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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 105 KB, 500x212, what are you wearing today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6287170 No.6287170 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread is full. Time for a new one.

>> No.6287226
File: 186 KB, 874x1280, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a lot of trouble finding guymode shorts that fit me, i found these and bought 4 pairs in a dark teal, terracota, navy, and khaki color... good/bad decision?
im also female

>> No.6287236
File: 222 KB, 1403x463, IMGP9918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shoes because I've just been at home studying.

>> No.6287249

Your hips are slightly wide but otherwise you look very male to me, so congrats if that's what you're going for.

As for the shorts you need ones that taper slightly towards the bottom, they'd look much nicer.

Overall the colours don't really do it for me, though.

>> No.6287260

yeah my waist hip ratio is pretty ridiculous, hence the shirt being so baggy in the midsection. and the colors are off from it being dawn but i can see how they wouldn't appeal, but thanks overall

>> No.6287262

What sweater is that? looks comfy :3

>> No.6287265

everything seems a little bit too big, but i like the sweater

>> No.6287274

nice legs m8. you could rock skinny jeans really easily.

>im also female


>> No.6287295

It's sportscraft, very comfy

Yeah I need to give the jeans and jumper a few minutes in the dryer to shrink it back a bit. The jeans have a weird cut anyway, though. They're skinny on the leg but get lose about half way up the thigh.

>> No.6287325
File: 2.55 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_3567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too much grey i feel, really need some black brogue boots (plz tom bro)

>> No.6287331

For some reason my phone isn't letting the picture fully upload so for now I'll just tell you and keep trying to upload:

Light pink polo ralph lauren polo with a light blue logo and light blue chubbies to match the logo.. also wearing chaco flip flops

>> No.6287336

> Light pink polo ralph lauren polo

>> No.6287340

Looks like too much layering to me. Are you wearing a denim shirt under neath that pullover?

>> No.6287341

>Look like a self righteous poser every time you post.
>Appear to take yourself too seriously
>live like an animal (in just that one photo you have at least three used bowls that should be washed and put away

Sort your shit out

>> No.6287344
File: 58 KB, 726x590, 1352619414705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Light pink polo ralph lauren polo with a light blue logo and light blue chubbies to match the logo
>Light pink polo ralph lauren polo with a light blue logo and light blue chubbies to match the logo
>Light pink polo ralph lauren polo with a light blue logo and light blue chubbies to match the logo

>> No.6287346


Nice, your color palette looks very consistent.

>> No.6287347

I can't upload pictures either, so I'll just describe my outfit...

Rick Owens... Raf Simons... Usually what I'm dressed in.

>> No.6287356

yeah, its kinda cold bro need it
better than awkward smile

>> No.6287360
File: 183 KB, 480x640, Photo on 2013-06-06 at 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup fags

>> No.6287370


why u standing like that son

>> No.6287380

terrible at selfies

>> No.6287392

Love the drapes on hoodies.

>> No.6287471
File: 343 KB, 430x754, w12123141e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which shoes should i go with?
pls rate/comment

>> No.6287480


pretty k00l

id on boots/hoodie/everything? B)

>> No.6287484

Jesus Christ were do you guys live... It's the 6th of June and you faggots are wearing sweaters and coats?

>> No.6287481


>> No.6287500

Not everyone lives in the northern hemisphere...

>> No.6287511

even taking different hemispheres into account there are plenty of places in the northern hemisphere that are cold still

>> No.6287513

I live in Australia and it's fucking cold. I either freeze or get my music drowned out by my loud as fuck heater.

>> No.6287514
File: 49 KB, 521x600, 1369246562040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Toronto, last friday
>27C, (30+ if you count the humidity)
>On the subway
>Solving a crossword, avoiding eye contact
>see a pair of geobaskets move on my field of vision
>look up
>Standard issue goofninja uniform, including the hood + layering
>30 fucking degrees + ~85% humidity

>> No.6287516

but do your washing up

>> No.6287519


>You never know if americans are trolling or just stupid.jpg

>> No.6287523
File: 291 KB, 791x986, fabrixquare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love the seams on the jacket.

>> No.6287529

my nigga

>> No.6287526

sick layering game bruh

>> No.6287533

I live an hour from seattle in the mountains - definitely chilly enough for a jacket

It won't hit 60 all week with the exception of possibly today

I didn't post fits though - just saying

>> No.6287532

w2c jacket

>> No.6287539

Good as usual.

The posture ruins everything, otherwise nice.

Roshes, obviously. They'd better be with black swoosh though.

Fucking awesome. Do you have a tumblr?

>> No.6287544

Dat filename, nice joke. Source on jacket?

>> No.6287545

You look like a faggot in a video game.

>> No.6287546

fuck off dad

>> No.6287548

It's better than to look like a faggot in real life like you m8

>> No.6287547

>implying this isn't the best fit in the thread

>> No.6287554 [DELETED] 
File: 733 KB, 1200x2133, Horriblelightingnewbomber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the picture is awefull, the lighting, sleeves are a bit long, etc..

But my new jacket just got in the mail and I really wanted to post a picture :)

>> No.6287556

t-thanks. I have but I don't post anything there, just use it to follow some artists.

Obscur sample.

>> No.6287558

the length of the jacket against the length of the shirt looks a bit odd to me

either try a different shirt or lose the jacket

>> No.6287560

is that the Richard Simons for Mr.Turner collab?

what shoes?

>> No.6287562

I really wish I could pull off this kind of fit

alas, such is the struggle of a south american/american

>> No.6287565

You'd better start post there, I love your fit.

>> No.6287567

yes it is fuccboi

>> No.6287570

Its a really short jacket meant to show off the layers and I was wearing my workshirt because I got home from exams and its a quite long one so yeah proportions are off but the jacket is meant to be that short.

It is the rick simons jacket. Shoes are just random black sneakers nothing special.

>> No.6287585

>tfw someone pulled off shorts over leggings right
Son, you make me proud.

>> No.6287589


>> No.6287592

this is an obvious joke fuccboi

>> No.6287596

do those leggings cover your feet completely or stop at ankles?

I've been trying to get into the leggings game but my biggest concern is what to do with that break from ankles to sneakers when wearing low tops

>> No.6287613


>> No.6287626


Yeah, that was a joke.

They stop at ankles and when unworn are looking like half-of-my-leg length. The best would be to wear hi-tops, but it's okay to leave a n ankle space with low-tops (though I've never seen a leggings+lowtops fit, usually its high/midtops or sandals). Try to use socks if you want to cover that space, why not?

>> No.6287639

killin' it

>> No.6287692
File: 310 KB, 400x808, P6060047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I wear this to a job interview?

>> No.6287699

Your colors are fucking off m8, and what kind of job?

>> No.6287706

summer internship at a logistics company

>> No.6287760


shit fit would not hire

>> No.6287761

Yes, but the fit looks like shit.


>> No.6287769

Try standing up straighter. You look insecure.

>> No.6287776

how bouff u suck mah dick u curry infested ho

captcha $17.50 urawho

>> No.6287781

>people call me gay
>whatever will i do
>i know i'll cop some leggings

>> No.6287782

lool are you the guy from mu i remember you

do you remember matt helders?

>> No.6287792

maybe he is gay who the fuck cares

>> No.6287793


sadly, quit changing your trip its getting hard to keep up

>> No.6287802
File: 82 KB, 538x717, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the first day of the year on which it is ok to wear shorts outside over here. Hence the white legs.

>> No.6287869


>people actually think this looks good

welp, time to leave /fa/

>> No.6287868

Why do you have those pleb pics of NY on your ceiling?

>> No.6287880

Parents gave them to me for my birthday, don't have the heart to tell em they look ugly.

I am working on a replacement for it, should be ready soon.

>> No.6287898

Dem legs.

>> No.6287900
File: 104 KB, 500x669, I-rafed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls be in london now lets see front baeb<3

>> No.6287904

bye leddit fag, you won't be missed

>> No.6287936

Sick fit, I like your drapes.

>> No.6287953


I normally wear techninja, and this is basically the only pieces of clothing I have which look remotely >office

is it possible to dress non-mfa to a job interview?

>> No.6287970

shutup stop lying u dont and fit looks shit now off /fa w/ u. >>ledditmfa

>> No.6287975

ok :(

im not lying tho

>> No.6288053
File: 142 KB, 463x1403, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6288057
File: 609 KB, 1500x2000, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6288065

id on sneakers? they look exactly like cp mids just w/o numbers.

>> No.6288066


its a reddit tier fit though, it is fucking horrible

the proportions are wack as shit, its visibly unaesthetic

>> No.6288071

yeah, yeah, no need to prove you're leddit expert. now back to mfa you go fag

>> No.6288079
File: 132 KB, 683x858, WAYWT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah sure why not

Your sweater is too large so no
You should shorten the sleeves but you already knew that
You layered pretty damn well good on you
Ones on the right, always

>> No.6288082

probs svensson then

>> No.6288084

the sweater is fine

>> No.6288086

This is officially the dumbest shit I've seen on /fa/ today. You should lurk more, dad.

>> No.6288087


hnng, no boobs though.

>> No.6288088

looks really good from back
have you got a front pic
what are the pieces?

>> No.6288090

what shoes? looks really good btw

>> No.6288095


>> No.6288099


>> No.6288106


>> No.6288104

post full body

>> No.6288109



it's honestly one of the worst fits ive seen on /fa/

the only people that would call it good are LITERAL fucking newfags that have just made their first order on fabrixquare

damn, man

>> No.6288112


where ur tits at HAHAHA mosquito BITES hahahahha

>> No.6288113

stay jelly pleb

>> No.6288119

post fit
>implying you're not too scared

>> No.6288120

Wow, all that shit talk and fit is yet to be posted. C'mon, I am waiting fuccboi.

>> No.6288121

I agree with you, I don't like it either. The layering is good though

>> No.6288116


>> No.6288124


good post

if you really think its so good, why don't you post it on a forum that isn't this shit hole, this board is worst than reddit mfa, im being serious

post it on sufu/sz and i guarantee it would get laughed at

>> No.6288126

Who the fuck are you and why do you trip?

>> No.6288131

why would I post a fit from 4chan at any other place
it's as retarded as kids posting fits from these forums here

>> No.6288135

>calls this board a shit hole
>still posts on it
face it, 4chan is the best website on the whole internet

>> No.6288136

so mad. just wow.

>> No.6288138
File: 176 KB, 618x753, WAYWTshoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh no
yes yes Im flat I know
So you can see me in my full wig form? meh...
Ah thanks, well im not sure yet I could go with he ridiculous statement with these, but maybe too much (then again what else are louboutins for?)

>> No.6288141

I'm the CEO of fabrixquare

>> No.6288145


>> No.6288146
File: 38 KB, 500x375, morning-awesome-photos-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet all you fags wake up everyday only concerned about what youre gonna put on and trying on a million different things just to see what people on /fa/ think.

>> No.6288147

post more pics of yourself in these heels

>> No.6288150


>> No.6288151

Is it bad except the part we dress for ourselves? No, it's not.

>> No.6288157

pls be in london

>> No.6288152



>> No.6288155


i aint even mad

im just telling it like it is, the fit fucking sucks.....ok the fit isn't completely horrible, but it certainly doesn't deserve all that praise..

you know i just get the image of people that have come from boards like /v/ and /jp/ 2 weeks ago arguing with me about whether or not it is good

>> No.6288158


>> No.6288164

Chief keef?

>> No.6288160

more pics pls

>> No.6288165

so fucking hot
post more pics gurl

>> No.6288166
File: 38 KB, 638x460, 1365867775594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6288171

I am still waiting for your fit fuccboi.

>> No.6288169

lets see the back

>> No.6288170


>> No.6288173


>> No.6288174

>tfw you're not an egyptian pharaoh
Somebody hold me
What is that?
haha well as flattered as I am, I think I shouldnt rape this thread

>> No.6288175

post pic of you standing in them

>> No.6288176

Ok, let's see your fit which obviously will support your opinion.

>> No.6288184

I agree with you but since you talk shit you must post fit

>> No.6288178

post fit talk shit get hit lemme clap em chckz

>> No.6288181

I do believe you have already hijacked it. Could be a bad thing, could be a good thing.

>> No.6288183

pls rape it as hard as you can

>> No.6288189

how about u worry bout dem picz tho n-n-no homo

>> No.6288186

post more pics

>> No.6288187


see what i mean? who saves pics like this? fucking cancers that have literally just joined the board

just compare this guys fit to say someone like mammadods, mammadods fits are actually good, the silhouette, the layering, it looks like he had an image of what he wanted to look like a created it, waited for items and bought them

then you look at this guy, just screams "i bought all this random stuff and threw it on" a very good quote actually "Essentially what I'm saying is: No matter what, if the internet is your primary source of influence you'll come out looking wacky or like shit "

he does look wacky as shit

>> No.6288190

Even if you lost weight it would still look bad

>> No.6288191

so fucking hot

>> No.6288193

>tfw no qt flat chested gf with hot heels

>> No.6288198


>pls respond

>> No.6288200


since 1-2 years ago, /fa/ was taken over by A$ap rocky faggotry, tumblr, and "p-post a f-fit fuccboi" garbage, and 17 year olds

I only come here when /mu/ is being worse than usual

>> No.6288207

post a fit maddy u mad?

>> No.6288208

post more gurl

>> No.6288214


yes i know this

im just saying its not even funny and u must be a very dull cunt to think it is funny


fucking meme spouting cancer

>> No.6288219

more plss

>> No.6288221


>> No.6288259

let's see the back, fuccgrill

>> No.6288411
File: 86 KB, 607x695, tttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no pyrex

>> No.6288428

you don't need pyrex but ditch these cargo shorts. Shorts should be w/o pockets.

>> No.6288436

imo the shorts are too wide compared to the skinniness of the leggings, maybe get them taken in a bit
tee should be a bit drapier for this look, again there's too much tightness for the look
i think high-tops would work better cause it's too much of an L shape with the skinny legs and low tops
no offence 4 any criticism

>> No.6288459

do you guys go out in public dressed like this?

>> No.6288461

Cheers guys, going shopping tomorrow so will fix it up.

>> No.6288470

tbh for this look you really need to drop stacks, not really poss to do it on a budget

>> No.6288480

I forgot to add it's really better for shorts to match the meggings in terms of color. Try to look for black.

>> No.6288497

Moneys not a problem m8, just new here so not dropped much. Let me know what I'd need if you can please.


>> No.6288509

can;t really tell you what to buy, but if your new maybe just lurk waywt/inspo threads (look on sufu waywt too) and then slowly cop shit
it would be a bad idea to cop loads of shit now cause ur taste is probably gonna change and switch pretty rapidly as you get inspired by diff things

>> No.6288515

>it would be a bad idea to cop loads of shit now cause ur taste is probably gonna change and switch pretty rapidly as you get inspired by diff things
This. Trying to unload some shit as norse projects, apc, samurais and so on now.

>> No.6288519

yeah i sorta did a similar thing (although on a small scale cause i dont have much cash anyway) but probably spent about £200-300 i didn't need to

>> No.6288527

Good advice, guess I am being a little eager, should the shorts be above knee or below knee?

>> No.6288532

generally above, but if u going for a drapey rick style look below is cool, but it's gotta look orchestrated

>> No.6288544
File: 1014 KB, 2581x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought this slim fit blazer. I'm 6'1 150. But when I button it the sides seem to pull in a lot and it sort of looks like a women's fit. Does it look bad?

My pants are an awful fit I know. I don't wear them out.

>> No.6288549

Let's see the London you fat piece of back

>> No.6288555


it's okay

>> No.6288584
File: 33 KB, 480x610, IMG_2613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not true actually. Check ricks shorts/pants combo, it's above knee as well. Of course, his drkshdw shorts would be below knee, but they aren't meant to be worn with pants or leggings.

>> No.6288589

shoulders look too wide if anything

>> No.6288590

It's awesome, you've played layering game really good.

>> No.6288609


Think it's just because I had my arm up to take the pic. It looks better with my arms at the sides

>> No.6288627
File: 626 KB, 641x793, Picture 270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

helmut bomber
random white tee
helmut moto trousers
rick spiral zips

>> No.6288634

what turnleft aspires to dress like

>> No.6288645

not really tl just dresses like shit in general

more like what all the goof failures aspire to dress like

>> No.6288652


noyce, liking the jacket wit the boots

>> No.6288656

User, I tend to fin helmut a lot cheaper than other designers who are "up there". What's the deal?

>> No.6288658

try hard detected. Why don't you take your dirty bowl and wear it as a helmet?

>> No.6288669

It's a pity that you didn't show the red nose and the giang clownshoes in the picture :(

>> No.6288687


old helmut lang is only popular within niche circles. The rare pieces from the bondage/astronaut collections tend to be the most expensive (~2002-2005)

but for the most part, he isnt designing any more and there isnt significant interest. Also, mens pieces fit extremely boxy, and the cut on some pieces is visibly out of date, which is another issue if youre looking for garments with a very current/modern fit.



also i think turnleft has a diff. kind of style than me. i like high contrast/minimal/black and white outfits much more than he does just judging from the stuff he posts.

>> No.6288688


>> No.6288712

oh ok thanks
i was p. confused cuz i found his pants for like 55 lmao

>> No.6288737
File: 129 KB, 480x640, 1366592168792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah everything except the "grail" or rare pieces wont cost much.

people will pay a lot for stuff like this.

>> No.6288748

>it isn't black so its bad.
Fuck you man I wear what I like and I like fun floral's.

>> No.6288752

yeah i get that now lel
that's a funny coat

>> No.6288759


>> No.6288769

you can't really see the numbers on black cps tbh

>> No.6288778 [DELETED] 

http://www.watchmainiti.com/ Durex Fundawear uses hint technology [url=http://www.watchmainiti.com/]マークジェイコブ&#12473[/url] by placing actuators in the underwear which is next remotely stimulated using an app that can be controlled via mobile phones and computers, therefore replicating the sense of human touch. How. sexy?
http://www.watchjphouse.com/ Couples hoping to use Fundawear style worry about their [url=http://www.bvtokyo.com/]ボッテガヴェネタ アウトレット[/url] undies looking like robots. [url=http://www.watchjphouse.com/]時計 メンズ[/url] Bille Whitehouse, a designer for Durex, says in a video tutorial that "everyone's who's attempted the garment on possesses said how [url=http://www.watchmainiti.com/]ハミルトン 腕時計[/url] comfortable they may be, how good they sense in them.
http://www.bvtokyo.com/ Nicely, that can now become a real possibility as Durex [url=http://www.bvtokyo.com/]ボッテガヴェネタ アウトレット[/url] Australia not long ago released "fundawear, " a product that they say allows "touch to be [url=http://www.watchjphouse.com/]アルマーニ 時計[/url] transferred online. "

>> No.6288802

Dear god this is one of the worst fits I've seen on this fucking board. I give up

>> No.6288811

>Black pants
>Brown shoes

>> No.6288815

Needs Iron. SHow me dem shoes cuh

>> No.6288833

oh lawd. Please don't

>> No.6288868

>talks shit, doesn't post fit
Come on, you know the rules.

>> No.6288962

fucking meme cancer! I remember when /b/ was good

oh yes good times snacks lmao :)

>> No.6289005
File: 56 KB, 303x867, wawye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6289014

Fit makes ur hips look pigdisgusting.

>> No.6289015


just kidding, you should get raws though

>> No.6289021

top lel

>> No.6289076


Rick pod shorts would look good on your fit.

>> No.6289091 [DELETED] 

nice fit as usual

>> No.6289107

tinie tempah before starting to work out
tank top and jeans fit enhance the appearance of wide hips

>> No.6289122

Ok ok I get it, I already know

>ditch cargo shorts
>no pockets
>shorts above knee
>shorts matching leggings
>hi tops
>baggier shirt

What else do I need to fix? Give some tips at least.

>> No.6289411
File: 841 KB, 1840x3264, IMAG0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6289421

dude you picked the wrong clothe size and why the fuck do you have a skirt ? wtf man

>> No.6289429

> tfw too poor for rick owens

>> No.6289434

from the looks of it, i think you stretched your rick tank. Wash and flat dry that shit so it's not so damn loose.

>> No.6289435

Sales, man.

>> No.6289437

absolutely horrible

>> No.6289439

Hardly worn it, tbh. Been way too cold. Will do, though.

>> No.6289448


>> No.6289451

pretty bad
it looks like you tried to imitate an inspiration image while having no taste whatsoever

>> No.6289461

Wearing skirted pants with just a tee is awful, please don't. Especially if that tee is a tank. Try rick's shorts, see >>6288584.
No matter if you wear a skirt or a shorts, don't stretch it that much (there are some rick pieces which are like this unstretched, don't wear them). Make an accent on what do you wear at bottom so choose shorter. A double tee (rick as well) would compliment that fit much better.

I approve of your efforts trying to walk that rick road, you have a long way to go but it's okay.

>> No.6289466

silhouette is really ugly

>> No.6289491

is it even worth posting a pic of myself if i don't have a decent body? somehow i get the feeling i'll be judged. for posting on the internet. oh the horror.

>> No.6289503

yes because we are going to call you fat so you're even more motivated to lose weight
honestly you shouldn't even try to be /fa/ unless you're skinny

>> No.6289505

does it matter if you post or not?

>> No.6289508

Well, if you're lucky you will get some criticism on your clothes as well. Most of if would be on your body of course but you know - you can just ignore it.

>> No.6289553
File: 69 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2013-06-06 at 23.19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who said i want to be /fa/? all you guys like are obviously cuntboys and hungry skeletons dressed in a couple of black drapes.
hardly, but i don't have anywhere else to ask.
eh, i'll take the chance, i guess.

is it acceptable to wear a bra with a dress with a back like this? it's kind of transparent, but it's somewhat of a trend in sweden to wear clothes that you can see your underwear through. currently i'm also wearing skin-coloured underwear so at least that won't be noticerable. i suppose another option is a free-bra, but to be honest, that really wouldn't flatter my chest due to crappy genetics. front pic inc.

>> No.6289556
File: 70 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2013-06-06 at 23.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

front pic.

>> No.6289566

they're navy

>> No.6289571

wtc jacket

>> No.6289572

the strap looks really bad, go braless

>> No.6289573

Trap detected

>> No.6289577

why is your body so manly

>> No.6289580

Are you in Sweden?

Either way it's trashy looking. Which is cool if that's what you're going for. Personally I don't mind.

>> No.6289604
File: 77 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2013-06-06 at 23.31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, wouldn't wanna make people puke.
i think this dress makes my shoulders seem wide. i've actually got a surprisingly violin-shaped body due to fat hips.
yes, i am. also, i was going for the look that'd hopefully not make people notice the fact that i basically never dress in anything else than jeans and sweaters. is it close enough?

also, i plan on wearing this jacker. is that a bad choice?

>> No.6289624

uggggggghhhhhhh my eyes

>> No.6289643

you could at least have been creative with your insult.

>> No.6289665

do you ever use your shoulders to crush coconuts

>> No.6289672

sry im sleepy

>> No.6289688

coconuts are expensive, i wouldn't want to waste my money on them.

can't even insult people on the internet properly, even while sleepy? i'm disappointed. hopefully my pictures will give you nightmares, at least. or even just a reason to close your eyes and go to sleep.

>> No.6289713

in the future get dresses that aren't as hugging around the hips and waist and it'll draw less attention to your shoulders

>> No.6289742

noted, thank you for the advice.

>> No.6289841

>fit is on point
>house is a mess

>> No.6289943
File: 25 KB, 294x313, 1358115662573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>leave /fa/ for like 6-7 months
>come back to see a random ass waywt thread before i go shopping
>still see ninjagothfags being serious about it spending more money on an outfit than a normal persons wardrobe

>> No.6290000

Hey shrugs, could you post a picture of your hair?
also what product do you use

also posting any fits of yours would be sick

>> No.6290007

my dick is laughing
my mouth is not

>> No.6290467

your posture is a little different. Where are dem shoes at?

>> No.6290681


>> No.6290687

Are those james perse shorts?

>> No.6290690
File: 64 KB, 540x720, 1369371312965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go easy

>> No.6290699

i actually loled just now

>> No.6290713

>implying he won't roundhouse you with his snake skin boots

>> No.6290744

som1 make new thread, almost at bump limit

>> No.6290764

man you used to be one of the boys and then you started wearing skirts and shit. I feel like I don't even know you anymore, bro.

>> No.6290789

nice belt, you need some white pointy shoes though

>> No.6290828

lookin good

love that jacket

>> No.6290892

This isn't a very flattering photo but I'm actually extremely skinny IRL. I'm actually trying to put on weight because my BMI is slightly under what it should be because I have a metabolism that's stuck in overdrive.

>> No.6290894
File: 75 KB, 346x923, waywt07june13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what I was wearing earlier. Had a job interview. Basic business casual, took the coat off when I came inside.
>mfw the interviewer showed up in jeans and a hoodie
>mfw I have no face

>> No.6290911

I'm not a fan of dresses with such a wide open back. Having more or a back to it would also cover your bra strap.

Do you swim? You have a swimmer's body.

>> No.6290917


you look like a school shooter

>> No.6290918

W-Whatever, d-ddddude. You just don't get i-it.

>> No.6290926

>Hair looks like it has way too much product in it
>Get a belt that doesn't have a logo on it
>White shirts never really look too good if the buttons are anything other than white

Though it's fine if you out dressed the interviewer, I guess.

>> No.6290943

lolwut. Why? Is it the trench coat? I copped a thigh length because I'm a manlet and anything longer can start migrating into neckbeard pedo territory.

It's pomade, shiny as fuck I know. I get a mad 80s bouff otherwide.
yeah I'm a bit over the belt myself too

captcha: Funrwas coffee
>mfw I was interviewing for a barista position

>> No.6290957
File: 131 KB, 249x332, Screen Shot 2013-06-06 at 8.04.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id on suli's shoes??

>> No.6290968

hello mfa

>> No.6290992
File: 306 KB, 2128x882, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got no new fit pics at the moment but i took a pic of my hair for you
i was trying having it down the other day but didnt get a picture of it i'll try it again later after i shower and stuff

i use v05 extreme style matt clay paste, its my favourite so far

>> No.6291062
File: 238 KB, 533x711, 971868_295306287272093_1614150969_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am not a brave man

>> No.6291078

nice ikea bowls faggot

>> No.6291177
File: 122 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 7-06-13 at 11.40 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6291190

god damn really like this. looks really good
what race are you if you dont mind me asking

>> No.6291198

why would someone care if you ask their race

>> No.6291203

He wants to know if shes asian

>> No.6291206

shutup, chinese boy.

>> No.6291212

info on pantaloons???

>> No.6291216

i'd be surprised if she wasn't

>> No.6291229

and shoes

ok fit not feelin the sweatshirt =^)

>> No.6291273

Levi 510 Skinny Fit, Sung Blue, 27Wx30L

Supra Skytops. I feel you on the sweatshirt, I can't wait until fall/winter so I can wear jackets without melting

>> No.6291281


>> No.6291285

Looks really good. Would double-take if I passed you on the street, although you necklaces make you look like the 2chainz album cover

>> No.6291302


tights and chains are tacky

>> No.6291305
File: 117 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 7-06-13 at 11.42 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, shoes.

yes, i'm asian.

>> No.6291311
File: 26 KB, 300x250, are you ready for the dose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chinese boy
who the fuck even says this

are there kneepads under ur jeans

>> No.6291312

Looks awful and tacky as hell no matter what the thirsty niggas say.

>> No.6291313

shirt/pants/blazer are all bad

also, what is on your mirror? genuinely curious

>> No.6291316

tights are lame and skirt is too short

>> No.6291324

I actually love this kind of dress on flatchests

..and you ruined it.

>> No.6291326


Hate these shoes. Almost would've been better as a simple flat with a platform.

>> No.6291333

I'm not a fan of the fake laces on the stockings and the 'cute' inwards knees.

It's fine otherwise

>> No.6291336

how many of these pics do you have? do you make them all?

>> No.6291338

No kneepads. Bony knees

>> No.6291340

I this looks cute if you are a qt3.14 azn grl

id like to see it with an a-line skirt for maximum cute though

>> No.6291351


>> No.6291421

yo wtf
various sources including myself

>> No.6291777
File: 624 KB, 786x1800, KTT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Showing KTT some stax

>> No.6291783

berry when are you going to be over this tweenage goth fad bullshit?

it's not a knock off rick piece ITS MY LIFE!!!!

>> No.6291809

when you stop being fat

>> No.6291841
File: 163 KB, 500x660, hititcrowbar_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6291849

Stay there faggot.

>> No.6291878

dem hobbit feet

>> No.6291890

she mad

>> No.6291907


hnnnnnnnng. plz b in vancouver. you're probably in straya though.

>> No.6291951

talk shit post tit B)

>> No.6291969

skirt is too short

but im just a kissless virgin dont take what i say seriously =/

>> No.6292025
File: 68 KB, 327x638, waywt07june13 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I got that monochrome, draping and silhouetting game?

>> No.6292062

no way lol

>> No.6292063

tighter pants/jeans

>> No.6292065



>> No.6292080


>> No.6292103

wut do?

>> No.6292124

your fit is too formal to layer a long shirt/tank/watev that is under blazer. just doesn't make sense

>> No.6292131

Can I make it less formal? It's just a plain black slim suit.

>> No.6292155

take a better pic

>> No.6292172
File: 60 KB, 480x640, Snapshot_20130607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

standing straight with button done up and collar down.

I really want to into monochrome and more "high fashun" type looks, but I don't want to go full goof

>> No.6292186

a shirt under a blazer isn't a bad thing pls stop yo

what is happening is it puffing out in the front
does it not fit or something

>> No.6292184

bold graphic tee w/deep V-neck and bulky gold chain
add fedora
complete w/red hightops

on a serious note tho there are varying degrees of formality...also what shoes are you going to wear with this?

>> No.6292188

I can't decide if the jacket is too wide at the shoulders or you're too narrow.

It looks to me yuo got a slightly large jacket and had it suppresed in the waist right? The issue is here that the balance is thrown off as it's still too big aruond the chest as I presume the arm holes are low.

If the Jacket was smaller or you were bigger it wouldn't be that much of an issue for me.

That said, I'm a bit of a stickler for tailoring.

>> No.6292220
File: 35 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20130607_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In the pic you can't see but I was wearing dull black captoe derbies. Don't own any other black shoes. Could wear burgundy vans. Don't have anything else that would look good with it

I never thought it was :/ it could be a little bit too big, or that could just be the peak lapels playing tricks with your eyes

it's a 36. I'm actually a 35, which doesn't exist. All my suits and blazers vary between 34 and 36, depending on where I get them. It's never had any alterations done to it. The waist came like that because it's supposed to imitate Savile Row shit.

here's a closer pic of the armholes/chest. Could be tighter around the side of the chest, but that's something torturous and expensive that I'd never make a tailor do.

>> No.6292274

fuccboicore is the new /fa/

>> No.6292308

just realised you're wearing a t shirt. Try a shirt cause you're just not filling up the jacket. Either that or consider saving up and just getting a made to measure jacket made.

The cut of the jacket and fabric doesn't really leave room for it to be a relaxed style.