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6294637 No.6294637 [Reply] [Original]

How to make money /fa/?
Any poorfags here strugglin being effay?

poor-man's/affordable inspo

>> No.6294722

cop a job

>tfw i start on tuesday
>can finally get some clothes

>> No.6294748

>save 10k
>get into live trading
>cop rick

>> No.6294765

Just get a customer service job its easy and pays like 17.50 an hour.

>> No.6294775

Just go streetwear/hobocore/heroin chic/fuck yourself.

>> No.6294876

Start sucking dick, you pussy.

>> No.6294945

Real Estate Salesperson's license. Rent apartments during the student rush months, live quietly for the rest of the year. That's all I'm going to say on the matter.

>> No.6296276

I've heard this is a good hustle. Anyone else want to weigh in on it?

>> No.6297456

cooking crack isn't too difficult, after a while you'll make cash

>> No.6297461

yeah man im poor as fuck, my job is a dishwasher and its hard / gross as fuck and i get worked like a slave

i just thrift or save up really long
it sucks but it's worth it

>> No.6297469

by making music that is as good as miltons

>> No.6297465

>live trading
for some reason I though you were admitting to /fa/ that you were deep into human trafficking.

>> No.6297472

be a musician and not retarded

>> No.6297516

Hard to achieve combo. We're all either retarded or bad at what we do.

>> No.6297526

I'm somewhat curious. How would you make a profit if you're paying out for the apartments initially?

A lot of it aesthetics and viral. I work as an artist relations rep and I've gotten some shit as fuck bands 2k a show tours just today in Michigan for the "beats" festival.

I'm workin' on some EPK shit as we speak for that.

>> No.6297603

You're not paying a dime. These are someone else's apartments, they belong to the landlord. A third party, the renter, hires you to find them an apartment.

You're not getting paid unless you find an apartment and close the deal. When you do close a deal you get 15% of the year's rent as your payment.

>> No.6297667

I honestly didn't even know this was a thing. It's like the greatest con to ever exist. Definitely writing down and investing in (especially where I live there's a wholeeeeeeee shit ton of expansion going on).

Thanks man.

>> No.6297692

It's the last greatest legal con there is. Sales will net you even bigger profits, so keep an eye out for developments.
The licensing course is 75 hours, but the test is a breeze.

>> No.6297696

im 20 and living in canada where rich chinese people have been dominating real estate since the last 4 years can i still do this

>> No.6297703

you make that much dosh off this?

>> No.6297705

any tips man?

>> No.6297710

haha, it seems your post has led to a bit more attention than wanted. But thank you for the idea, I'm sure I can do something with it.

Have a good one.

>> No.6297730

holy shit i'm actually in the process of getting a license atm tybpoet

>> No.6297744
File: 61 KB, 500x333, 9.8-sf-rick-owens-tyo-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to NYC, go into RO store. Run out with an armful jawns.

>> No.6297741

hi anon,

It is my idea that if you have little means if income, style being treated with luxury should not be a priority. my dream would be to maximize my income by investing my limited capital into something that will benefit me financially. This will pretty much leave you with the freedom to enjoy quantity AND quality in a much more realistic sense.

Send me Christmas postcards from Cabo.

>> No.6297754

In addendum I would like to add that the goal would be to have enough money to never have to worry about it. That is freedom.

>> No.6297768

You must embrace the Dadcore.

Be like bitch who's your Daddy?

Dolce and Gabbana
Gucci and prada you know i gotta Lotta.

She want mah pimp juice

>> No.6297814

fucking chinks invading in huge masses. Not only do they stick together in communities to bring their fucked-up culture with them, but they drive up real estate prices a ton.

Can't get a house under 650k in my area, the average house price is $1.1 million once you get in the city.
Fuck Vancouver, this city isn't fashionable, hip, or affordable for young people.

Where should I move to /fa/?

>> No.6297818

yeah man
vancouver... ever since like a few years ago all these rich chinese invading driving up real estate crazy high especially east van it's getting alot better now

>> No.6297821

>Fuck Vancouver, this city isn't fashionable, hip, or affordable for young people.
yeah i know man i read that vancouver actually is somewhat on par with NYC in terms of rent and housing like wtf
it's not fashionable except for a few underground groups of friends, it's not very hip from what i've seen, and yeah everything is expensive as fuck

>> No.6297849

Tell me about it, it's bullshit. And everyone wonders why all the young people are moving to Alberta or Montreal...

>> No.6297874

Clothes don't have to be expensive as long as you aren't chasing after unicorns. Once you establish your wardrobe you can buy clothes at your leisure when they are on sale or when you stumble on a find. Not everything needs to be top quality, just like we have costume jewelry and heirloom jewelry sometimes what you need is a piece to complete an outfit for a dozen times or so then be discarded.

The second thing to do is simplify your life. Start to phase out the elements in your life that aren't appropriate anymore or are adding unnecessary complication. I'm not saying you can't enjoy things that are fun but there are many things in life you probably haven't tried yet that may be more productive or less of a drain.

Learn to enjoy things that are freely available. Parks, the library, museums, theater, and so on are usually available in the community for free or small fees. Become cultured, socialize and develop new interests.

>> No.6297924

Fuck you know it's bad when you are moving to Alberta. Seriously tho, Van is cool to people who have pleb tastes. It's the Ultimate middlebrow nouveau riche city.

>> No.6297939

But why have to worry about money conservation at all?
To have that great power of wealth is an extraordinary thing.
I encourage anyone living in the beautiful nation of the USA to pursue that dream.

Die pinko scum

>> No.6300175
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i need more info on this >>6294945

>> No.6300187

Just look up the licensing requirements in your state. Google "real estate salesperson's licensing requirements [your state here]"

The licensing courses are usually a few hundred dollars and the test/license fee is under 50, i THINK. But it's cheap.

You could be rolling by this time next month.

>> No.6300196

Sell drugs until you have something like 30 K USD (should take around 2-5 months depending on your style).

Then put the money into an index fund.

>> No.6300414

I invest and speculate, I also travel (don't have any permanent residence).

The only time I had to panhandle was when I first started traveling.

>> No.6300427

more like 7.50 get real

>> No.6300487

its bullshit, landlords never use agents to rent apartments

>> No.6300534

How do i find work doing this? Do I run ads or what? How much could I make?

>> No.6300596

Seconding this. I'm already enrolled in a NYS licensing course starting in a few months, but in all the reading I've done I haven't seen anything concrete besides MAD CASH.

What does the job search look like? How long does it take? That's my main concern – unless I've completely misunderstood things and you don't have to find a broker to work for.

>> No.6300599


Not him, but i'm about to get my license

I'm in Vancouver and here's how it works. You do your exam, you do a 5 FULL day course that's mandatory, you sign up with a brokerage, and then you finally get your license.

You pay and enter a RE licensing course. You have 1 year to finish it. They send you a fucking giant textbook in which you actually have to memorize about 50% of it. This is how they weed out people, and get money without having too many people become realtors. Worse yet, it's written like shit by a lawyer, so 70% of the time you'll be rereading the passages just to understand. The onus is on you to figure out the material with minimal help from Sauder.

There are tutors in Lower Mainland that can help you learn the exam material. If you're young you'll have no problem understanding the material. The problem is the presentation, which is why you hire a tutor. It's all memorization. I highly recommend taking a tutor, however it is another $900. It may seem like a steep price, but if you're truly driven to make dat dosh, $900 is nothing.

The exam is just as scary. You go to the exam room at UBC in the Sauder building, and it's down a long hallway. You're pushed into this small, cramped room, where beforehand they strip you of any personal belongings to prevent you from cheating. The exam format is multiple choice, where half the choices make some sense, but one choice makes the most sense. When Sauder thinks there are too many realtors, they simply increase the amount of calculation questions to fuck over students because it's "hard" for a lot of people.


>> No.6300602

Montreal. They drove out all the businesses with their separatist antics so now everything is cheap

>> No.6300608

>40 replies
>only one comment about milton

>> No.6300654

You'll cowards don't even smoke crack

>> No.6300655


Once you pass the exam, you have to go to a 5 day course to learn the trade. During this week, "prominent" real estate agents come to talk about their experience in specific fields, so that you have an understanding of what the pros do, and how you can apply their teachings to your practice. In reality, these speakers will brag about how great that are and too often speak about tangential subjects, simply because they're extroverted and love the sound of their own voices.

When you sign up for a brokerage, you can choose any one. Most will hire you, because you're paid by commission, not salary. This means that you're paying a lot of fees simply to be with a brokerage. This is how the Real Estate Board jews the fuck out of you. The costs vary, but on average it could be from 400-600 a month depending on your brokerage. Keep in mind, these are only fees. You have to pay initial fees on top of that to the real estate board in order to actually obtain your license.

I just started, so I don't have too much information, beyond this level. I don't have an average cost on advertisement.

On the bright side, if you sell one 1.3 million dollar house, that's a lot of money. Just imagine;

>6 or 7% on first $100,000, 3% on the remaining
>6000 + 36000 = 42000

Or hell, one 2mil house in west side... that's more than enough to survive. I'm telling ya, vancouver's HOT yo.

>> No.6300679

ok wow you supplied me with a healthy amount of info and i thank you for that.

i live in NYC... im not sure how the market is but im sure its hot as vancouver if not hotter right?

>> No.6300690

shit nigga I'm also a dishwasher

>> No.6300704

fuck you faggots stay out of Calgary there are no /fa/ people here so less competition

>> No.6300705

probably hotter.

houses are expensive as fuck in vancouver though. typical suburban home is like 700k or someshit

>> No.6300709


nyc is always gonna be hot. people are willing to shell out exorbitant amounts of money just to be in there. However, this means that you're going to need a strong understanding of every aspect in real estate. Mostly understanding contracts; how to protect your client in case law shit occurs. Have that shit completely memorized to the point where you can recite it by heart.

>> No.6302118


>> No.6302185

im 18 and in vancouver what age would be good to start this

>> No.6302239

In NYC You don't pay fees. I mean, you might pay another broker if it's a cobroke and Your firm gets a percentage of your take, but I've never been anywhere where I had to pay them to work with their listings. I think that might be illegal here. The test is also easier. If you're above average in the brains department (and I think most of us here are fairly sharp beneath hashtags and memery, I really do), you'll have no problem on the test. Modern texts are written in plain english, and you'll get through the course in a few weeks, less if you go to multiple classes a day.

Location is the thing. If you live in a city you can make stacks doing this, because there's always a limited amount of good real estate and a whole lot of rich people.

>> No.6302283

well this is /fa/ how bout you get a job modeling?

>> No.6302403
File: 455 KB, 1000x1500, adonis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be good looking and get scouted in a big city

or send polaroids to a modeling agency.

are you at least 6 feet and have strong cheekbones presence.

>> No.6302527


damn adonis getting quite popular

>> No.6302688
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god damn really thank you again for this info. i dont think ill do it for the rest of my life but now i have an idea of what i want to for a couple of years.

im 21 years old and unemployed atm. got a semester of college under my belt with no direction at all.

i hope you get everything you want in life man. thank you so much

>> No.6302734

can someone describe hobocore pls

>> No.6302776

How do you start a business, or learn about starting a business? It's my dream to be a business owner but I have no knowledge about it, and no idea how to acquire that knowledge

>> No.6302800


that's a handsome black man, god damn

>> No.6302801

lmao people actually are believing this real estate bs?

>> No.6302851

lmao enjoy washing dishes man.

you dont know how much you can make from real estate du

>> No.6302853

>tfw parents gave you 7k $ as a college graduation gift
>tfw invest in bitcoins
>tfw suddenly money everywhere

>> No.6302875
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i hate you

>> No.6302886

i know that no body is hiring agents to rent apartments, they lose a month of rent to the agent why would they do that when lol

>> No.6302891

just because you dont know doesnt mean its not happening

>> No.6302920

but its not, people come look for apartments on their own, there's no middle men when it comes to renting apartments.

>> No.6302924

>learn computer programming
>code apps
>create a startup with money from apps
>travel around the country promoting your startup
>buy effay clothes
>laugh and call people plebeians as you pass by them in the street

Seriously, computer programming is where the money is. You will learn how to make a computer do things that were previously just imaginary. There are many free ways to learn programming, and iphone dev kits are not terribly expensive.

>> No.6302933

how hard is it to make apps? where can I start learning?

I have some ideas but I've never done anything like this

>> No.6302930

you must not live in the city

>> No.6302974
File: 50 KB, 400x500, 1368067156694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a shitPhone, objective-C is supposedly a breeze compared to writing Android apps (Java+XML).
If you have no coding experience, take an intro to CS on codeacademy or udacity and see how comfortable you get. You either get it or you don't.
>/g/entooman library

>> No.6303079


Codeacademy is great since it's free and you only need a computer with internet, which you clearly have.

What are your math skills like by the way?

>> No.6303104

Get a job. Learn economics. Learn forex. Make millions. Leave job.

>> No.6303117

I don't give a fuck about getting job
I don't give a fuck if I have to go gay for pay (again)
I don't give a fuck if I have to steal

I'm gunna gets mine, nukka

>> No.6303136

what kind of job will teach how to into economics

>> No.6303138

You're quite welcome, man.
It's not for everybody, but if you put your mind to it, you can make more money with a real estate license than you can with any degree. Of course, that doesn't mean a degree is not a VERY valuable thing.
Good luck out there, man. It's worth a shot. People are making serious cash with this every day. It's a way out of the job loop, I swear it.

>> No.6303134


>> No.6303146

None, you just need a job to get capital to begin with.

>> No.6303158

Please, do not bully.

>> No.6303169

nikka u gay

>> No.6303179

For anyone in university/community college. I would recommend jobs that are on campus, especially the ones that are in the department related to your studies. I've got a simple office job, just doing simple clerical work and it pays $9 an hour. I work about 15 hours a week.

I also work a campus mail job, before my office job, its very simple stuff. It pays about $8 an hour. I work around 20 hours with this job.

I was quite lucky, being able to accommodate 35 hours in my weekly schedule. The work is simple, my schedule is structured. I just do my mail job, walk over to the gym, use their showers, put on fresh clothes (office appropriate) and saunter on to the next job. As a plus, HR uses an automated time logging system for employee salaries. Whenever I arrive early, I'm able to clock in quarter-till the hour. Whenever I'm done, I just like to wait a little bit to clock out. This way, my hours round up, and I get paid a little bit more.


>> No.6303209

>financial aid leftovers
>gifts from family (rare)
>soon going to start a job (>tfw have to wear ugly polo)

up until this point I've been using my extra school funds to pay for clothes, computer parts, and gas. Living at home isn't /fa/, but I don't have any friends so it doesn't amtter

>> No.6303217

Another thing I like to do is sell things on ebay. I don't own any particularly expensive items, nor do I look for expensive items. I just look for low-ticket items that always sell fast. A perfect example of such a low-ticket item is a pair of Levi's jeans. Every once in a while, I'm able to find some good pairs of Levi's 501s, 514s, 511s, and so on. Everybody loves their jeans, everybody seems to want more. And they always look for Levi's, as defacto. They are almost always a guaranteed sale. I'm usually able to sell a pair for $15 to $20, and I usually find these for $3 to $5. All these small profits add up into sizable portions.

Of course I look for leather jackets, nice shoes, etc. etc. at thrift stores. Heck, the other day, I was able to sell a Casio Sk5 to some circuit bending fiend for $60. Easy money, I tell you.

If you aren't employed, you should always know that there are opportunities to make money everywhere (except Sub-Sahara Africa).

>> No.6303235

so how much do you make per month

>> No.6303240

Do you have the capacity to learn more math beyond that? If not I don't think programming would be for you and you should disregard what I have already said.

>> No.6303247

yes i have the capacity

>> No.6303252

I passed calculus 1 with a 50

>> No.6303260

From ebay sales? I cannot give you an accurate answer. The supply of Levi's jeans and Casio keyboards isn't a steadily flowing thing. On a bad month I'm able to earn $100. That's several pairs of jeans.

This thrifting-to-ebay thing I do is strictly a hobby. I do it to pass the time, it gives me something else to do on the internet, and it gives me some good business sense. This little hobby has lined up my pockets with cash, and I put in minimal effort.

>> No.6303268

no, i mean all of your profits summed up (ebay,job)

>> No.6303293

On a month with low sales and my two jobs, I can make more than $1200 after expenses and taxes.

Since the fall semester is right around the corner, I'm going to have to quit my mail job and keep my office job.

>i mean all of your profits summed up (ebay,job)
What is "earnings"?

>> No.6303297

sorry i can't come up with the right words sometimes

>> No.6303300

Two jobs and side stuff and you're only making $1200 a month? You need to find a better job, dude.

>> No.6303313

>You need to find a better job, dude.

True, true. I don't need the money, actually. I'm actually one of the many detestable trust fund kids on this board. The thing is, I need something to spend time on over the summer.

Since I wasn't able to find an internship, I just signed up for two student jobs. Student jobs, by definition, a low wage and easy. By doing practically nothing for a few hours, I can earn a little more than minimum wage.

Jobs, thrift stores, the gym, a summer course--I've got this summer sorted out.

>> No.6303325

What are you going to school for? If you can access your trust fund money and you like risky stuff you should try investing. Get into the markets or some real estate, it's a lot of fun, just the lack of capital is what holds most people back from getting started in the first place.

>> No.6303345

I'm in the business school and I'm leaning towards Marketing. As for investing, I own a few stocks. Actually, my dad made me buy myself stocks with my own money.

His reasoning: That hopefully I wouldn't spend my money on stupid things like video games.

>> No.6303346

what do i need to start making hip hop beats

i can get hella rich from that

>> No.6303365

>business school

Hahaha! You're a real piece of shit! Why didn't you go to school for something useful like in the STEM field? I bet you think you're Don Draper with your Marketing studies. At best you're going to make pop ups for porn sites, you loser.

>> No.6303370

as if any of us who had money makin schemes would snitch to salty pleb cacs like you OP

get wrecked

>> No.6303371

please be troll

>> No.6303377


>> No.6303375

>implying you wouldn't get rich as fuck doing anything related to porn sites

>> No.6303396

>Why didn't you go to school for something useful like in the STEM field?
Nothing except Mechanical Engineering with a focus on Robotics interests me. And like you will probably suggest, I am not that smart to be in the engineering school. If I was smart enough to go through the engineering school, I sure as hell know I wouldn't be able to survive in the engineering world.

>I bet you think you're Don Draper with your Marketing studies. At best you're going to make pop ups for porn sites, you loser.
This was a very childish thing to say. I'm stumped. If I ever met you in person I would comment on your socks and sandals combo.

>> No.6303409

fuck off nat

>> No.6303416

>If I ever met you in person I would comment on your socks and sandals combo.
upper quartile lel

>> No.6303427

work overnight at a grocery store. They usually start overnight workers off with $10-12 and it's easier to move up in management

>> No.6303445

did this in high school, made good money. had to quit when i left for college though.

>> No.6303467

>upper quartile lel

Proper lel

>> No.6303994

how to cop this gig?

I've been to the grocery stores around me, but never get picked up.
Go talk to the manager or something?

>> No.6304434


ya they do. You can hire someone, give them like 10% of the money and they'll take care of everything. So its actually profitable for a person to 'care' for ~10-20 properties rent, maintenance etc for that 10%.. its all economies of scale. But its big money when its 15 * 200-300 per week

>> No.6304510

>working for someone else

Can't say I expected people from 4chan to be smart or anything, sometimes it feels like I'm the only business owner on this site.

>> No.6304544

wait do you mean like a real estate agent? with the pictres on the house theyre selling? there all like 40 years and up

>> No.6304588
File: 36 KB, 400x266, 1336848018311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see qt3.14
>into the van bitch :)))
>spaghetti everywhere
>tie her up
>"l-let's see the back"
>have some fun on my lunch break
>sell for big $$$
>mfw copped new geos

>> No.6305181

>le edgy le patrician lelele
Fuck off.

>> No.6305646

Just go ask for an application

>> No.6306081


>> No.6306086

>into the van bitch :)))

never stop posting

>> No.6306105
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>into the van bitch :)))

>> No.6306112

Start a business.

>> No.6306847


You are right, this is absolutely a giant mob industry given that in penalized people with common sense (read: perfectly capable of finding an apartment on their own) with a giant 15% premium.

I live in NYC and I honestly don't know a single goddamn person who wanted or needed a realtor outside of the fact that it's pretty much monopolized so you have no choice.

>> No.6307086


>> No.6307092


>> No.6309771

So after you get a license, what's finding a broker like in NYC?

>> No.6310769


>> No.6312028

You can do it as soon as you're 18.
Many people do. Nothing's stopping you.