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File: 30 KB, 300x300, Tom-cruise-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6276626 No.6276626 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys smile when getting your picture taken? i never feel comfortable doing it and always end up looking awkward, its not like i have ugly teeth, or should i go for a closed smile with a kinda smirk? any advice would be appreciated

>> No.6276650

well, since you're Tom Cruise it doesn't really matter. If you're actually someone else you need to post a photo of you smiling before any advice can be given.

>> No.6276659
File: 62 KB, 652x376, wenn_tomcruisemidfacetooth_29554[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6276678

I always just make myself laugh. 100% perfect smile every time.

>> No.6276686

Fake teeth?

>> No.6276826

fuck this is so hard for me everytime

>> No.6276833

this, i just find something to make me laugh or at least smile. looks waaaaaayyy better than some dumb forced smile

>> No.6276834

>tfw qt3.14s always smile after you smile at them because you have nice teeth

>> No.6276890

>tfw braces

some day...

>> No.6276910

>tfw a girl smiled at you today and I didn't smile back because I was anxious about something

I swear I'm part aspie

>> No.6276933

unreactive = attractive

that girl probably is getting crazy about you, but of course she will get turned off after she gets to know you and your pathetic lifestyle

>> No.6276948

as a femanon i can tell you this is wrong
if a guy smiles at me, that is attractive
if he doesn't he's weird/a dick, especially if i smiled at him first

>> No.6277034

I've tried forcing a certain look via smile and it always looks off. Only thing to do is to grin as genuinely as possible, as if someone said something funny, even if it doesn't look cool. Smile has to reach the eyes.

>> No.6277061
File: 781 KB, 320x240, 1370304852314.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but of course she will get turned off after she gets to know you and your pathetic lifestyle

welp, not the first time

>> No.6277063

niqqa qt3.14s can still digg it. Instead of thinking
>anon has an attractive smile
>anon looks like a qtdork
Whatever makes her smile, you're in.

>> No.6277108
File: 871 KB, 349x194, 1820057894355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only thing to do is to grin as genuinely as possible
>Smile has to reach the eyes.
I can do this, but god dammit, I just can't help but feeling like a moron considering my friends do a closed mouth smile or a nice show-teeth-smile and I'm there grinning like the fucking joker. If I do it with mouth closed, I can't help but feel like I look aspie when I look at the pic. If I do kind of, not "genuine" total grin show-teeth-joker-style, but still show teeth, I also feel like I look aspie in pics. I think I need to practice doing small closed mouth smiles and just leave it at that.

>pic with friends
>i was the only one who did total grin
>some others looked fine with their perfect smiles
>most actually looked like the pic was taken at a bad moment
>qt3.14 said i looked qt3.14 in the pic with the joker grin
>mfw & tfw

>> No.6277173
File: 104 KB, 500x579, tumblr_ljatgfsezd1qatsxzo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't smile, just smirk like you're way too cool to even be in the photo

>> No.6277284

have faith brother. Ive been there

>> No.6277350

when girls smile at me i just keep glaring at them because i like being a dick and knowing i bothered her in some way

>> No.6277371

maybe that's why people think you're an autist, anon.
>pls don't be a total aspie

>> No.6277444


That doesn't work if you're ugly

>> No.6277472
File: 28 KB, 284x322, 1349354948319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry bro but there's nothing you can do if you're ugly. you won't look like a model in pics no matter what you do. that simple trick can make you look at least a bit better though.

nice trips btw.

>> No.6277669

>especially if i smiled at him first
>if he doesn't he's weird/a dick
I can't imagine someone purposely glaring back when someone's smiling at them. I mean, you must be either aspie or hate the person if you're not smiling back, right (or maybe 2edgy4me tryhard)? Especially if you're talking to the person. That's just.. I mean, I can't even?

>> No.6277677
File: 100 KB, 1127x1000, 1360886632755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6277695

I hate it too.

My smile is awful. It makes my cheeks look fat, and I have horrible yellow teeth.
