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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 198 KB, 500x667, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6277094 No.6277094 [Reply] [Original]

/fit/ here. I have no idea how to dress myself. Throw me a bone here, /fa/ (but make sure it's clean and dry or I might be tempted).

Pic isn't me but it's close enough. Assume I have a belly but that it's thinner around than my chest and shoulders are.

>Entire thread telling me to lose weight

But muh gains. There's gotta be something better than t's and camo.

>> No.6277109
File: 124 KB, 480x640, 1365472253358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go lumberjack-core or something

>> No.6277115
File: 225 KB, 640x480, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know how to do that.

>> No.6277118

can you deadlift 600lbs raw ? no ? then you're not bearmode, just fat and sould lose weight.

>> No.6277117
File: 107 KB, 640x480, gr9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat chan where r uuuuuu?!

>> No.6277123

Keep beard wear stripped wool button ups and some ok jeans. There you go youre every decent looking large white man ever.

>> No.6277135

Thanks. What kind of shoes? Also, say I had a semi-formal date coming up...

400, it's enough

>Knowing reasonable PRs for hobbyists

>> No.6277138
File: 653 KB, 1000x676, Red-Clay-Soul-Flannel-Shirt-Collection-21[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dark denim
woollen flannel shirt
axe optional

>> No.6277148

600lbs is reasonable for bearmode. but that's whatever. just saying that a cut hasn't hurt anyone yet.

>> No.6277160

uniqlo flannel
raw denim selvage straight cut
some sort of tough leather boots that are really minimalist
and grow stubble

>> No.6277165

b-but muh bearmode! what /fit/ will say?!

>> No.6277171


>> No.6277172

Thanks. Is there anything I can wear in hotter weather or on a semi-formal date?

It is, if you're hyperbearmode, spending all your time in the gym. I'm just overweight-but-moderately-strong; 400 at 230-240lbs is okay for my experience level. The pics after the OP aren't representative of me at all; I can look down and see my cock without bending over and everything.

>> No.6277183

idk just a plain white dress shirt maybe

fit will be the most important thing

r u gay btw >__>

>> No.6277187


>> No.6277188
File: 204 KB, 800x600, 1369182711192-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(i ask because if its not a body type fetishism thing, I don't understand why you're so against losing weight)

>> No.6277189
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>> No.6277193

daww. ok. yeah. then don't lose the weight if you don't want to -- be who you are. :)

I assumed that was a gay joke in OP hehehe.

>> No.6277222
File: 24 KB, 86x102, Screen Shot 2013-05-23 at 4.03.50 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats your shoe size and price range for a nice pair of boots?

>> No.6277224

What up with fanatnos body man.

I cant tell if hes just huge and thick or just fat.

His face is really slim and his clothes never reveal.

no homo

>> No.6277230


Barrel Chested

>> No.6277240

I know a guy who is legit just big boned. He doesn't lift and doesn't eat much but he looks fat but when you go hug him hes solid.

>> No.6277257

It's more a utility thing. I'm healthy - by actual medical standards, wherein I go in every year and the doctor tells me to come back when I get skin cancer like the rest of my family and then throws me out for wasting his time - so it would be more of a fetish if I cried myself to sleep every night because I can't be a thin kawaii twink without starving myself.

It was actually a fat joke but I guess Freud and you have me pegged.

(Thanks for the blessings coooltop-kun-chan :3)

>> No.6277267


>> No.6277275

being thin does not magically make you less healthy, you can easily be perfectly healthy as a thin person.

if you aren't a gay bear you would do yourself a big favor to lose weight

>> No.6277295

>"I can look down and see my cock without bending over and everthing"
lel fit ur funnier than I thought
r ther actully ppl ths fat?

>> No.6277302

>tfw when only gays like bearmode...

>> No.6277312

just go lumberjack-core 24/7 man

move to canada if you have to, vermont maybe

it's the only thing that has a chance of looking remotely okay unless you lose fat

>> No.6277329


You have no place here. Nor should you be seen.

>> No.6277335


yo this isnt bear mode

this is just straight up obesity ok

you are the same as obese women

>> No.6277349
File: 104 KB, 423x635, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bear appreciation thread!

>> No.6277357

be nice. He came here for help.

OP, you are a bit limited by your size, but most stores will have things that fit you. If you don't like Lumberjack, but are adamant about yer gainz, try to go Hollywood style. Darker oxfords, chinos, and grow out that stubble. Get A pair of dark, squareish shades. Become a buff Jonah hill.

>> No.6277623

yohji yamamoto my brother
please do it

>> No.6277632

on his channel it used to say vegan bodybuilder

that was in like 2009 or something tho

>> No.6277650

You let yourself go mike ;_;

>> No.6277658

Wear a fedora and fingerless gloves fucking neckberd

>> No.6277659

God, I want that body mode so bad.

>> No.6277665


lol youre just fat

gotta pull like 550 min to be bearmode for sure

>> No.6277714

You'd have more of an argument if you mentioned how height/weight played in. A short dude is going to have trouble hitting high weights but he can still be mini-bear mode.

>Implying this isn't the anon from before trying to save face by dropping his arbitrary weight standard 50 pounds


>> No.6277722

>gives fitness advice

over the top lel

>> No.6277749


>> No.6277760

You could be a solid 7.5 if you were skinnier and not a fatty neckbeard who think bear mode is attractive.

>Girl btw
>Fucking disgusting waste op

>> No.6277765

>A short dude is going to have trouble hitting high weights but he can still be mini-bear mode.
actually, being short is an advantage in weight lifting. The best powerlifter of all time is only 5'6.

>> No.6277768

why are fat guys always so hairy?

>> No.6277777
File: 69 KB, 503x339, tfwfantano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw fantano calls you desperate over facebook for asking him to review your band

pic related


>> No.6277795

Seriously OP, you're not bad-lookin' for a big guy. Just go full lumberjack.

>> No.6277806

How old are you faggot?

also nice quints

>> No.6277830


>> No.6277872

fa acts like girls aren't into bigger dudes EVER. I've met girls who were mainly into large guys, not fat just big frame and bearmode for lack of a better word.

That said I have no stake in this debate as I don't fall in either camp.

>> No.6277995

That's strength/weight ratio. Unfortunately, a smaller guy is never going to have the raw strength of a bigger dude. Not just height, weight too. It's about how much muscle you can pack on a frame at a given weight. Heavyweights are fat because it's easier to keep your body from cannibalizing muscle when you have large "energy reserves".

>> No.6278045


>> No.6278234

do you have a facebook fanpage because i love your shit