> No.6303685

oh god this is me. i need to gain some weight.

>> No.6303686

>being a hungry skeleton
lel pleb, don't you know that working out is modern couture?

>> No.6303689

That's what ugly short white people say.

>> No.6303694

Rick ain't short, m8.

>> No.6303691

I lol'd

>> No.6303695
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Yeah you tell yourself that.

>> No.6304289

>6' model + 5" heels

he ain't short m8

>> No.6304306
File: 448 KB, 500x275, 190023578439522.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw skinny Auschwitz mode
>tfw pectus excavatum
a-at least it's not that severe but still..

>> No.6304313

No he is.

>> No.6304380
File: 1.32 MB, 2125x2119, IMG_0259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being skinny...

>> No.6304397

>pls go /fit/
Also, top lel, those tattoos. Is that a skull/helmet tattoo on your left arm? topper lels

Not obese, just a bit too big.

>> No.6304395

/fa/ probably thinks that's obese

>> No.6304400

The guy is clearly fat, you can see it on his stomach.

>> No.6304432
File: 34 KB, 324x439, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i don't have the /fa/est body

I should probably lift a bit to get some actual muscle going on

>> No.6304437


fucking disgusting

that isn't /fa/ dude

>> No.6304442
File: 340 KB, 195x199, 19084356335.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're like, fucking skinnyfat, skinny and fat at the same time. Hahahaha what the fuck m8
>implying i don't have the /fa/est body
Jeeeeeesus what hahahahaha

>> No.6304454

dude you look gross you need to work out and go outside...
I've been called alot of shit in my life but never fat
i've been a skinny my whole life
eitherway I'm almost at the end of a bulk phase start cutting on the 15th to be ready for July
one advantage of being a skinny is you can cut weight like a fucking champ.

>> No.6304459

he is 6'0

>> No.6304460
File: 70 KB, 639x430, Snapshot_20121007_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall niggas plebs

>> No.6304462

are you a niggnogg?

>> No.6304466

if you're arrogant regardless of how nice your body it is people will say its shit just to spite youm but yea that's pretty much the perfect /fa/ body

>> No.6304470

unfair advantage due to your superior genetic make up.
dat samefaggery

>> No.6304476
File: 395 KB, 1024x768, 2437944297_9e951c5e14_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i suffer from a skin disease which makes me tan easily

>> No.6304472

And 6'0 is obviously short.

>> No.6304478
File: 48 KB, 647x821, blk guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im half swagpino and half black theres really nothing superior about half of me.

>> No.6304479

aha, and what disease is that

>> No.6304481


>> No.6304484


Second time i've posted my body here, got an entirely different reception last time.

>> No.6304502

its because its summer

>> No.6304508

>being this pleb

>> No.6304517


>> No.6304523
File: 967 KB, 1600x1200, pharrell-williams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats that manlet i cant hear you

*places cup of beer on top of your head*

>> No.6304527



>> No.6304531
File: 500 KB, 500x281, 110195200628.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm so srry bb

>> No.6304975
File: 98 KB, 486x649, IMG_2856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still a got a bit of fat to lose

>> No.6304979

1/10 made me post.
This is not "a bit" this is a fucking lot to lose.

>> No.6304993

like 13%, 1-2 months max to get down to 10.

>> No.6305047

>anorexia fags

>> No.6305066

i know that feel
>tfw skinny Auschwitz mode
>tfw pectus carinatum
>tfw surgery this month

>> No.6305068

There is no need for samefagging. I am 9% and I consider myself fat: also you're fat till you have perfectly defined 6-pack. Good luck obtaining it.

>> No.6305088

Wasn't samefagging.

Body dysmorphia if you think you're fat at 9%, thanks though, hopefully only take another month or so.

>> No.6305175

How old are you and how serious is your chest deformity?

>> No.6305194

lol what a faggot are you, are you crying irl?:DD enjoy eating bread and drinking water your whole day fat cunt
>i bet u dont even lift

>> No.6305208

>eating bread
u wot m8
you don't have to eat anything but meat, veggies and eggs.

It's not. As I've told you, being fat = not having an ideal defined 6-pack, since the only thing which prevents your abs from showing is your fucking fat.

>> No.6305216

Then if you gain some fkn muscle you won't be "Fat". Hit the gym

>> No.6305281

The muscles still would be covered by fat you fatfuck.

>> No.6305288

The fat turns into muscles you fuckfat

>> No.6305303

Tfw outtie belly button.. d-does anyone want to see.

>> No.6305316

>tfw have gyno so even when I loose weight, I still have tits

It's not horrible but I think surgery is the only fix

>> No.6305332

So the concept is still you have to lose fat even when you are 9%. I am glad you understood that, so all is left for you is to understand these 10% you were talking about isn't your goal and isn't even close to it.

>> No.6305405

I-I have one too, b- bro.

Was genuinely weirded out when I saw an innie for the first time.

>> No.6305490

>outtie belly button
pls no

>> No.6307865
File: 385 KB, 962x2048, untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually yes.

>> No.6307893
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>> No.6307897

>emo wristband

>> No.6308241
File: 410 KB, 570x999, IMG_20130609_232346_1_20130609234839775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6308260

dem biskit nipz.

>> No.6308280

I want a chest like that. Why is getting in that good of shape so fucking hard.

>> No.6308299

w2c this bod?

>> No.6308301
File: 112 KB, 400x378, 1349822431042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe your rib cage is the wrong shape?

>tfw barrel chest
>tfw u will never have an aesthetic bod

>> No.6308725

>tfw skinnyfat
>have been on a calorie deficiency for months now
>only my legs are changing shape, still have flabby stomach and tiny bit of manboobs

What do?

>> No.6308747

you have to workout to ding-dong

>> No.6308749


>> No.6308764


Why? I don't want to build muscle, just lose fat

>> No.6308796

then cardio, bruh

>> No.6308799

otherwise you'll be skinnyfat forever

>> No.6308802
File: 92 KB, 474x600, 1370145485061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>go to /fit/
> read the fucking sticky

>> No.6308830

It's like you think someone's going to say "Wow, that guy's really fucked up, that betrays a real sort of genuine depth and sensitivity, I'd like to get to know him! I bet he's cute!"

>> No.6308871


>> No.6309495


The /fit/ sticky makes next to no fucking sense.

It just has the stuff everyone knows, not the stuff about "want this body, do this"

>> No.6309704

I would disagree. If you actually read it and are still asking 'want this body' (a rather abstract term) I can only guess you didn't interpret it quite as intended.

Substitute 'I want this body' with 'adjust muscle and bodyfat'. That is it. The sticky tells you how.

e.g. the slim slightly toned look often held as an /fa/ ideal would be fastest achieved by 3-4 (if that) months of strength-orientated weight work on a mild calorie surplus to gain the necessary muscle, and then simply diet down, with occasional weight work, to lose the accumulated fat from this period. Hey presto, you have quickly built the underlying muscle and then burned off the fat.

You can try to build muscle and lose fat simultaneously, but it will be a long process and won't necessarily work. Just trust in the testimonials of so many people on the board and on others, and follow the sticky. 3-4 months eating (bodyweight in lbs times 18) calories and doing weights (few reps, more weight on each repetition), followed by eating (bodyweight in lbs times 12) calories and working out even a couple of times a week. Good luck.

>> No.6309797
File: 91 KB, 1007x1007, 20121023_110508~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too big?
Former landwhale. Sorry for loose skin. No money for surgery and genetics are fucked...

>> No.6309952


I understand all that, but like the sticky, this is vague as fuck.

There's no "eat this diet, do these exercises" etc.

Is there no place that can give me that kind of info?

>> No.6309989

people thinking skeletons are attractive
absolutely disgusting

>> No.6309990

aye good for you

>> No.6310000

>tfw not skinny not fat
>tfw something inbetween.

>> No.6310006

Hey you look great, I mean not /fa/ great but great great. How much landwhale we talking here?

>> No.6310007

Nah u dont need surgery, thats not really that bad, it'll tighten up

well done m8

>> No.6310065

I haven't read it for a couple of years, just looked and yep it is changed from the old one.

Regarding diet, honestly, just eat whatever as long as it fits calorie amount. I know this sounds counter-productive, and some would argue, but it works. Carbs, fats, whatever. Just try to get about 150g of protein each day from any meat or dairy source you care for. Worked for me and others.

Regarding exercise, there are recommended workouts in the sticky, or at least links to.

Try AxBxAxx / BxAxBxx (so workout A, day of rest, workout B, day of rest, workout A, two days rest, then switch A and B for next week) if possible

Dumbbell Bench press 3x5 (5 repetitions, done three times with 1-2 minutes between each set of repetitions)
Close-Grip Barbell Bench 3x5
Squats or front squats (would recommend front, less injury chance) 3x5

Pendlay row 3x5
Push Press 3x5
Pullups 3x however many you can do
Romanian Deadlift 3x5
Dumbbell curl (probably don't bother unless you feel arms are lagging behind) 3x8

Google them for instructions (http://www.exrx.net/ is pretty handy for this)

Regarding weight, dick about the first couple of weeks to find a weight you are comfortable with in each exercise. Once you can do 3 sets of 5 reps with a weight comfortably, add 1kg or whatever small amount possible. Don't try to add too much each time, slow and steady will give the most consistent results over time without injury and ache. You want to feel exertion, but not cripple yourself. After a few weeks, you get the hang of judging it more or less.

This will workout each area of your body, from legs to shoulders, in a balanced way so no one part will get too big or small. It leaves time for you to rest and recover. This workout would work for building muscle while eating a lot, and then also for losing weight while eating less. Will take about 40 minutes, 3 times a week.

I'll hang around if you have any questions, as have time to kill. Hope this helps.

>> No.6310082

thanks for the effort man. Somebody had to say it.

>> No.6310470


Thanks man, appreciate it.

You talk about consistent building, is this an ottermode guide or a full on building guide?

>> No.6310573

This is where common perception of working out/body building causes some people to question these means.

This workout, and the calorie intake plan I wrote in >>6309704
will get you to /fa/ ottermode OR larger. Simply workout, bulking (the higher eating period) and then cutting (the lower eating phase) when you are getting too chubby for preference until you have the muscle you want. After that, just workout occasionally, eating a rough maintenance amount (bodyweight in lbs times 15 is a good guide) to maintain the body.

Think of an anatomy chart - the body is a layer of muscles covered by fat. You want to raise slightly the mass of muscle to get a 'toned' look, and then reduce the fat covering this muscle, hence the 'cutting' phase.

>> No.6310577


I see. Thanks.

Will this 'bulking' phase screw with the fit of my clothes much?

>> No.6310595

If this is carried out for 3-4 months of higher eating, followed by dieting until slim enough, hey presto, ottermode. The same concept and execution for longer eg two years will give a more built look. Just do it until preference.
In reality, there is no such thing as an inherent ottermode plan, despite what a fitness magazine (an self-perpetuating industry) might say.

I might be able to give more advice as to what to do if you post a front on photo of your bare torso. Otherwise, it is all there really.

>> No.6310600

>to become strong you must eat 10,000 calories a day, you actually only need about 3,000 the rest is excess, don't worry about that after several months of eating 10,000 calories a day you will cut down to 1,500 to burn all the fat you gained

american logic

>> No.6310617

This is a partly valid fear.

If clothing becomes tight, you simply stop eating 18x bodyweight in lbs and start 12x bodyweight in lbs. The longer you bulk, the more progress you make. This doesn't mean bulk for two years, as fat is counter productive after a certain point to your endocrine system and will hamper progress. Do it until you are uncomfortable with the fat.

As mentioned in >>6310595
If you post a torso photo, I could advise a little more specifically. Essentially, if you are overweight now, start with cutting. If you are normal/slim (15% bodyfat), start with bulk.

I went from 150lbs at UK small to 228lbs at UK XL/XXL within two years. So much wasted clothing.

>> No.6310632

Keep reading Men's Health and their GET BIGGER BUT SKINNER AT THE SAME TIME FOR NO RESAON WITH THIS BOTTLE OF CAFFEINE TABLETS articles and see how far it goes. The figures you gave were exaggerated as I'm sure you know.
About 500 calories is a rough figure for the excess.

>> No.6310639


I'm still not big on the eating thing, I gain fat very easily because of shitty genetics. Is there a less intense version?

Also I'm 62 kgs at 5'10"

If this thread is here tomorrow I'll come back. It's 3 am here now and I'm going to sleep. Goodnight /fit/bro

>> No.6310657

I understand the fear there, but the working out COMBINED with the eating means you won't gain fat all that fast, honestly. It is kind of a leap of faith with this one.
For perspective, I started 150lbs at 6'2 with a 32" waist, and at 200lbs went up to a 34" waist, due to muscle as much as fat. I never gained enough fat to not wear slim fit clothes, despite eating 4500 cals a day at points.
N Night.

>> No.6311463
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>> No.6311475
File: 38 KB, 480x360, GlgddUez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'10 130 pounds and I look like this. fucking kill me and my moobs.

>> No.6311481

if you lost more weight they would be gone

>> No.6311485
File: 2 KB, 126x125, 1345421466090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont workout though just eat less that will do it.

>> No.6311486

5'11 125 reporting in
sucks to be you m80

>> No.6311488

>when these are the kids calling you a fuccboi on /fa

>> No.6311522

Been here for years but never really came to /fit/
You people are genuinely anorexic aren't you?
Why do you value your freakish appearance above your actual health?

>> No.6311532

it's easier to not eat and be skinny than it is to eat healthy and work out.

>> No.6311542

>implying most of us have it
>implying we weren't just skinnyfags from pre-teens who never got the benefit of gaining
>implying we're dying
>implying fatties aren't off worse than skinnyfags
pleb pls go

>> No.6311551

6'3 175, feels pretty good

>> No.6311549

Jesus christ eat something. This thread is sickening.

>> No.6311556
File: 911 KB, 1824x1368, ddsfgsdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5' 9" 130

>> No.6311570

fucking how. give me your workout plan.

>> No.6311583

I eat normally. I run and do cardio. 3-5 miles per day, and I'll throw in a fitnessblender video every once and a while. I-i don't really put too much planning into how i workout, though I probably should. I'm looking forward to swimming a bunch this summer.

>tfw short as fuck

>> No.6311594

>tfw short as fuck
Hey, at least you can swim m8.

>> No.6311596

What's with all these skinny people having wide hips?? I'm skinny and I have them, but now I don't feel as bad, but DAMN, more wide hips here than /s/

>> No.6311598

what? why can't you?

>> No.6311601

you don't do anything specific for your chest/upper body?? I did cross country for 3 years and my body went unchanged. (>>6311475)

>> No.6311605

I do 3 set of 12 pushups and lunges every day. I used to lift but I can't really access a gym atm.

>> No.6311613

I'm jelly. I'm 5'9" and 140lbs and nowhere near your shape. I should really start to lift so i could atleast get some v-shape going.

>> No.6311623

Not really no. Never got to really learn it. Around 6-6'1 by the way.

>> No.6311624

I recommend looking up efficient body-weight routines on the internet. I don't know too much, but I imagine that would be better than just push-ups.

>> No.6311619

alright thank you, think i'm gonna start doing a pushup routine since I don't have access to a gym and only have 10 pound weights at home.

>> No.6311620

Good luck. I am also hoping to become more defined.

>> No.6311625

reasonable point if you don't value long life

fatties are worse, yeah. Its still extremely unhealthy to be as thin as some of these posters

There are some boards I'm very happy to be pleb on, and this is one of them. Enjoy your various conditions as your body screams for sustenance, patrician.

>> No.6311636

>Enjoy your various conditions as your body screams for sustenance, patrician.
>as your body screams for sustenance
>implying I haven't been skinnyfag since age 13
>implying I'm starving myself
Come on bre, step up if you're going to try and put me down.

>> No.6311653

I just came here from another board, I agree. These guys are fucked. >>6311475 even thinks he has moobs. >>6309797 thinks he's "too" big. Mental.

You're taking it so personally it's really hard to give your argument any credibility.
You know it's possible for someone malnourished during puberty to be unable to put on a healthy weight afterwards?

>> No.6311663

How am I taking it personally? No, seriously, please show me where you got that into your head? Now I'm actually annoyed -- at your stupidity.

>> No.6311674

Any of u lads taken a lengthy break from lifting/ all the stuff that goes with it for a while? How long did it take to get your lifts back/ gainz again?

Been ill af and stopped lifting for a while and I'm over a stone.5 lighter

>> No.6311684

Yes, I implied that. Wondering why I would do that? Perhaps because you are?

>> No.6311683

The other guy is making vague comments about /fa/ posters in this thread in general and you're responding to him as though he's talking about you and only you.
That's what taking it personally means.

>> No.6311705
