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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 94 KB, 960x744, jfk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6296333 No.6296333 [Reply] [Original]

Are Leather Jackets /fa/? Also could someone direct me to some store that sells good leather jackets? Pic very related. JFK is god.

>> No.6296343


>> No.6296342

yes leather is good. Try this website


>fashion and cool

>> No.6296349

Look through the stores in tuxbell.com. We have a leather inspiration thread in the first two pages right now if you want to check it out

>> No.6296352
File: 93 KB, 1600x1195, 9iwgsw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 that one autist who spams every leather jacket thread

>> No.6296365

k thx m8.

I'm just looking for something like the one in the picture. Nothing super intricate/ super expensive. Something that radiates badass.

>> No.6296382

Yeah dude. By not very expensive I hope you mean "at least 1k". Not being a snob here, the honest to god truth is that if you pay any less then it's going to be pretty bad quality.

There is only one exception I've found, but it only works if you're an ausfag

>> No.6296392

woops. Yeah idk about 1k... oh well, one can dream, or buy poor quality...

>> No.6296407

go vintage mate, find out makes a nice jacket nice, learn about leather quality, scope out the thrift stores, see what fits.

>> No.6296406

Well try this guy anyway. They may ship overseas. Or save up man, it's worth it.

>Save up 1k
>Buy leather
>Get it tailored so it fits like a glove
>tfw go-to jacket for the next ten years

Anyways heres that jacket I mentioned.

>> No.6296417

aight. Will do, thanks.

>> No.6296424

This. Buy 2nd hand, look around different vendors and be patient.

>> No.6296428

I came. It's perfect.
I live in Canada, so who knows. I'll take a look into it.

>> No.6296444

Good luck m8. I copped one and it's just as good as my 1.3k Acne.

Ad stick around and read through tuxbell.com, I'm not getting any fuccboi vibes from you.

>> No.6296450

No. Leather jackets are NOT /fa/. They look like shit. They have always looked like shit. And they always will look like shit. Why must you be so interested in looking like shit? Cut it out, man. Leather jackets are douchey. They are just silly. You cannot take a person in a leather jacket seriously. Look into something else if you don't want to look like a moronic douchebag.

>> No.6296460

lol I'm probably a fuccboi. I lurk here mostly, but I have a really bland wardrobe. Also too ugly to post pics of outfits.

>> No.6296478


>> No.6296485

here comes Autismo

>> No.6296480

well said /b/rother, I tip my fedora to you sir.

>> No.6296504

>All this idiocy.
>All this bad taste.

I just wanted to put in my two sense. No need to get your panties bunched up.

Again, leather jackets look bad.

>> No.6296513

LOL someone totally saw you coming

>> No.6296518

hey i agree with you. . . leather jackets look dorky and stupid. you dont need to post the same stuff every day thou.

>> No.6296540

Does he look dumb and dorky?

>> No.6296561

not him but ya although I think it might be his haircut

>> No.6296569

true. The man has legendary hair/ stache.

>> No.6296574
File: 596 KB, 500x750, 1370216897737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two sense
you're trying too hard now
the act is up b

>> No.6296631

is the dancing guy in this video /fa/?

>> No.6296930

Cheers man for linking that jacket. Seriously thinking about copping it. Size up or down? You don't happen to be from QLD do you? Would preferably like to try it on before buying it.

And OP JFK is such a boss. DFA1979 are awesome.

>> No.6297007

>red glasses
>faded red leather jacket
>snugly fit jeans

Am I /fa/?

>> No.6297022
File: 186 KB, 1277x958, PC150526s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>red leather
only if it's ccp
otherwise you probably look obnoxious

>> No.6297045

Like I said, the style is supposed to look faded. It's not a solid red. There are bits where you can see natural leather colour. The red isn't bright like that, either. It's more of a dark crimson.

>> No.6297130

Now that I realize its one random anonymous guy spamming leather threads, I find it pretty funny.

>> No.6297816

Yeah dude i'm from brisbane.

>> No.6298055

Ah cool man so am i. Did you order it online or buy it in person?

>> No.6298218

Online. I got a medium when im usually a small.

6"0 165lbs for reference

>> No.6298291

Pretty /Fa/ if you can find one that fits you. Bonus points if you have an athletic build(broad shoulders, slim waist). I got a lot of jackets and the leather one gets most compliments

>> No.6298420

What took you so long?
Looks way too edgy and overkill. Wouldn't wear.

>> No.6298922


Yeah, same. I've actually got a pretty shitty one and people still compliment it on a pretty regular basis. People like them, even if they're not the most "/fa/" thing ever.