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6256272 No.6256272 [Reply] [Original]

I'm short and NOTHING goods look on me. Why.

>> No.6256277

because you aren't happy with yourself and you're a self-pity-ing fuccboi

>> No.6256287

post your height

>inb4 omgggg 5'9" so manlet i wanna die

>> No.6256297

im 5'6" and im stunting

>> No.6256300

I'm 5'7 and Uniqlo S fits me perfectly. Step it up son.

>> No.6256304

I'm 5'6". I just deal with it. There are people who have it worse.

>> No.6256312

i'd cut my dick off to be 5'6"

>> No.6256314

I'm Lil b and this is punk'd

>> No.6256322


>> No.6256328


Okay, that's shitty.

Consider lifts, and wear boots. Consider high-end japanese clothing.

Tailor everything.

>> No.6256337

how much height can you get with boots +lifts? will it look retarded?

>> No.6256343


like 5 inches, it all depends on your proportions

but deffo wear boots or sneakers + lifts

>> No.6256351

well i'm not the 5'1" guy I'm 5'4.5". 5 inches? seriouslt? like i could be 5'9'? seems ridiculous but i'm definitley gonna try lifts soon.

>> No.6256378


you definitely can, but there's a good chance it'll look weird seeing your proportions could be incompatible with that height

>> No.6256379


ignore them

they are retarded

honestly just have a look at a measuring scale man

i don't think any good boots (iron rangers, whatever other ones) have a heel height more than an inch

shoe lifts are only 5cm tall aswell

if the lifts are taller, you will find it EXTREMELY hard to walk in them

fucking 5 inches, lol.

>> No.6256386

Most boots, sneakers are around 1 inch. You could add some insoles inside of that. You will not get 5 inches though, don't even try. I would shoot for 2 inches, 3 might be pushing it.

>> No.6256385

hoping for 2.5-3 inches so i can say i'm 5'7"

>> No.6256390

I don't know how short Yohji is but he's certainly not tall.
He looks great.
I wear three inch lifts and it's not uncomforable, just takes adjustment.

>> No.6256393

takes me from 5'9" to 6' by the way
fantastic feel but you get hit with reality when you take them off

>> No.6256394


>3inch lifts

post pics or your chatting shit

just post a pic of the 3 inch fucking lift

>> No.6256397

i'm 6'0" and i wear lifts too
not even joking

>> No.6256398

which is why i will put the lifts inside of my sucks so i never have to take them off ;ooo

>> No.6256402


>> No.6256405
File: 16 KB, 400x300, lifts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear pic related and, in addition, slide some of the silicon lifts beneath them. I wear them with boots/hightops, so it probably amounts to a little over 3in.

>> No.6256409

I should add that the slope on mine isn't so steep so as to cause my foot to be lifted to an uncomfortable angle. I wear thick socks too, lel.

>> No.6256412

could i wear those in anything or are they only for boots and high tops?

>> No.6256418

If you remove the addition half an inch you can JUST get away with wearing them in standard shoes. Be sure to tie those laces tight so your foot doesn't slip out, lol.
Wearing cropped pants can make it obvious too, so cover those heels up.

>> No.6256425

/fa/ the problem isn't being short the problem is that I don't find ANY decent clothes for me or that looks perfect in my body's size. So, this is why nothing looks good in me.

>> No.6256424

alright i'll just invest in some boots i guess. shit i don't know anything about boots, i'd wear high tops but would boots give me an extra half inch?

>> No.6256431

wear skinny shit buy children's clothes

>> No.6256437


jesus man you guys really are something....

>> No.6258366

I know that feeling op. 165cm tall and its really hard to find clothes that fit. I even have weirdass feet so its hard to find shoes that fit.

>> No.6258376

Are you legally allowed to drive? I'm like a 6'1" manlet but need to use a booster seat and wooden clogs to reach the pedals. Can't imagine how impossible it is to live for you.

>> No.6258388

its k OP just be happy

>> No.6258425

I have the same problem of nothing fitting me, only other end of the spectrum, anyone know any stores in Europe, Germany that sell decent clothing specifically catered to taller folks?

>> No.6258438

>tfw 5'8
>tfw good proportions
>tfw look great as fuck in a mirror or next to a short girl
>tfw look like a tryhard teenaged boy next to a 6'0 man


>> No.6258459

>tfw look like a tryhard teenaged boy next to a 6'0 man

then you are not doing it right

>> No.6258546

5'6" here
I can be 5'8" - 5'9"?!?
I only wear boots so that's 1 inch + 2-3 inches silicon lifts! awesome how much do those cost?

>> No.6258565

>tfw 6'2" and still feel short

>> No.6258570

>1 inch shoes and 3 inch lifts

a-are you telling me I can be 6ft?

>> No.6258584

Seriously what's this american bullshit about height, are you all 2 meters long or something?
>be 168cm
>normal height in my finland
>be happy

>> No.6258589

6'1" have superior body characteristics
clothes fit perfectly

>> No.6258599
File: 31 KB, 509x315, 1332549673186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing lifts
>get to someone's house
>"Come on, take off your shoes!"

>> No.6258617

>take off your shoes

lol gook pls go

>> No.6258620

>Normal height in Finland
All the finnish people I've met were 180 at least and thought that they were pretty short what the hell are you talking about

>> No.6258652
File: 1.71 MB, 300x225, morphinomenal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have carpet
>don't want it dirty
>make your friends take off their shoes

It's not rocket science.

>> No.6258656
File: 290 KB, 1000x1126, 1368624350332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sweden, land of the ridiculously tall people
>Also happy

Yeah, this is the one thing I hate - not being able to buy clothes right off the rack. Buying clothes for me is generally a process which requires a trip to a tailor.

>> No.6258716

6'2 master race reporting for duty

>> No.6258718

lol semi-manlet. 6'4'' master race here, enjoy never being the tallest guy in the room unless you're from Manletland.

>> No.6258722


5'10 here

so glad im not a manlet

>> No.6258724
File: 216 KB, 915x678, Jqq4A[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a manlet
King of manlets, yes
But still a manlet

>> No.6258727

How expensive clothing do you have to buy to make tailoring relatively affordable? I'm new to this stuff and buy only cheap shit. How much does tailoring normally cost?

>> No.6258731

This is the definite plight of the 6'2" man. You are taller than most but there is always a few knobheads who are taller than you and make you feel like a dwarf

>> No.6258733

w2buy things like that

>> No.6258735

XS shirts fit me well and I'm 5'7". Some Small sizes fit too, but they're usually too long. Buy from Uniqlo if you're on a budget.

>> No.6258752

do you have any shoulders at all?
i am also 5'7 and smalls are almost always too small for my shoulders, xs looks ridiculous

>> No.6258753
File: 7 KB, 228x221, cryingfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'11 3/4" and I will never reach 6'
h-hold me /fa/ ;_;

>> No.6258763

wow all of you are lucky

my mom is 5'0 while my dad is 5'9ish, which is considered tall in my family

stuck with a 5'5. stopped growing even before i hit 9th grade

stuck dating short brown asian women and the occasion brunette who digs short 'exotic' guys

>> No.6258764

My body is pear shape. I'm also male.

>> No.6258765

how do you live with yourself?

>> No.6259685

So close to perfect you can almost taste it. Kill yourself for being a faggot who actually cares.

>> No.6259698


>> No.6259706

because you are short and nothing fits you because you are short

>> No.6259716
File: 59 KB, 1280x800, dr__steve_brule__deal_with_it_by_mannymo777-d33jsoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]