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/fa/ - Fashion

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6297370 No.6297370 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.6297391



>> No.6297398

Is it bad that I know where that image is from?

>> No.6297401

i want some high fashion coveralls so i can stunt on niggas while i'm welding and shit

>> No.6297408

>stunt on niggas
This is a great way to get all your shit stolen

>> No.6297412
File: 927 KB, 960x540, 1370324594547.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh no that movie was baller

>> No.6297422
File: 128 KB, 685x1024, full-smile-685x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loose dresses or skirts with otk socks look great.

>> No.6297421

Nah, that movie was actually good.

>> No.6297429

Can someone share books about designers? Where to download them?

>> No.6297436

Literally a basic bitch.

It's hot, but not exactly fashionable or stylish.

>> No.6297444

your local library

>> No.6297442
File: 8 KB, 312x395, 44475685RW_11_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-3 sala highs incorporated into lunarcore?

>> No.6297450
File: 365 KB, 960x640, goth groupe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"something about black" -yohji yatomato

>> No.6297459

i love patrik ervell, that's it

>> No.6297468

"black" - yohji yamamoto

>> No.6297466

"black is at once black but also black. It's black but when you wear it it's black" - Yohji Yamamoto

>> No.6297477

"Just as we have our own personal flourishes when we speak, we convey personality, emotion, and back story through our fashion choices. But while we use language as a way to express our inner thoughts and feelings, we also use it to make ourselves legible to other people. If clothing is a language, it must have a vocabulary and a grammar like other languages."

-Alison Lurie

anyone know any good websites for fashion interviews?

>> No.6297481

"Noir" - Yohji Yamablackto

>> No.6297478

he's got a point doe

>> No.6297486
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>> No.6297487

"Negro" - Yo-G YoMAMAto

>> No.6297491

w2c that grey shirt tho
the one that the du with the goofy smile and his hands clasped is wearing

>> No.6297488

how would you relate the concept of “fashion” to one of “style”?

Fashion and style as they relate to an individual is pretty clear: fashion even if one were to argue that it can originate through the vision of an individual, the designer…like Dior’s “New Look”…is essentially a collective phenomenon. To participate fully in fashion one must accede to the prevailing trends which are the consequence of a critical mass of consumers. Of course there is always the possibility of editing and modifying the menu of fashion options to one’s personal taste, but to be fashionable is in the end to participate in a consensus. Style for the individual on the other hand is necessarily a series of subjective preferences and decisions that can range from a complete concession to la mode or a move toward an individual expression that, in its extreme, ignores or even rejects prevailing fashions. Many people who are known for their “style” seem to have mediated fashionable convention and its rules with distinctive personal taste and idiosyncrasy. The pitfall of too individuated an identity, of course, is eccentricity which can be amusing. However, “amusing” isn’t, when applied to issues of dress, generally in the same sentence as “alluring” or “elegant.”

-based harold koda

>> No.6297496

"黒。" - yohji yamatoto

>> No.6297494
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>> No.6297501

What does fashion have to do with intellectuality?

If I were seeking out great fashion icons, it wouldn’t be my first impulse to search the rosters of Nobel laureates or members of the Academie Francaise. On the other hand, an examination of the lives of the greatest women of style generally reveals individuals of some cultural sophistication. I can’t think of anyone who is known for her stylishness to be stupid or purely instinctive. The memorable women of fashion have to be intelligent enough to understand the rules and codes, often nuanced, implicit in fashion, and how far they can go in testing the limits and boundaries of those accepted standards. I love the fact that when someone is perfectly put together they are said to look “smart.” That’s as intellectual as fashion has to be. - based harold koda

this makes me think because i see people always proudly uploading fit pics on social media groups when they look like another cookie cutter trend following fashion victim. i mean, are they not aware of this? surely they must be, because every second person uploading a pic literally has the same thing on. does this mean they're content with just 'fitting' in? are they not aware that they're not special at all?

confuses me every day

>> No.6297506
File: 53 KB, 470x705, black is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel u got this idea from sz

but ok i will contriboot


>> No.6297517



Before I reached that tipping point, I think I would not have been as influenced by real world need as I am today.

I think I also became VERY aware that fashion draws its influences from far more places than just other fashion. I see in certain pieces the relaxed urbanity of a wealthy city, or a light fog rising off of a lake with the smell of pine and earth underneath it all.

In the world fashion thread the other day I had an interesting discussion about this with timber and TurnLeft. How do things like environment and the sound of our language affect the way we design and implement our styles? It’s a hard thing to pin down exactly, but I can look at the patterns of an Inca ritual mask and see the curves of jungle rivers, the lush green canopy overhead. I can see those influences in the works of yesteryear and I can see them today.

In summary, the tipping point was when I truly began to understand fashion as a language borne out of both self-expression and need.

Besides, let’s be honest - is just laying down cash on one piece after another without pondering the why and how really enough? Don’t you want to know why?”


>> No.6297509

- cropped black skinny trousers usually looks awful on guys with big legs
- you can wear whatever footwear you want with shorts
- don't try to go budgetninja
- you better buy something off geller fw13
- tfw no qtjilsander
- fk i want that raf fw13 gradient trousers

>> No.6297510

At what point does fashion become more than clothes to a person?

“I think it happens in a different place for different people. I’ve always been very introspective so perhaps I was set up for this mindset ahead of time, I don’t know.

But I do know that at some point I stopped thinking about fashion as a way to define myself for others and more as a natural function of how I relate to the world.

It went from being focused around acquisition and self-definition through object fetish to a means by which to reconcile my personal philosophies with the often disparate world around me.

For example, huge hoods. They’re a tool. They offer me privacy and warmth in an often cold city where I’m surrounded by cameras and without personal space. Some people like the way they look - I know I do - but I value them more on account of how they make living in a cold, crowded surveillance society a little bit more palatable.

>> No.6297529
File: 181 KB, 1280x294, poet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some1 on here had a zip of poet quotes i forget who though

>> No.6297530


A man should look as if he had bought his clothes with intelligence, put them on with care, and then forget all about them. - Hardy Amies

this is funny because it's so true, you can tell when people are not comfortable in what they're wearing because it's a misrepresentation of themselves / a costume

>> No.6297533

what movie is it??

>> No.6297536

why is poet so eloquent, is he a writer of sorts?

>> No.6297542


>> No.6297538

The Garden of Words / Kotonoha no niwa
I fuqqn cried mang best 45 minutes of my life

>> No.6297547

The Garden of Words.

It's about a shoe designer and his unrequited love.

>> No.6297563

dont spoil it man wtf

>> No.6297568

>the premise of the narrative
>a spoiler
u wot m8?

>> No.6297577

How did you cry from this?

>> No.6297581

i related to the mc in many ways

>> No.6297580

How did you not?

>> No.6297587

What was so sad about it? The kid and the teacher both ended up accepting their faults and strive to be better people.

>> No.6297591

fuck u stop spoiling

>> No.6297599

Working out is modern couture. No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothes and go the gym instead

- Raf Simons

>> No.6297606

Get out of the thread if you don't want spoilers faggot.

>> No.6297614
File: 51 KB, 1314x192, OBLIGATORY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saved this a loooooong time ago
obv its a little off but the basic concept is right

>> No.6297616

if you want to improve your outlook by reading something, read a fucking book

they exist for a reason; sometimes you have to commit to something more than reading one little "quote".

here's my contribution, though it has nothing immediately to do with fashion:

"Within the last few decades, in countries like Britain or the United States, the literary intelligentsia has grown large enough to constitute a world in itself. One important result of this is that the opinions which a writer feels frightened of expressing are not those which are disapproved of by society as a whole. To a great extent, what is still loosely thought of as heterodoxy has become orthodoxy. It is nonsense to pretend, for instance, that at this date there is something daring and original in proclaiming yourself an anarchist, an atheist, a pacifist, etc. The daring thing, or at any rate the unfashionable thing, is to believe in God or to approve of the capitalist system. In 1895, when Oscar Wilde was jailed, it must have needed very considerable moral courage to defend homosexuality. Today it would need no courage at all: today the equivalent action would be, perhaps, to defend antisemitism. But this example that I have chosen immediately reminds one of something else—namely, that one cannot judge the value of an opinion simply by the amount of courage that is required in holding it." - George Orwell

>> No.6297622

I remember that thread

>> No.6297630


>> No.6297631

I just went there, and there were none.
Give please

>> No.6297643
File: 60 KB, 506x665, ss (2013-06-08 at 02.01.35).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know /fa/ is typically high fashion, but does /fa/ find anything at all useful from JINX or ThinkGeek?

Related, could I make this ThinkGeek Star Trek shirt work with a mooncore fit?

>> No.6297649

it was a review of brideshead revisited that he didn't finish

>> No.6297652

man tht sucks
my city library has like 2000 books on fashion

>> No.6297654

nonono pls
they are tricking u

rec. me sum books
also we have the same redwings

>> No.6297660

im living in ОМСК give

>> No.6298023

i think ive got the zip on my flash drive and link somewhere
will chek 2nite and post inthred tomorrws probs maybe