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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 85 KB, 620x419, nano-universe-schott-perfecto-leather-jacket5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6299022 No.6299022 [Reply] [Original]

Leather jackets are autistic. They just look awful. Leather jackets are pretty much costume wear. You might as well wear a clown outfit, because no one is going to take you seriously when you wear a leather jacket. You probably think you look like Marlon Brando, but the truth is that you don't. You actually look like a nerd that is trying to look badass when wearing a leather jacket.
My advice: Leather jackets. Dont wear 'em. Why shouldn't you wear them? They look like shit. All. The. Time. Get real. Stop trying to look cool, because you are not cool and you are not a badass. Wear something else that looks good and doesn't make you look stupid.
The truth is, leather jackets never look good. You should never wear a leather jacket. They are pretty much the fedora-level jackets. Let me tell you one thing. You will look autistic when you wear a leather jacket. Again, never wear a leather jacket. They look like shit.

>> No.6299023

Nice copypasta mate.

>> No.6299028
File: 30 KB, 320x240, quake nerd dr heckle funny photo blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a weird way of saying "truth".

Look at this guy. Do you think he looks good? He doesn't. Why doesn't he look good?

It's the leather jacket. The damned thing looks like shit and it's making the wearer look shitty, too.

>> No.6299032

that guy could be wearing any jacket and look like shit
you are retarded

>> No.6299039

autismo alert

>> No.6299042
File: 27 KB, 300x300, jake-austin-black-friday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy could be wearing any jacket and look like shit
I think that leather jackets ruin any look. These things are like black holes -- the event horizon ,putting on a leather jacket, crosses the line between good looking and shit looking.

>> No.6299049
File: 121 KB, 573x588, 94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nerd trying to look cool detected

I bet you wear something like this.

>> No.6299052

this is my point, you clearly care wayyy too much about what others are doing

>> No.6299053
File: 44 KB, 350x353, 1370491056643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup m9

yeh no, looks p good to me

>> No.6299057

first, thats bai
secong that leather jacket looks more like a vest
third thats one of bai ugliest fits ive seen

>> No.6299064

> Jacket beeing the worst part of that outfit

>> No.6299065


That may as well be a vest

>> No.6299075
File: 153 KB, 1200x1599, gross-leather-jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems that you care wayyy too much about looking like a doofus. I bet you look smug wearing something like this.

>> No.6299072

His greasiness and lack of chin I think do more harm to his image than the jacket

>> No.6299096
File: 64 KB, 595x640, 1300076516_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leather jackets RUIN EVERY LOOK. What is so hard to understand!? Leather jackets always look like shit.

>> No.6299108
File: 366 KB, 1000x1334, Balmain Distressed Biker Jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this jacket is my grail <3

>> No.6299113

i dont even have a fucking leather jacket and if i did what importance would it be to you if i had that particular one?

>> No.6299117

Gross. I bet you go to cosplay events wearing anime clothes. Shit. Some people are trying to look like Marlon Brando, and failing the look. Others are trying to look like fucking ANIME CHARACTERS and looking like shit. Jesus Christ, leather jackets always seem to attract the ugly and stupid.

>> No.6299122

I have no interest in anime or Marlon Brando though, just looks great to me, not everyone is playing dress up with their clothes, buddy

>> No.6299128
File: 500 KB, 800x1206, karl lagerfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dressing like an anime is /fa/ as fuck

>> No.6299129

Whatever you say, weaboo.

>> No.6299130

Leather Jackets can look good, besides if you ride a bike they are necessary as well.

>> No.6299136

IF you ride a bike, then you should get a motorcycle jacket. These things are made from scratch resistant synthetic material. You should always dress for the slide, not the ride.

A lot of motorcycle jackets look corny, but at least they aren't shitty looking leather jackets.

>> No.6299137


>> No.6299140

do you mean to imply that leather motorcycle jackets don't slide?
because i'm laughing at you if you do.

>> No.6299145

Did you do poorly on the SAT's reading comprehension section?

I am saying that synthetic moto jackets offer better slide protection than leather jackets.

>> No.6299154


Confirmed for never have sat on a bike.

Both leather and textile jackets have their pros and cons for motorcycle riding, provided they are proper jackets not just "stylistically" meant to be motorbike jackets.

Not to mention leather jackets are cheaper and provide top tier protection when you come off the bike provided they have the padding.

>> No.6299156

i'm laughing at you.

>> No.6299159
File: 54 KB, 560x375, justice-duded[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most riding jackets are made from leather, and the best looking ones certainly are.
Why do you hate leather jackets so much,
they can look pretty good in the right setting

>> No.6299160
File: 96 KB, 612x612, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think that leather jackets ruin any look

>> No.6299162

honestly, if those guys weren't Justice would you think they looked good?

>> No.6299161

Summerfag go suck your friends cock

>> No.6299168
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>> No.6299169
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>> No.6299170

slim fashion nerds never look good in them

some people do though

>> No.6299178

Summerfag? I don't think so, mate. I am going to post this every day until everyone starts agreeing with me. I am spreading the gospel of good taste.

>> No.6299176
File: 164 KB, 392x634, 55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6299184

I hate leather jackets because they always look like shit. I hate leather jackets the way everyone hates fedoras and parachute pants here.

Leather jackets = Shit

>> No.6299181

post a fit

>> No.6299186

Why should I post a fit pic?

My point still stands. You just got offended because, for whatever reason, you like to wear leather jackets. In true /fa/ shitposting fashion, you just said, "post a fit pic". That statement served no conversational purpose. Don't waste your time here.

And of course, never wear leather jackets because they look like shit.

>> No.6299187

you should use a trip, I wanna be able to identify the savior of /fa/

>> No.6299188

For their style leather jackets work well,
and yeah I think they look fairly good and they
really convey what they're about through their clothes.

>> No.6299191

yeah op, please start tripping or namefagging

>> No.6299193

I am part of the /fa/ mooncore uprising and you should leave parachute pants alone

>> No.6299209
File: 87 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practical lunar core for life

>> No.6299214

Leather jackets only work for a small number of people. You need to be anorexic/really thin.

It also depends on the other clothes in the whole outfit, imho only skinny pants look good with leather jackets (otherwise you look fedoracore). And for the love of god, don't wear anything other than formal shoes/cuban heels/boots on your feet.

>> No.6299224

>be anorexic/really thin.
>skinny pants
>formal shoes
>cuban heels
>so much bad advice

>> No.6299231

guys, this guy is a troll.

please sage this thread to death or spam it with CP/gore so it gets deleted. I've seen enough of this bullshit the past couple days.

>> No.6299246

You really are defending your bad taste in fashion.

>> No.6299250

Hello. My trip is Schaltwerk, and I am the medicine that /fa/ needs. Leather jackets look like shit. The end.

>> No.6299259

What kind of jacket do you wear?? Post it.

>> No.6299257

Dior disagrees with you.

>> No.6299260

In any case, leather jackets make you look autistic. No point in looking like a retard, though.

>> No.6299274

>What kind of jacket do you wear?
Non stupid looking jackets.

>> No.6299275
File: 682 KB, 433x1082, rick owens aw 12 006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No point in looking like a retard, though.
do you even fashion

>> No.6299278

hahaha lel bretty funnay lelele

Fuck off.

>> No.6299296

but do you?

>> No.6299327

troll thats why its a anime con you autistic boy so silly
captcha- telnfi lunatic !!!

>> No.6299338

op is too much of a pussy to pull off a leather jacket so he lets out all of his sissy rage on 4chan

>> No.6299341

pussy dectected who hates leatherjackets and cannot pull one off ;) lol autistic troll
can i get a SAGEEEE niggaa

>> No.6299346

This is such a stupid post.
Almost everyone owns a leather jacket.

I'd get your point if you were talking about Fedoras or something, but hating on leather jackets is like hating on jeans.

>> No.6299365

Jeans are autistic. They just look awful. Jeans are pretty much costume wear. You might as well wear a clown outfit, because no one is going to take you seriously when you wear a pair of jeans. You probably think you look like Marlon Brando, but the truth is that you don't. You actually look like a nerd that is trying to look badass when wearing a pair of jeans.
My advice: Jeans. Dont wear 'em. Why shouldn't you wear them? They look like shit. All. The. Time. Get real. Stop trying to look cool, because you are not cool and you are not a badass. Wear something else that looks good and doesn't make you look stupid.
The truth is, jeans never look good. You should never wear a pair of jeans. They are pretty much the fedora-level pants. Let me tell you one thing. You will look autistic when you wear a pair of jeans. Again, never wear jeans. They look like shit.

>> No.6299366

>but hating on leather jackets is like hating on jeans
>He hates A, therefore he hates B.

Come back and try again, nerd.

>> No.6299370

>speaking in ebonics
>defending inferior articles of clothing

Sure is pleb in here. Go ahead, look like shit in your stupid leather jacket.

>> No.6299388


that looks terrible

>> No.6299434

> leather jackets
> be anorexic/really thin

Pick one.

>> No.6299446

> schaltwerk
> twerk

Lel, we know its you twerk it.

>> No.6299451

its a german word

schalt and werk

meaning switchgear

>> No.6299457

i never said i wore one and i know you cannot pull one off......go ahead post a picture with you're face blurred out of a good jacket hahaha you WON"T :)

>> No.6299461

But, I ride a motorcycle and would like to have the protection...

>> No.6299484

he should get back to twerk

>> No.6299512

condon laxtex s and m jacket i be twerky would approve cause its not a leather jacket thats shite and evil ....right twerky?

>> No.6299588

Hey OP, I wear leather jackets EVERYDAY. Tomorrow I'm going to buy another one. So far I own 4. And I wear them with every outfit too, doesn't matter what I'm wearing either.

>> No.6299607
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 1311654749113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

course it does buddy

>> No.6299617

Thanks for responding to my trip request, now I can filter you

>> No.6299627


>> No.6299990

What makes you think I will keep on using a trip? Why don't I just namefag? Actually, I can just post anonymously. Have a nice day.

Also leather jackets look like shit.

>> No.6299996

haha le batman may mays XD

>> No.6300020

Very funny. This thread is about leather jackets and why they look bad. Contribute or leave.

>> No.6300070
File: 130 KB, 500x379, tumblr_kxdk7bCnA41qafdxeo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6300077

>what is an opinion

>> No.6300093

Apparently an opinion is something you can repeat over until it becomes incontrovertible truth.

>> No.6300103

>implying you like to wear leather jackets

Poet, I'm disappointed. I thought you had good taste. I guess I was wrong. Nerd.

>> No.6300105
File: 201 KB, 467x700, 1270650122085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6300119
File: 58 KB, 600x900, 1324484708278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6300120

>that leather jacket
>That nerd dingus.

Absolutely disgusting. He's trying to look cool and he's failing at it miserably. Losers like that make me laugh. They think that leather jackets can make up for a dull personality.

>> No.6300137

The fuck is wrong with you? Why would you make those assumptions about a person because of the material their jacket is made of?

>> No.6300146
File: 118 KB, 475x429, denim-jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Denim jackets are autistic. They just look awful. Denim jackets are pretty much costume wear. You might as well wear a clown outfit, because no one is going to take you seriously when you wear a denim jacket. You probably think you look like Ryan Gosling, but the truth is that you don't. You actually look like a nerd that is trying to look badass when wearing a denim jacket.
My advice: Denim jackets. Dont wear 'em. Why shouldn't you wear them? They look like shit. All. The. Time. Get real. Stop trying to look cool, because you are not cool and you are not a badass. Wear something else that looks good and doesn't make you look stupid.
The truth is, denim jackets never look good. You should never wear a denim jacket. They are pretty much the fedora-level jackets. Let me tell you one thing. You will look autistic when you wear a denim jacket. Again, never wear a denim jacket. They look like shit.

>> No.6300154
File: 114 KB, 500x628, Battle_Jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's safe to make blanket statements about such a classic garment, that's all. There's so many ways for a leather to be worn and interpreted and I feel like you're presenting an opinion as incontrovertible fact.
I've seen a lot of terrible leather jackets & your reasons for disliking leathers are all perfectly valid, but at the end of the day they're your reasons and not necessarily anyone else's.

And I thought we had this discussion last year, about how you felt the gay community has laid to deep a claim on the garment. No disrespect intended.

>> No.6300183
File: 371 KB, 850x782, img56250408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoes are autistic. They just look awful. Shoes are pretty much costume wear. You might as well wear a clown outfit, because no one is going to take you seriously when you wear shoes. You probably think you look like Optimus Prime, but the truth is that you don't. You actually look like a nerd that is trying to look badass when wearing shoes.
My advice: Shoes. Dont wear 'em. Why shouldn't you wear them? They look like shit. All. The. Time. Get real. Stop trying to look cool, because you are not cool and you are not a badass. Wear something else that looks good and doesn't make you look stupid.
The truth is, shoes never look good. You should never wear shoes. They are pretty much the fedora-level jackets. Let me tell you one thing. You will look autistic when you wear shoes. Again, never wear shoes. They look like shit.

>> No.6300188
File: 36 KB, 500x693, 1361772156478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op do you live in a flyover state with tons of harley davidson riding grampas everywhere or have you never seen a leather worn modern?

>> No.6300222

Underwear is autistic. It just looks awful. Underwear is pretty much costume wear. You might as well wear a clown outfit, because no one is going to take you seriously when you're wearing underwear. You probably think you look like David Beckham, but the truth is that you don't. You actually look like a nerd that is trying to look badass when wearing underwear.
My advice: Underwear. Dont wear it. Why shouldn't you wear it? It looks like shit. All. The. Time. Get real. Stop trying to look cool, because you are not cool and you are not a badass. Wear something else that looks good and doesn't make you look stupid.
The truth is, underwear never looks good. You should never wear underwear. They are pretty much fedora-level. Let me tell you one thing. You will look autistic when you wear underwear. Again, never wear underwear. It looks like shit.

>> No.6300230

he looks cool as fuck with his shrivelled mummified face and pimp clothes

>> No.6300242

Clothes are autistic. They just look awful. Clothes are pretty much costume wear. You might as well wear a clown outfit, because no one is going to take you seriously when you wear a clothes. You probably think you look like a human being, but the truth is that you don't. You actually look like a nerd that is trying to look badass when wearing a clothes.
My advice: Clothes. Dont wear 'em. Why shouldn't you wear them? They look like shit. All. The. Time. Get real. Stop trying to look cool, because you are not cool and you are not a badass. Wear something else that looks good and doesn't make you look stupid.
The truth is, clothes never look good. You should never wear clothes. They are pretty much the fedora-level jackets. Let me tell you one thing. You will look autistic when you wear a clothes. Again, never wear clothes. They look like shit.

>> No.6300253

What kind of Jacket is that?

>> No.6300280

Jackets are autistic. They just look awful. Jackets are pretty much costume wear. You might as well wear a clown outfit, because no one is going to take you seriously when you wear a jacket. You probably think you look warm, but the truth is that you don't. You actually look like a nerd that is trying to look warm when wearing a jacket.
My advice: jackets. Dont wear 'em. Why shouldn't you wear them? They look like shit. All. The. Time. Get real. Stop trying to look comfortable, because you are not comfortable and you are not toasty. Wear something else that looks good and doesn't make you look stupid.
The truth is, jackets never look good. You should never wear a jacket. They are pretty much fedora-level snuggies. Let me tell you one thing. You will look autistic when you wear a jacket. Again, never wear a jacket. They look like shit.

>> No.6300287

nice double post faggot

>> No.6300292


>> No.6300306 [DELETED] 
File: 979 KB, 400x316, fuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6300328

Why are you so mad OP?

>> No.6300913

Wolverine Jacket.

>> No.6300973

>implying bai is anything but a chink with a fat wallet

he's got a shit tier face and race

>> No.6300972
File: 440 KB, 1932x1220, HAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6300974

El wolverin

>> No.6300983

what race is this guy, i used to think he was some testosterone-deprived white guy, but in this pic he looks like some sort of arab. ffs, western shirt?

>> No.6300990

fuck off, dan

>> No.6300999

He's the master race.

>> No.6301004

What about leather trench coats?

Not double breasted ones; I'm not a Nazi.

>> No.6301016


this guy looks pretty cool, proof that leathers can look good

>> No.6301041

Pick one. Also, it's funny that you had to resort to insulting his face/race as opposed to critiquing his clothing.

>> No.6301049

fa is about celebrating aesthetics and I don't find non Aryan features aesthetic in any way. even most models that aren't white have features that most resemble whites.

>> No.6301056

But nazi uniforms are /fa/ as fuck.

>> No.6301079

So why didn't you type that instead of calling him a chink? I don't know Bai personally, nor do I feel particularly attached to what he wears (wasn't the one who originally posted those), but critiquing his clothing based on the fact that he's no white seems unfair to me.

>> No.6301093

>non aryan

You know the whole 'aryan' thing was completely made-up right?

Historical Aryans were Indians.

>> No.6301104

shhhhh, let the troll have his fun

>> No.6301129

Look at his shirt.


>> No.6301131
File: 91 KB, 620x413, bedwin-leather-jacket-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to OP kids

>> No.6301155
File: 153 KB, 600x800, WAYWT (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The truth is, leather jackets never look good.

>> No.6301246

He's not mexican, he's asian.

>> No.6301265
File: 93 KB, 1600x1195, 9iwgsw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flannel tied around waist
str8 fuccboi

>> No.6301315

that jacket is sick w2c

>> No.6301340
File: 7 KB, 168x178, 1350421168439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6301356


>> No.6301399


>> No.6301441
File: 162 KB, 800x630, waffen-SS-trio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick one. Egalitarian values lead to mediocrity and stagnation.