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/fa/ - Fashion

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6301774 No.6301774[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

help me pick my next haircut /fa/. really bored with what i have now.

>inb4 hitler youth
>inb4 buzz cut
that's all i did with my hair last year. saved a shit ton of money on haircuts.

>> No.6301788

you see that stuff on the top left corner on your picture ? Drink it all and then come back and ask again

>> No.6301786

one that you won't find on 14-year-old children who are still deluding themselves into thinking that 'scene' didn't die in 2006

>> No.6301809

fuck yourself

thanks for nothing

>> No.6301822

lol i used to have hair like you OP, i was kind of a scene kid but it was ok for me because it was around 2006 when it wasn't beating a dead horse at that time

>> No.6301821


>> No.6301832

hitler youth

>> No.6301834

bReatHe waTeR xD

i'm asking for haircut suggestions not your life story, scum

>> No.6301830

/fa/'s full of asshole neck beards who hide behind their computers to try to put others down. Dont bother with /fa/ bro. Just go to your barber and ask their opinion.

>> No.6301837


>> No.6301846

oh believe me i know. that's why none of them have the balls to post their own faces. only people who talk shit here are people who look like shit themselves. will ask my barber. thanks man

>> No.6301844


>> No.6301857

Spikey hair going towards the middle like a faux hawk.

>> No.6301854

what could have possibly made you think that that's a good haircut to have

honestly curious tho

>> No.6301855

Anytime dude. I posted on here looking for tips on a hair cut and got the same asshole responses so I just went to my barber. Got a pretty great cut to.

>> No.6301860

you just literally thanked for the advice to go to you barber ?
are you serious ?
is this a bait ?
what is happening ?

>> No.6301861
File: 76 KB, 687x1000, mfa in a nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


say that to my sick fit fucker not online and see what happens

>> No.6301863

all i did was grow it out and have it trimmed with regular scissors

>> No.6301871
File: 93 KB, 1024x717, uXHKlh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of hairstyles boil down to Reasonably short on the sides and longer on top and then style as you like

so do that

>> No.6301868

They get paid to cut hair? Why wouldn't it be a good idea to ask a person who;s job is to cut hair, about getting a hair cut?

>> No.6301876


>> No.6301880

>y-you dont have the balls to post your face online
gee, i wish i knew who asked anonymous strangers online for a hairtip and is too insecure to make a decision himself...

>> No.6301887

i thanked him for his polite input not for suggesting me to go to a barber

>> No.6301901

are you mentally challenged ? of course its a good idea. thats the point. its common knowledge.

because he thanked that dude, we know that he didnt had the idea of asking his barber before. Somebody had to tell him to do that. So he is either completely mentally challenged or just 14

>> No.6301906

>I a-am not retared guys, really.

>will ask my barber
>thanks man

who you foolin' ?

>> No.6301917

>Talking shit about the same people you had to ask about a haircut because you don't have taste


>> No.6301914

you have me all figured out hahhahah xPPPPPPP!!! xDDD

>> No.6301916
File: 176 KB, 429x600, 1292908319394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6301927

believe what you want. yup. im definitely retarded. feel better? yes? you can leave now.

>> No.6301936

haha XD u r baka 2 mate moshi moshi!!! we sure know lots of japakneese :3

>> No.6301946
File: 60 KB, 500x500, 1370586786460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6301950


you look like a fuccboi, this is unfix-able.

>> No.6301965

post face or ugly beta

>> No.6301977
File: 165 KB, 502x471, 1369029038715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


maybe this could've all been avoided if you posted in the fuccboi general.
but no, keep being defensive. that's how you get people to ignore you on 4chan.

>> No.6301988

comfirmed for ugly nd beta.
stay beta nd uggy m8

>> No.6302015
File: 52 KB, 640x480, asdfasdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to /fa/ for advice on anything
>implying people don't post their face in WAYWT threads

Also, le_look_like_shit_visage.jpg

>> No.6302020

you're cute

>> No.6302029
File: 32 KB, 294x321, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking shit
top lel nice stache nd lips uggy
good night br0. this is too much uggy for me. i seriously hope you don't leave your home looking like that.