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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 19 KB, 214x266, Nikesweatshop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6260492 No.6260492 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel to know those $90 sick nikes you're wearing were made for $10 by a small brown child?

>> No.6260502

Dont care. As long as the quality is nice.

>> No.6260506

doesnt bother me at all tbh

theyre still having too many kids from what they can afford, dont feel bad for them
like the mexicans

>> No.6260519

in 3rd world countries kids dont cost u money they make u money

basically if u dont have enough kids u just starve to death when u cant take care of urself anymore

also they sell them as slaves pretty much if they have to

>> No.6260523

Sounds like a them problem, not a me problem.

>> No.6260535

I don't like Nike. I hate how over branded it is. If I'm going to shell out a lot of money for shoes they should be high quality and not make me a walking advertisement.

>> No.6260539

>not even once

shame on you guys

>> No.6260540

That's why only nig nogs buy this shit; they can kill themselves and feed crack to their mothers, so why would they care about a child worlds away.

>> No.6260573

and what clothes do you buy?

>> No.6260587

i think most of my clothes are made is sweatshops
idk what to think
what is the solution? pay the kids more?

>> No.6260596

eh im not gonna hate i buy sweatshop shit too but if unless u get organic fairtrade shit 100% of the time ur contributing to the problem

>> No.6260609

this, if you truly are concerned about the matter then what you can do is slowly move away from it. yes it's very difficult to 100% avoid this type of manufacturing but you work slowly and transition into quality>quantity or just buy second hand stuff.

>> No.6260620

it can't be helped, like the US public school system
there's always that lingering feeling of remorse buying clothes from sweatshop labor, I might be inclined to donate or some shit but in the end I know my efforts would be in vain
Even though nerds always campaign about how 90% of your clothes are from sweatshops, like me I'm sure they're aware of it but honestly just don't care

>> No.6260616
File: 28 KB, 620x368, and ur point is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6260647

that shit prolly costs less than 10 bux to make dude

>> No.6260749
File: 830 KB, 812x906, umad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If China wants fair labor practices, they will do it exactly the same way America once did.

Form some labor unions, refuse to work in shit conditions, force the bosses to pay.

Somewhere in there is "stop having so many children." Either way, the onus is on them.

>> No.6260762

Materials are about $10 for Nikes.
Labor is about $3-4.
Then there is equipment, overhead, shipping, duties, R&D, retailer costs and fees, etc.

Still, all that is like around $30-40.

I still am fine paying $150 for flyknits. I'm also fine with $800 -1200 Rick sneakers plus whatever Rick charges for the rest of his line.

If they didn't exist, the cool shit they make wouldn't either.

>> No.6260772
File: 52 KB, 620x800, tumblr_mn6ml207zE1r1foxzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sweatshop labor isn't illegal is a sign of how dysfunctional the world and the local economies involved are. if you're really the kind of sociopath who shrugs their shoulders and says, "not my problem", then you're still an idiot because the system saps the efficiency and efficacy of our economy, their economy, and the world economy, and the opportunity cost is far greater than paying a little more for goods produced in countries with fair labor practices.

>> No.6260813
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>the system saps the efficiency and efficacy of our economy, their economy, and the world economy, and the opportunity cost is far greater

Spoken like somebody who learned about the subject at reddit, rather than through any notable economics program.

The system will never be as biased in the western world's favor again. All these "costs" you speak of are paid exclusively by the third world, and it shouldn't surprise you in the least that people are working to keep it that way.

>> No.6260837
File: 23 KB, 500x334, tumblr_ml19sum7tk1qfbi0ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

america's middle class and working class are evaporating because we're hemorrhaging local manufacturing jobs. less people making dosh stateside slows everyone down and freezes upward social mobility. the money that was being made by skilled laborers is disappearing into the vast coffers of multinationals, whose continued success does not contribute greatly to us, the people of the usa.

>> No.6260840


you probably think /pol/ is a place for great discussion

>> No.6260851

I try to buy British but apart from 1 or 2 brands that sell like wellingtons and some shitty lace, barely anything is British.

Except shoes. You can reliably buy those British.

>> No.6260858

Then why would I be here

>> No.6260862

Raf Simons and Rick Owens is usually what I'm dressed in.

>> No.6260875

china profits off unfair labor practices just as much as anyone they sell too

as for the more children thing see

>> No.6260881

shouldn't you be watching the daily show or something?

>> No.6260913

Like I said, sorry brah, but China has to pick one.

Either they want worker's rights, or they want more children. Being ignorant is no excuse, and they pay the price every day.

And by "China profits," I assume you mean the government. Yes, they do.

>> No.6260962

great counter argument, anon

>> No.6261036


I'm divided on the manner. I used to be ardently against it, but then I read this and the arguments for it seem logical. Wish I had a book or something to read about it, instead of just wikipedia. I still have an inclination to buy made in 1st world countries, at any rate.

>> No.6261047
File: 306 KB, 1186x1471, tyrian-purple-byz-ravenna6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horse shit, denial of collective bargaining is effectively theft; it certainly isn't to the benefit of those employees.

>> No.6261070


It's good that they have a proper job, even if it's a pity they get paid so little. with that being said, I usually try to not buy stuff made in 3rd world countries as much as i can.

>> No.6261104

None of that really matters because you can give those people the same jobs and simply treat them better and pay them slightly more. There's nothing inherently wrong with 3rd world labor, but abuse is always wrong and no long term economic theory will change that.

>> No.6261547

>Come to /fa/
>expect people to give a shit

I swear man, niggas never learn. This is /fa/. Yall don't get that yet?

Other than that, nope. Everyone knows this shit. Stop tossing this shit around like it's new. Like people who throw that "kids in Africa" shit at you when you toss your cronut in the trashcan.

Been wearing them since I was a kid, didn't give a fuck then, don't give a fuck now. GUWOP!

>> No.6261581
File: 92 KB, 720x900, guile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like getting shit that was made in USA... idk about you fuccbois but I like supporting my countries economy

>> No.6261586

depends on what you are reffering to as abuse. Let's face it, these people are not forced to do these jobs. Their alternative is starving and fucking death. The first world went through all the same shit and now gets on their high horse about morality. Come to the third world and actually meet some factory workers, most of them are happy that they have a chance to leave their god forsaken village. And if they are a woman, they will have independence and won't need to be married off to a man.

>> No.6261592
File: 4 KB, 250x250, constanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's better than starving yourself so that means it's okay to exploit another country for resources/labor

Maybe you'll learn/change your mind when you grow up

>> No.6261603

I never said it was good a thing but saying it is exploitation is simply not correct.

>> No.6261612

>implying having the power to exploit another country isn't /fa/

>> No.6261709

Although I agree with you, you sound like a fucking jew right now

>> No.6261803

Maybe you'll learn/change your mind when you pick up a history book and realise how the world actually works.

>> No.6262595


Confirmed for never even reading about Marx's philosophy on Wikipedia.

Exploitation occurs whenever any surplus is taken by anyone other than the producer.

Faggot. Shit, if you want to make fun of a retard, you should at least learn about what makes him retarded.

>> No.6262610

Having shoes made by brown people for the white man only proves the superiority of the white man. Whenever I buy a pair of Nikes I feel elite. Whenever I see Asians or Hispanics, I just imagine them squatting among stones crafting my sneakers. I love this feeling of superiority. The clothes that I buy reflect my superiority over minorities.

>> No.6262615


if capitalism (and by association, my lifestyle) is to continue on, there has to be a permenant underclass.

Until such a time that this way of life is no longer feasable, i'll continue to both ignore and step upon those beneath me in the world.

>> No.6262617

I don't give a fuck, why should I? As long as it looks nice than I'm good b.