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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 791 KB, 557x572, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6256487 No.6256487 [Reply] [Original]

Going to color in the skulls on August, but before that I was planning to get something on the spaces before the shoulder and would like to know what I can get?

>inb4 stupid piece

>> No.6256491

It's a god awful piece

>> No.6256495


>> No.6256496

wow that looks awful.

im honestly really sorry for you

>> No.6256501

two penises jizzing. couldn't possibly make it any worse

>> No.6256510


captcha: uloymos theta

>> No.6256513
File: 979 KB, 500x461, 1350622244208.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I thought I had a retarded tattoo

>tfw can finally afford to get it removed

Lasers hurt btw OP

>> No.6256517

You have a greasy tattoo

>> No.6256522

Why haven't you got a chest? L

>> No.6256526

what a stupid tattoo.. haha why on earth did you choose that OP?

It's really bad..and you should feel bad..also, you look like the boy in the striped pajamas you skinny faggot.

>> No.6256533
File: 116 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 26-04-13 at 10.18 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi cop me chest

>> No.6256545

I actually like this one tho

>> No.6256556
File: 336 KB, 500x370, tumblr_m6etgftGHN1r6nv4ro1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me 2

>> No.6256626

Sorry about everyone trashing your tattoo. I hope you like it. That's all that really matters.

I would definitely recommend some push ups though. If you're going to tattoo your whole chest, you should have a chest.

>> No.6258403

Lift do you even

>> No.6258630

go bench press
grow a chest
fill in the remainder of the tat

>> No.6258964


Looks cool but regrets will come when you hit 30.

>> No.6258975

Every sinner has a future
Every saint has a past

Any reason for choosing the font?

>> No.6258982

Y op get a chick tattoo?

>> No.6258985

Looks like someone drew with sharpie all over your chest.

Why do people get such shitty slums of LA worthy tattoos

>> No.6258993

burh u got #ethered, fuck off now. ban urself pls.

>> No.6258998

Ethered by anons? I don't think so

>> No.6259005


go away you ugly faggot

your tumblr sucks

>> No.6259013

It really is the worst part, it wouldn't be that bad but the font is so tasteless

>> No.6259031
File: 4 KB, 105x104, 1369867140024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your face
>inb4 shitty excuse

>> No.6259034
File: 977 KB, 582x872, Historian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you done been ethered
its a matter of public record
You should take some time off and learn to write actual comedy
quit making your content do all the work for you

>> No.6259041
File: 423 KB, 500x404, tumblr_l4t172qlgi1qapfuwo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethered by faceless people who post photoshoped pictures of me because I insulted them? I don't consider that anything but immaturity

>> No.6259052

>says the guy with a website devoted to mocking strangers from an anime forum

Read the rest of the post, too.
You need to learn to write. You will never succeed without learning to write some relevant comedy.
Look at Vice magazine's older DON'Ts, they're hilarious and should be your inspiration

>> No.6259060


>calls other people immature

top lel after what you did to squids

at the end of the day ur still an ugly pig nosed goblin

>> No.6259065

I don't exclude myself from that immaturity. I'm on 4chans fashion board. oh but wait I bet you consider that to be
>srs bsns guise

Also are you that same guy who keeps following me around talking about comedy writing. I don't know what you're getting at

>> No.6259087

You can't fucking write, it's that simple
look, IRL if you want to be the snarky cool guy asshole you can't be tripping over your words or stuttering
Delivery is key and it's the same OL
Your posts read like they were mashed out by Corky from Life Goes On
do something about it and quit being an unfunny hack

>> No.6259099

>snarky cool guy asshole
No thanks, I'll leave that to frat boy plebs. I don't like that persona IRL.

>> No.6259108

you should learn to write all the same
imagine, people actually getting a laugh from your blog
learn to write

>> No.6259112

>I don't like that persona IRL.

That says a lot about your insecurities m8

>> No.6259115

I let the pictures do the talking

>> No.6259125

Not really. If I acted the same way I do IRL as I do on 4chan I wouldn't have much of a social life. But because I don't take 4chan as seriously as all of you do i choose to shit disturb. Makes things more entertaining for me at least

But who likes a shit disturber in real life.

>> No.6259309

you should try to be like ivan calderon instead of just being a 5'0" bitch

>> No.6259335

>I let the pictures do the talking

because you have nothing to say.
The pictures talk just fine right here, why don't you at least get creative with your captions
add something to a dialogue for a change

and quit avoiding the issue its why you're falling flat here. you need to address this writing shit, and you need to do it yesterday.
you're losing relevance with each passing minute, little one.
chop chop

>> No.6259349

dude please stop this is embarrasing