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File: 56 KB, 732x354, cuny_logotype_CMYK_blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6294062 No.6294062 [Reply] [Original]

how bad is CUNY in terms of its /fa/ness and academic regard?
don't have a shot at NYU
Fordham is a reach
I want to major in business
I just really want to go to school in NYC pls /fa/

>> No.6294113

It's terrible. For business, you'd most likely want to go to Baruch, so maybe it's better? I dont know

>> No.6294116

dude if you think nyc is /fa/ you're in for a rude awakening

>> No.6294123
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>business major

>> No.6294142

>major in business
>wants to go to school in NYC

either try to climb out of this deep hole you're in right now or take your own life before it gets any worse. everything about you and your goals are offensive at multiple levels. i can't believe people like you actually exist

>> No.6294191


>> No.6294212

>"Lel fuccin' plebs! I'm an engineering/medical student, we actually do important things!!11!1 Business is for frat boys xDDD"

>> No.6294230

Are you short and/or socially awkward?

>> No.6294247

so it's really that bad as people say?
i'll definitely apply to baruch zin then, it seems to be the exception as far as i've researched
city college doesn't seem that bad either

>> No.6294251

NYU blows. Take it from an NYU student.

>> No.6294280
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>Not studying literature, philosophy or architecture


>> No.6294289


>> No.6294301

>not wanting a job

>> No.6294323

Starving artists are /fa/.
They just don't get women, jobs, or places to sleep sometimes.

>> No.6294335

Serious question:

Is it honestly worth paying such ridiculous prices for a mediocre degree? I'm Canadian, but I have a pretty decent idea of how many reputable universities are in the US. I mean honestly, how are you going to land a high-paying (or even okay paying) job in the business world with a degree from a second-class university?

In New York especially, you'll be up against the some of the best financial minds in the world - how is that degree from CUNY or Fordham going to help you?

This is part of the problem of student debt and stuff - students are paying tens of thousands (sometimes hundreds of thousands) of dollars at mediocre universities for degrees that aren't useful and that will need to be upgraded down the the road anyway.

Maybe take a year off and re-take your SAT's and take some extra high school courses to get your grades up? It can't really be that hard to do, anyone without a learning disability/other serious issues can land a 93% average (or higher) with time and hard work. I'm not trying to sound like a total asshole (though it seems I'm doing a pretty good job of it), but if you're not going to NYU/Columbia/other reputable universities in NYC, it really isn't worth going to school in New York.

>> No.6294397

Really, what benefit does a business major give you? You gonna start a business with your business major? lel

>> No.6294410

im also canadian and i definately agree with you for the most part, out of curiosity what is your major and where?

>> No.6294498


Major in Political Science (because I like to waste my parent's money) at University of British Columbia.

>> No.6294891

this really gave me something to think about for awhile

>> No.6295116


>Implying CUNY Hunter/Baurch are not great schools.
Just cause your not going to harvard doesnt mean your degree is worthless it just means you must work more to secure interships and build a network so that when you get out of college at the end of 4years you get a job immediately. I do agree going to a medicore private college is a shit waste of money when they charge as much of top private institutions. But public colleges such as CUNY are a fraction of the cost of private schools, so going to a medicore one is more acceptable.

>Maybe take a year off and re-take your SAT's and take some extra high school courses to get your grades up? It can't really be that hard to do, anyone without a learning disability/other serious issues can land a 93% average

Personally I believe taking a gap year to retake the SAT is a waste of valuable time, your better off going to a cheap college and getting all A's and reapplying again. You can also take the SAT again while your at attending that college. Unless you are going to use that time to work. Mind you the test occurs in october or december so the time between the test and when you start school is wasted lounging around.

Also I left HS with a 2.7GPA and 1880. Depends on OP's high school but its not always easy to increase your GPA. If OP is in his last year, his GPA is most likely cemented and a couple of easy A's are not going to make it move.(but then again I went to the #1 hs school in NYC according to U.S News)

>> No.6295131

>not studying at columbia
>enjoy your unemployment

>> No.6295135
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Sorry if my grammar or spelling is off. I rarely write on here

I go to pic related and am going for a physics degree. I was wait listed here and would've went to hunter had they not picked me up. Actually a lot of people from my class(2012) ended up going to hunter and love it.

>> No.6295147

What year are you in and how happy are you at UBC? I'm studying Political Science at UVic and have considered transferring to UBC, but I've been cautioned against it by my friends there, who say that I have nothing to gain but prestige.

>> No.6295150

I thought the alumni and student network there was awesome?

>> No.6295154

>not going to Harvard or Stanford

>> No.6295165


>not at wharton

future poorfags detected

>> No.6295180

>implying wharton equals Stanford GSB or Harvard Buisness School
>implying it's even in the top three

>> No.6295262

>not going to Princeton
stay pleb

>> No.6295276

What about Brown? I heard that it was a really cool place. It doesn't have the same reputation as Princeton, Harvard or Yale (it's still an Ivy, though) but the environment and the people as well as the focus on undergrads really appeal to me

>> No.6295290
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Brown legacy mane, even have a building with my name on it

>> No.6295295

That's cool. So how is it?

>> No.6295323


Haven't taken any classes yet, but I've been there many times, the most recent time was the only time I was looking for /fa/-ness and it wasn't really /fa/, but that's what you'd expect (NYU seems to rule that race.) I couldn't tell you much about the average student there though.

The building is the athletic center

>> No.6295348

I don't care if it's not /fa/, honestly.
Do you think that if I got into Brown but got waitlisted from Harvard (which was my highest reach), I should attend Brown? I used to tell myself that if I didn't get into my target university, I'd just wait a year to improve and apply again, but I've been told and realized that Brown is great and very prestigious too

The athletic center is named after your family?
Dem bragging rights, man.

>> No.6295374


Yes, definitely go to it, I can not stress that enough. Are you doing medical?

>> No.6295380

City college? I had to visit there to change my records. 137st If I remember. It is a horrible place imo. I am attending Cuny Hunter in the fall as a transfer 68st. Great location. Administration sucks though.

>> No.6295383

I'm not, I'm doing CS.
What I'm searching for is a cool environment with chill and friendly people, but most of all, I want a strong network. That's why I applied to Harvard, because of the ridiculous amount of important people who attend and potential connections you make.
Is it the same at Brown?

>> No.6295395

I got accepted to Stony Brook my senior year but I decided against it. I went to Nassau my first year for free. Got As Bs now I am in Hunter>>6295380
It wasnt my first choice I could always transfer again to Baruch later. NYU is not as great as people like to say.

>> No.6295397


Definitely, also the atmosphere you want is pretty much what you described at Brown, it's about as non-competitive as it gets at an Ivy League, also you know the build-a-major system, right?

Gotta go.

>> No.6295404

How's the University of Washington?

I'm looking to go for Bioengineering
(I know this is unrelated, but college)

>> No.6295413

university sucks and is probably the least /fa/ thing someone could do with their life.

above all, don't go to some ivy tier school in the middle of nowhere (i.e. cornell, dartmouth, brown, harvard, university of chicago, princeton, etc.) or else it will be dadcore/menswear/RL as fuccc. trust me, I know.

columbia isnt bad and hunter cuny is better than most schools in buttfuck nowhere

>> No.6295418

Yeah, I know about this system. Really cool.
You're telling me that the connections and networking are very good too? I'm looking at becoming an entrepreneur (y'know, moving to the Valley and stuff) after I'm finished studying. So I'd be going to uni for the experience and the connections, nothing else

I've also been accepted at UC Berkeley (but I don't know if it's worth it), Cornell ("lowest Ivy", hmm), UoMichigan and UoVirginia.
Brown seems to be the most attractive.

>> No.6295425
File: 487 KB, 792x1008, tumblr_m6scf5PJnA1r5rdh2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ what can I do in the city this weekend

>tfw governor's ball sold out

>> No.6295430

You sound mad because you couldn't get into the Ivies you mentioned

>> No.6295448


>harvard business school
>fucking grade-inflated joke that rides on its name value

btw, wharton is technically in the top 3. lrn to google, state school fag.

>> No.6295453

UMich* will be more fashionable than UVa* fyi, but UVa has a much better business school.

*pls spell them this way

>> No.6295476

NYU isn't all it's cracked up to be , save your money and go to CUNY , it's the same fucking degree for one tenth of the price.

this is good advice if you already live in NYC , if you live outside of NY i'd recommend you look elsewhere.

>> No.6295477

hey guys

so i'm going to be a musician, but i want to go to college anyway to have something to fall back on.

So i don't really have any interests other than making music, at least not any academic interests, so idk what i would major in. Maybe just something easy that gives me time to work on my music.

Also, i want to be in a really forward, fashionable city with a great music scene. NYC is obviously an option, but are there any decent schools there other than NYU that would work for me? I actually have very good grades/stats and stuff. NYU is just a little bit of a reach, or at least getting good financial aid there is.

I'm also thinking about maybe Montreal, but what are other cities/colleges i should look at?

>> No.6295487

I don't care if students are effay, though.
I'm talking about the student/alum network and the prestige.

>> No.6295495

What was your gps and SAT scores to get into brown?

Also what do you guys think about UC-Berkley? How hard is it to get into?

>> No.6295502

No GPA, I'm an international student
SAT was 2200

>> No.6295506

>if you live outside of NY i'd recommend you look elsewhere.
why do you say that?

>> No.6295508

Ehy are you guys saying New York isnt a /fa/ city?

it is probably the most /fa/ with chicago in second

>> No.6295520

not the same guy, but boarding and living in nyc can be expensive. If you live here already you can avoid most of that by living with your parents.

>> No.6295524

Prepare on their website

But just go to Cambridge dude

>> No.6295521

im 17 and from england, should i ry the SAT out?
does it take much revision, if any at all?

>> No.6295533

Bruh, just go to Canada

>> No.6295545

If I put "hispanic" on my app even if only one member of my distant family is hispanic, do I risk anything?

>> No.6295550


>> No.6295558

no , they can't DNA test

>> No.6295568

im predicted 3 a*s and an a(history teacher hates me) at a-level and will probably apply to LSE, cambridge, durham, UCL and bristol for law

>> No.6295572

Fuck yeah, perfect.

And it improves my chances, right?

>> No.6295590

Can Oxford and Cambridge provide the same level of professional networking than the Ivy League?
What if I don't want to work in the UK?

>> No.6295594

Every school has good student and alumni networks. If you simply utilize them (which many do not) the particulars of individual schools will account for very little.

Save money and buy presentable clothing. It will do you better than Ivy prestige + you'll look effay (which is all that matters in the long run)

>> No.6295615

they both 100% can
london unis in the uk also can,

however if you're going in to geology or other American-dominaed industries i suggest you stay there

>> No.6295616

How come so many UHNWI come from top schools if all networks are basically the same?

>> No.6295629

pls respond

>> No.6295699

Firstly, because most of them were born in a time when it was both easier and less financially strenuous to go to Ivy's. Secondly the kind of people whose fathers and grandfathers went to Ivy's are more likely to go to Ivy's *and also* more likely to continue whatever businesses their parents did. Lastly, the kind of people vain enough to put all their youth's energy into getting into the best college are also vain enough to spend all their later energies making the most money they can.

Also lastly x 2, whereas Ivy's can filter out lazy students state schools cannot. But that has little to do with the school's merit unless you think their behaviors will influence you.

>> No.6295729

I really wanna go to Stanford. It's my dream college. Chemical or petrol engineering. Do any of you go there? I have above a 4.0 and got a 31 on the ACT. What are my chances?

>> No.6295803

weighted gpa is basically irrelevant as it is entirely dependent on what kind of school you go to

probably not unless you stand out in everything else. if you're really unique/have a cool story+have good essays+have good extra curriculars then you MIGHT have a CHANCE. at that point - considering you're above the general standard for upper-tier universities - it really comes down to chance.

>> No.6295796

you'd probably want to double major with music + whatever else (accounting or education are fairly safe majors) if you want to be a musician with something to fall back on.

>> No.6295825

>tfw i did ib because every class is weighted +1 but got shit grades
>3.4 uw but 4.4 w
>realize if i just did honors + ap i wouldve had at least a 3.8 uw
>just find out weighted gpa is irrelevant

>> No.6295827

Could be awesome if you're in Stern(business), possibly awesome for Tisch(theatre acting). Not so much for CAS.

>> No.6295864

i should've said irrelevant to us, irrelevant when compared to some general population. schools like stanford will look at your gpa in the context of your school. if classes are stupid hard and everyone at the school is really smart, i'm sure you'll be fine with a lower gpa.
on the other hand, if you go to a shitty school where it's easy to get a high gpa, you best be outstanding in other areas of the app as well.

>> No.6295878

that's actually a factor in college admissions? interesting, but that's good since im in top 40 public school

pls god let me get into fordham pls god oh my jesus christ

>> No.6295896

Fordham imo was a joke. Most of my class got into it but I went to private school.

>> No.6295907

anythings better than going to school in fucking florida
>mfw GO GATERS xD for 4 years

>> No.6296136

holy fugg another stony brook student?

>> No.6296163

The guy with the alumni network problem asked interesting stuff

What are the schools witht the absolute best networks apart from Harvard and Stanford (and MIT)?

>> No.6296607

sorry but no. i went to a shitty state school sure but now i teach undergrads at university of chicago. college kids are the worst dressed evaaa

>> No.6296626

I go to a Cuny. It's a community college tho. come at me bruh

>> No.6296655


dude try Syracuse, Stonybrook, maybe canadian schools too. I'm from a NYC prep school and fashion wise... level of attractiveness and the sort, a lot of schools on the east coast are ugly. student body -wise and etc. I applied everywhere far away from this black hole of grey and boredom.

>> No.6296658

you go to bmcc?

>> No.6296663

nah fuccboi.

>> No.6296670

average brown student pop is wasp-y stoners, starving art students, happy molly poppers - all smart af or people who had daddy buy a building like dis nigglet >>6295323

>> No.6296675

>university sucks and is probably the least /fa/ thing someone could do with their life.
what alternatives even are there unless you're born with wealth

anyway i think it depends on your location, i imagine uni in a fashionable city would be great

>> No.6296678

nothin bruh
and it's rainin

>> No.6296700

ok good. i dont go there either

was just asking since thats the only cuny community college i know about

>> No.6296704

CAS is a clusterfuck. Unlike the other "unique" schools at NYU, CAS is the "default" school and it doesn't have any special common identity or unity behind it like the others. Your post-graduation networking will be what you make of things while you're in school. NYU is tough because there's such a wide range of abilities at the school for some reason, especially in CAS, from the brilliant to the absolutely retarded. You're not just going to fall into a network.

But I haven't graduated yet, so what do I know?

Chicago in second? Chicago is the capital of uncool.

I wish New York had more options in terms of schools. Aside from the public schools which are generally only attended by people from the area, the only ones that stand out from the bunch are NYU and Columbia (I won't count Fordham since it's not *that* prominent, and plus, it's in the middle of the Bronx). I suppose you could also throw NYU-Poly into that because it's good for engineering, but they're going to be fully absorbed into NYU next year, anyway. Oh, and I guess Parsons at the New School would count because they study /fa/, but obviously they're not focused on usual academics.

>> No.6296712

Williams, U Chicago


I also like the washington monthly rankings

and for level of attractiveness and social life I used to check college prowler


>> No.6296732

i-isn't a double major a lot of work?


>> No.6296741

Poly and Columbia(undergrad) are both full of aspie penguins. NYU is going to totally be lost as to what to do with Poly kids. They'll all try to move to that Cornell tech campus on Roosevelt Island as soon as it opens.

>> No.6296784

Well, I ended up talking about academics, not effayness. NYU in Greenwich Village is always going to be the most effay due to its location.

Even after Poly becomes the School of Engineering, I'm certain they'll still be known as "Poly kids" and they'll never be considered full NYU students. Especially since their campus will still be in Brooklyn and not Manhattan.

>> No.6296791

How is Columbia filled with aspies?

>> No.6296816

What year are you? I'm lonely. :c

>> No.6296834

why not go to a SUNY? like Albany or Buf?

>> No.6297021

p-pls help

>> No.6297107


>> No.6297115

I got into NYU Stern, decided I didn't want to spend 250k to mingle with smelly asians, then beg for a job/internship on wall street.

I took a full ride at a crappy state school (massachusetts) and now I'm applying to medical school. My goal is to go to Brown. Great city, nice students.

>> No.6297122


And yes I realize there will be smelly asians in medicine, too.

>> No.6297223

>not an email or a way to contact you so we can meet up to be effay together
skype: xanmato
if you ever come back to the thread

>> No.6297480

It's like a sea of asians waddling with calculators between classes. It's awesomely aspie, in the best of ways.
True, true. NYU seems so disjointed. Which can be good I guess... I'm not really sure how it makes for those wanting to switch majors though, I heard that's a real bitch. I mean I only applied for the Shanghai and Abu Dhabi campuses last year so I know next to nothing about what it would be like to actually go there. Just from interacting with, and rolling through every so often, you guys are always lost on the subway and never go past 32nd street. It's cute.

>> No.6297499


>> No.6297519

Or you could stop being a needy faggot

>> No.6297623

UMass? Or have you gone so low as to go somewhere like Fitchburg State?

>only Shanghai and Abu Dhabi

>you guys are always lost on the subway and never go past 32nd street
Shit, I know of some people who never go anywhere but their dorm and their classes.

Sophomore next year. But I'm studying abroad fall semester.

>> No.6297634

the global campuses, last year you could put down the option that they're your first choice haha.

>> No.6297644

I know, but why wouldn't you apply to New York?

>> No.6297665

Wow. I'll be a sophomore as well. What dorm are you living at?

>> No.6297718

I'm from there, born and raised. I was done and tired with the city. I didn't want to be there.

>> No.6297781
File: 145 KB, 479x640, 1360815305033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studying abroad
I don't pick my dorm for spring until sometime next semester. I'd rather not live in a 2nd Street closet, even if it's cheap, and Lafayette is on the other end of the earth, so that leaves me with Coral, or even Palladium, since it's apparently the same price. Broome is also an option if I can get over the residential college thing.

That's reasonable. But Abu Dhabi probably wouldn't be very fun. Unless you're Michele Lamy, pic related.

>> No.6298048

Yeah, I would have transferred to the Shanghai campus since I planned to take a gap year anyway. But in then end I just went with a cali school that gave me a good scholarship, am currently finishing my gap year travelling asia and working so... it's pretty fun haha. How do you like NYU?

>> No.6298083 [DELETED] 

nyc is the most /fa/ city in the us without a doubt

>> No.6298092

who knows ive heard many success stories of business majors without opening businesses

baizilla majored in business and has the income for a wardrobe that many here aspire for for exmaple

>> No.6298380

Guys, say I didn't enter my target university
I want to take a year off to prove that I can get results and then apply again

Should I?

>> No.6298683


>> No.6298711


lel you run the risk of not even wanting to go back. Don't waste your time, go to college asap and then transfer out later to whichever college you want.

>> No.6298938

Transfering out to a top school is extremely difficult.
I wouldn't take a year off to screw around, but to try and found something impressive. I know investors.

>> No.6299803

>I know investors
Go to San Francisco. Great young startup culture there

>> No.6300746

Is it /fa/?
Been thinking about moving there

>> No.6301171

More of a hipster/hippie vibe than anything. Some good streetwear though but still IMO it's the coolest city in the world.

>> No.6301233

Business? Baruch.

Bro, Business wise, It's who you know and who
know's you back. The degree is just so whoever
gives you the hookup doesn't look stupid.
Got a hookup with multiple intern apps on wall street. Have actually networked with a few people in high places myself. Half the time it's being at the right place at the right time.
Everyone and their mom studies Business in NY and it's very rare they get a job in it because they don't know anyone.
It's sad but the truth. Doesn't matter what college you go to. You're still going to have to get out and get your hands dirty. Also,
NY is far from /fa/. For the most part.