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/fa/ - Fashion

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6268715 No.6268715 [Reply] [Original]

I shig dig.

>> No.6268719

>having irl friends and chatting online is bad
but 4chan's ok

>> No.6268721

>what are phones

>> No.6268725

>4chan's ok

>> No.6268732

>I have no friends so I hate all social networks general.

>> No.6268736

I have a twitter that I use more for myself than to interact with other people.
I like to go back and read my old tweets and see what I was thinking on a certain day, kind of like a blog.
Just deleted my facebook last week, felt great. (never used instagram or snapchat)
I don't really have friends.

>> No.6268745
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i don't have any of those @)@

>> No.6268747

I don't know any of you faggots and I'm not sharing photos/videos/music for validation.
U wish ;)

>> No.6268754

I would fuck Daphne SO damn hard. Any nudes of her?

>> No.6268752

use twitter to talk shit, gossip, instigate, and just do funny shit w/ school friends.
got my instagram banned.
snapchat is for the ladies ;)

>> No.6268763

I use all four, primarily for girls

>> No.6268768

Why don't you text them? Way more alpha than interwebs and much more personal.

>> No.6268772
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>social interaction
>not letting every single call go to voicemail as you sit by the window chainsmoke because you don't even enjoy your friends' company any more

>> No.6268774

>not using snapchat to send your friends pictures of your axolotl making funny faces
>not using snapchat to send your friends pictures of a baby mouse you caught
>not using snapchat to send your friends videos of you making smoothies with your housemate and spilling it everywhere
>autism general

>not getting invited to events because you dont have facebook
>not working with others on assignments/work/whatever over facebook
>autism general

>actually making the shitty excuse of using your phone to stay in contact
>implying you arent a basement dwelling NEET because you're too awkward to text/call people asking if anything is going on
>autism general

you're not even close to as cool as you think you are.

>> No.6268778

although I find masturbating to pictures for sinning deviants. Snap chat is indeed the easiest way to score nudes.

>> No.6268779

>not responding to texts because you fade in and out of consciousness from malnutrition and cocaine binges

>> No.6268784


snapchat is really damn uncool tho

vine all the way

>> No.6268793


yeah but its better to put up with a shitty app that people use rather than having no one to send shit to on a good app

>> No.6268795

>not staying locked up in your house banging H all day, only ever leaving to pick up more

>> No.6268794

>needing to share meaningless shit with meaningless people
Social media general.

>> No.6268799
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>> No.6268796


>implying that isn't the foundation for most relationships

enjoy being alone on 4chan

>> No.6268805


>"everytime i try to talk to him he tries to get super serious and deep"
>"he thinks he's so deep"
>"i just wanted to borrow a pen"
>"he's such a tryhard"

>> No.6268872

I'm cool with Twitter and Facebook, but Snapchat, Instagram, and Vine are like doses of concentrated stupidity.

>> No.6268925

holy shit I fit all of this. don't tell me this is the wiki entry to autism, is it? i thought i was just depressed.

>> No.6268942

it's the wiki for avoidant personality disorder. I posted it because I match it completely and have so for years.


>> No.6268955

wow. need to get this checked out, i finally found a name for my problem. thanks anon

>> No.6268963

You're welcome. Feel better, bud.

>> No.6268967

>not just handing them the pen without a word
Yeah no.

>> No.6269038
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>> No.6269055

Everything in OP's post only heightens inferiority complexes and encourages peacocking. Constructing self worth from online interaction is detrimental to yourself.

>> No.6269067
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someone add greentext to the /fa/ggot

>> No.6269064

This would explain why people are now total douche bags who can't go anywhere or do anything without letting others know about.

>> No.6269073

Being bitter about it is only marginally better.

>> No.6269086
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>> No.6269087

very fucking true

i still have a FB but i never post and delete almost everything immediately as it gets posted to my wall.
if you aren't the type of person who just naturally does good at social networking it isn't worth having one.

i actually get interest from people when they realize we're friends on FB but i never post stuff.

>> No.6269098
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Not bitter, just sad really. People don't look from their phones anymore.

>> No.6269112


>> No.6269803

>not using snapchat to take photos and videos of yourself when taking a shit
>not using snapchat for nut shots


>> No.6269806
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mfw some strangers told me i look exactly like this kid

>> No.6269887
File: 2.22 MB, 1848x1172, eeehh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol no one followed the rules of the thread
> fakejodyhighroller.tumblr.com/
> shane.a.miller
> lemonheaddelight
> bwg3789

>> No.6269970
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>> No.6270775
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>see all my friends with perfect lives
>beautiful gfs, great jobs, travel
>delete facebook
>never have to feel those feels again

>> No.6270972

I've never sent an unfunny snapchat.

>> No.6271355

whats your username bro

>> No.6271365


i dont think you have ever been funny or made me laugh on /fa/

>> No.6271509

I do, but things like twitter allow you to maintain contact in multiple ways. Also, if a girl is always liking the shit you post, then you know you have a better chance.

>> No.6271594

I don't try to be funny on here. Does it even matter?

It has my last name in the username, I mostly snapchat with people I regularly see in real life. I have a lot of running jokes going on with them.