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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 7 KB, 399x501, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6270722 No.6270722 [Reply] [Original]

Something weird happened yesteday

>during the week
>try to make some efforts
>spend few minutes to get the haircut done each morning
>wear fitting close
>no girls even mirin' or approach

And when I don't try

>not even trying
>wearing the first shirt I found
>haircut not done
>unfitting plebeian shit mfa would be proud
>got a girl to take me by the hand and wrote her contacts information on my hand

Not sure about what to feel right now

>> No.6270730

What's your hair like? Maybe you should leave it untidy, sometimes it looks better.

>> No.6270746

It means that getting digits is a game of numbers and confidence where fashion doesn't necessarily set the odds in your favor.
Also, being at ease is attractive, and looking too perfect can be off-putting to potential mates. Many folks are insecure or have preconceived notions of maleness being grounded in rough edges and a careless approach to personal style.

>> No.6270753

You prob give off gay vibes in your proper shit

>> No.6270757

They're intimidated by your power level. Once you hide it, they are more confident to approach

>> No.6270770
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J-just a random girl off the street gave you her number?

Was-ss she a q-qt?

>> No.6270809

You cut your hair everyday?

>> No.6270817


>> No.6270825
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the usual:
>clubbing with friends
>always dressed well
>spend an hour getting my hair well, shaving and shit
>spend most of the night just dancing with your friends, no female contact whatsoever

one time:
>go out the second night in a row
>wearing a plain white v-neck and jeans
>messy hair, unshaven beard
>one girl starts dancing with me
>make out and get number
>half an hour later back on the dance floor
>another chick comes up to me
>starts kissing me
>leave to get some drinks
>later make out with one more chick

i still have no idea how the fuck all that happened

>> No.6270829

>bought a new camper
>wearing it on my walk around the city doing errands and shit
>some dude compliments it
feels good

>> No.6270839

probably because grills don't care so much what you're wearing

you mean a random dude? i've never got a compliment from someone i've never met

>> No.6270840

>probably because grills don't care so much what you're wearing

then why don't I always get that much female attention?

>>6270825 here.

>> No.6270842

Girls take pride in being #FASHIONISTA, looking better than their male counterparts and don't want to look bad in comparison ever.
They were probably intimated or didn't feel that you were worth the effort it'd take/too lazy to get you

>> No.6270848

yea random dude. I wanna say he was a skater even though he didn't look exactly like one. my outfit kinda did though and usually skaters just talk to each other a lot more freely than normal people.

>> No.6270860

like somebody else said girls pride themselves on being fashionistas in their h&m and zara, they get really intimidated when a guy knows more about clothes than them so convince themselves that he must be gay so they still feel next level and don't need to compete

>> No.6270867
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it might have been an lucky night
you should do trials where you go out dressed well vs looking messy and see if there is a statistically significant difference

>> No.6270868

>borrow friends skateboard
>random guy comes up
>"yo bro what bearings you sportin?"
>o-oh you know just some nike
>"bearings man"
>y-yea Adidas sometimes
>"wtf man"
>he skates away

>> No.6270870
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>> No.6270871

I've had the same thing happen, I'm pretty average looking at usually get no interest from girls then one day I hadn't slept in 48 hours and had to go somewhere and just threw random trashy beater clothes on with messed up hair and unshaven and had two girls come up and ask me for my number, not the life i chose though so never went anywhere with it

>> No.6270880

>wearing my favorite graphic T around NYC one day
>guy starts a conversation with me about it
>asks me to get drinks
>n-no t-thanks
>15 minutes later
>another guy says "OH MY GAWD that's thuch a cute thirt"
>I run away

1 year later
>wearing same shirt
>meet the girl who I'd eventually ask to marry me
>get the digits and make out with her on the first encounter
>change venues
>make out with another girl
>burn hole in shirt

RIP Spuds

>> No.6270893


>> No.6270916


>> No.6270936


what does this magic t shirt look like?
sounds like an good idea for a film
(spoiler: the t shirt gets destroyed in a freak fishing accident but he realises it was actually his personality not the shirt all along ^_^)

>> No.6270938

>was sick for 3 days
>get better a bit, decide to walk 5 mins to the corner shop and grab some cigs
>looking like a depressed piece of shit (which i am)
>wearing my pajama bottoms with black mid CP's and a plain black tee
>ask the dude behind the counter for a pack of marlboro reds, give him 5€
>for some reason i thought i gave him 2€ and i get upset because i didn't give him enough cash
>there's a girl behind me, giggles when she sees me get confused, offers to give me 3€ for the cigs
>i finally figure out i don't need the added cash, give the girl back her cash, say thanks
>she asks me if i wanna grab some coffee someday or w/e
>sure thing, gives me her number

Dated her for 3 months had some fun, but just that random encounter made me feel like a dumb cunt.

>> No.6270943

I love being better dressed than every girl in the room and knowing that I am intimidating them. Even if it doesn't "help" me it's really empowering.

>> No.6270949


white vneck is a really universally liked style by girls assuming you have a decent physique to go with it.

are you guys really surprised when you get girls by not following /fa/? a bunch of delusional awkward teens who dont even have it going on themselves?

>> No.6270948
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>buy CP's off iOffer
>2 weeks later still no package
>email seller
>no answer
>i can't do anything about it
>feel like an idiot

>> No.6270950

they don't make fake common projects.
and if they do, theyre not on ioffer

>> No.6270951

I have the same shit as you OP. Not with clothes, but when I try to get at a girl, it usually fails. Nothing too heartbreaking, but when I don't try (perhaps be a wingman, or let my bro get at it, or be focused on someone else, or just chilling at a party) they flock to me.

I think it's the "Oh, I don't even WANT these ladies" atmosphere about us, I don't fucking know man!

>> No.6270956

iktfb, for work I have a set of suits identical in everything except colour, a black a blue a charcoal and a grey, I wear them every day with a crisp white spread collared shirt and a white linen pocket square, effectively looking exactly the same every day but the differing colors of suit ensure that I'm not thought to be of ill hygiene, Everyone in my office thinks I'm a psychopath and it has spread around the office, I've gotten two promotions this year because everyone else was afraid of competing against me for the position. I'm actually a very nice guy

>> No.6270957

lol people are actually buying from iOffer?

>> No.6270963

did you use paypal? even if you didn't tell your credit card company and they should recover the money for you, just claim you thought the shoes were real if they ask

>> No.6270983

>tfw the only people that compliment me on my clothes are black
>i need to get out of the ghetto

>> No.6271005

Why would wearing the same style suit everyday make people think you're a psychopath?

>> No.6271013

>be weekend
>cop new velcros
>show to sister
>lol why'd you get grandma shoes


>> No.6271014

i think you mean intimidated

>> No.6271020

>got a girl to take me by the hand and wrote her contacts information on my hand

shame it disappeared within seconds due to your sweaty hands

>> No.6271027

Its not just that, I do a whole routine of stuff, I arrive at work 10 minutes early and mark where the tires of my car are in the parking spot with chalk then stand outside with my overcoat draped over my arm for that 10 minutes, then I go inside and wipe down my desk with a hand towel, I work for three hours then go to the toilet for an hour, I never take a lunch break but every Friday I bring a croissant from the bakery across the road and sit it on the corner of my desk for the entire day wiping away the crumbs as they fall then at the end of the day I discard of it in the waste paper basket of the next cubicle and if the basket is in the incorrect position I place the croissant on the floor where it should be.
The hour I spend in the bathroom I circle random words in a newspaper which I then leave around the office to be found.

>> No.6271025

I feel like this is really important

>> No.6271032

Why do you do this?

>> No.6271037

Yeah, I see why they think you'd be the real life Bateman.
You sound like an interesting OCD fella, wouldmeetandgreet.

>> No.6271040

maybe you should try a better bakery if your croissant is falling apart just from sitting at the desk

>> No.6271042

To secure promotions, The time I save from not having to socialize and partake in office politics raises my work output to the highest in the office, when HR is looking for a person to fill a new position my name is always at the top of the list.
Once somebody stepped out of line and tried to make a joke about me, after my hour toilet break I placed the news paper on his desk, he took the next three days off and had his desk rotated so it was facing away from mine.

>> No.6271043
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>> No.6271049

>Many folks are insecure or have preconceived notions of maleness being grounded in rough edges and a careless approach to personal style.

Very true. The trueness resounds in this post. In my experience, I've had much reciprocity in dating when I've dressed like shit. I don't think girls like it when you look as good as them.

>male = brute
>female = refined
>male = ugly
>female = pretty

I feel that this post is a bit delusional, but it's just my $0.02.

>> No.6271048
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how the hell do you keep a straight face?
fuck, i would have laughed so hard if i worked in your office.

>> No.6271051

It falling apart is the sole reason I purchase it, It shows the staff in the office that if I wipe up every single particle that falls off my croissant I will have no hesitation in wiping them up if they step out of line.

>> No.6271055

has anyone ever asked if they can eat the croissant

>> No.6271056
File: 39 KB, 667x442, 1316061538020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So you ARE a psychopath

>> No.6271060

You should one day just seem like you've forgotten about the croissant, don't look at it or the crumbs. Then, finally, look at it and just slam it, HARD, and then just leave it there.

>> No.6271065

Nobody speaks to me except the mail man, We have a good relationship as I mail empty boxes in odd shapes to myself on an irregular basis.

>> No.6271070
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>> No.6271071
File: 340 KB, 195x199, 19084356335.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We have a good relationship as I mail empty boxes in odd shapes to myself on an irregular basis.
>I mail empty boxes in odd shapes to myself on an irregular basis.
pls m8, post a pic of yourself

>> No.6271069

whats your favourite shaped box

>> No.6271082

I once crafted a ball shaped box and covered it in bubble wrap, When it was delivered I caught the receptionist looking at it so I placed the hand towel I use to wipe my desk on top of it while deeply gazing at her.

>> No.6271085

>placed the news paper on his desk, he took the next three days off and had his desk rotated so it was facing away from mine.

Oh my God.

>> No.6271086

do you add weights to the boxes or just ship really light packages all the time

>> No.6271094

I used to place bricks in the packages till I discovered the mail man had a bad back and usually the packages don't fit on the wheeled device he was provided with so he would have no choice but to carry them himself and I can't let that happen.

>> No.6271132

Unfortunately the only image I have of myself is on my drivers licence and I can't post that here

>> No.6271133


>> No.6271161

I used to be told that I looked like a pale version of johnny depp I don't see the resemblance though.

>> No.6271169

>this fucking thread
thank you based bateman

>> No.6271229


Conscience found.

Probably not a psychopath.

>> No.6271267

This is the greatest thread ever on /fa/
>tfw you dont have a psychopath as a friend
10/10 would buy you a croissant sandwich anon

>> No.6271278

wondering this myself.

>dressing to get girls
Do you even /fa/?

>> No.6271279

I'm not sure about you personally, but I can speculate that:

You aren't truly comfortable in your appearance when you put effort into it. You are probably mildly self conscious and are somehow limiting yourself because of it.

When you don't even care and just wear whatever, you've already reduced your expectations of getting attention to nothing, and aren't limiting yourself because you don't expect to gain anything.

Girls might be able to sense this, (most likely not), the issue is probably more rooted in your own mindset when you choose one of these two personal appareances.

>> No.6271299

So you don't eat at work unless its Friday?
Also what do you do when you get the your car and its over the chalk lines

>> No.6271320

I don't eat the croissant, I don't eat at all in public I see it as gluttonous when people use social encounters as an excuse to stuff their faces especially when they are most often overweight.
I redo the chalk lines every morning then rub them away in the evening, once I tricked the parking inspector into giving my boss a ticket, I took note of the color width and direction of the chalk line she placed on my tire and purchased a stick of chalk matching those characteristics and marked my bosses tire with it so when she saw it she thought he'd overstayed his park and fined him.

>> No.6271326

Do you eat in the bathroom?

>> No.6271329

he circles words in the bathroom bastard.

>> No.6271332

did i ask u nigga? sit the fuck down fuccboi.

>> No.6271336

I was already sitting down fucker.

>> No.6271347
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>walking to barber
>sun is high in the sky, mid day in a scandinavian summer
>wearing a knit coat, longsleeve tee, shitty jeans and svensson hightops.
>go to the ATM across the street to get some cash
>30-40 year old woman approaches me just as I'm putting money and card into my wallet.
>asks me if I have a few moments to talk about something
>"sure. What is it?"
>"where did you get this cape? I think my son would look really good in it and love it. He has a style like yours! He is also into these dark things."
>"uuhh, I got it on the internet."
>"Really? What is it? Is there no store in city-where-I-live?"
>"It's a knit wool coat. I don't think any store in sweden sells it."
>"Aww, but do you know where I can get this? I really want one."
>remove coat and show her the tag
>she tries to pronounce Isabel Benenato for a few seconds
>"Good luck finding one, it's from last year."
>"Oh, ok. You look soo good in it though, really! You look really good. Have a nice day!"
>"Thanks. Y-you too."
>powerwalk to barber and cut my hair so that I no longer look like a twenty year old autistic metalhead with a cape

I looked like a bag of dicks that day as well. What the fuck yo.

>> No.6271387

No I eat at home

>> No.6271396

iktfb, every morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now.

After I remove the ice pack, I use a Deep Pore Cleanser Lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub.

Then I apply an herb mint facial mask which I leave on for ten minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out, and makes you look older.

Then moisturiser, then an anti-ageing eye balm, followed by a final moisturising protective lotion.

>> No.6271403

looking too proper is seen as either gay or at least "metro"
most ladies don't want to date a girly dude. they may not be into burly dudes, but they still want a man.

also, you were probably too concerned with how you looked all day. So you probably weren't making eye contact and felt insecure.

Fashion doesn't get girls.

>> No.6271401

you're probably trying too hard and the bitches be sensing a tryhard in their midsts

>> No.6271406
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>> No.6271414

look up admiral on rakuten
or svensson on google
or national standard

cheaper alternatives to CP

or buttero but they almost the same price

>> No.6271416

girls want their guys to take care of themselves but not look like they spent a lot of time doing it.

Guys are like this too, usually, but they tend not to realize that a girl who looks like she doesn't care 99% of the time put some time into looking like that. That's the difference between qt and homely

>> No.6271418

I actually saw that film recently and found it humorous as I've got a few pairs of Oliver peoples glasses.
Anyway its getting quite late here so I'm going to bed goodnight its been a pleasure posting with you tonight everyone.

>> No.6271436
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>wear raws or trousers
>some girls admiring my fit

>wear cps and sweat pants
>everybody looking at me like they just saw a unicorn
>in two diff lectures two different girls gave me their info
>win $10 off a $2 CA lottery scratcher

want summer to be over so I can go back to wearing sweats

>> No.6271452

I'm fucking laughing like a loony here why is this so funny

>> No.6271456

>being this delusional so you can justify the stupid troll you fell victim too.

>> No.6271471

post a fucking fit or shut the fuck up
all these stupidass stories "girls just walked up to me and gave me their numbers"

stay delusional

>> No.6271497
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>> No.6271493


its /fa/. people lie to make themselves seem cool. Noone has random women go up to them and give them numbers, people just dont behave that way

>> No.6271518
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you're right their names/numbers just got magically added to my contacts list

>implying I'm going to attach my identity to a post that vain
they didn't really walk up and give me their numbers per se, they asked me about some assignment and I was like "uhhhh I can email it to you" but they gave me their numbers too

I get complimented on my sweats more often than my raws or trousers

>Noone has random women go up to them and give them numbers, people just dont behave that way

keep telling yourself that

>> No.6271533

where do you live OP? I've noticed the standard is miles apart depending on region, state, and even neighborhood.

I'm living in the midwest and chicks can only be impressed so far before they either get intimidated or assume fag when I'm not in the downtown area of my capitol.

I have noticed you can get away with wearing super nice but simple outfits. If you try to do anything more outside the box for casual wear then it's dries them up.


>> No.6271628
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>go for manbun
>get to stage where i cant do shit with hair
>cut hair
>repeat growing hair
>regret everything

for 3 years. NOT THIS YEAR

>> No.6271656

lol you could have had hair below the shoulders in 3 years.
Keep it up though, you'll be drowning in pussy in no-time.

>> No.6271678

i don't care is this bateman stuff is all lies, it's too good

>> No.6271733

sounds more like a good idea for an episode for a series.
you know, cus nearly every series has an episode like that..

>> No.6271740

>get fresh trim
>throw on some tapered skinnies + floral janoskis + navy raf button down cause they were the first things I saw in my room
>Go and get my brother from my neighbours across the street
>Milf opens the door and she checks me out for a good minute
>... Hi
>She keeps making excuses to talk to me when I just want to go home
Shoulda chirpsed her tbh

>> No.6272464

>dress nicely
>wear cologne
>no compliments

>> No.6272466
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>got inspired by this thread
>went out dressed sloppily to buy a pack of cigs
>no girls miring
>all that happened was that a middle aged guy bought one cig from me for 2 euros and told me that I look really young

what did I do wrong ;__;

>> No.6272487

Pls do >>6271060

>> No.6272497

Noticed this aswell, Milfs and Mature women notice fashion.

>> No.6272524

>Girls might be able to sense this


>> No.6272590

lel. man i love this board.

>> No.6272625

talking to some classmate buddy

>what do you do anon?
>i work part time for a consultant firm
>oh i thought u were a model

i don't know if he was trying to tell me that I looked gay, or good. or both. I don't think he was hitting on me.

>> No.6272673

Its called body language. People subconsciously pick up when you're sad or not, or feeling insecure or confident. Walk through a street when you're angry as fuck, you'll notice everyone walking on the sidewalk will avoid you.

>> No.6273367

This is so fucking hilarious. Thank you.

pls be in london

>> No.6273388

You are a fucking master. Please, please tell me how you started on this path? Do you recommend an author or something?

>> No.6273390

You're taking sense in the wrong context. Did you even read anything above that line?

>> No.6273402

he's like a neurobehavoiourfaggollogist so he prolly knows that shit

i think he was being a meany

>> No.6273580

cringed hard

>> No.6275432

I'm never very angry but people often react like I am
wheres your subconscious now fucker

>> No.6275458


I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at 4 am in the morning.

>> No.6275461
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OP here

>Tried the not even trying mode again
>Didn't go in front of the mirror this morning
>Go to the boulangerie to get me some breakfast
>Look in the eye and smile to all the people I cross
>MFW when they smile you back
>dat feel when a girl at the opposite side of the street and she touch her hair from afar and smile back at you

>> No.6275462

havin' a laf

>how men on the internet perceive women.
like, i can just imagine this what people think when theyre sitting on the bus wondering why the qt gurl doesnt sit next to them
>telepathically knows their hentai fetish

>> No.6275465


Pic of your different suits pls

>> No.6275468

no is this a :) smile or one with teeth?
i'm trying to get in the habit of being more approachable & friendly but smiling at random people makes me feel weird. help me out

>> No.6275470
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>> No.6275471


Work on being able to maintain eye contact

>> No.6275479


Denimdan pls go

>> No.6275484


It was a :)

>> No.6275494

i know. i always avoid eye contact. and resonantly my friends have gotten into the habit of telling about every single girl that checks me out. I'm always completely oblivious.
thx :)

2k13 summer of social self-improvement! WOO

>> No.6275496

He's an undergrad. Only thing he knows is how to layer improperly.

>> No.6275498

Smiling at random people is dependent on location. I'd never do it in LA, but every other fucker will greet you in a smaller town.

>> No.6275508


>> No.6275513

>tfw I get so much pussy i'm starting to grow tired of it

>> No.6275848
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>tfw you live in a country where you'd probably get arrested for rape if you smiled at a random girl

>> No.6276130


>> No.6276707

no you need to stay so you can have peers which don't sleep on your #sikkfitz

>> No.6276742


>> No.6276763

shoes more than anything, milfs always looking at my CPs